@ -133,6 +133,18 @@ fun StringCopy (source, beginning, end) {
return local.destination;
fun StringReplace (source, pattern, replacement) {
local.found = StringString(source, pattern);
if (local.found == NULL)
return source;
local.new_string = StringCopy (source, 0, local.found - 1) +
replacement +
StringCopy (source, local.found + StringLength(pattern), NULL);
return local.new_string;
# it makes sense to use it only for
# numbers up to 100
fun StringToInteger (str) {
@ -640,11 +652,12 @@ fun set_progress_label_opacity (opacity) {
# label, the associated
# device and the image size of the sprite.
fun init_progress_label (device) {
fun init_progress_label (device, status_string) {
# Make the slot unavailable
global.progress_label.is_available = 0;
progress_label.progress = 0;
progress_label.device = device;
progress_label.status_string = status_string;
# See if the progress label is keeping track of the fsck
@ -677,7 +690,12 @@ fun update_progress_label (progress) {
# Update progress label here
label = "Checking disk " + global.counter.current + " of " + global.counter.total + " (" + progress_label.progress + "% complete)";
# FIXME: the queue logic from this theme should really be moved into mountall
# instead of using string replacement to deal with localised strings.
label = StringReplace (progress_label.status_string[0], "%1$d", global.counter.current);
label = StringReplace (label, "%2$d", global.counter.total);
label = StringReplace (label, "%3$d", progress_label.progress);
progress_label = get_fsck_label (label, 0);
#progress_label.progress = progress;
@ -824,7 +842,7 @@ fun update_progress_in_queue (index, device, progress) {
# NOTE: no more than "progress_bar.max_number" bars are allowed
fun fsck_check (device, progress) {
fun fsck_check (device, progress, status_string) {
# The 1st time this will take place
if (!global.progress_label) {
@ -832,7 +850,7 @@ fun fsck_check (device, progress) {
increase_fsck_count ();
# Set up a new label for the check
init_progress_label (device);
init_progress_label (device, status_string);
update_progress_label (progress);
@ -868,7 +886,7 @@ fun fsck_check (device, progress) {
#Debug("setting new label for device " + device + " progress " + progress);
# Set up a new label for the check
init_progress_label (device);
init_progress_label (device, status_string);
update_progress_label (progress);
@ -936,12 +954,15 @@ fun update_status_callback (status) {
# my_string = update_strings[0] + " " + update_strings[1] + " " + update_strings[2];
# Debug(my_string);
# Let's assume that we're dealing with these strings fsck:sda1:40
if ((string_it == 2) && (update_strings[0] == "fsck")) {
if ((string_it >= 2) && (update_strings[0] == "fsck")) {
device = update_strings[1];
progress = update_strings[2];
status_string[0] = update_strings[3]; # "Checking disk %1$d of %2$d (%3$d %% complete)"
if ((device != "") && (progress != "")) {
if ((device != "") &&
(progress != "") &&
(status_string[0] != "")) {
progress = StringToInteger (progress);
# Make sure that the fsck_queue is initialised
@ -956,7 +977,7 @@ fun update_status_callback (status) {
# create_extra_fsck_label ();
# Keep track of the fsck check
fsck_check (device, progress);
fsck_check (device, progress, status_string);