* Update to Ozone2 (2011-07-22)

* usr/share/icons/lubuntu/index.theme:
 - Use elementary-mono-dark instead of elementary theme for Inherits.
Julien Lavergne 14 years ago
commit cfffd2a362

debian/changelog vendored

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
lubuntu-artwork (0.16) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Update to Ozone2 (2011-07-22)
* usr/share/icons/lubuntu/index.theme:
- Use elementary-mono-dark instead of elementary theme for Inherits.
-- Julien Lavergne <gilir@ubuntu.com> Fri, 22 Jul 2011 15:44:15 +0200
lubuntu-artwork (0.15) oneiric; urgency=low
* usr/share/themes/Lubuntu-default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[Icon Theme]
Comment=lubuntu icon theme, derivated from elementary-monochrome

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
### Styles gedit. Removes the ugly frame etc. ###
style "gedit-frame" {
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = SHADOW
style "gedit-statusbar" {
ythickness = 0
style "gedit-notebook" = "murrine-notebook-bg" {
xthickness = 0 # Width of tabs and notebook borders.
ythickness = 1 # Height of tabs and notebook borders.
widget_class "*Gedit*.<GtkFrame>*" style "gedit-frame"
widget_class "*Gedit*.<GtkScrolledWindow>" style "murrine-thin"
widget_class "*Gedit*.<GtkNotebook>" style "gedit-notebook"
widget_class "*Gedit*.<GtkArrow>*" style:highest "murrine-default"
widget_class "*Gedit*.<GtkStatusbar>*" style "gedit-statusbar"

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
### This file styles Nautilus elementary. nautilus.rc is for Nautilus normal. ###
style "nautilus-window-base" { bg[NORMAL] = @base_color }
style "nautilus-sidebar" = "murrine-sidebar" {
GtkTreeView::horizontal_separator = 15
GtkTreeView::vertical_separator = 2
style "nautilus-sidebar-other" = "nautilus-sidebar" {
xthickness = 0
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
style "nautilus-extra-view" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = FLAT_BOX
file = "Nautilus/extra-widget.png"
stretch = TRUE
border = { 0, 0, 4, 4 }
style "nautilus-statusbar" {
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 2
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @bg_color
base[SELECTED] = @base_color
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = @fg_color
engine "murrine" {}
style "nautilus-scale" {
ythickness = 0
xthickness = 4
GtkRange ::trough-border = 0
GtkScale ::trough-side-details = 0
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
detail = "trough"
file = "Nautilus/trough.png"
border = { 10, 10, 5, 15 }
image {
function = SLIDER
overlay_file = "Nautilus/slider.png"
overlay_stretch = FALSE
style "nautilus-breadcrumbs" {
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
xthickness = 6
ythickness = 0
GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 0
GtkButton::inner-border = { 0, 11, 0, 0}
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = PRELIGHT
file = "Nautilus/breadcrumb_prelight.png"
border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = NORMAL
file = "Nautilus/breadcrumb_normal.png"
border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = ACTIVE
file = "Nautilus/breadcrumb_active.png"
border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
file = "Nautilus/breadcrumb_normal.png"
border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = SELECTED
file = "Nautilus/breadcrumb_active.png"
border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 }
stretch = TRUE
style "nautilus-left-slider" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
file = "Nautilus/left_slider_normal.png"
border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
stretch = TRUE
style "nautilus-right-slider" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
file = "Nautilus/right_slider_normal.png"
border = { 3, 3, 3, 3 }
stretch = TRUE
style "nautilus-toolbar"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "Nautilus/nautilus-toolbar.png"
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
file = "Nautilus/nautilus-toolbar.png"
border = { 100, 1, 0, 36 }
stretch = TRUE
style "Nautilus-icons" {
stock["gtk-go-back"] = { { "stock_back.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-go-back-rtl"] = { { "stock_back.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-previous"] = { { "stock_back.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-go-forward"] = { { "stock_forward.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-go-forward-rtl"] = { { "stock_forward.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-home"] = { { "stock_home.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-refresh"] = { { "stock_refresh.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-stop"] = { { "stock_stop.png", *, *, *}}
stock["gtk-find"] = { { "stock_find.png", *, *, *}}
style "toolbuttons" = "murrine-default" {
GtkWidget::focus-padding = 2 # For nautilus elementary. Setting this in the global settings of the theme causes the Firefox tabs to jump a little bit.
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 2
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = NORMAL
file = "dummy.png"
border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = PRELIGHT
file = "dummy.png"
border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = ACTIVE
file = "dummy.png"
border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
file = "dummy.png"
border = { 5, 5, 5, 5 }
stretch = TRUE
style "pixmap-mode-button" {
engine "pixmap" {
image { function = BOX state = PRELIGHT file = "Nautilus/mode_prelight.png" border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 } stretch = TRUE }
image { function = BOX state = NORMAL file = "Nautilus/mode_normal.png" border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 } stretch = TRUE }
image { function = BOX state = ACTIVE file = "Nautilus/mode_pressed.png" border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 } stretch = TRUE }
image { function = BOX state = INSENSITIVE file = "Nautilus/mode_normal.png" border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 } stretch = TRUE }
image { function = BOX state = SELECTED file = "Nautilus/mode_pressed.png" border = { 3, 13, 3, 3 } stretch = TRUE }
widget_class "*Nautilus*Toolbar*Button" style "toolbuttons"
widget "Nautilus*Toolbar" style "nautilus-toolbar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*GtkImage*" style "Nautilus-icons" # We only want these icons in Nautilus.
widget "*NautilusNavigationWindow" style "nautilus-window-base"
widget "*Nautilus*Splitter" style "pixmap-sidebar-handle-left"
widget_class "*Nautilus*View" style "murrine-thin"
widget_class "*Nautilus*NautilusSidePane*" style "nautilus-sidebar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*NautilusSidePane*Scrolled*" style "murrine-scrollbar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Statusbar*" style "nautilus-statusbar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Scale*" style "nautilus-scale"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Notebook" style "murrine-thin"
widget "*ModeButton*" style "pixmap-mode-button"
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style : highest "nautilus-extra-view"
widget_class "*NautilusPathBar.*ToggleButton*" style "nautilus-breadcrumbs"
widget "Nautilus*left_slider*" style "nautilus-left-slider"
widget "Nautilus*right_slider*" style "nautilus-right-slider"

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
### This file styles Nautilus. nautilus-e.rc is for Nautilus elementary. ###
style "nautilus-window-base" { bg[NORMAL] = @base_color }
style "nautilus-sidebar" = "murrine-sidebar" {
GtkTreeView::horizontal_separator = 15
GtkTreeView::vertical_separator = 2
style "nautilus-view" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
style "nautilus-handle" {
GtkPaned::handle-size = 1
engine "pixmap" {
# for the thin gray line separating the sidepane and viewpane
image {
function = HANDLE
recolorable = TRUE
file = "Handles/handle-nautilus.png"
stretch = TRUE
border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
style "nautilus-statusbar"
bg[NORMAL] = @base_color
base[NORMAL] = @base_color
fg[NORMAL] = shade (1.2, @fg_color)
engine "murrine" {}
style "nautilus-location"
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
bg[NORMAL] = @base_color
engine "pixmap" {
function = FLAT_BOX
recolorable = TRUE
file = "Nautilus/extra-widget.png"
state = NORMAL
stretch = TRUE
border = { 0, 0, 1, 0 }
style "nautilus-pathbar"
#bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
# Order of assignment is important
widget_class "*NautilusSidePane.*" style "nautilus-sidebar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Places*Sidebar*" style "nautilus-sidebar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Side*.GtkWidget" style "nautilus-sidebar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Side*Title*" style "nautilus-sidebar"
#widget "*NautilusNavigationWindow" style "nautilus-window-base"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Scrollbar" style "murrine-scrollbar"
widget_class "*NautilusSidePane.*Scrollbar" style:highest "murrine-scrollbar"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Statusbar*" style "nautilus-statusbar"
widget "*Nautilus*Splitter" style "nautilus-handle"
widget_class "*Nautilus*View*" style "nautilus-view"
widget_class "*Nautilus*Notebook" style "murrine-notebook"
widget_class "*Nautilus*<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*Nautilus*<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*Nautilus*<GtkList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*Nautilus*<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*NautilusPathBar*" style "nautilus-pathbar"
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style "nautilus-location"

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
style "pcmanfm-sidebar" = "murrine-sidebar" {
font_name = "Regular"
GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = @sidebar_color
GtkTreeView::even_row_color = @sidebar_color
# these make the padding from left window edge a little more sane
GtkTreeView::vertical_separator = 4
GtkTreeView::horizontal_separator = 15
GtkTreeView::indent-expanders = 1 # 1 means TRUE
GtkTreeView::expander-size = 8
GtkExpander::expander_spacing = 16
GtkButton::image_spacing = 4
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 1
# For the thin gray line separating the sidepane and viewpane
style "pcmanfm-handle"
GtkPaned::handle-size = 1
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = HANDLE
recolorable = TRUE
file = "Handles/handle-nautilus.png"
stretch = TRUE
border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
style "pcmanfm-notebook" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
# A little more vertical padding on the toolbar
style "pcman-padding" {
xthickness = 3
ythickness = 3
widget_class "*FmMainWin*GtkToolbar*" style "pcman-padding"
widget_class "*FmPlacesView*" style "pcmanfm-sidebar"
widget "*FmMainWin*GtkHPaned" style "pcmanfm-handle"
widget "*FmMainWin*GtkNotebook" style "pcmanfm-notebook"

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 643 B

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.6 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 691 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 487 B

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
style "pixbuf-menubar"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 2
text[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color # Fix Openoffice menubar
engine "pixmap"
function = BOX
state = NORMAL
file = "images/menubar.png"
border = { 0, 0, 0, 2 }
stretch = TRUE
function = BOX
state = ACTIVE
file = "images/menubar.png"
border = { 0, 0, 0, 2 }
stretch = TRUE
function = BOX
file = "images/menubar.png"
border = { 0, 0, 0, 2 }
stretch = TRUE
style "menubar-menuitem"
bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
text[NORMAL] = @base_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
style "menubar-menuitem-prelight"
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>.<GtkMenuItem>*" style "menubar-menuitem"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "menubar-menuitem-prelight"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*" style "pixbuf-menubar"

@ -1,33 +1,30 @@
# Authors: Simon Steinbeiß and Pasi Lallinaho
# Theme: Bluebird
# based on "Zuki Blues" by lassekongo83
# Description: As is the original theme, this theme is 100% free and open source.
gtk_color_scheme = "bg_color:#DCDCDC\nselected_bg_color:#82A1BF\nbase_color:#F7F7F7"
gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#3C3C3C\nselected_fg_color:#f5f5f5\ntext_color:#3C3C3C"
gtk_color_scheme = "tooltip_bg_color:#000000\ntooltip_fg_color:#E1E1E1"
gtk_color_scheme = "link_color:#08c"
gtk_color_scheme = "panel_bg:#303030"
gtk_color_scheme = "fm_color:#F7F7F7"
gtk_color_scheme = "frame_color:#CDCDCD\ninactive_frame_color:#CDCDCD" # Fix for Chromium
# AUTHOR: 神癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
# ORIGINAL: from lassekongo83
# DESCRIPTION: Ozone2 theme for Lubuntu Oneiric Ocelot
# These are the defined colors for the theme, you can change them in GNOME's appearance preferences.
gtk_color_scheme = "bg_color:#dcdcdc\nselected_bg_color:#a2b8ca\nbase_color:#F7F7F7" # Background, base.
gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#3C3C3C\nselected_fg_color:#f5f5f5\ntext_color:#3C3C3C" # Foreground, text.
gtk_color_scheme = "tooltip_bg_color:#F5F5B5\ntooltip_fg_color:#000000" # Tooltips.
gtk_color_scheme = "link_color:#08c" # Hyperlinks
gtk_color_scheme = "bg_color_dark:#383838\ntext_color_dark:#FFF" # Dark colors
gtk_color_scheme = "sidebar_color:#e8e8e8" # Sidebar color in Nautilus-Elementary.
include "panel.rc" # This includes the file that handles panel theming.
include "bars.rc" # Styles the menubar.
include "lxpanel.rc"
### ICONS ###
gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller.
include "widgets/panel.rc" # This includes the file that handles the panels.
### MISC ###
gtk-button-images = 1 # Enables icons in buttons
gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-button=16,16" # This makes button icons smaller.
gtk-button-images = 0 # Enables icons in buttons
gtk-toolbar-style = 0 # Disables text in toolbar
gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 # Disables ugly lines under menu items
style "murrine-default"
## Default Styles ##
style "murrine-default" {
GnomeHRef ::link_color = @link_color
GtkHTML ::link-color = @link_color
GtkIMHtmlr ::hyperlink-color = @link_color
@ -38,50 +35,45 @@ style "murrine-default"
GtkButton ::child-displacement-x = 1
GtkButton ::child-displacement-y = 1
GtkButton ::default-border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size = 14
GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size = 15
GtkWidget ::new-tooltip-style = 1
GtkWidget ::focus-line-width = 1
GtkWidget ::focus-padding = 0
GtkWidget ::focus-padding = 0 # Keeping this at 0 prevents the Firefox tabs from jumping a few pixels when you create a new tab. Set the value locally if needed.
GtkImage ::x-ayatana-indicator-dynamic = 1
GtkScrolledWindow ::scrollbar-spacing = 2
GtkScrolledWindow ::scrollbar-within-bevel = 0
GtkScrollbar ::has-backward-stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar ::has-forward-stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar ::min-slider-length = 15
GtkScrollbar ::slider-width = 11
GtkScrollbar ::trough-border = 1
GtkScrollbar ::activate-slider = 1
GtkScrolledWindow ::scrollbar-spacing = 0
GtkScrolledWindow ::scrollbars-within-bevel = 1
GtkPaned ::handle-size = 6
GtkRange ::trough-border = 0
GtkRange ::slider-width = 14
GtkRange ::stepper-size = 13
GtkRange ::slider-width = 11
GtkRange ::stepper-size = 0
GtkRange ::stepper_spacing = 0
GtkRange ::trough-under-steppers = 0
GtkScale ::activate-slider = 1 # With this option set to TRUE, sliders will be drawn ACTIVE and with shadow IN while they are dragged.
GtkScale ::slider-length = 14
GtkScale ::slider-width = 14
GtkScale ::trough-side-details = 1
GtkArrow ::arrow-scaling = 0.3 # arrow size (e.g. in combobox or combobox-entry), only works with arrowstyle=0
GtkScrollbar ::min-slider-length = 30
#GtkScrollbar ::activate-slider = 1
GtkScrollbar ::slider-width = 9
GtkScrollbar ::trough-border = 2
GtkScrollbar ::has-backward-stepper = 1
GtkScrollbar ::has_secondary_backward_stepper = 0
GtkScrollbar ::has-forward-stepper = 1
GtkScrollbar ::has_secondary_forward_stepper = 0
GtkMenuBar ::internal-padding = 0
GtkExpander ::expander-size = 12
GtkExpander ::expander-size = 16
GtkToolbar ::internal-padding = 0
GtkTreeView ::expander-size = 12
GtkTreeView ::expander-size = 6
GtkTreeView ::indent-expanders = 1
GtkTreeView ::vertical-separator = 0
GtkTreeView ::vertical-separator = 1
GtkNotebook ::tab-overlap = -1
GtkMenu ::horizontal-padding = 1
GtkMenu ::vertical-padding = 1
GtkMenu ::horizontal-padding = 0
GtkMenu ::vertical-padding = 0
WnckTasklist ::fade-overlay-rect = 0
# The following line hints to gecko (and possibly other appliations)
@ -91,10 +83,18 @@ style "murrine-default"
GtkEntry ::state-hint = 0
GtkEntry ::progress-border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
GtkProgressBar ::min-horizontal-bar-height = 10
GtkProgressBar ::min-vertical-bar-width = 10
#GtkToolbar ::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # Makes toolbars flat and unified.
#GtkMenuBar ::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE # Makes menus flat and unified.
GtkMenuBar ::window-dragging = 1
# The little ugly gripper at the bottom right needs to go. Loss of usability for the
# sake of a more good-looking theme. You can remove this if you don't use Ubuntu 11.04.
GtkWindow ::resize-grip-height = 0
GtkWindow ::resize-grip-width = 0
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 1
@ -105,19 +105,16 @@ style "murrine-default"
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.02, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (1.04, @bg_color)
base[NORMAL] = @base_color
base[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
base[ACTIVE] = shade (0.92, @selected_bg_color)
base[SELECTED] = shade (0.93, @selected_bg_color)
base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
text[NORMAL] = @text_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
@ -126,20 +123,18 @@ style "murrine-default"
### Murrine Settings ###
engine "murrine"
#animation = TRUE # Removed due to CPU usage (see LP: #776776
arrowstyle = 2 # 0 = normal arrows, 1 = filled arrows
border_shades = { 1.2, 1.0 } # gradient to draw on border
cellstyle = 0
colorize_scrollbar = TRUE
engine "murrine" {
animation = TRUE
arrowstyle = 1 # 0 = normal arrows, 1 = filled arrows
border_shades = {1.0, 0.7} # gradient to draw on border
colorize_scrollbar = FALSE
comboboxstyle = 0 # 0 = normal combobox, 1 = colorized combobox below arrow
contrast = 0.4 # 0.8 for less contrast, more than 1.0 for more contrast on borders
expanderstyle = 1
focus_color = mix (0.1, @bg_color, shade (1.1, @selected_bg_color))
default_button_color = shade (1.12, @selected_bg_color)
focus_color = @selected_bg_color
focusstyle = 3
glazestyle = 1 # 0 = flat highlight, 1 = curved highlight, 2 = concave style, 3 = top curved highlight, 4 = beryl highlight
gradient_shades = {1.2,1.0,1.0,0.9} #{1.1,1.0,1.0,0.87}
gradient_shades = {1.1,1.1,0.95,0.95} # Sets the gradients on the widgets.
glowstyle = 4 # 0,1,2,3,4
glow_shade = 1.1
highlight_shade = 1.0 # set highlight amount for buttons or widgets
@ -152,125 +147,129 @@ style "murrine-default"
menuitemstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = striped
menustyle = 0 # 0 = no vertical menu stripe, 1 = display vertical menu stripe
prelight_shade = .95 # shade level for scrollbar's slider, comboboxstyle(1), and prelight state with gradient_colors
reliefstyle = 3 # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow
reliefstyle = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow, 3 = shadow with gradient, 4 = stronger shadow with gradient
rgba = FALSE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
roundness = 3 # 0 = squared, 1 = old default, more will increase roundness
roundness = 2 # 0 = squared, 1 = old default, more will increase roundness
scrollbarstyle = 0 # 0 = nothing, 1 = circles, 2 = handles, 3 = diagonal stripes, 4 = diagonal stripes and handles, 5 = horizontal stripes, 6 = horizontal stripes and handles
separatorstyle = 1 # 0 = Hard seperators 1 = Smooth seperators
sliderstyle = 0 # 0 = nothing added, 1 = handles
spinbuttonstyle = 1
stepperstyle = 1 # 0 = standard, 1 = integrated stepper handles, 2 = unknown
progressbarstyle = 1 # 0 = nothing, 1 = stripes, 2 = lines
focus_color = @selected_bg_color
shadow_shades = { 0.8, 2.2 } # gradient for shadows.
textstyle = 0 # 0 = normal text, 1 = inset
progressbarstyle = 0 # 0 = nothing, 1 = stripes, 2 = lines
shadow_shades = {0.5, 0.0} # gradient for shadows.
textstyle = 1 # 0 = normal text, 1 = inset
toolbarstyle = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient
trough_shades = { 0.75, 0.9 } # draw gradient on trough of GtkScrollbar and GtkProgressbar
trough_border_shades = { 0.9, 0.7 }
trough_shades = {0.98, 1.06} # draw gradient on trough of GtkScrollbar and GtkProgressbar
style "evolution-hack" = "murrine-default" # Hacks for Evolution Mail.
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.14, @bg_color) # Color for evo treeview headers.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.18, @bg_color) # Color for evo treeview header prelight.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.75, @bg_color) # Color for unfocused evo selected items.
bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color # Color for evo selected items.
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color # Color for evo active text.
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color # Color for evo selected text.
style "murrine-dark" {
bg[NORMAL] = "#212936"
bg[ACTIVE] = "#091720"
bg[PRELIGHT] = "#3c4a61"
bg[SELECTED] = "#3c4a61"
fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
text[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
style "murrine-wide"
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 2
style "murrine-wider"
xthickness = 3
ythickness = 3
base[NORMAL] = @bg_color_dark
base[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @bg_color_dark)
base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color_dark
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color_dark
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.02, @bg_color_dark)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.90, @selected_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color_dark
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (1.04, @bg_color_dark)
fg[NORMAL] = @text_color_dark
fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color_dark
fg[SELECTED] = @text_color_dark
fg[ACTIVE] = @text_color_dark
fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
text[NORMAL] = @text_color_dark
text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color_dark
text[ACTIVE] = @text_color_dark
text[SELECTED] = @text_color_dark
text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color_dark)
style "murrine-thin" = "murrine-default" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 }
style "murrine-wide" = "murrine-default" { xthickness = 2 ythickness = 2 }
style "murrine-wider" = "murrine-default" { xthickness = 3 ythickness = 3 }
style "murrine-widest" = "murrine-default" { xthickness = 4 ythickness = 4 }
style "murrine-thin-dark" = "murrine-dark" { xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 }
style "murrine-wide-dark" = "murrine-dark" { xthickness = 2 ythickness = 2 }
style "murrine-wider-dark" = "murrine-dark" { xthickness = 3 ythickness = 3 }
style "murrine-widest-dark" = "murrine-dark" { xthickness = 4 ythickness = 4 }
## Widget Styles ##
style "murrine-entry" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[SELECTED] = mix (0.4, @selected_bg_color, @base_color)
fg[SELECTED] = @text_color
engine "murrine" {
contrast = 0.4
reliefstyle = 4
border_shades = {1.03,0.8}
shadow_shades = {0.5,0.0}
style "murrine-button" = "murrine-wider"
style "murrine-button" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.06, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.45, @selected_bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.2, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.0, @selected_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
engine "murrine"
engine "murrine" {
contrast = .8
highlight_shade = 1.00
lightborder_shade = 1.7
gradient_shades = {1.1,1.05,0.95,0.95} #{1.3,1.10,0.95,0.92}
border_shades = { 1.1, 0.9 }
shadow_shades = {0.5,0.0}
reliefstyle = 3
lightborder_shade = 1.9
style "murrine-notebook-bg"
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.1, @bg_color) # Tab background.
bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color # Unfocused tab background.
style "murrine-notebook-bg" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.1, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.97, @bg_color)
fg[ACTIVE] = mix (0.8, @fg_color, shade (0.97, @bg_color))
style "murrine-notebook" = "murrine-notebook-bg"
xthickness = 1 # Width of tabs and notebook borders.
ythickness = 1 # Height of tabs and notebook borders.
style "murrine-notebook" = "murrine-notebook-bg" {
xthickness = 2 # Width of tabs and notebook borders.
ythickness = 2 # Height of tabs and notebook borders.
engine "murrine"
roundness = 3 # Roundness of notebook tabs.
contrast = 1.0
highlight_shade = 1.0
gradient_shades = {1.28,1.17,0.92,0.87}
engine "murrine" {
contrast = .8
gradient_shades = {1.28,1.28,0.87,0.87}
focusstyle = 2
lightborder_shade = 1.16
style "notebook-close" { stock["gtk-close"] = {{ "widgets/Others/close.png", *, *, * }} } # Close icon on tabs
style "murrine-menubar" = "murrine-default" {
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @fg_color
style "murrine-menu"
style "murrine-menubar-menuitem" = "murrine-wider"
ythickness = 2
bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = @base_color
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @fg_color
text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @fg_color
engine "murrine" {
contrast = .0
roundness = 0
border_shades = { 1.0, 1.0 }
gradient_shades = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0}
style "murrine-menu" {
ythickness = 3
xthickness = 0
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.85, @selected_bg_color)
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[NORMAL] = @base_color
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.85, @selected_bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
bg[ACTIVE] = @base_color
bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @text_color # Color for normal text.
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
@ -284,159 +283,181 @@ style "murrine-menu"
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
text[INSENSITIVE] = @text_color
engine "murrine"
engine "murrine" {
border_shades = { 1.2, 1.0 }
roundness = 0 # Roundness of menu items.
textstyle = 0
style "murrine-treeview"
engine "murrine"
style "murrine-menu-item" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.95, @selected_bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @selected_bg_color)
fg[NORMAL] = @text_color # Fix for XFCE menu text.
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
engine "murrine" {
border_shades = { 1.2, 1.0 }
roundness = 0
textstyle = 0
style "murrine-treeview" {
GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = @sidebar_color
GtkTreeView::even_row_color = @base_color
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0 # This makes treeview progressbars square.
style "murrine-treeview-header" = "murrine-button"
style "murrine-treeview-header" = "murrine-button" {
xthickness = 2
ythickness = 1
ythickness = 0
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.14, @bg_color) # Color for treeview headers.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.98, @bg_color) # Color for treeview header prelight.
bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.98, @bg_color) # Color for treeview headers.
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.10, @bg_color) # Color for treeview header prelight.
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed-treeview.
engine "murrine"
engine "murrine" {
roundness = 0 # This makes treeview progressbars square.
contrast = .8
lightborder_shade = 1.9
border_shades = { 1.1, 1.1 }
gradient_shades = {1.1,1.1,1.00,1.00}
style "murrine-frame-title"
fg[NORMAL] = lighter (@fg_color)
style "murrine-tooltips" = "murrine-wider"
xthickness = 7
ythickness = 4
style "murrine-frame-title" { fg[NORMAL] = lighter (@fg_color) }
style "murrine-tooltips" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color
bg[SELECTED] = "#000000"
fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color
engine "murrine" {textstyle = 0}
engine "murrine"
roundness = 0
trough_shades = { 0.15, 0.3 }
style "metacity-frame" = "murrine-default" { bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.50, @bg_color)} # Color for metacity borders.
style "murrine-progressbar" = "murrine-thin" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.06, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.0, @selected_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
engine "murrine" {
contrast = 1.0
lightborder_shade = 1.2
trough_shades = { 1.06, 1.16}
gradient_shades = {0.95,0.95,1.1,1.1}
border_shades = { 1.1, 1.1 }
style "murrine-progressbar"
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
style "murrine-statusbar" {
xthickness = 2
font_name = "9"
style "murrine-comboboxentry" { engine "murrine" { contrast = .4 }}
style "murrine-spinbutton" {
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed-spinbuttons.
fg[PRELIGHT] = lighter (@selected_fg_color)
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.05, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.05, @selected_bg_color)
style "murrine-scale" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.06, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.2, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.0, @selected_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
engine "murrine" {
gradient_shades = {1.2,0.85,1.1,0.75}
roundness = 4
contrast = 0.5
border_shades = { 1.0, 0.8 }
glowstyle = 3
glow_shade = 1.2
roundness = 7
contrast = .8
border_shades = {1.0, 1.0}
trough_shades = {1.06, 1.16}
style "murrine-scrollbar"
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.65, @base_color)
style "murrine-scrollbar" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.90, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.6, @base_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.8, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.8, @bg_color)
engine "murrine" {
arrowstyle = 1
roundness = 9
gradient_shades = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0}
highlight_shade = 1.0
glow_shade = 1.0
reliefstyle = 2
gradient_colors = FALSE
lightborder_shade = 1.0
lightborderstyle = 0
trough_shades = { 0.97, 0.97}
trough_border_shades = { 1.03, 1.03 }
border_shades = { 0.85, 0.85} # slider border outline
shadow_shades = { 0.5, 0.8 }
contrast = 0.0 # no trough-border
prelight_shade = 0.65
style "murrine-statusbar"
xthickness = 2
roundness = 8
border_shades = {0.80, 0.80}
contrast = 0.0
style "murrine-comboboxentry"
engine "murrine"
contrast = 0.4
reliefstyle = 4
border_shades = {1.03,0.8}
shadow_shades = {0.5,0.0}
style "murrine-sidebar" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
base[NORMAL] = @bg_color
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
text[NORMAL] = @text_color
font_name = "Regular"
GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = @sidebar_color
GtkTreeView::even_row_color = @sidebar_color
engine "murrine" {
listviewstyle = 0
style "murrine-spinbutton"
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color) # Color for pressed-spinbuttons.
style "murrine-toggleswitch" = "murrine-wider" {
ythickness = 4
style "murrine-scale" = "murrine-button"
GtkWidget ::focus-line-width = 0
GtkWidget ::focus-padding = 2
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.80, @bg_color)
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.15, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.13, @selected_bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.75, @selected_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.98, @bg_color)
engine "murrine" {
contrast = 1.25
lightborderstyle = 1
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.25, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.9, @selected_bg_color)
style "murrine-radiocheck" = "murrine-wider" {
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.06, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.06, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.85, @bg_color)
bg[SELECTED] = shade (1.0, @selected_bg_color)
bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
engine "murrine"
highlight_shade = 1.05
lightborder_shade = 0.8
roundness = 5
border_shades = { 0.8, 0.5 }
contrast = 0.8
contrast = .8
lightborder_shade = 1.9
style "murrine-hscale" = "murrine-scale"
style "murrine-radiocheck-menu" {
fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
style "murrine-vscale" = "murrine-scale"
engine "murrine" {}
style "murrine-nautilus-location" # Workaround for nautilus' messages.
bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.25, @selected_bg_color)
style "murrine-toolbar" = "murrine-thin" {
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
style "murrine-radiocheck" = "murrine-default"
text[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color # Color for checks/radio items.
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color # Color for checks/radio items.
style "pixmap-sidebar-handle-left" {
GtkPaned::handle-size = 1
style "murrine-toolbar"
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
engine "pixmap"{
image { function = HANDLE file = "/widgets/Others/handle.png" stretch = TRUE border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }
@ -449,21 +470,28 @@ class "GtkWidget" style "murrine-default"
# Increase the x/ythickness in some widgets.
class "GtkFrame" style "murrine-wide"
class "GtkEntry" style "murrine-entry"
class "MetaFrames" style "metacity-frame"
class "GtkSeparator" style "murrine-wide"
class "GtkWindow" style "metacity-frame"
class "GtkCalendar" style "murrine-wide"
class "GtkInfoBar" style "murrine-default"
class "GtkIconView" style "murrine-default"
class "GtkToolbar" style "murrine-toolbar"
class "GtkSpinButton" style "murrine-spinbutton"
class "GtkScale" style "murrine-scale"
class "GtkVScale" style "murrine-vscale"
class "GtkHScale" style "murrine-hscale"
class "GtkVScale" style "murrine-scale"
class "GtkHScale" style "murrine-scale"
class "GtkScrollbar" style "murrine-scrollbar"
class "GtkVScrollbar" style "murrine-scrollbar"
class "GtkHScrollbar" style "murrine-scrollbar"
class "GtkRadio*" style "murrine-radiocheck"
class "GtkCheck*" style "murrine-radiocheck"
widget "*ToggleSwitch*" style "murrine-toggleswitch"
widget "*SidebarHandleLeft" style "pixmap-sidebar-handle-left"
widget "*SidebarContent" style "murrine-sidebar"
# General matching following, the order is choosen so that the right styles override each other eg. progressbar needs to be more important then the menu match.
@ -473,15 +501,20 @@ widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkViewport>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkScrolledWindow>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLabel>" style "murrine-notebook-bg"
widget_class "*<GtkButton>" style "murrine-button"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>" style "murrine-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*" style "notebook-close"
widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*" style "murrine-statusbar"
widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*" style "murrine-comboboxentry"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*" style "murrine-menubar"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>.<GtkMenuItem>*" style "murrine-menubar-menuitem"
widget_class "*<GtkMenu>*" style "murrine-menu"
#widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "murrine-menu-item"
widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>" style "murrine-frame-title"
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "murrine-treeview"
@ -489,28 +522,19 @@ widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*" style "murrine-treeview"
widget_class "*<GtkProgress>" style "murrine-progressbar"
widget_class "*<GtkProgressBar>" style "murrine-progressbar"
widget_class "*<GtkRadioButton>*" style "murrine-radiocheck"
widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>*" style "murrine-radiocheck"
class "GtkCheckMenuItem" style:highest "murrine-radiocheck-menu"
class "GtkRadioMenuItem" style:highest "murrine-radiocheck-menu"
# Treeview header
widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>" style "murrine-treeview-header"
# Workarounds for Evolution
widget_class "*.ETable.ECanvas" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*.ETree.ECanvas" style "murrine-treeview-header"
widget_class "*GtkCTree*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*GtkList*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*GtkCList*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*.ETree.*" style "evolution-hack"
widget_class "*EInfoLabel*" style "evolution-hack"
# The window of the tooltip is called "gtk-tooltip"
# This will not work if one embeds eg. a button into the tooltip.
# As far as I can tell right now we will need to rework the theme
# quite a bit to get this working correctly.
# (It will involve setting different priorities, etc.)
# FIXME: This will not work if one embeds eg. a button into the tooltip.
widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "murrine-tooltips"
@ -518,15 +542,10 @@ widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "murrine-tooltips"
# Special case the nautilus-extra-view-widget
# ToDo: A more generic approach for all applications that have a widget like this.
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style : highest "murrine-nautilus-location"
# Work around for http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382646
# Note that the work around assumes that the combobox is _not_ in appears-as-list mode.
# This style does not affect GtkComboBoxEntry, it does have an effect on comboboxes in appears-as-list mode though.
style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround" {
text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
@ -535,8 +554,7 @@ style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
widget_class "*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>" style "murrine-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround" {
text[NORMAL] = @fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color
@ -545,10 +563,14 @@ style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
widget "*.gtk-combobox-popup-menu.*" style "murrine-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
# Work around the usage of GtkLabel inside GtkListItems to display text.
# This breaks because the label is shown on a background that is based on the base color set.
style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
# The same problem also exists for GtkCList and GtkCTree
# Only match GtkCList and not the parent widgets, because that would also change the headers.
style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround" {
fg[NORMAL] = @text_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
@ -556,27 +578,51 @@ style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
widget_class "*<GtkListItem>*" style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
# The same problem also exists for GtkCList and GtkCTree.
# Only match GtkCList and not the parent widgets, because that would also change the headers.
widget_class "*<GtkCList>" style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
widget_class "*<EelEditableLabel>" style "murrine-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
widget "xfwm4-tabwin*" style "murrine-dark"
# XFCE desktop icon text looks weird when murrine textstyle is on.
style "xfdesktop-icon-view" { engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 }}
widget_class "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view"
# Makes the text in the toolbar and statusbar smaller. Remove if you want to use the default size.
style "smaller-text"
# font_name = "7"
# Google Chrome
style "chrome-gtk-frame" {
ChromeGtkFrame::frame-color = @bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-color = @bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-size = 100
ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-color = @bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-gradient-color = @bg_color
ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-trough-color = @base_color
widget_class "*ToolButton*" style "smaller-text"
widget_class "*Statusbar*" style "smaller-text"
class "ChromeGtkFrame" style "chrome-gtk-frame"
# Fix Firefox menubar
style "murrine-menubar-fixes"
fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
widget "xfwm4-tabwin*" style "murrine-dark"
widget_class "*GtkFixed*.GtkMenuBar*" style "murrine-menubar-fixes"
# Invisible toolbar separator
style "murrine-toolseparator" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
file = "widgets/Others/null.png"
border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
stretch = TRUE
class "GtkSeparatorToolItem" style "murrine-toolseparator"
# Various performance fixes. I could disable murrine textstyle by default, but that would be boring. :P
style "performance-fix" {engine "murrine" {textstyle = 0}}
widget_class "*gtkmm__GtkWindow*" style "performance-fix" # Inkscape
widget_class "*GimpDisplayShell*" style "performance-fix" # Gimp
widget_class "*GimpToolbox*" style "performance-fix"
widget_class "*GimpMenuDock*" style "performance-fix"
widget "*OOoFixed*" style "performance-fix" # Openoffice/Libreoffice
widget_class "*MozContainer*" style "performance-fix" # Firefox (Not sure if this one does anything though.)
include "apps/gedit.rc" # Gedit styling
include "apps/pcmanfm.rc" # PCManFM styling
include "apps/nautilus-e.rc" # Nautilus styling. Replace with nautilus-e.rc if you're using Nautilus-elementary or nautilus.rc if you're using normal Nautilus.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 275 B

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
style "panel"
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "images/panel.png"
engine "murrine" {
#contrast = 1.0
textstyle = 1
text_shade = 1.5
style "panel_task_button"
xthickness = 3
xthickness = 3
GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0
GtkWidget::focus_padding = 0
GtkWidget::interior_focus = 0
GtkWidget::internal_padding = 0
GtkButton::child_displacement_x = 0
GtkButton::child_displacement_y = 0
GtkButton::default_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}
GtkButton::default_outside_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}
GtkButtonBox::child_internal_pad_x = 0
GtkButtonBox::child_internal_pad_y = 0
GtkButtonBox::child_min_heigth = 0
fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.2, @bg_color)
bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.26, @bg_color)
bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.2, @bg_color)
engine "pixmap" {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = NORMAL
file = "images/panel-button-inactive.png"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = PRELIGHT
file = "images/panel-button-hover.png"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
shadow = OUT
state = PRELIGHT
file = "images/panel-button-hover.png"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
shadow = IN
state = PRELIGHT
file = "images/panel-button-hover.png"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = ACTIVE
file = "images/panel-button-active.png"
border = { 4, 4, 4, 4 }
stretch = TRUE
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
file = "images/panel-button-inactive.png"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
#widget_class "*Panel*" style "panel"
widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel"
widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "panel" # workaround for Fast User Switch applet
class "PanelApp*" style "panel"
class "PanelToplevel*" style "panel"
#widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel"
widget_class "*notif*" style "panel"
#widget_class "*?anel*utton" style "panel_task_button" # causing problems to monodevelop
widget "*task*" style "panel_task_button"
widget "*.tasklist-button" style "panel_task_button"
widget "*PanelApplet*TaskTitle*" style "panel_task_button"

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
style "theme-panel" = "murrine-dark"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 0
bg[NORMAL] = "#212936"
bg[ACTIVE] = "#091720"
bg[PRELIGHT] = "#16364d"
fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
text[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
engine "murrine" {
#border_shades = { 1.3, 0.9 }
contrast = 0.0
roundness = 0
glowstyle = 0
glow_shade = 1.4
glazestyle = 2
trough_border_shades = { 3.0, 2.5 } # improve visibility in panel-plugins using the progressbar (xfce4-timer-plugin)
style "theme-panel-text"
fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
text[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
style "theme-main-menu-text" = "theme-panel-text"
fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color
widget "*PanelWidget*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*CPUFreq*Applet*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*indicator-applet*" style "theme-panel"
class "PanelApp*" style "theme-panel"
class "PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*notif*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Notif*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Tray*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*tray*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*computertemp*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Applet*Tomboy*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Applet*Netstatus*" style "theme-panel"
# Fixes for tooltip text in some apps.
widget_class "*Notif*Beagle*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Notif*Brasero*" style "theme-panel"
# XFCE panel theming.
widget "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel"
class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel"
# Make sure panel text color doesn't change
widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "theme-main-menu-text"
widget_class "*Panel*<GtkMenuBar>*" style "theme-main-menu-text"
widget "*.clock-applet-button.*" style "theme-panel-text"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel-text"

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 142 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 243 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 178 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 178 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.9 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 363 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 371 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 166 B

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
style "theme-panel"
xthickness = 4 # The spacing (padding) inside and between applets. Add a lower value for a more compact look.
ythickness = 0
#bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "/Panel/panel-bg.png" # Disable for normal panel backgrounds.
fg[NORMAL] = "#f5f5f5"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#f5f5f5"
text[NORMAL] = "#f5f5f5"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
text[ACTIVE] = "#f5f5f5"
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = NORMAL
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = PRELIGHT
file = "Panel/panel-button-hover.png"
border = { 4, 4, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = ACTIVE
file = "Panel/panel-button-active.png"
border = { 4, 4, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
state = SELECTED
file = "Panel/panel-button-active.png"
border = { 4, 4, 1, 1 }
stretch = TRUE
image {
function = BOX
recolorable = TRUE
image {
function = ARROW
recolorable = TRUE
arrow_direction = DOWN
style "theme-panel-light"
xthickness = 1
ythickness = 0
fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
engine "murrine" {
textstyle = 0
roundness = 0
style "theme-panel-text"
fg[NORMAL] = "#f5f5f5"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
fg[ACTIVE] = "#f5f5f5"
text[NORMAL] = "#f5f5f5"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
text[ACTIVE] = "#f5f5f5"
style "theme-main-menu-text" = "theme-panel-text"
fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
text[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff"
style "theme-panel-handle"
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = HANDLE
image {
function = HANDLE
widget "*PanelWidget*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*CPUFreq*Applet*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*indicator-applet*" style "theme-panel"
class "PanelApp*" style "theme-panel"
class "PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*notif*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Notif*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Tray*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*tray*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*computertemp*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Applet*Tomboy*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*Applet*Netstatus*" style "theme-panel"
# Fixes for tooltip text in some apps.
widget_class "*Notif*Beagle*" style "theme-panel-light"
widget_class "*Notif*Brasero*" style "theme-panel-light"
# XFCE panel theming.
widget "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel"
class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel"
# lxpanel and fbpanel
widget "*.tclock.*" style "theme-panel"
widget "*.taskbar.*" style "theme-panel"
widget_class "*GtkBgbox*" style "theme-panel"
# Make sure panel text color doesn't change
widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "theme-main-menu-text"
widget_class "*Panel*<GtkMenuBar>*" style "theme-main-menu-text"
widget "*.clock-applet-button.*" style "theme-panel-text"
widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel-text"
# Hide ugly handle
class "PanelAppletFrame" style:highest "theme-panel-handle"
# The following removes the arrows from the panel
style "panel-arrow-remove" {
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = ARROW
recolorable = TRUE
overlay_file = "Panel/arrow-blank.png"
overlay_border = {2,2,2,2}
overlay_stretch = FALSE
arrow_direction = UP
image {
function = ARROW
recolorable = TRUE
overlay_file = "Panel/arrow-blank.png"
overlay_border = {2,2,2,2}
overlay_stretch = FALSE
arrow_direction = DOWN
widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "panel-arrow-remove"

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
### This style handles the dark toolbars. Some ugly workarounds in use may cause some bugs. (But hopefully not.) :P ###
style "pixbuf-toolbar" = "murrine-thin"
bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color
fg[NORMAL] = @base_color
text[NORMAL] = @base_color
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
file = "widgets/Others/toolbar.png"
border = { 1, 1, 0, 37 }
stretch = TRUE
# Makes the text in a dark toolbar light.
style "dark-toolbutton" {
fg[NORMAL] = @base_color
fg[PRELIGHT] = @text_color
fg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
fg[SELECTED] = @bg_color
fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.95, @base_color)
engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 }
# Invisible toolbar separator
style "murrine-toolseparator" {
xthickness = 0
ythickness = 0
engine "pixmap" {
image {
function = BOX
file = "widgets/Others/null.png"
border = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
stretch = TRUE
class "*GtkToolbar*" style "pixbuf-toolbar"
widget_class "*ToolButton*" style "dark-toolbutton"
widget_class "*GtkToolbar*GtkLabel*" style "dark-toolbutton"
widget_class "*GtkToolbar*GtkEntry*" style "dark-toolbutton"
class "GtkSeparatorToolItem" style "murrine-toolseparator"

@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
* Progressbar *
/* progress component */
.progressbar row,
.progressbar row:hover,
.progressbar row:selected,
.progressbar row:selected:focused {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@progressbar_background_a),
to (@progressbar_background_b));
border-radius: 0;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
border-color: @progressbar_border;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@theme_base_color, 0.5)),
to (alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.26), 0.0)));
.progressbar.vertical row,
.progressbar.vertical row:hover,
.progressbar.vertical row:selected,
.progressbar.vertical row:selected:focused {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (@progressbar_background_a),
to (@progressbar_background_b));
border-radius: 0;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
border-color: @progressbar_border;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (alpha (@theme_base_color, 0.5)),
to (alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.26), 0.0)));
/* through component */
.trough row {
padding: 0;
.trough row,
.trough row:hover {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@progressbar_through_a),
to (@progressbar_through_b));
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
border-radius: 0;
border-color: shade (@progressbar_through_border, 1.0);
.trough.vertical row,
.trough.vertical row:hover {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (@progressbar_through_a),
to (@progressbar_through_b));
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
border-radius: 0;
border-color: shade (@progressbar_through_border, 1.0);
.trough row:selected,
.trough row:selected:focused {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (mix (@trough_bg_color_a, @theme_selected_bg_color, 0.25)),
to (mix (@trough_bg_color_b, @theme_selected_bg_color, 0.25)));
.trough.vertical row:selected,
.trough.vertical row:selected:focused {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (mix (@trough_bg_color_a, @theme_selected_bg_color, 0.25)),
to (mix (@trough_bg_color_b, @theme_selected_bg_color, 0.25)));
* Scrollbar *
/* Using the adwaita engine to fix a small consistency bug */
.scrollbar {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: none;
border-style: solid;
-GtkRange-trough-border: 1;
-GtkRange-arrow-scaling: 0.444;
-GtkRange-slider-width: 11;
-GtkRange-stepper-size: 0;
-GtkScrollbar-min-slider-length: 30;
-GtkRange-stepper-spacing: 0;
-GtkRange-trough-under-steppers: 1;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
/* Through */
.scrollbar.trough.vertical {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (shade (@trough_bg_color_b, 0.99)),
to (@trough_bg_color_a));
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.882);
border-width: 0;
border-radius: 0;
-adwaita-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (alpha (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 1.00)),
to (alpha (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 0.00)));
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
.scrollbar.trough.horizontal {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@trough_bg_color_b, 0.99)),
to (@trough_bg_color_a));
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.882);
border-width: 0;
border-radius: 0;
-adwaita-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 1.00)),
to (alpha (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 0.00)));
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
/* Sliders and buttons */
.scrollbar.button.vertical {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (@scrollslider_gradient_a),
to (@scrollslider_gradient_b));
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: @scrollslider_border;
border-radius: 10;
border-width: 1;
.scrollbar.slider.vertical:prelight {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 0.90)),
to (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_b, 0.90)));
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: shade (@scrollslider_border, 0.90);
.scrollbar.slider.vertical:prelight:active {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 0.90)),
to (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_b, 0.90)));
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: shade (@scrollslider_border, 0.90);
.scrollbar.button.horizontal {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@scrollslider_gradient_a),
to (@scrollslider_gradient_b));
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: @scrollslider_border;
border-radius: 10;
border-width: 1;
.scrollbar.slider.horizontal:prelight {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 0.90)),
to (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_b, 0.90)));
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: shade (@scrollslider_border, 0.90);
.scrollbar.slider.horizontal:prelight:active {
engine: adwaita;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_a, 0.90)),
to (shade (@scrollslider_gradient_b, 0.90)));
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: shade (@scrollslider_border, 0.90);
.scrollbar.slider:insensitive {
engine: adwaita;
background-color: @theme_base_color;
.scrollbar.trough:insensitive {
engine: adwaita;
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.882);
* Toolbars *
.primary-toolbar.toolbar {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@toolbar_gradient_base),
to (@toolbar_gradient_final));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@toolbar_border, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@toolbar_border, 1.0)));
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
-GtkWidget-window-dragging: true;
padding: 2;
.toolbar {
border-style: solid;
border-color: @theme_bg_color;
border-width: 0;
border-radius: 0;
padding: 1;
.toolbar:insensitive {
color: alpha (@theme_fg_color, 0.6);
/* Toolbar buttons */
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.button {
padding: 0 2;
border-style: none;
border-width: 1;
border-radius: 2;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@button_gradient_color_a, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@button_gradient_color_b, 0.0)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
-unico-outer-stroke-style: none;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.button:insensitive {
border-style: none;
border-width: 0;
color: @insensitive_fg_color;
background-image: none;
background-color: alpha (@theme_base_color, 0.0);
-GtkWidget-focus-line-width: 0;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.button:hover {
border-style: none;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@button_hover_gradient_color_a, 0.60)),
to (alpha (@button_hover_gradient_color_b, 0.60)));
border-radius: 2;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.10)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.10)));
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.button:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@button_active_gradient_color_a, 1.00)),
to (shade (@button_active_gradient_color_b, 1.00)));
border-color: @highlighted_border;
border-style: solid;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.00)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.00)));
color: @theme_fg_color;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.button:active:hover {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@button_active_gradient_color_a, 1.10)),
to (shade (@button_active_gradient_color_b, 1.10)));
border-color: @highlighted_border;
border-style: solid;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.10)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.10)));
color: @theme_fg_color;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.button:active:insensitive {
border-color: @insensitive_border_color;
-unico-border-gradient: none;
background-image: none;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.raised.button {
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@button_gradient_color_a),
to (@button_gradient_color_b));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.00)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.00)));
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.raised.button:insensitive {
background-image: none;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.raised.button:hover {
border-color: @button_border;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@button_hover_gradient_color_a),
to (@button_hover_gradient_color_b));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.10)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.10)));
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.raised.button:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@button_active_gradient_color_a),
to (alpha (@button_active_gradient_color_b, 0.13)));
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: @highlighted_border;
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
.primary-toolbar.toolbar.raised.button:insensitive:active {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
background-image: none;

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
* Buttons *
.toolbar .button {
border-radius: 2;
text-shadow: 0 1 alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.25), 0.4);
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@button_gradient_color_a),
to (@button_gradient_color_b));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@theme_border_color_a),
to (@theme_border_color_b));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.26), 0.0);
.toolbar.button:hover {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@button_hover_gradient_color_a),
to (@button_hover_gradient_color_b));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.10)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.10)));
.toolbar .button:active,
.toolbar.button:hover:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@button_active_gradient_color_a, 1.00)),
to (shade (@button_active_gradient_color_b, 1.00)));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.00)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.00)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@theme_fg_color, 0.2)),
to (alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.26), 0.0)));
.button:insensitive {
text-shadow: 0 1 alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.25), 0.4);
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@button_insensitive_bg_color, 1.04)),
to (shade (@button_insensitive_bg_color, 0.96)));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@button_insensitive_bg_color, 0.8)),
to (shade (@button_insensitive_bg_color, 0.8)));
.button:insensitive:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@button_insensitive_bg_color, 0.97)),
to (shade (@button_insensitive_bg_color, 1.0)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@button_insensitive_bg_color, 0.9), 0.2);
GtkScale.slider {
* Checkbuttons *
.check row,
.radio row {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_base_color, 0.96)),
color-stop (0.10, shade (@theme_base_color, 0.98)),
to (@theme_base_color));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.68)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.68)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@theme_base_color, 0.1), 0.02);
.check row {
border-radius: 3;
.radio row {
border-radius: 10;
.check row:selected:active,
.check row:selected:focused:active,
.notebook .check:active,
.notebook .radio:active,
.radio row:selected:active,
.radio row:selected:focused:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.1)),
to (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.9)));
-unico-bullet-color: shade (@theme_selected_fg_color, 1.0);
-unico-bullet-outline-color: shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.6);
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.7)),
to (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.7)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.56), 0.4);
-unico-outer-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-outer-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.05), 0.02)),
to (alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.05), 0.08)));
.radio:insensitive {
background-image: none;
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.96);
.radio:insensitive:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.96)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.9)));
-unico-bullet-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.6);
-unico-bullet-outline-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.0);
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.7)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-gradient: none;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.26), 0.2);
* Treeviews *
column-header .button {
border-radius: 0;
padding: -1 2;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@listview_header_gradient_a,1.00)),
to (shade (@listview_header_gradient_b,1.00)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
-unico-outer-stroke-style: none;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@listview_border, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@listview_border, 1.0)));
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
column-header .button:prelight {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@listview_header_gradient_a,1.10)),
to (shade (@listview_header_gradient_b,1.10)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
-unico-outer-stroke-style: none;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@listview_border, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@listview_border, 1.0)));
/* Treeview */
GtkTreeView.separator {
background-color: darker (@theme_bg_color);
/* Row */
row:hover {
border-width: 0;
background-color: alpha (@theme_base_color, 0.0);
row:insensitive {
border-width: 0;
row:selected:focused {
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@menuitem_background_a, 1.00)),
to (shade (@menuitem_background_b, 1.00)));
background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (shade (@menuitem_background_b, 0.86), 1.0)),
color-stop (0.09, alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.0)));
row:selected {
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@menuitem_background_a, 1.00)),
to (shade (@menuitem_background_b, 1.00)));
background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (shade (@menuitem_background_b, 0.86), 1.0)),
color-stop (0.09, alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.0)));
* GtkScale *
GtkScale {
-GtkScale-slider-length: 10;
-GtkRange-slider-width: 17;
-GtkRange-trough-border: 1;
border-radius: 8;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)));
GtkScale.trough {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.92)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.96)));
* Spinbuttons *
GtkSpinButton.button {
GtkSpinButton.button:insensitive {
* Switches *
GtkSwitch {
border-radius: 2;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@button_gradient_color_a),
to (@button_gradient_color_b));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (@theme_border_color_a),
to (@theme_border_color_b));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@theme_base_color, 0.9)),
to (alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.26), 0.0)));
GtkSwitch.trough {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@progressbar_through_a, 1.0)),
to (shade (@progressbar_through_b, 1.0)));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.00)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.00)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@theme_fg_color, 0.2)),
to (alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.26), 0.0)));
GtkSwitch.trough:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.9)),
to (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.0)));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.00)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.00)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.6),0.2)),
to (alpha (shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.26), 0.0)));
color: @theme_base_color;
* Notebook & Tabs *
.notebook {
padding: 2;
border-radius: 2;
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.1);
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)));
.notebook tab {
border-radius: 2;
padding: 2 3 0;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.0)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.97)));
.notebook tab:active {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.2)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.1)));

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* Borders *
/* border and inner stroke */
.notebook {
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.7)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.7)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.26), 0.4);
.notebook:insensitive {
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)));
/* inset */
.radio {
-unico-outer-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-outer-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.9), 0.6)),
to (alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.05), 0.6)));
/* shadow */
.notebook .button,
.radio:active {
-unico-outer-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-outer-stroke-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.05), 0.05)),
to (alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.05), 0.09)));
/* frame */
.frame {
border-radius: 0;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.8)));
/* GtkScrolledWindow */
GtkScrolledWindow.frame {
border-style: solid;
border-color: @internal_element_color;
border-width: 1;
border-radius: 0;
* Text Entries *
.toolbar.entry {
background-color: @theme_base_color;
background-image: none;
border-radius: 2;
border-width: 1;
border-style: solid;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_border_color_b, 1.00)),
to (shade (@theme_border_color_a, 1.00)));
padding: 2;
.entry:focused {
border-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
-unico-border-gradient: none;
.entry:insensitive {
background-color: @insensitive_bg_color;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@inactive_frame_border_a, 1.00)),
to (shade (@inactive_frame_border_b, 1.00)));
.entry.progressbar {
background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
color: @theme_selected_fg_color;
border-width: 1;
border-radius: 1;
border-color: @progressbar_border;
* Separators *
GtkSeparator {
border-style: solid;
border-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.9);
-unico-border-gradient: none;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.26), 0.3);
.button GtkSeparator {
border-style: solid;
border-color: shade (@button_bg_color, 0.9);
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.26), 0.3);
.menuitem.separator {
border-style: solid;
border-color: alpha (@theme_bg_color, 0.45);
-unico-border-gradient: none;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: custom;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: alpha (shade (@bg_color, 1.26), 0.3);

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* Menus *
.menu {
padding: 0;
background-image: none;
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-color: @inactive_frame_color;
color: @theme_fg_color;
/* menuitem */
.menuitem {
padding: 2;
border-width: 1;
border-radius: 0;
text-shadow: 0 1 alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.25), 0.4);
border-style: solid;
color: @theme_fg_color;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@menuitem_background_a, 1.0)),
to (shade (@menuitem_background_b, 1.0)));
-unico-bullet-color: @dark_fg_color;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.0)));
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
.menuitem *:prelight {
color: @selected_fg_color;
text-shadow: none;
.menuitem *:insensitive {
color: mix (@theme_fg_color, @theme_bg_color, 0.5);
text-shadow: 0 1 shade (@bg_color, 1.1);
.menuitem.radio:active {
color: @theme_fg_color;
-unico-bullet-color: @theme_fg_color;
.menuitem.radio:active:prelight {
color: @selected_fg_color;
-unico-bullet-color: @selected_fg_color;
/* menubar */
.menubar {
-GtkWidget-window-dragging: true;
color: @theme_fg_color;
text-shadow: 0 1 alpha (shade (@button_bg_color, 1.25), 0.4);
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top,
left bottom,
from (@toolbar_gradient_base),
to (@toolbar_gradient_final));
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@toolbar_border, 0.0)),
to (alpha (@toolbar_border, 1.0)));
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
.menubar.menuitem {
border-radius: 0;
border-width: 1;
.menubar.menuitem:prelight {
color: @theme_fg_color;
text-shadow: none;
background-image: none;
background-color: @theme_base_color;
border-width: 1;
border-color: @inactive_frame_color;
border-style: solid;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
-unico-border-gradient: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (alpha (@inactive_frame_color, 1.0)),
to (alpha (@inactive_frame_color, 1.0)));

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
* Misc *
/* gnome-terminal */
TerminalScreen {
background-color: @theme_base_color;
color: @theme_fg_color;
-TerminalScreen-background-darkness: 0.95;
/* GtkAssistant */
GtkAssistant .sidebar .highlight {
color: @theme_fg_color;
font: bold;
GtkAssistant .sidebar {
padding: 12;
border-width: 1;
border-radius: 2;
border-style: solid;
border-color: @inactive_frame_color;
color: mix (@theme_fg_color, @theme_bg_color, 0.40);
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.97);
/* Sidebar */
.sidebar.view {
background-color: shade (@sidebar_color, 0.99);
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top, right top,
from (shade (@sidebar_color,1.00)),
color-stop (0.98, shade (@sidebar_color, 1.00)),
color-stop (0.99, shade (@sidebar_color, 1.00)),
color-stop (1.00, shade (@sidebar_color, 0.86)),
to (shade (@sidebar_color,1.00)));
color: @theme_fg_color;
.sidebar.menuitem:selected {
background-color: shade (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.99);
color: @theme_fg_color;
/* View */
GtkIconView {
border-radius: 2;
padding: 0;
GtkIconView.view.cell:selected:focused {
background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
border-radius: 2;
.view {
background-color: @theme_base_color;
color: @theme_fg_color;
border-radius: 0;
border-width: 0;
/* Calendars */
GtkCalendar.view {
border-radius: 2;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
padding: 2;
GtkCalendar.header {
border-radius: 0;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top,
left bottom,
from (shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.04)),
to (shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.89)));
border-width: 0;
GtkCalendar.button {
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear,
left top,
left bottom,
from (rgba (0, 0, 0, 0)),
to (rgba (0, 0, 0, 0)));
GtkCalendar.highlight {
background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
color: @theme_selected_fg_color;
border-radius: 0;
padding: 0;
border-width: 0;
* Fallback Mode Panel
PanelToplevel {
background-color: @dark_bg_color;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)),
to (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)));
color: @dark_fg_color;
border-radius: 0;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
-unico-outer-stroke-style: none;
text-shadow: none;
padding: 0;
PanelApplet > GtkMenuBar.menubar,
PanelApplet > GtkMenuBar.menubar.menuitem,
PanelMenuBar.menubar.menuitem {
background-color: @dark_bg_color;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)),
to (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)));
color: @dark_fg_color;
text-shadow: none;/*0 -1 shade (@fg_color, 1.0);*/
ClockBox {
color: @dark_fg_color;
text-shadow: 0 -1 shade (@fg_color, 1.0);
PanelApplet > GtkMenuBar.menubar.menuitem:prelight,
.gnome-panel-menu-bar.menuitem:prelight {
PanelAppletFrame {
background-color: @dark_bg_color;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)),
to (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)));
PanelApplet .button {
background-color: @dark_bg_color;
background-image: none;
color: @dark_fg_color;
border-radius: 0;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
-unico-outer-stroke-style: none;
text-shadow: none;
background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
from (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)),
to (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.05)));
PanelApplet .button:prelight:active,
PanelApplet .button:active {
background-color: shade (@dark_bg_color, 0.85);
background-image: none;
color: @dark_fg_color;
PanelApplet .button :prelight {
background-color: shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.2);
background-image: none;
color: @dark_fg_color;
NaTrayApplet {
WnckPager, WnckTasklist {
background-color: @dark_bg_color;
GsmFailWhaleDialog * {

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* {
-GtkButton-child-displacement-x: 1;
-GtkButton-child-displacement-y: 1;
-GtkButton-default-border: 0;
-GtkButton-image-spacing: 0;
-GtkButton-interior-focus: true;
-GtkButton-inner-border: 3;
-GtkCheckButton-indicator-size: 16;
-GtkCheckMenuItem-indicator-size: 14;
-GtkComboBox-arrow-scaling: 0.5;
-GtkEntry-inner-border: 2;
-GtkEntry-progress-border: 0;
-GtkExpander-expander-size: 10;
-GtkHTML-link-color: @link_color;
-GtkIMHtml-hyperlink-color: @link_color;
-GtkMenu-horizontal-padding: 0;
-GtkMenu-vertical-padding: 0;
-GtkMenuItem-arrow-scaling: 0.5;
-GtkMenuBar-internal-padding: 0;
-GtkNotebook-tab-overlap: -1;
-GtkPaned-handle-size: 0;
-GtkProgressBar-min-horizontal-bar-height: 10;
-GtkProgressBar-min-vertical-bar-width: 10;
-GtkRange-trough-border: 1;
-GtkRange-slider-width: 11;
-GtkRange-stepper-size: 13;
-GtkRange-trough-under-steppers: 1;
-GtkRange-stepper-spacing: 0;
-GtkScale-trough-border: 0;
-GtkScale-trough-side-details: 1;
-GtkScrollbar-activate-slider: 1;
-GtkScrollbar-trough-border: 0;
-GtkScrollbar-slider-width: 11;
-GtkScrollbar-min-slider-length: 30;
-GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: 0;
-GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: 0;
-GtkScrollbar-has-secondary-forward-stepper: 0;
-GtkScrollbar-has-secondary-backward-stepper: 0;
-GtkScrolledWindow-scrollbar-spacing: 0;
-GtkScrolledWindow-scrollbars-within-bevel: 1;
-GtkSeparatorMenuItem-horizontal-padding: 0;
-GtkTextView-error-underline-color: @error_color;
-GtkToolButton-icon-spacing: 6;
-GtkToolItemGroup-expander-size: 11;
-GtkToolbar-internal-padding: 0;
-GtkTreeView-expander-size: 8;
-GtkTreeView-vertical-separator: 0;
-GtkWidget-wide-separators: 1;
-GtkWidget-separator-width: 2;
-GtkWidget-separator-height: 2;
-GtkWidget-focus-padding: 0;
-GtkWidget-focus-line-width: 1;
-GtkWidget-link-color: @link_color;
-GtkWidget-visited-link-color: @link_color;
-GtkWindow-resize-grip-width: 0;
-GtkWindow-resize-grip-height: 0;
-WnckTasklist-fade-overlay-rect: 0;
border-width: 1;
padding: 1;
engine: unico;
-unico-inner-stroke-color: rgba (0, 0, 0, 0);
-unico-focus-border-color: alpha (#fff, 0.0);
-unico-focus-border-radius: 2;
-unico-focus-fill-color: alpha (#fff, 0.0);
-unico-focus-outer-stroke-color: alpha (#fff, 0.0);
* Base States *
GtkWindow {
color: @theme_fg_color;
* {
background-color: @theme_bg_color;
-unico-inner-stroke-style: none;
-unico-outer-stroke-style: none;
*:hover {
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 1.02);
color: @theme_fg_color;
*:selected {
background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
color: @theme_selected_fg_color;
*:selected:focused {
background-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
color: @theme_selected_fg_color;
*:insensitive {
background-color: @insensitive_bg_color;
color: @insensitive_fg_color;
border-color: @insensitive_border_color;
*:active {
background-color: shade (@theme_bg_color, 0.915);
.background {
border-style: none;
border-width: 0;
border-radius: 0;
.tooltip {
padding: 4 4;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
border-color: shade (@theme_tooltip_bg_color, 0.80);
background-color: @theme_tooltip_bg_color;
color: @theme_tooltip_fg_color;
.grip {
background-color: shade (@inactive_frame_color, 0.93);
.rubberband {
background-color: alpha (@theme_selected_bg_color, 0.35);
border-color: @theme_selected_bg_color;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1;
border-radius: 2;
.pane-separator {
border-style: none;
border-width: 0;
color: shade (@inactive_frame_color, 0.80);
.pane-separator:selected {
color: @theme_text_color;
GtkStatusbar {
padding: 5;
color: @theme_fg_color;
-GtkStatusbar-shadow-type: none;
GtkStatusbar .frame {
border-width: 0;

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
AUTHOR: lassekongo83
WEBSITE: http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com
DESCRIPTION: A minimalistic and usable theme made for gtk3 apps.
/* default color scheme */
@define-color bg_color #dcdcdc;
@define-color fg_color #3c3c3c;
@define-color base_color #f7f7f7;
@define-color text_color #3c3c3c;
@define-color selected_bg_color #a2b8ca;
@define-color selected_fg_color #ffffff;
@define-color tooltip_bg_color #F5F5B5;
@define-color tooltip_fg_color #3c3c3c;
/* other color schemes could simply override these */
@define-color theme_bg_color @bg_color;
@define-color theme_fg_color @fg_color;
@define-color theme_base_color @base_color;
@define-color theme_text_color @text_color;
@define-color theme_selected_bg_color @selected_bg_color;
@define-color theme_selected_fg_color @selected_fg_color;
@define-color theme_tooltip_bg_color @tooltip_bg_color;
@define-color theme_tooltip_fg_color @tooltip_fg_color;
/* misc colors used by gtk+ */
@define-color link_color #08c;
@define-color warning_color #f57900;
@define-color error_color #cc0000;
@define-color success_color #4e9a06;
/* theme common colors */
@define-color button_bg_color #e2e2e2;
@define-color button_insensitive_bg_color mix (@button_bg_color, @theme_bg_color, 0.6);
@define-color dark_bg_color #3c3b37;
@define-color dark_fg_color #dfdbd2;
@define-color internal_element_color #afafaf;
@define-color insensitive_bg_color #f5f5f5;
@define-color insensitive_fg_color #a7a7a7;
@define-color insensitive_border_color shade (@internal_element_color, 1.37);
@define-color inactive_frame_color #c8c8c8;
@define-color inactive_frame_border_a #8b8b8b;
@define-color inactive_frame_border_b #c6c6c6;
@define-color trough_bg_color_a #efefef;
@define-color trough_bg_color_b #e0e0e0;
@define-color toolbar_gradient_base #dcdcdc;
@define-color toolbar_gradient_final #d1d1d1;
@define-color toolbar_border #ccc;
@define-color button_gradient_color_a #fbfbfb;
@define-color button_gradient_color_b #dedede;
@define-color button_hover_gradient_color_a shade (@button_gradient_color_a, 1.10);
@define-color button_hover_gradient_color_b shade (@button_gradient_color_b, 1.10);
@define-color button_active_gradient_color_a shade (@button_gradient_color_b, 0.80);
@define-color button_active_gradient_color_b shade (@button_gradient_color_a, 0.80);
@define-color progressbar_through_a #c7c7c7;
@define-color progressbar_through_b #d7d7d7;
@define-color progressbar_through_border #a3a3a3;
@define-color progressbar_background_a #a2b8cb;
@define-color progressbar_background_b #b5c8d7;
@define-color progressbar_border #8298aa;
@define-color menuitem_background_a #8ba4b8;
@define-color menuitem_background_b #7a94a9;
/* User defined for this theme */
@define-color theme_border_color_a #afafaf;
@define-color theme_border_color_b #7a7a7a;
@define-color scrollslider_gradient_a #d8d8d8;
@define-color scrollslider_gradient_b #bdbdbd;
@define-color scrollslider_border #9a9a9a;
@define-color listview_header_gradient_a #ececec;
@define-color listview_header_gradient_b #d8d8d8;
@define-color listview_border #cbcbcb;
@define-color sidebar_color #e8e8e8;
/* End user defined for this theme */
@import url("gtk-widgets.css");
@import url("gtk-buttons.css");
@import url("gtk-frames.css");
@import url("gtk-bars.css");
@import url("gtk-menus.css");
@import url("gtk-misc.css");

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
gtk-color-scheme = "base_color:#f7f7f7\nbg_color:#dcdcdc\ntooltip_bg_color:#F5F5B5\nselected_bg_color:#a2b8ca\ntext_color:#3c3c3c\nfg_color:#3c3c3c\ntooltip_fg_color:#000000\nselected_fg_color:#F5F5F5\nlink_color:#DD4814\nbg_color_dark:#c9c9c9\nfg_color_dark:#3c3c3c"
gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Theme for Lubuntu Oneiric Ocelot
# Author: 神癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
# Released under GPL. See COPYING for license.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Lubuntu desktop default theme

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#define bullet_width 7
#define bullet_height 7
#define bullet_width 9
#define bullet_height 9
static unsigned char bullet_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x03, 0x0f, 0x3f, 0x0f, 0x03, 0x00 };
0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00,
0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#define close_width 10
#define close_height 10
#define close_width 9
#define close_height 9
static unsigned char close_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x01, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00,
0x78, 0x00, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x86, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00 };
0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x00, 0xee, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00,
0xee, 0x00, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#define iconify_width 10
#define iconify_height 10
#define iconify_width 9
#define iconify_height 9
static unsigned char iconify_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x86, 0x01, 0xcc, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00,
0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#define max_width 10
#define max_height 10
#define max_width 9
#define max_height 9
static unsigned char max_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x78, 0x00, 0xcc, 0x00,
0x86, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x3c, 0x00, 0x7e, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#define shade_width 9
#define shade_height 9
static unsigned char shade_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00,
0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0x83, 0x01 };
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
# Ozone, by 神癒礁湖 (Rafael Laguna)
# Based on Zuki Blues by lassekongo83
# This theme is 100% free and open source
border.color: #4C6C8B
#Ozone2 theme for Lubuntu
border.color: #555555
border.width: 1
menu.items.active.bg: Gradient Vertical Flat
menu.items.active.bg.color: #7E9EBD
menu.items.active.bg.colorTo: #4C6C8B
menu.items.active.bg.colorTo: #4F6F8E
menu.items.active.disabled.text.color: #4C6C8B
menu.items.active.text.color: #f5f5f5
menu.items.bg: Solid Flat
@ -18,15 +15,14 @@ menu.overlap.x: 1
menu.separator.color: #aaaaaa
menu.separator.padding.width: 10
menu.title.bg: Gradient Vertical Flat
menu.title.bg.color: #ADC7E1
menu.title.bg.colorTo: #82A1BF
menu.title.bg.color: #7E9EBD
menu.title.bg.colorTo: #4F6F8E
menu.title.text.color: #f5f5f5
menu.title.text.font: shadow=y:shadowtint=100:shadowoffset=1
menu.title.text.justify: center
osd.bg: flat solid
osd.bg.color: #dcdcdc
osd.border.color: #555555
osd.border.width: 1
osd.hilight.bg: flat gradient vertical
osd.hilight.bg.color: #A7C4E0
osd.hilight.bg.colorTo: #7E9EBD
@ -36,53 +32,54 @@ osd.unhilight.bg.color: #7E9EBD
osd.unhilight.bg.colorTo: #4C6C8B
padding.height: 3
padding.width: 5
window.active.border.color: #505050
window.active.button.disabled.bg: parentrelative
window.active.button.disabled.image.color: #768FA7
window.active.button.hover.image.color: #C7E4FF
window.active.button.hover.image.color: #008AFF
window.active.button.pressed.bg: parentrelative
window.active.button.pressed.image.color: #516980
window.active.button.toggled.image.color: #f5f5f5
window.active.button.pressed.image.color: #000000
window.active.button.toggled.hover.image.color: #008AFF
window.active.button.toggled.image.color: #505050
window.active.button.toggled.pressed.image.color: #008AFF
window.active.button.unpressed.bg: parentrelative
window.active.button.unpressed.image.color: #f5f5f5
window.active.grip.bg: Solid Flat
window.active.grip.bg.color: #7E9EBD
window.active.handle.bg: Gradient Vertical Flat
window.active.handle.bg.color: #7E9EBD
window.active.handle.bg.colorTo: #4C6C8B
window.active.button.unpressed.image.color: #696969
window.active.grip.bg: Solid Raised
window.active.grip.bg.color: #DCDCDC
window.active.grip.bg.border.color: #DCDCDC
window.active.handle.bg: Gradient Vertical Raised
window.active.handle.bg.color: #DCDCDC
window.active.handle.bg.colorTo: #AAAAAA
window.active.handle.bg.border.color: #DCDCDC
window.active.label.bg: parentrelative
window.active.label.text.color: #f5f5f5
window.active.label.text.font: shadow=y:shadowtint=50:shadowoffset=1
window.active.title.bg: flat Gradient SplitVertical
window.active.title.bg.color: #95ACC2
window.active.title.bg.splitTo: #9EB9D5
window.active.title.bg.colorTo: #90adca
window.active.title.bg.colorTo.splitTo: #7E9EBC
window.active.title.bg.shadow: 0
window.active.title.separator.color: #81a0be
window.active.label.text.color: #555555
window.active.label.text.font: shadow=n
window.active.title.bg: Gradient Vertical Flat
window.active.title.bg.color: #F5F5F5
window.active.title.bg.colorTo: #DCDCDC
window.active.title.separator.color: #DCDCDC
window.client.padding.width: 0
window.handle.width: 2
window.inactive.button.disabled.bg: parentrelative
window.inactive.button.disabled.image.color: #768FA7
window.inactive.button.hover.image.color: #4C6C8B
window.inactive.button.disabled.image.color: #BDBDBD
window.inactive.button.hover.image.color: #008AFF
window.inactive.button.pressed.bg: parentrelative
window.inactive.button.pressed.image.color: #516980
window.inactive.button.toggled.image.color: #e5e5e5
window.inactive.button.pressed.image.color: #008AFF
window.inactive.button.toggled.hover.image.color: #008AFF
window.inactive.button.toggled.image.color: #BDBDBD
window.inactive.button.unpressed.bg: parentrelative
window.inactive.button.unpressed.image.color: #e5e5e5
window.inactive.grip.bg: Solid Flat
window.inactive.grip.bg.color: #7E9EBD
window.inactive.handle.bg: Gradient Vertical Flat Border
window.inactive.handle.bg.color: #7E9EBD
window.inactive.handle.bg.colorTo: #4C6C8B
window.inactive.handle.bg.border.color: #4C6C8B
window.inactive.button.unpressed.image.color: #BDBDBD
window.inactive.grip.bg: Solid Raised
window.inactive.grip.bg.color: #DCDCDC
window.inactive.grip.bg.border.color: #DCDCDC
window.inactive.handle.bg: Gradient Vertical Raised
window.inactive.handle.bg.color: #DCDCDC
window.inactive.handle.bg.colorTo: #EEEEEE
window.inactive.handle.bg.border.color: #DCDCDC
window.inactive.label.bg: parentrelative
window.inactive.label.text.color: #D4D4D4
window.inactive.label.text.font: shadow=y:shadowtint=50:shadowoffset=1
window.inactive.title.bg: flat Gradient SplitVertical
window.inactive.title.bg.color: #95ACC2
window.inactive.title.bg.splitTo: #9EB9D5
window.inactive.title.bg.colorTo: #90adca
window.inactive.title.bg.colorTo.splitTo: #7E9EBC
window.inactive.title.bg.shadow: 0
window.inactive.title.separator.color: #81a0be
window.inactive.label.text.color: #AAAAAA
window.inactive.label.text.font: shadow=n
window.inactive.title.bg: Gradient Vertical Flat
window.inactive.title.bg.color: #F5F5F5
window.inactive.title.bg.colorTo: #DCDCDC
window.inactive.title.separator.color: #DCDCDC
window.label.text.justify: center
