# -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Julien Lavergne <gilir@ubuntu.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. # import os import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gio list_gtk_icon = [ "gtk-about" , "gtk-add" , "gtk-apply" , "gtk-bold" , "gtk-cancel" , "gtk-caps-lock-warning" , "gtk-cdrom" , "gtk-clear" , "gtk-close" , "gtk-color-picker" , "gtk-convert" , "gtk-connect" , "gtk-copy" , "gtk-cut" , "gtk-delete" , "gtk-dialog-authentication" , "gtk-dialog-error" , "gtk-dialog-info" , "gtk-dialog-question" , "gtk-dialog-warning" , "gtk-directory" , "gtk-discard" , "gtk-disconnect" , "gtk-dnd" , "gtk-dnd-multiple" , "gtk-edit" , "gtk-execute" , "gtk-file" , "gtk-find" , "gtk-find-and-replace" , "gtk-floppy" , "gtk-fullscreen" , "gtk-goto-bottom" , "gtk-goto-first" , "gtk-goto-last" , "gtk-goto-top" , "gtk-go-back" , "gtk-go-down" , "gtk-go-forward" , "gtk-go-up" , "gtk-harddisk" , "gtk-help" , "gtk-home" , "gtk-indent" , "gtk-index" , "gtk-info" , "gtk-italic" , "gtk-jump-to" , "gtk-justify-center" , "gtk-justify-fill" , "gtk-justify-left" , "gtk-leave-fullscreen" , "gtk-media-forward" , "gtk-media-next" , "gtk-media-pause" , "gtk-media-play" , "gtk-media-previous" , "gtk-media-record" , "gtk-media-rewind" , "gtk-media-stop" , "gtk-missing-image" , "gtk-network" , "gtk-new" , "gtk-no" , "gtk-ok" , "gtk-open" , "gtk-orientation-landscape" , "gtk-orientation-portrait" , "gtk-orientation-reverse-landscape" , "gtk-orientation-reverse-portrait" , "gtk-page-setup" , "gtk-paste" , "gtk-preferences" , "gtk-print" , "gtk-print-error" , "gtk-print-paused" , "gtk-print-preview" , "gtk-print-report" , "gtk-print-warning" , "gtk-properties" , "gtk-quit" , "gtk-redo" , "gtk-refresh" , "gtk-remove" , "gtk-revert-to-saved" , "gtk-save" , "gtk-save-as" , "gtk-select-all" , "gtk-select-color" , "gtk-select-font" , "gtk-sort-ascending" , "gtk-sort-descending" , "gtk-spell-check" , "gtk-stop" , "gtk-strikethrough" , "gtk-undelete" , "gtk-underline" , "gtk-undo" , "gtk-unindent" , "gtk-yes" , "gtk-zoom-100" , "gtk-zoom-fit" , "gtk-zoom-in" , "gtk-zoom-out" ] list_xdg_icon = [ "address-book-new" , "application-exit" , "appointment-new" , "call-start" , "call-stop" , "contact-new" , "document-new" , "document-open" , "document-open-recent" , "document-page-setup" , "document-print" , "document-print-preview" , "document-properties" , "document-revert" , "document-save" , "document-save-as" , "document-send" , "edit-clear" , "edit-copy" , "edit-cut" , "edit-delete" , "edit-find" , "edit-find-replace" , "edit-paste" , "edit-redo" , "edit-select-all" , "edit-undo" , "folder-new" , "format-indent-less" , "format-indent-more" , "format-justify-center" , "format-justify-fill" , "format-justify-left" , "format-justify-right" , "format-text-direction-ltr" , "format-text-direction-rtl" , "format-text-bold" , "format-text-italic" , "format-text-underline" , "format-text-strikethrough" , "go-bottom" , "go-down" , "go-first" , "go-home" , "go-jump" , "go-last" , "go-next" , "go-previous" , "go-top" , "go-up" , "help-about" , "help-contents" , "help-faq" , "insert-image" , "insert-link" , "insert-object" , "insert-text" , "list-add" , "list-remove" , "mail-forward" , "mail-mark-important" , "mail-mark-junk" , "mail-mark-notjunk" , "mail-mark-read" , "mail-mark-unread" , "mail-message-new" , "mail-reply-all" , "mail-reply-sender" , "mail-send" , "mail-send-receive" , "media-eject" , "media-playback-pause" , "media-playback-start" , "media-playback-stop" , "media-record" , "media-seek-backward" , "media-seek-forward" , "media-skip-backward" , "media-skip-forward" , "object-flip-horizontal" , "object-flip-vertical" , "object-rotate-left" , "object-rotate-right" , "process-stop" , "system-lock-screen" , "system-log-out" , "system-run" , "system-search" , "system-reboot" , "system-shutdown" , "tools-check-spelling" , "view-fullscreen" , "view-refresh" , "view-restore" , "view-sort-ascending" , "view-sort-descending" , "window-close" , "window-new" , "zoom-fit-best" , "zoom-in" , "zoom-original" , "zoom-out" , "process-working" , "accessories-calculator" , "accessories-character-map" , "accessories-dictionary" , "accessories-text-editor" , "help-browser" , "multimedia-volume-control" , "preferences-desktop-accessibility" , "preferences-desktop-font" , "preferences-desktop-keyboard" , "preferences-desktop-locale" , "preferences-desktop-multimedia" , "preferences-desktop-screensaver" , "preferences-desktop-theme" , "preferences-desktop-wallpaper" , "system-file-manager" , "system-software-install" , "system-software-update" , "utilities-system-monitor" , "utilities-terminal" , "applications-accessories" , "applications-development" , "applications-engineering" , "applications-games" , "applications-graphics" , "applications-internet" , "applications-multimedia" , "applications-office" , "applications-other" , "applications-science" , "applications-system" , "applications-utilities" , "preferences-desktop" , "preferences-desktop-peripherals" , "preferences-desktop-personal" , "preferences-other" , "preferences-system" , "preferences-system-network" , "system-help" , "audio-card" , "audio-input-microphone" , "battery" , "camera-photo" , "camera-video" , "camera-web" , "computer" , "drive-harddisk" , "drive-optical" , "drive-removable-media" , "input-gaming" , "input-keyboard" , "input-mouse" , "input-tablet" , "media-flash" , "media-floppy" , "media-optical" , "media-tape" , "modem" , "multimedia-player" , "network-wired" , "network-wireless" , "pda" , "phone" , "printer" , "scanner" , "video-display" , "emblem-default" , "emblem-documents" , "emblem-downloads" , "emblem-favorite" , "emblem-important" , "emblem-mail" , "emblem-photos" , "emblem-readonly" , "emblem-shared" , "emblem-symbolic-link" , "emblem-synchronized" , "emblem-system" , "emblem-unreadable" , "face-angel" , "face-angry" , "face-cool" , "face-crying" , "face-devilish" , "face-embarrassed" , "face-kiss" , "face-laugh" , "face-monkey" , "face-plain" , "face-raspberry" , "face-sad" , "face-sick" , "face-smile" , "face-smile-big" , "face-smirk" , "face-surprise" , "face-tired" , "face-uncertain" , "face-wink" , "face-worried" , "flag-aa" #TODO more flags , "application-x-executable" , "audio-x-generic" , "font-x-generic" , "image-x-generic" , "package-x-generic" , "text-html" , "text-x-generic" , "text-x-generic-template" , "text-x-script" , "video-x-generic" , "x-office-address-book" , "x-office-calendar" , "x-office-document" , "x-office-presentation" , "x-office-spreadsheet" , "folder" , "folder-remote" , "network-server" , "network-workgroup" , "start-here" , "user-bookmarks" , "user-desktop" , "user-home" , "user-trash" , "appointment-missed" , "appointment-soon" , "audio-volume-high" , "audio-volume-low" , "audio-volume-medium" , "audio-volume-muted" , "battery-caution" , "battery-low" , "dialog-error" , "dialog-information" , "dialog-password" , "dialog-question" , "dialog-warning" , "folder-drag-accept" , "folder-open" , "folder-visiting" , "image-loading" , "image-missing" , "mail-attachment" , "mail-unread" , "mail-read" , "mail-replied" , "mail-signed" , "mail-signed-verified" , "media-playlist-repeat" , "media-playlist-shuffle" , "network-error" , "network-idle" , "network-offline" , "network-receive" , "network-transmit" , "network-transmit-receive" , "printer-error" , "printer-printing" , "security-high" , "security-medium" , "security-low" , "software-update-available" , "software-update-urgent" , "sync-error" , "sync-synchronizing" , "task-due" , "task-past-due" , "user-available" , "user-away" , "user-idle" , "user-offline" , "user-trash-full" , "weather-clear" , "weather-clear-night" , "weather-few-clouds" , "weather-few-clouds-night" , "weather-fog" , "weather-overcast" , "weather-severe-alert" , "weather-showers" , "weather-showers-scattered" , "weather-snow" , "weather-storm" ] theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default() list_icons = theme.list_icons() for icon in list_icons: supported_size = theme.get_icon_sizes(icon) for size in supported_size: lookup = theme.lookup_icon(icon, size, Gtk.IconLookupFlags.GENERIC_FALLBACK) path = lookup.get_filename() path_split = path.rsplit("/") theme_name = path_split[4] size_location = str(size) print(path) if theme_name == "gnome" or theme_name == "Adwaita": size_location_list = path_split[5].rsplit("x") size_location = size_location_list[0] location = path_split[6] file_name = path_split[7] else: size_location = path_split[6] location = path_split[5] if location == "symbolic": size_location = "" file_name = path_split[6] else: file_name = path_split[7] print("icon: " + icon + ", size: %i" % size + ", path: " + path + ", theme:" + theme_name + ", location:" + location) destination_prefix = "import" # 1 folder by theme destination_path = os.path.join(destination_prefix,"imported-" + theme_name,size_location) if theme_name != "Lubuntu": if theme_name != "icons": if theme_name != "hicolor": if theme_name != "share": icon_to_copy = Gio.File.new_for_path(path) destination = Gio.File.new_for_path(os.path.join(destination_path,file_name)) if os.path.exists(destination_path) == False: os.makedirs(destination_path) if os.path.exists(destination.get_path()) == False: if os.path.islink(destination.get_path()) == False: icon_to_copy.copy(destination, Gio.FileCopyFlags.NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS)