You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
845 lines
28 KiB
845 lines
28 KiB
# lubuntu-logo.script - boot splash plugin
# based on ubuntu-logo.script
# Copyright (C) 2009 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.
# Written by: Alberto Milone <>
# Based on the example provided with the "script plugin" written by:
# Charlie Brej <>
# Set the text colour in rgb
| = 255;
| = 255;
| = 255;
debugsprite = Sprite();
debugsprite_bottom = Sprite();
debugsprite_medium = Sprite();
fun ImageToText (text) {
image = Image.Text (text,,,;
return image;
fun Debug(text) {
debugsprite.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
fun DebugBottom(text) {
debugsprite_bottom.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
debugsprite_bottom.SetPosition(0, (Window.GetHeight (0) - 20), 1);
fun DebugMedium(text) {
debugsprite_medium.SetImage(ImageToText (text));
debugsprite_medium.SetPosition(0, (Window.GetHeight (0) - 60), 1);
Window.SetBackgroundTopColor (0, 0, 0); # Nice blue on top of the screen fading to
Window.SetBackgroundBottomColor (0, 0, 0); # an equally nice brown on the bottom
screen_width = Window.GetWidth ();
screen_height = Window.GetHeight ();
wallpaper_image = Image ("wall_blue_2560x1600.png");
resized_wallpaper_image = wallpaper_image.Scale (screen_width, screen_height);
wallpaper_sprite = Sprite (resized_wallpaper_image);
wallpaper_sprite.SetZ (-10000);
logo.image = Image ("lubuntu-logo.png");
logo.sprite = Sprite ();
logo.sprite.SetImage (logo.image);
logo.width = logo.image.GetWidth ();
logo.height = logo.image.GetHeight ();
logo.x = Window.GetWidth (0) / 2 - logo.width / 2;
logo.y = Window.GetHeight (0) / 2 - logo.height / 2;
logo.z = 1000;
logo.sprite.SetX (logo.x);
# label_area_y = logo_area_y + (*label_height * 2) + 60;
logo.sprite.SetY (logo.y);
logo.sprite.SetY (logo.z);
logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
# Spacing below the logo - in pixels
logo_spacing = 0;
message_notification.image = ImageToText ("");
status = "normal";
#-----------------------------------------Label utility functions---------------------
fun get_label_position (label, is_fake) {
# Debug("Get Label position");
screen_width = Window.GetWidth (0);
screen_height = Window.GetHeight (0);
if (is_fake) {
# Create a fake label so as to get the y coordinate of
# a standard-lenght label.
# This is useful when prompting without providing a
# message
local.message_image = ImageToText ("This is a fake message");
message_label.width = message_image.GetWidth ();
message_label.height = message_image.GetHeight ();
else {
local.message_image = ImageToText (label);
message_label.width = message_image.GetWidth ();
message_label.height = message_image.GetHeight ();
# Centre the label horizontally
message_label.x = (screen_width / 2) - (message_label.width / 2);
# Place the label below the logo
message_label.y = logo.y + logo.height + logo_spacing; # message_label.height / 2;
# message_debug = "msg_x = " + message_label.x + " msg_y = " + message_label.y +
# "msg_width = " + message_label.width + " msg_height = " +
# message_label.height + " message = " + label;
# Debug(message_debug);
return message_label;
#-----------------------------------------Display Password stuff -----------------------
fun password_dialogue_setup(message_label) {
# Debug("Password dialog setup");
local.is_fake = 0;
bullet_image = Image ("bullet.png");
box.image = Image ("box.png");
entry.image = Image ("entry.png");
lock.image = Image ("lock.png");
if (!message_label) is_fake = 1;
local.label = get_label_position(message_label, is_fake);
label.is_fake = is_fake;
# Make sure that the prompt label is placed below the message label
# NOTE: here we assume that all labels have the same height.
label.y += label.height;
# Set up the text message, if any
if (!is_fake) {
label.z = 10000;
label.image = ImageToText (message_label);
label.sprite = Sprite ();
label.sprite.SetImage (label.image);
label.sprite.SetX (label.x);
label.sprite.SetY (label.y);
label.sprite.SetZ (label.z);
# Set up the box area which contains the text entry and the lock icon
box.sprite = Sprite ();
box.sprite.SetImage (box.image);
# Centre the box horizontally
box.x = Window.GetWidth (0) / 2 - box.image.GetWidth () / 2;
# Put the box below the label. Leave the space for 2 labels.
box.y = label.y + label.height * 2;
box.z = 10000;
box.sprite.SetX (box.x);
box.sprite.SetY (box.y);
box.sprite.SetZ (box.z);
# Set up the lock icon
lock.sprite = Sprite ();
lock.sprite.SetImage (lock.image);
lock.x = (Window.GetWidth (0) / 2) - ((lock.image.GetWidth () + entry.image.GetWidth ()) / 2);
lock.y = box.y + (box.image.GetHeight () / 2) - (lock.image.GetHeight () / 2);
lock.z = box.z + 1;
lock.sprite.SetX (lock.x);
lock.sprite.SetY (lock.y);
lock.sprite.SetZ (lock.z);
# Set up the text entry
entry.sprite = Sprite ();
entry.sprite.SetImage (entry.image);
# FIXME: Maybe we should add some horizontal space between the icon and the entry?
entry.x = lock.x + lock.image.GetWidth ();
entry.y = box.y + (box.image.GetHeight () / 2) - (entry.image.GetHeight () / 2);
entry.z = lock.z;
entry.sprite.SetX (entry.x);
entry.sprite.SetY (entry.y);
entry.sprite.SetZ (entry.z);
global.password_dialogue = local;
fun password_dialogue_opacity (opacity) {
# Debug("Password dialog opacity");
global.password_dialogue.opacity = opacity;
local = global.password_dialogue;
# You can make the box translucent with a float
# box.sprite.SetOpacity (0.3);
box.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
lock.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
entry.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
if (!label.is_fake) label.sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
for (index = 0; bullet[index]; index++) {
bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity (opacity);
# The callback function is called when the display should display a password dialogue.
# First arg is prompt string, the second is the number of bullets.
fun display_password_callback (prompt, bullets) {
# Debug("Password dialog setup");
global.status = "password";
if (!global.password_dialogue) password_dialogue_setup(prompt);
password_dialogue_opacity (1);
for (index = 0; password_dialogue.bullet[index] || index < bullets; index++){
if (!password_dialogue.bullet[index]) {
password_dialogue.bullet[index].sprite = Sprite ();
password_dialogue.bullet[index].sprite.SetImage (password_dialogue.bullet_image);
password_dialogue.bullet[index].x = password_dialogue.entry.x +
index * password_dialogue.bullet_image.GetWidth ();
password_dialogue.bullet[index].sprite.SetX (password_dialogue.bullet[index].x);
password_dialogue.bullet[index].y = password_dialogue.entry.y +
password_dialogue.entry.image.GetHeight () / 2 -
password_dialogue.bullet_image.GetHeight () / 2;
password_dialogue.bullet[index].sprite.SetY (password_dialogue.bullet[index].y);
password_dialogue.bullet[index].z = password_dialogue.entry.z + 1;
password_dialogue.bullet[index].sprite.SetZ (password_dialogue.bullet[index].z);
password_dialogue.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity (0);
if (index < bullets) {
password_dialogue.bullet[index].sprite.SetOpacity (1);
Plymouth.SetDisplayPasswordFunction (display_password_callback);
#-----------------------------------------Message stuff --------------------------------
# Set up a message label
# NOTE: this is called when doing something like 'plymouth message "hello world"'
fun setup_message (message_text, x, y, z) {
# Debug("Message setup");
message_notification.image = ImageToText (message_text);
# Set up the text message, if any
message_notification.x = x;
message_notification.y = y;
message_notification.z = z;
message_notification.sprite = Sprite ();
message_notification.sprite.SetImage (message_notification.image);
message_notification.sprite.SetX (message_notification.x);
message_notification.sprite.SetY (message_notification.y);
message_notification.sprite.SetZ (message_notification.z);
fun show_message () {
if (global.message_notification.sprite) global.message_notification.sprite.SetOpacity(1);
fun hide_message () {
if (global.message_notification.sprite) global.message_notification.sprite.SetOpacity(0);
# the callback function is called when new message should be displayed.
# First arg is message to display.
fun message_callback (message)
# Debug("Message callback");
is_fake = 0;
if (!message || (message == "")) is_fake = 1;
local.label.is_fake = is_fake;
label = get_label_position(message, is_fake);
label.z = 10000;
setup_message (message, label.x, label.y, label.z);
show_message ();
Plymouth.SetMessageFunction (message_callback);
# Plymouth.SetBootProgressFunction: the callback function is called with two numbers, the progress (between 0 and 1) and the time spent booting so far
# Plymouth.SetRootMountedFunction: the callback function is called when a new root is mounted
# Plymouth.SetKeyboardInputFunction: the callback function is called with a string containing a new character entered on the keyboard
#----------------------------------------- FSCK Queue ----------------------------------
# Initialise the fsck queue
fun init_queue () {
global.fsck_queue.counter = 0;
global.fsck_queue.biggest_item = 0;
fun clear_queue () {
global.fsck_queue = NULL;
init_queue ();
# Return either the device index in the queue or -1
fun queue_look_up_by_device (device) {
for (i=0; i <= fsck_queue.biggest_item; i++) {
if ((fsck_queue[i]) && (fsck_queue[i].device == device))
return i;
return -1;
# Keep track of an fsck process in the queue
fun add_fsck_to_queue (device, progress) {
# Look for an empty slot in the queue
for (i=0; global.fsck_queue[i].device; i++) {
local.index = i;
# Set device and progress
global.fsck_queue[local.index].device = device;
global.fsck_queue[local.index].progress = progress;
# Increase the queue counter
# Update the max index of the array for iterations
if (local.index > global.fsck_queue.biggest_item)
global.fsck_queue.biggest_item = local.index;
# DebugMedium ("Adding " + device + " at " + local.index);
# This should cover the case in which the fsck checks in
# the queue are completed before the ones showed in the
# progress bars
fun on_queued_fsck_completed () {
if (!is_queue_empty ())
# Hide the extra label, if any
if (progress_bar.extra_label.sprite)
fun remove_fsck_from_queue (index) {
# Free memory which was previously allocated for
# device and progress
global.fsck_queue[index].device = NULL;
global.fsck_queue[index].progress = NULL;
# Decrease the queue counter
# See if there are other processes in the queue
# if not, clear the extra_label
on_queued_fsck_completed ();
fun is_queue_empty () {
return (fsck_queue.counter == 0);
fun on_fsck_completed () {
if (!are_bars_empty ())
if (!is_queue_empty ())
# Hide all progress bars
for (index=0; index < progress_bar.max_number; index++) {
set_bar_opacity (index, 0);
# Make sure that the bar counter is 0
progress_bar.counter = 0;
# Hide the extra label, if any
if (progress_bar.extra_label.sprite)
# Clear the queue
clear_queue ();
# Update an fsck process that we keep track of in the queue
fun update_progress_in_queue (index, device, progress) {
# If the fsck is complete, remove it from the queue
if (progress >= 100) {
remove_fsck_from_queue (index);
on_queued_fsck_completed ();
global.fsck_queue[index].device = device;
global.fsck_queue[index].progress = progress;
# Create an empty queue
init_queue ();
#----------------------------------------- Progress Bar --------------------------------
progress_box.image = Image ("progress_box.png");
#progress_box.height = progress_box.image.GetHeight ();
progress_bar.original_image = Image ("progress_bar.png");
#progress_bar.original_height = progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight ();
progress_bar.counter = 0;
progress_bar.global_counter = 0;
progress_bar.max_number = 3;
# Prepare empty progress bars
for (i=0; i < progress_bar.max_number ; i++) {
progress_bar[i].is_available = 1;
progress_bar[i].progress = 0;
# See if all progress bars are empty
fun are_bars_empty () {
for (i=0; i < progress_bar.max_number ; i++) {
if (progress_bar[i].is_available == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
# Change the opacity level of a progress bar and of its label
# opacity = 1 -> show
# opacity = 0 -> hide
# opacity = 0.3 (or any other float) -> translucent
fun set_bar_opacity (index, opacity) {
# the label
if (!progress_bar[index].label.is_fake)
# the bar
# the box
# Make the slot available again when hiding the bar
# So that another bar can take its place
if (opacity == 0) {
progress_bar[index].is_available = 1;
progress_bar[index].device = "";
# Set up a new Progress Bar
# TODO: Make it possible to reuse (rather than recreate) a bar
# if .is_available = 1. Ideally this would just reset the
# label, the associated
# device and the image size of the sprite.
fun setup_progress_bar (message, index, device) {
# Make the slot unavailable
progress_bar[index].is_available = 0;
# Fill the slot
progress_bar[index].device = device;
progress_bar[index].image = progress_bar.original_image;
progress_bar[index].sprite = Sprite();
is_fake = 0;
if (!message || (message == "")) is_fake = 1;
local.label.is_fake = is_fake;
label = get_label_position(message, is_fake);
label.z = 10000;
if (index > 0) {
# Put the label of the "nth" bar below the bar of the "nth - 1" bar
label.y = progress_bar[index - 1].y + progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight() + progress_bar[index - 1].label.height;
else {
# index == 0
# Leave some space so that a message can be shown above the label
# For example if we wanted to show "Press Q to stop the disk checks"
label.y = label.y + label.height + label.height / 2; # Maybe we should add more space
# Set up the bar
progress_bar[index].x = Window.GetWidth (0) / 2 - progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () / 2;
progress_bar[index].y = label.y + label.height + label.height / 3;
progress_bar[index].sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar[index].x, progress_bar[index].y, 1);
# Set up the message label, if any
progress_bar[index].label = label;
if (!progress_bar[index].label.is_fake) {
local.label_image = ImageToText (message);
progress_bar[index].label.sprite = Sprite ();
progress_bar[index].label.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar[index].label.x, progress_bar[index].label.y, 1);
# Set up the Box which contains the bar
progress_bar[index].box.sprite = Sprite(progress_box.image);
progress_bar[index].x = Window.GetWidth (0) / 2 - progress_box.image.GetWidth () / 2;
progress_bar[index].y = progress_bar[index].y + (progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight () / 2) - (progress_box.image.GetHeight () / 2) ;
progress_bar[index].box.sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar[index].x, progress_bar[index].y, 0);
# Get the index of the progress bar which keeps track of the fsck
# of "device"
fun get_progress_bar_index_from_device (device) {
local.device_index = -1;
for (index=0; index < progress_bar.max_number; index++) {
if (progress_bar[index].device == device) {
local.device_index = index;
return device_index;
# See if a progress bar slot is available and return its index
fun get_available_progress_bar_index () {
local.available_index = -1;
for (index=0; index < progress_bar.max_number; index++) {
if (progress_bar[index].is_available) {
local.available_index = index;
return local.available_index;
# Update the Progress bar which corresponds to index
fun update_progress_bar_by_index (index, progress) {
progress_bar[index].progress = progress;
# Debug(progress);
# If progress >= 100% hide the bar and make it available again
if (progress >= 100) {
set_bar_opacity (index, 0);
# See if we any other fsck check is complete
# and, if so, hide the progress bars and the labels
on_fsck_completed ();
return 0;
# progress_new = progress + 1;
# multiplied = progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () * progress;
# cur_bar_width = progress_bar[index].image.GetWidth ();
# my_string = "progress+1 = " + progress_new + " original * progress = " + multiplied + " current bar width = " + cur_bar_width;
# Debug(my_string);
if (progress_bar[index].image.GetWidth () != Math.Int (progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth () / 100 * progress)) {
progress_bar[index].image = progress_bar.original_image.Scale(progress_bar.original_image.GetWidth(progress_bar.original_image)
/ 100 * progress, progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight());
progress_bar[index].sprite.SetImage (progress_bar[index].image);
progress_bar[index].sprite.SetPosition(progress_bar[index].x, progress_bar[index].y, 1000);
#-----------------------------------------Fsck stuff -----------------------------
# Create a label which tells users that other fsck checks are running in the
# background
# NOTE: the bar is hidden by default. You can make it visible with SetOpacity(1)
fun create_extra_fsck_label () {
message = "Further disk checks are taking place in the background. Please wait...";
progress_bar.extra_label = get_label_position(message, 0);
# Put the label of below the last bar
progress_bar.extra_label.y = progress_bar[progress_bar.max_number - 1].y +
progress_bar.original_image.GetHeight() +
progress_bar[progress_bar.max_number - 1].label.height;
progress_bar.extra_label.z = 10000;
# Set up the message label
progress_bar.extra_label_image = ImageToText (message);
progress_bar.extra_label.sprite = Sprite ();
# Keep the bar hidden by default
# Either add a new bar for fsck checks or update an existing bar
# NOTE: no more than "progress_bar.max_number" bars are allowed
fun fsck_check (device, progress) {
# See if we already have a bar for the device check
local.device_index = get_progress_bar_index_from_device (device);
if (device_index >= 0) {
# Debug("Update the progress of the existing bar");
# Update the progress of the existing bar
update_progress_bar_by_index (device_index, progress);
else {
# See if there's already a slot in the queue for the device
local.queue_device_index = queue_look_up_by_device(device);
# See if there is an available slot
# NOTE: we don't allow more than "progress_bar.max_number" bars
if (progress_bar.counter < progress_bar.max_number) {
# Get the index for the 1st available slot
local.available_index = get_available_progress_bar_index ();
# local.my_string = "available index " + local.available_index + " progress_bar counter is " + progress_bar.counter;
# Debug(local.my_string);
if (local.available_index >= 0) {
# If the fsck check for the device was in the queue, then
# remove it from the queue
if (local.queue_device_index >= 0)
remove_fsck_from_queue (index);
# Set up a new label for the check
local.message = "Routine check of drive " + device;
# local.my_string += local.message;
# Debug(local.my_string);
# Set up a new bar for the check
setup_progress_bar (message, local.available_index, device);
update_progress_bar_by_index (local.available_index, progress);
# If there's no available progress bar slot
else {
# If the fsck check for the device is already in the queue
# just update its progress in the queue
if (local.queue_device_index >= 0) {
# DebugMedium("Updating queue at " + local.queue_device_index + " for device " + device);
update_progress_in_queue (local.queue_device_index, device, progress);
# Otherwise add the check to the queue
else {
# DebugMedium("Adding device " + device + " to queue at " + local.queue_device_index);
add_fsck_to_queue (device, progress);
if (!is_queue_empty ()) {
# DebugBottom("Extra label for "+ device);
# Create a label which tells users that other fsck checks are running in the
# background
create_extra_fsck_label ();
# Make the label visible
# else {
# DebugBottom("No extra label for " + device + ". 1st Device in the queue "+ fsck_queue[0].device + " counter = " + global.fsck_queue.counter);
# }
# A temporary replacement for atoi()
# it makes sense to use it only for
# numbers up to 100
fun string_to_integer (str) {
int = -1;
for (i=0; i<=100; i++) {
if (i+"" == str) {
int = i;
return int;
#-----------------------------------------Update Status stuff --------------------------
# The update_status_callback is what we can use to pass plymouth whatever we want so
# as to make use of features which are available only in this program (as opposed to
# being available for any theme for the script plugin).
# Example:
# Thanks to the current implementation, some scripts can call "plymouth --update=fsck:sda1:40"
# and this program will know that 1) we're performing and fsck check, 2) we're checking sda1,
# 3) the program should set the bar progress to 40%
# Other features can be easily added by parsing the string that we pass plymouth with "--update"
fun update_status_callback (status) {
# Debug(status);
if (!status) return;
string_it = 0;
update_strings[string_it] = "";
for (i=0; (String(status).CharAt(i) != ""); i++) {
local.temp_char = String(status).CharAt(i);
if (temp_char != ":")
update_strings[string_it] += temp_char;
update_strings[++string_it] = "";
# my_string = update_strings[0] + " " + update_strings[1] + " " + update_strings[2];
# Debug(my_string);
# Let's assume that we're dealing with these strings fsck:sda1:40
if ((string_it == 2) && (update_strings[0] == "fsck")) {
device = update_strings[1];
progress = update_strings[2];
if ((device != "") && (progress != "")) {
progress = string_to_integer (progress);
# Make sure that the fsck_queue is initialised
if (!global.fsck_queue)
init_queue ();
if (!global.progress_bar.extra_label.sprite)
create_extra_fsck_label ();
# Keep track of the fsck check
fsck_check (device, progress);
Plymouth.SetUpdateStatusFunction (update_status_callback);
#-----------------------------------------Display Question stuff -----------------------
# TODO: Implement this if needed
# The callback function is called when the display should display a question dialogue.
# First arg is prompt string, the second is the entry contents.
#fun display_question_callback (prompt_string, entry_contents)
# time++;
#Plymouth.SetDisplayQuestionFunction (display_question_callback);
#-----------------------------------------Refresh stuff --------------------------------
# Calling Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction with a function will set that function to be
# called up to 50 times every second, e.g.
# NOTE: if a refresh function is not set, Plymouth doesn't seem to be able to update
# the screen correctly
fun refresh_callback ()
logo.sprite.SetX (logo.x);
logo.sprite.SetY (logo.y);
logo.sprite.SetZ (logo.z);
logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);
Plymouth.SetRefreshFunction (refresh_callback);
#-----------------------------------------Display Normal stuff -----------------------
# The callback function is called when the display should return to normal
fun display_normal_callback ()
global.status = "normal";
if (global.password_dialogue) password_dialogue_opacity (0);
if (message_notification.sprite) hide_message ();
Plymouth.SetDisplayNormalFunction (display_normal_callback);
#----------------------------------------- Quit --------------------------------
fun quit_callback ()
logo.sprite.SetOpacity (1);