mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 22:01:07 +00:00
Merge branch 'p-u'
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,12 +186,13 @@ import sys
import string
import time
import optparse
import operator
import urllib
import apt_pkg
from excuse import Excuse
from migrationitem import MigrationItem, HintItem
from hints import HintCollection
from britney import buildSystem
__author__ = 'Fabio Tranchitella and the Debian Release Team'
@ -242,6 +243,7 @@ class Britney:
# parse the command line arguments
# initialize the apt_pkg back-end
@ -769,7 +771,7 @@ class Britney:
The method returns a dictionary where the key is the command, and
the value is the list of affected packages.
hints = dict([(k,[]) for k in self.HINTS_ALL])
hints = HintCollection()
for who in self.HINTS.keys():
if who == 'command-line':
@ -789,35 +791,40 @@ class Britney:
elif l[0] not in self.HINTS[who]:
elif l[0] in ["easy", "hint", "force-hint"]:
hints[l[0]].append((who, [k.rsplit("/", 1) for k in l if "/" in k]))
elif l[0] in ["block-all"]:
hints[l[0]].extend([(y, who) for y in l[1:]])
elif l[0] in ["block", "block-udeb"]:
hints[l[0]].extend([(y, who) for y in l[1:]])
elif l[0] in ["age-days"] and len(l) >= 3 and l[1].isdigit():
days = l[1]
tmp = [tuple([who] + k.rsplit("/", 1)) for k in l[2:] if "/" in k]
hints[l[0]].extend([(p, (v, h, days)) for h, p, v in tmp])
elif l[0] in ["remove", "approve", "unblock", "unblock-udeb", "force", "urgent"]:
hints[l[0]].extend([(k.rsplit("/", 1)[0], (k.rsplit("/", 1)[1], who)) for k in l if "/" in k])
elif l[0] in ["approve", "block", "block-all", "block-udeb", "unblock", "unblock-udeb", "force", "urgent", "remove"]:
for package in l[1:]:
hints.add_hint('%s %s' % (l[0], package), who)
elif l[0] in ["age-days"]:
for package in l[2:]:
hints.add_hint('%s %s %s' % (l[0], l[1], package), who)
hints.add_hint(l, who)
for x in ["approve", "block", "block-all", "block-udeb", "unblock", "unblock-udeb", "force", "urgent", "remove", "age-days"]:
z = {}
for a, b in hints[x]:
if z.has_key(a) and z[a] != b:
for hint in hints[x]:
package = hint.package
key = (hint, hint.user)
if z.has_key(package) and z[package] != key:
hint2 = z[package][0]
if x in ['unblock', 'unblock-udeb']:
if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(z[a][0], b[0]) < 0:
if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(hint2.version, hint.version) < 0:
# This hint is for a newer version, so discard the old one
self.__log("Overriding %s[%s] = %s with %s" % (x, a, z[a], b), type="W")
self.__log("Overriding %s[%s] = ('%s', '%s') with ('%s', '%s')" %
(x, package, hint2.version, hint2.user, hint.version, hint.user), type="W")
# This hint is for an older version, so ignore it in favour of the new one
self.__log("Ignoring %s[%s] = %s, %s is higher or equal" % (x, a, b, z[a]), type="W")
self.__log("Ignoring %s[%s] = ('%s', '%s'), ('%s', '%s') is higher or equal" %
(x, package, hint.version, hint.user, hint2.version, hint2.user), type="W")
self.__log("Overriding %s[%s] = %s with %s" % (x, a, z[a], b), type="W")
z[a] = b
hints[x] = z
self.__log("Overriding %s[%s] = ('%s', '%s', '%s') with ('%s', '%s', '%s')" %
(x, package, hint2.version, hint2.user, hint2.days,
hint.version, hint.user, hint.days), type="W")
z[package] = key
# Sanity check the hints hash
if len(hints["block"]) == 0 and len(hints["block-udeb"]) == 0:
@ -825,7 +832,9 @@ class Britney:
# A (t-)p-u approval overrides an unstable block
for p in hints["approve"]:
hints["unblock"][p] = hints["approve"][p]
for o in hints.search('unblock', package=p.package):
hints.add_hint('unblock %s/%s' % (p.package, p.version), p.user)
return hints
@ -1078,9 +1087,9 @@ class Britney:
src[SECTION] and excuse.set_section(src[SECTION].strip())
# if the package is blocked, skip it
if self.hints['block'].has_key('-' + pkg):
for hint in self.hints.search('block', package=pkg, removal=True):
excuse.addhtml("Not touching package, as requested by %s (contact debian-release "
"if update is needed)" % self.hints['block']['-' + pkg])
"if update is needed)" % hint.user)
excuse.addhtml("Not considered")
return False
@ -1115,9 +1124,8 @@ class Britney:
# if there is a `remove' hint and the requested version is the same as the
# version in testing, then stop here and return False
if src in self.hints["remove"] and \
self.same_source(source_t[VERSION], self.hints["remove"][src][0]):
excuse.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (self.hints["remove"][src][1]))
for hint in [ x for x in self.hints.search('remove', package=src) if self.same_source(source_t[VERSION], x.version) ]:
excuse.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (hint.user))
excuse.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
excuse.addhtml("Not considered")
@ -1254,38 +1262,37 @@ class Britney:
# if there is a `remove' hint and the requested version is the same as the
# version in testing, then stop here and return False
if src in self.hints["remove"]:
if source_t and self.same_source(source_t[VERSION], self.hints['remove'][src][0]) or \
self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], self.hints['remove'][src][0]):
excuse.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (self.hints["remove"][src][1]))
for item in self.hints.search('remove', package=src):
if source_t and self.same_source(source_t[VERSION], item.version) or \
self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], item.version):
excuse.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (item.user))
excuse.addhtml("Trying to remove package, not update it")
update_candidate = False
# check if there is a `block' or `block-udeb' hint for this package, or a `block-all source' hint
blocked = {}
if src in self.hints["block"]:
blocked["block"] = self.hints["block"][src]
elif 'source' in self.hints["block-all"]:
blocked["block"] = self.hints["block-all"]["source"]
if src in self.hints["block-udeb"]:
blocked["block-udeb"] = self.hints["block-udeb"][src]
for hint in self.hints.search(package=src):
if hint.type == 'block' or (hint.type == 'block-all' and hint.package == 'source' and hint not in blocked['block']):
blocked['block'] = hint
if hint.type == 'block-udeb':
blocked['block-udeb'] = hint
# if the source is blocked, then look for an `unblock' hint; the unblock request
# is processed only if the specified version is correct. If a package is blocked
# by `block-udeb', then `unblock-udeb' must be present to cancel it.
for block_cmd in blocked:
unblock_cmd = "un" + block_cmd
unblock = self.hints[unblock_cmd].get(src,(None,None))
if unblock[0] != None and self.same_source(unblock[0], source_u[VERSION]):
unblocks = self.hints.search(unblock_cmd, package=src)
if unblocks and self.same_source(unblocks[0].version, source_u[VERSION]):
excuse.addhtml("Ignoring %s request by %s, due to %s request by %s" %
(block_cmd, blocked[block_cmd], unblock_cmd, self.hints[unblock_cmd][src][1]))
(block_cmd, blocked[block_cmd].user, unblock_cmd, unblocks[0].user))
if unblock[0] != None:
if unblocks:
excuse.addhtml("%s request by %s ignored due to version mismatch: %s" %
(unblock_cmd.capitalize(), self.hints[unblock_cmd][src][1], self.hints[unblock_cmd][src][0]))
(unblock_cmd.capitalize(), unblocks[0].user, unblocks[0].version))
excuse.addhtml("Not touching package due to %s request by %s (contact debian-release if update is needed)" %
(block_cmd, blocked[block_cmd]))
(block_cmd, blocked[block_cmd].user))
update_candidate = False
# if the suite is unstable, then we have to check the urgency and the minimum days of
@ -1301,17 +1308,18 @@ class Britney:
days_old = self.date_now - self.dates[src][1]
min_days = self.MINDAYS[urgency]
age_days_hint = self.hints["age-days"].get(src)
if age_days_hint is not None and (age_days_hint[0] == "-" or \
self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], age_days_hint[0])):
for age_days_hint in [ x for x in self.hints.search('age-days', package=src) if \
self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], x.version) ]:
excuse.addhtml("Overriding age needed from %d days to %d by %s" % (min_days,
int(self.hints["age-days"][src][2]), self.hints["age-days"][src][1]))
min_days = int(self.hints["age-days"][src][2])
int(age_days_hint.days), age_days_hint.user))
min_days = int(age_days_hint.days)
excuse.setdaysold(days_old, min_days)
if days_old < min_days:
if src in self.hints["urgent"] and self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], self.hints["urgent"][src][0]):
excuse.addhtml("Too young, but urgency pushed by %s" % (self.hints["urgent"][src][1]))
urgent_hints = [ x for x in self.hints.search('urgent', package=src) if \
self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], x.version) ]
if urgent_hints:
excuse.addhtml("Too young, but urgency pushed by %s" % (urgent_hints[0].user))
update_candidate = False
@ -1432,18 +1440,18 @@ class Britney:
"though it fixes more than it introduces, whine at debian-release)" % pkg)
# check if there is a `force' hint for this package, which allows it to go in even if it is not updateable
if src in self.hints["force"] and self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], self.hints["force"][src][0]):
forces = [ x for x in self.hints.search('force', package=src) if self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], x.version) ]
if forces:
excuse.dontinvalidate = 1
if not update_candidate and src in self.hints["force"] and \
self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], self.hints["force"][src][0]):
excuse.addhtml("Should ignore, but forced by %s" % (self.hints["force"][src][1]))
if not update_candidate and forces:
excuse.addhtml("Should ignore, but forced by %s" % (forces[0].user))
update_candidate = True
# if the suite is *-proposed-updates, the package needs an explicit approval in order to go in
if suite in ['tpu', 'pu']:
if src in self.hints["approve"] and \
self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], self.hints["approve"][src][0]):
excuse.addhtml("Approved by %s" % self.hints["approve"][src][1])
approves = [ x for x in self.hints.search('approve', package=src) if self.same_source(source_u[VERSION], x.version) ]
if approves:
excuse.addhtml("Approved by %s" % approves[0].user)
excuse.addhtml("NEEDS APPROVAL BY RM")
update_candidate = False
@ -1568,20 +1576,21 @@ class Britney:
upgrade_me.append("%s_%s" % (pkg, suite))
# process the `remove' hints, if the given package is not yet in upgrade_me
for src in self.hints["remove"].keys():
for item in self.hints['remove']:
src = item.package
if src in upgrade_me: continue
if ("-"+src) in upgrade_me: continue
if src not in sources['testing']: continue
# check if the version specified in the hint is the same as the considered package
tsrcv = sources['testing'][src][VERSION]
if not self.same_source(tsrcv, self.hints["remove"][src][0]): continue
if not self.same_source(tsrcv, item.version): continue
# add the removal of the package to upgrade_me and build a new excuse
upgrade_me.append("-%s" % (src))
excuse = Excuse("-%s" % (src))
excuse.set_vers(tsrcv, None)
excuse.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (self.hints["remove"][src][1]))
excuse.addhtml("Removal request by %s" % (item.user))
excuse.addhtml("Package is broken, will try to remove")
@ -1626,7 +1635,7 @@ class Britney:
self.invalidate_excuses(upgrade_me, unconsidered)
# sort the list of candidates
self.upgrade_me = sorted(upgrade_me)
self.upgrade_me = sorted([ MigrationItem(x) for x in upgrade_me ])
# write excuses to the output file
if not self.options.dry_run:
@ -1764,13 +1773,13 @@ class Britney:
return diff <= 0
def doop_source(self, pkg, hint_undo=[]):
def doop_source(self, item, hint_undo=[]):
"""Apply a change to the testing distribution as requested by `pkg`
An optional list of undo actions related to packages processed earlier
in a hint may be passed in `hint_undo`.
This method applies the changes required by the action `pkg` tracking
This method applies the changes required by the action `item` tracking
them so it will be possible to revert them.
The method returns a list of the package name, the suite where the
@ -1780,41 +1789,14 @@ class Britney:
undo = {'binaries': {}, 'sources': {}, 'virtual': {}, 'nvirtual': []}
affected = []
arch = None
# local copies for better performances
sources = self.sources
binaries = self.binaries['testing']
# removal of single-arch binary package = "-<package>/<arch>"
# only used for cleaning up after smooth-updates
if pkg[0] == "-" and "/" in pkg:
pkg_name, arch = pkg.split("/")
pkg_name = pkg_name[1:]
suite = "testing"
# arch = "<source>/<arch>",
elif "/" in pkg:
pkg_name, arch = pkg.split("/")
if arch.endswith("_tpu") or arch.endswith("_pu"):
arch, suite = arch.split("_")
else: suite = "unstable"
# removal of source packages = "-<source>",
elif pkg[0] == "-":
pkg_name = pkg[1:]
suite = "testing"
# testing-proposed-updates = "<source>_tpu"
# proposed-updates = "<source>_pu"
elif pkg.endswith("_tpu") or pkg.endswith("_pu"):
pkg_name, suite = pkg.rsplit("_")
# normal update of source packages = "<source>"
pkg_name = pkg
suite = "unstable"
# remove all binary packages (if the source already exists)
if not (arch and pkg[0] == '-'):
if pkg_name in sources['testing']:
source = sources['testing'][pkg_name]
if item.architecture == 'source' or not item.is_removal:
if item.package in sources['testing']:
source = sources['testing'][item.package]
bins = []
check = []
@ -1825,16 +1807,16 @@ class Britney:
# first, build a list of eligible binaries
for p in source[BINARIES]:
binary, parch = p.split("/")
if arch and parch != arch: continue
if item.architecture != 'source' and parch != item.architecture: continue
# do not remove binaries which have been hijacked by other sources
if binaries[parch][0][binary][SOURCE] != pkg_name: continue
if binaries[parch][0][binary][SOURCE] != item.package: continue
for p in bins:
binary, parch = p.split("/")
# if a smooth update is possible for the package, skip it
if not self.options.compatible and suite == 'unstable' and \
binary not in self.binaries[suite][parch][0] and \
if not self.options.compatible and item.suite == 'unstable' and \
binary not in self.binaries[item.suite][parch][0] and \
('ALL' in self.options.smooth_updates or \
binaries[parch][0][binary][SECTION] in self.options.smooth_updates):
@ -1881,29 +1863,29 @@ class Britney:
del binaries[parch][0][binary]
# remove the source package
if not arch:
undo['sources'][pkg_name] = source
del sources['testing'][pkg_name]
if item.architecture == 'source':
undo['sources'][item.package] = source
del sources['testing'][item.package]
# the package didn't exist, so we mark it as to-be-removed in case of undo
undo['sources']['-' + pkg_name] = True
undo['sources']['-' + item.package] = True
# single binary removal; used for clearing up after smooth
# updates but not supported as a manual hint
elif pkg_name in binaries[arch][0]:
undo['binaries'][pkg_name + "/" + arch] = binaries[arch][0][pkg_name]
affected.extend( [ (x, arch) for x in \
self.get_reverse_tree(pkg_name, arch, 'testing') ] )
elif item.package in binaries[item.architecture][0]:
undo['binaries'][item.package + "/" + item.architecture] = binaries[item.architecture][0][item.package]
affected.extend( [ (x, item.architecture) for x in \
self.get_reverse_tree(item.package, item.architecture, 'testing') ] )
affected = list(set(affected))
del binaries[arch][0][pkg_name]
del binaries[item.architecture][0][item.package]
# add the new binary packages (if we are not removing)
if pkg[0] != "-":
source = sources[suite][pkg_name]
if not item.is_removal:
source = sources[item.suite][item.package]
for p in source[BINARIES]:
binary, parch = p.split("/")
if arch and parch != arch: continue
if item.architecture not in ['source', parch]: continue
key = (binary, parch)
# obviously, added/modified packages are affected
if key not in affected: affected.append(key)
@ -1931,7 +1913,7 @@ class Britney:
# ignored as their reverse trees are already handled
# by this function
# XXX: and the reverse conflict tree?
for (tundo, tpkg, tpkg_name, tsuite) in hint_undo:
for (tundo, tpkg) in hint_undo:
if p in tundo['binaries']:
for rdep in tundo['binaries'][p][RDEPENDS]:
if rdep in binaries[parch][0] and rdep not in source[BINARIES]:
@ -1940,7 +1922,7 @@ class Britney:
self.get_reverse_tree(rdep, parch, 'testing') ] )
affected = list(set(affected))
# add/update the binary package
binaries[parch][0][binary] = self.binaries[suite][parch][0][binary]
binaries[parch][0][binary] = self.binaries[item.suite][parch][0][binary]
self.systems[parch].add_binary(binary, binaries[parch][0][binary][:PROVIDES] + \
[", ".join(binaries[parch][0][binary][PROVIDES]) or None])
# register new provided packages
@ -1960,15 +1942,15 @@ class Britney:
# register reverse dependencies and conflicts for the new binary packages
for p in source[BINARIES]:
binary, parch = p.split("/")
if arch and parch != arch: continue
if item.architecture not in ['source', parch]: continue
self.register_reverses(binary, binaries[parch][0] , binaries[parch][1])
# add/update the source package
if not arch:
sources['testing'][pkg_name] = sources[suite][pkg_name]
if item.architecture == 'source':
sources['testing'][item.package] = sources[item.suite][item.package]
# return the package name, the suite, the list of affected packages and the undo dictionary
return (pkg_name, suite, affected, undo)
return (item, affected, undo)
def get_reverse_tree(self, pkg, arch, suite):
packages = []
@ -2045,9 +2027,9 @@ class Britney:
# pre-process a hint batch
pre_process = {}
if selected and hint:
for pkg in selected:
pkg_name, suite, affected, undo = self.doop_source(pkg)
pre_process[pkg] = (pkg_name, suite, affected, undo)
for package in selected:
pkg, affected, undo = self.doop_source(package)
pre_process[package] = (pkg, affected, undo)
lundo = []
if not hint:
@ -2083,14 +2065,14 @@ class Britney:
# apply the changes
if pkg in pre_process:
pkg_name, suite, affected, undo = pre_process[pkg]
item, affected, undo = pre_process[pkg]
pkg_name, suite, affected, undo = self.doop_source(pkg, lundo)
item, affected, undo = self.doop_source(pkg, lundo)
if hint:
lundo.append((undo, pkg, pkg_name, suite))
lundo.append((undo, item))
# check the affected packages on all the architectures
for arch in ("/" in pkg and (pkg.split("/")[1].split("_")[0],) or architectures):
for arch in (item.architecture == 'source' and architectures or (item.architecture,)):
if arch not in nobreakall_arches:
skip_archall = True
else: skip_archall = False
@ -2159,17 +2141,17 @@ class Britney:
# if the uninstallability counter is worse than before, break the loop
if (("/" in pkg and arch not in new_arches) or \
if ((item.architecture != 'source' and arch not in new_arches) or \
(arch not in break_arches)) and len(nuninst[arch]) > len(nuninst_comp[arch]):
better = False
# if we are processing hints or the package is already accepted, go ahead
if hint or pkg in selected: continue
if hint or item in selected: continue
# check if the action improved the uninstallability counters
if better:
lundo.append((undo, pkg, pkg_name, suite))
lundo.append((undo, item))
extra = []
@ -2178,14 +2160,14 @@ class Britney:
self.output_write(" pre: %s\n" % (self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_comp)))
self.output_write(" now: %s\n" % (self.eval_nuninst(nuninst, nuninst_comp)))
if len(selected) <= 20:
self.output_write(" all: %s\n" % (" ".join(selected)))
self.output_write(" all: %s\n" % (" ".join([ str(x) for x in selected ])))
self.output_write(" most: (%d) .. %s\n" % (len(selected), " ".join(selected[-20:])))
self.output_write(" most: (%d) .. %s\n" % (len(selected), " ".join([str(x) for x in selected][-20:])))
for k in nuninst:
nuninst_comp[k] = nuninst[k]
self.output_write("skipped: %s (%d <- %d)\n" % (pkg, len(extra), len(packages)))
self.output_write(" got: %s\n" % (self.eval_nuninst(nuninst, "/" in pkg and nuninst_comp or None)))
self.output_write(" got: %s\n" % (self.eval_nuninst(nuninst, pkg.architecture != 'source' and nuninst_comp or None)))
self.output_write(" * %s: %s\n" % (arch, ", ".join(sorted([b for b in nuninst[arch] if b not in nuninst_comp[arch]]))))
@ -2199,10 +2181,10 @@ class Britney:
else: sources['testing'][k] = undo['sources'][k]
# undo the changes (new binaries)
if pkg[0] != '-' and pkg_name in sources[suite]:
for p in sources[suite][pkg_name][BINARIES]:
if not item.is_removal and item.package in sources[item.suite]:
for p in sources[item.suite][item.package][BINARIES]:
binary, arch = p.split("/")
if '/' not in pkg or pkg.endswith("/%s" % (arch)) or pkg.endswith("/%s_tpu" % (arch)) or pkg.endswith("/%s_pu" % (arch)):
if item.architecture in ['source', arch]:
del binaries[arch][0][binary]
@ -2232,7 +2214,7 @@ class Britney:
if hint:
return (nuninst_comp, [], lundo)
self.output_write(" finish: [%s]\n" % ",".join(selected))
self.output_write(" finish: [%s]\n" % ",".join([ str(x) for x in selected ]))
self.output_write("endloop: %s\n" % (self.eval_nuninst(self.nuninst_orig)))
self.output_write(" now: %s\n" % (self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_comp)))
self.output_write(self.eval_uninst(self.newlyuninst(self.nuninst_orig, nuninst_comp)))
@ -2265,10 +2247,10 @@ class Britney:
# if we have a list of initial packages, check them
if init:
self.output_write("leading: %s\n" % (",".join(init)))
self.output_write("leading: %s\n" % (",".join([ str(x) for x in init ])))
for x in init:
if x not in upgrade_me:
self.output_write("failed: %s\n" % (x))
self.output_write("failed: %s\n" % (x.uvname))
return None
@ -2303,7 +2285,7 @@ class Britney:
if nuninst_end:
if not force and not earlyabort:
self.output_write("Apparently successful\n")
self.output_write("final: %s\n" % ",".join(sorted(selected)))
self.output_write("final: %s\n" % ",".join(sorted([ str(x) for x in selected ])))
self.output_write("start: %s\n" % self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_start))
if not force:
self.output_write(" orig: %s\n" % self.eval_nuninst(self.nuninst_orig))
@ -2327,23 +2309,23 @@ class Britney:
if not undo: return
# undo all the changes
for (undo, pkg, pkg_name, suite) in lundo:
for (undo, item) in lundo:
# undo the changes (source)
for k in undo['sources'].keys():
if k[0] == '-':
del self.sources['testing'][k[1:]]
else: self.sources['testing'][k] = undo['sources'][k]
for (undo, pkg, pkg_name, suite) in lundo:
for (undo, item) in lundo:
# undo the changes (new binaries)
if pkg[0] != '-' and pkg_name in self.sources[suite]:
for p in self.sources[suite][pkg_name][BINARIES]:
if not item.is_removal and item.package in self.sources[item.suite]:
for p in self.sources[item.suite][item.package][BINARIES]:
binary, arch = p.split("/")
if '/' not in pkg or pkg.endswith("/%s" % (arch)) or pkg.endswith("/%s_tpu" % (arch)) or pkg.endswith("/%s_pu" % (arch)):
if item.architecture in ['source', arch]:
del self.binaries['testing'][arch][0][binary]
for (undo, pkg, pkg_name, suite) in lundo:
for (undo, item) in lundo:
# undo the changes (binaries)
for p in undo['binaries'].keys():
binary, arch = p.split("/")
@ -2357,7 +2339,7 @@ class Britney:
self.systems[arch].add_binary(binary, binaries[binary][:PROVIDES] + \
[", ".join(binaries[binary][PROVIDES]) or None])
for (undo, pkg, pkg_name, suite) in lundo:
for (undo, item) in lundo:
# undo the changes (virtual packages)
for p in undo['nvirtual']:
j, arch = p.split("/")
@ -2388,11 +2370,11 @@ class Britney:
if not self.options.actions:
# process `easy' hints
for x in self.hints['easy']:
self.do_hint("easy", x[0], x[1])
self.do_hint("easy", x.user, x.packages)
# process `force-hint' hints
for x in self.hints["force-hint"]:
self.do_hint("force-hint", x[0], x[1])
self.do_hint("force-hint", x.user, x.packages)
# run the first round of the upgrade
self.__log("> First loop on the packages with depth = 0", type="I")
@ -2402,7 +2384,7 @@ class Britney:
normpackages = self.upgrade_me[:]
archpackages = {}
for a in self.options.break_arches.split():
archpackages[a] = [p for p in normpackages if p.endswith("/" + a) or p.endswith("/" + a + "_tpu") or p.endswith("/" + a + "_pu")]
archpackages[a] = [p for p in normpackages if p.architecture == a]
normpackages = [p for p in normpackages if p not in archpackages[a]]
self.upgrade_me = normpackages
self.output_write("info: main run\n")
@ -2428,7 +2410,7 @@ class Britney:
if hintcnt > 50:
self.output_write("Skipping remaining hints...")
if self.do_hint("hint", x[0], x[1]):
if self.do_hint("hint", x.user, x.packages):
hintcnt += 1
# run the auto hinter
@ -2442,7 +2424,7 @@ class Britney:
if len(removals) > 0:
self.output_write("Removing packages left in testing for smooth updates (%d):\n%s" % \
(len(removals), self.old_libraries_format(removals)))
self.do_all(actions=[ MigrationItem(x) for x in removals ])
removals = self.old_libraries()
removals = ()
@ -2580,38 +2562,38 @@ class Britney:
"hint": 0,
"force-hint": -1,}
if isinstance(pkgvers[0], tuple) or isinstance(pkgvers[0], list):
_pkgvers = [ HintItem('%s/%s' % (p, v)) for (p,v) in pkgvers ]
_pkgvers = pkgvers
self.__log("> Processing '%s' hint from %s" % (type, who), type="I")
self.output_write("Trying %s from %s: %s\n" % (type, who, " ".join( ["%s/%s" % (p,v) for (p,v) in pkgvers])))
self.output_write("Trying %s from %s: %s\n" % (type, who, " ".join( ["%s/%s" % (x.uvname, x.version) for x in _pkgvers])))
ok = True
# loop on the requested packages and versions
for pkg, v in pkgvers:
# remove architecture
if "/" in pkg:
pkg = pkg[:pkg.find("/")]
for pkg in _pkgvers:
# skip removal requests
if pkg[0] == "-":
if pkg.is_removal:
# handle *-proposed-updates
elif pkg.endswith("_tpu") or pkg.endswith("_pu"):
pkg, suite = pkg.rsplit("_")
if pkg not in self.sources[suite]: continue
if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(self.sources[suite][pkg][VERSION], v) != 0:
self.output_write(" Version mismatch, %s %s != %s\n" % (pkg, v, self.sources[suite][pkg][VERSION]))
elif pkg.suite in ['pu', 'tpu']:
if pkg.package not in self.sources[pkg.suite]: continue
if apt_pkg.VersionCompare(self.sources[pkg.suite][pkg.package][VERSION], pkg.version) != 0:
self.output_write(" Version mismatch, %s %s != %s\n" % (pkg.package, pkg.version, self.sources[pkg.suite][pkg.package][VERSION]))
ok = False
# does the package exist in unstable?
elif pkg not in self.sources['unstable']:
self.output_write(" Source %s has no version in unstable\n" % pkg)
elif pkg.package not in self.sources['unstable']:
self.output_write(" Source %s has no version in unstable\n" % pkg.package)
ok = False
elif apt_pkg.VersionCompare(self.sources['unstable'][pkg][VERSION], v) != 0:
self.output_write(" Version mismatch, %s %s != %s\n" % (pkg, v, self.sources['unstable'][pkg][VERSION]))
elif apt_pkg.VersionCompare(self.sources['unstable'][pkg.package][VERSION], pkg.version) != 0:
self.output_write(" Version mismatch, %s %s != %s\n" % (pkg.package, pkg.version, self.sources['unstable'][pkg.package][VERSION]))
ok = False
if not ok:
self.output_write("Not using hint\n")
return False
self.do_all(hintinfo[type], map(operator.itemgetter(0), pkgvers))
self.do_all(hintinfo[type], _pkgvers)
return True
def sort_actions(self):
@ -2622,7 +2604,7 @@ class Britney:
so the ones with most reverse dependencies are at the end of the loop.
If an action depends on another one, it is put after it.
upgrade_me = [x.name for x in self.excuses if x.name in self.upgrade_me]
upgrade_me = [x.name for x in self.excuses if x.name in [y.uvname for y in self.upgrade_me]]
for e in self.excuses:
if e.name not in upgrade_me: continue
# try removes at the end of the loop
@ -2644,7 +2626,7 @@ class Britney:
self.dependencies[e.name] = e.deps
# replace the list of actions with the new one
self.upgrade_me = upgrade_me
self.upgrade_me = [ MigrationItem(x) for x in upgrade_me ]
def auto_hinter(self):
"""Auto-generate "easy" hints.
@ -2665,7 +2647,7 @@ class Britney:
self.__log("> Processing hints from the auto hinter", type="I")
# consider only excuses which are valid candidates
excuses = dict([(x.name, x) for x in self.excuses if x.name in self.upgrade_me])
excuses = dict([(x.name, x) for x in self.excuses if x.name in [y.uvname for y in self.upgrade_me]])
def find_related(e, hint, circular_first=False):
if e not in excuses:
@ -2723,7 +2705,7 @@ class Britney:
for i in range(len(l)):
if i not in to_skip:
self.do_hint("easy", "autohinter", l[i])
self.do_hint("easy", "autohinter", [ HintItem("%s/%s" % (x[0], x[1])) for x in l[i] ])
def old_libraries(self):
"""Detect old libraries left in testing for smooth transitions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 Adam D. Barratt <adsb@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
from migrationitem import HintItem
class HintCollection:
def __init__(self):
self._hints = []
def __getitem__(self, type=None):
return self.search(type)
def search(self, type=None, onlyactive=True, package=None, \
version=None, days=None, removal=None):
return [ hint for hint in self._hints if
(type is None or type == hint.type) and
(hint.active or not onlyactive) and
(package is None or package == hint.packages[0].package) and
(version is None or version == hint.packages[0].version) and
(removal is None or removal == hint.packages[0].is_removal)
def add_hint(self, hint, user):
self._hints.append(Hint(hint, user))
class Hint:
def __init__(self, hint, user):
self._hint = hint
self._user = user
self._active = True
self._days = None
if isinstance(hint, list):
self._type = hint[0]
self._packages = hint[1:]
self._type, self._packages = hint.split(' ', 1)
if self._type == 'age-days':
if isinstance(hint, list):
self._days = self._packages[0]
self._packages = self._packages[1:]
self._days, self._packages = self._packages.split(' ', 1)
if isinstance(self._packages, str):
self._packages = self._packages.split(' ')
self._packages = [HintItem(x) for x in self._packages]
def set_active(self, active):
self._active = active
def __str__(self):
return self._hint
def __eq__(self, other):
return str(self) == str(other)
def type(self):
return self._type
def packages(self):
return self._packages
def active(self):
return self._active
def user(self):
return self._user
def days(self):
return self._days
def package(self):
if self.packages:
assert len(self.packages) == 1, self.packages
return self.packages[0].package
return None
def version(self):
if self.packages:
assert len(self.packages) == 1, self.packages
return self.packages[0].version
return None
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 Adam D. Barratt <adsb@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
class MigrationItem:
_architectures = []
def set_architectures(cls, architectures = None):
cls._architectures = architectures or []
def get_architectures(cls):
return cls._architectures
def __init__(self, name = None, versionned = False):
self._name = None
self._uvname = None
self._package = None
self._version = None
self._architecture = None
self._suite = None
self._versionned = versionned
if name:
def __str__(self):
if self._versionned and self.version is not None:
return self.name
return self.uvname
def __eq__(self, other):
isequal = False
if self.uvname == other.uvname:
if self.version is None or other.version is None:
isequal = True
isequal = self.version == other.version
return isequal
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.uvname, self.version))
def _get_name(self):
return self._name
def _set_name(self, value):
self._version = None
self._name = value
if value.startswith('-'):
value = value[1:]
parts = value.split('/', 3)
package = parts[0]
if '_' in package:
self._package, self._suite = package.split('_', 2)
self._package, self._suite = (package, 'unstable')
if self._versionned and len(parts) > 1:
if len(parts) == 3:
self._architecture = parts[1]
self._version = parts[2]
self._architecture = 'source'
self._version = parts[1]
if len(parts) >= 2:
self._architecture = parts[1]
self._architecture = 'source'
if self._version in self.__class__.get_architectures():
(self._architecture, self._version) = \
(self._version, self._architecture)
if '_' in self._architecture:
self._architecture, self._suite = \
self._architecture.split('_', 2)
if self.is_removal:
self._suite = 'testing'
parts = self._name.split('/', 3)
is_removal = self.is_removal
if len(parts) == 1 or self._architecture == 'source':
self._uvname = self._package
self._uvname = "%s/%s" % (self._package, self._architecture)
if self._suite not in ('testing', 'unstable'):
self._uvname = '%s_%s' % (self._uvname, self._suite)
if is_removal:
self._uvname = '-%s' % (self._uvname)
if self._versionned:
self._name = '%s/%s' % (self._uvname, self._version)
self._name = self._uvname
name = property(_get_name, _set_name)
def is_removal(self):
return self._name.startswith('-')
def architecture(self):
return self._architecture
def package(self):
return self._package
def suite(self):
return self._suite
def version(self):
return self._version
def uvname(self):
return self._uvname
class HintItem(MigrationItem):
def __init__(self, name = None):
MigrationItem.__init__(self, name = name, versionned = True)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user