@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ from britney2.utils import (log_and_format_old_libraries,
clone_nuninst , check_installability ,
invalidate_excuses , compile_nuninst ,
find_smooth_updateable_binaries , parse_provides ,
MigrationConstraintException ,
__author__ = ' Fabio Tranchitella and the Debian Release Team '
@ -1598,6 +1599,13 @@ class Britney(object):
# add the new binary packages (if we are not removing)
if not is_removal :
source_data = source_suite . sources [ source_name ]
source_ver_new = source_data . version
if source_name in sources_t :
source_data_old = sources_t [ source_name ]
source_ver_old = source_data_old . version
if apt_pkg . version_compare ( source_ver_old , source_ver_new ) > 0 :
raise MigrationConstraintException ( " trying src: %s %s , while %s has %s " % ( source_name , source_ver_new , target_suite . name , source_ver_old ) )
for pkg_id in source_data . binaries :
binary , ver , parch = pkg_id
if migration_architecture not in [ ' source ' , parch ] :
@ -1625,6 +1633,12 @@ class Britney(object):
skip . add ( pkg_id )
if binary in binaries_t [ parch ] :
oldver = binaries_t [ parch ] [ binary ] . version
if apt_pkg . version_compare ( oldver , ver ) > 0 :
raise MigrationConstraintException ( " trying %s %s from src: %s %s , while %s has %s "
% ( binary , ver , source_name , source_ver_new , target_suite . name , oldver ) )
adds . add ( pkg_id )
return ( adds , rms , smoothbins , skip )
@ -1907,9 +1921,15 @@ class Britney(object):
solver = InstallabilitySolver ( self . pkg_universe , self . _inst_tester )
for y in sorted ( ( y for y in packages ) , key = attrgetter ( ' uvname ' ) ) :
try :
updates , rms , _ , _ = self . _compute_groups ( y . package , y . suite , y . architecture , y . is_removal )
result = ( y , frozenset ( updates ) , frozenset ( rms ) )
group_info [ y ] = result
except MigrationConstraintException as e :
rescheduled_packages . remove ( y )
output_logger . info ( " not adding package to list: %s " , ( y . package ) )
output_logger . info ( " got exception: %s " % ( repr ( e ) ) )
if nuninst :
nuninst_orig = nuninst
@ -1931,6 +1951,8 @@ class Britney(object):
comp_name = ' ' . join ( item . uvname for item in comp )
output_logger . info ( " trying: %s " % comp_name )
with start_transaction ( suite_info , all_binaries , parent_transaction ) as transaction :
accepted = False
try :
accepted , nuninst_after , failed_arch = self . try_migration ( comp ,
nuninst_last_accepted ,
transaction )
@ -1967,6 +1989,17 @@ class Britney(object):
output_logger . info ( " got: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_after , compare_nuninst ) )
output_logger . info ( " * %s : %s " , failed_arch , " , " . join ( broken ) )
except MigrationConstraintException as e :
transaction . rollback ( )
output_logger . info ( " skipped: %s ( %d , %d , %d ) " ,
comp_name ,
len ( rescheduled_packages ) ,
len ( maybe_rescheduled_packages ) ,
len ( worklist )
output_logger . info ( " got exception: %s " % ( repr ( e ) ) )
if not accepted :
if len ( comp ) > 1 :
output_logger . info ( " - splitting the component into single items and retrying them " )
worklist . extend ( [ item ] for item in comp )