@ -1134,3 +1134,110 @@ class BlockPolicy(BasePolicy):
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, block_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, block_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
return self._check_blocked(item, arch, source_data_srcdist.version, excuse)
return self._check_blocked(item, arch, source_data_srcdist.version, excuse)
class BuiltOnBuilddPolicy(BasePolicy):
def __init__(self, options, suite_info):
super().__init__('builtonbuildd', options, suite_info,
self._britney = None
self._builtonbuildd = {
'signerinfo': None,
def register_hints(self, hint_parser):
hint_parser.register_hint_type('allow-archall-maintainer-upload', split_into_one_hint_per_package)
def initialise(self, britney):
self._britney = britney
filename_signerinfo = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'signers.json')
except AttributeError as e: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("Please set STATE_DIR in the britney configuration") from e
self._builtonbuildd['signerinfo'] = self._read_signerinfo(filename_signerinfo)
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, buildd_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist,
source_data_srcdist, excuse):
verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS
signers = self._builtonbuildd['signerinfo']
if "signed-by" not in buildd_info:
buildd_info["signed-by"] = {}
source_suite = item.suite
# horribe hard-coding, but currently, we don't keep track of the
# component when loading the packages files
component = "main"
# we use the source component, because a binary in contrib can
# belong to a source in main
section = source_data_srcdist.section
if section.find("/") > -1:
component = section.split('/')[0]
packages_s_a = source_suite.binaries[arch]
for pkg_id in sorted(x for x in source_data_srcdist.binaries if x.architecture == arch):
pkg_name = pkg_id.package_name
binary_u = packages_s_a[pkg_name]
pkg_arch = binary_u.architecture
if (binary_u.source_version != source_data_srcdist.version):
signer = None
uid = None
uidinfo = ""
buildd_ok = False
failure_verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY
signer = signers[pkg_name][pkg_id.version][pkg_arch]
if signer["buildd"]:
buildd_ok = True
uid = signer['uid']
uidinfo = "arch %s binaries uploaded by %s" % (pkg_arch, uid)
except KeyError as e:
self.logger.info("signer info for %s %s (%s) on %s not found " % (pkg_name, binary_u.version, pkg_arch, arch))
uidinfo = "upload info for arch %s binaries not found" % (pkg_arch)
if not buildd_ok:
if component != "main":
if not buildd_ok and pkg_arch not in buildd_info["signed-by"]:
# TODO is it useful to have this info in the excuses,
# or is it just confusing?
excuse.addhtml("%s, but package in %s" % (uidinfo, component))
buildd_ok = True
elif pkg_arch == 'all':
allow_hints = self.hints.search('allow-archall-maintainer-upload', package=item.package)
if allow_hints:
buildd_ok = True
if verdict < PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED:
verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED
if pkg_arch not in buildd_info["signed-by"]:
excuse.addhtml("%s, but whitelisted by %s" % (uidinfo, allow_hints[0].user))
if not buildd_ok:
verdict = failure_verdict
if pkg_arch not in buildd_info["signed-by"]:
excuse.addhtml("Not built on buildd: %s" % (uidinfo))
if pkg_arch in buildd_info["signed-by"] and buildd_info["signed-by"][pkg_arch] != uid:
self.logger.info("signer mismatch for %s (%s %s) on %s: %s, while %s already listed" %
(pkg_name, binary_u.source, binary_u.source_version,
pkg_arch, uid, buildd_info["signed-by"][pkg_arch]))
buildd_info["signed-by"][pkg_arch] = uid
return verdict
def _read_signerinfo(self, filename):
signerinfo = {}
self.logger.info("Loading signer info from %s", filename)
with open(filename) as fd:
if os.fstat(fd.fileno()).st_size < 1:
return singerinfo
signerinfo = json.load(fd)
return signerinfo