@ -317,19 +317,14 @@ class Britney(object):
self . all_binaries = { }
# read the source and binary packages for the involved distributions
self . sources [ ' testing ' ] = self . read_sources ( self . suite_info [ ' testing ' ] . path )
self . sources [ ' unstable ' ] = self . read_sources ( self . suite_info [ ' unstable ' ] . path )
for suite in ( ' tpu ' , ' pu ' ) :
if hasattr ( self . options , suite ) :
self . sources [ suite ] = self . read_sources ( getattr ( self . options , suite ) )
else :
self . sources [ suite ] = { }
self . binaries [ ' testing ' ] = { }
self . binaries [ ' unstable ' ] = { }
self . binaries [ ' tpu ' ] = { }
self . binaries [ ' pu ' ] = { }
# read the source and binary packages for the involved distributions. Notes:
# - Load testing last as some live-data tests have more complete information in
# unstable
# - Load all sources before any of the binaries.
for suite in self . suite_info :
sources = self . read_sources ( suite . path )
self . sources [ suite . name ] = sources
self . binaries [ suite . name ] = self . read_binaries ( suite . path , suite . name , self . options . architectures )
# compute inverse Testsuite-Triggers: map, unifying all series
self . logger . info ( ' Building inverse testsuite_triggers map ' )
@ -339,20 +334,6 @@ class Britney(object):
for trigger in data . testsuite_triggers :
self . testsuite_triggers . setdefault ( trigger , set ( ) ) . add ( src )
self . binaries [ ' unstable ' ] = self . read_binaries ( self . suite_info [ ' unstable ' ] . path , " unstable " , self . options . architectures )
for suite in ( ' tpu ' , ' pu ' ) :
if suite in self . suite_info :
self . binaries [ suite ] = self . read_binaries ( self . suite_info [ suite ] . path , suite , self . options . architectures )
else :
# _build_installability_tester relies on this being
# properly initialised, so insert two empty dicts
# here.
for arch in self . options . architectures :
self . binaries [ suite ] [ arch ] = ( { } , { } )
# Load testing last as some live-data tests have more complete information in
# unstable
self . binaries [ ' testing ' ] = self . read_binaries ( self . suite_info [ ' testing ' ] . path , " testing " , self . options . architectures )
try :
constraints_file = os . path . join ( self . options . static_input_dir , ' constraints ' )
faux_packages = os . path . join ( self . options . static_input_dir , ' faux-packages ' )
@ -514,6 +495,7 @@ class Britney(object):
if suite in { ' testing ' , ' unstable ' } : # pragma: no cover
self . logger . error ( " Mandatory configuration %s is not set in the config " , suite . upper ( ) )
sys . exit ( 1 )
# self.suite_info[suite] = SuiteInfo(name=suite, path=None, excuses_suffix=suffix)
self . logger . info ( " Optional suite %s is not defined (config option: %s ) " , suite , suite . upper ( ) )
self . suite_info = Suites ( suites [ 0 ] , suites [ 1 : ] )
@ -1632,19 +1614,19 @@ class Britney(object):
if should_upgrade_src ( pkg , ' unstable ' ) :
upgrade_me_add ( pkg )
# for every source package in *-proposed-upda tes, check if it should be upgraded
for suite in [ ' pu ' , ' tpu ' ] :
for pkg in sources [ suite ] :
# for every source package in the additional source sui tes, check if it should be upgraded
for suite in self . suite_info . additional_source_suites :
for pkg in sources [ suite . name ] :
# if the source package is already present in testing,
# check if it should be upgraded for every binary package
if pkg in testing :
for arch in architectures :
if should_upgrade_srcarch ( pkg , arch , suite ) :
upgrade_me_add ( " %s / %s _ %s " % ( pkg , arch , suite ) )
if should_upgrade_srcarch ( pkg , arch , suite . name ) :
upgrade_me_add ( " %s / %s _ %s " % ( pkg , arch , suite . name ) )
# check if the source package should be upgraded
if should_upgrade_src ( pkg , suite ) :
upgrade_me_add ( " %s _ %s " % ( pkg , suite ) )
if should_upgrade_src ( pkg , suite . name ) :
upgrade_me_add ( " %s _ %s " % ( pkg , suite . name ) )
# process the `remove' hints, if the given package is not yet in upgrade_me
for hint in self . hints [ ' remove ' ] :
@ -2686,6 +2668,8 @@ class Britney(object):
rightversion = inunstable and ( apt_pkg . version_compare ( self . sources [ ' unstable ' ] [ pkg . package ] . version , pkg . version ) == 0 )
if pkg . suite == ' unstable ' and not rightversion :
for suite in [ ' pu ' , ' tpu ' ] :
if suite not in self . suite_info :
if pkg . package in self . sources [ suite ] and apt_pkg . version_compare ( self . sources [ suite ] [ pkg . package ] . version , pkg . version ) == 0 :
pkg . suite = suite
_pkgvers [ idx ] = pkg
@ -2693,7 +2677,7 @@ class Britney(object):
# handle *-proposed-updates
if pkg . suite in [ ' pu ' , ' tpu ' ] :
if pkg . package not in self . sources [ pkg . suite ] :
if pkg . suite not in self . suite_info or pkg . package not in self . sources [ pkg . suite ] :
if apt_pkg . version_compare ( self . sources [ pkg . suite ] [ pkg . package ] . version , pkg . version ) != 0 :
issues . append ( " Version mismatch, %s %s != %s " % ( pkg . package , pkg . version ,