Split the tpu o-o-d checks up to make them more readable

Signed-off-by: Adam D. Barratt <adam@adam-barratt.org.uk>
Adam D. Barratt 12 years ago
parent 9f4af0171e
commit 25cc2c3b36

@ -1366,15 +1366,20 @@ class Britney(object):
if suite in ['pu', 'tpu']:
# o-o-d(ish) checks for (t-)p-u
for arch in self.options.architectures:
# If the package isn't in testing or the testing
# package produces no packages on this architecture,
# then it can't be out-of-date. We assume that if
# the (t-)p-u package has produced any binaries for
# this architecture then it is ok
if not src in self.sources["testing"] or \
(len([x for x in self.sources["testing"][src][BINARIES] if x.endswith("/"+arch) and self.binaries["testing"][arch][0][x.split("/")[0]][ARCHITECTURE] != 'all' ]) == 0) or \
(len([x for x in self.binaries[suite][arch][0].values() \
if src not in self.sources["testing"]:
# if the package in testing has no binaries on this
# architecture, it can't be out-of-date
if (len([x for x in self.sources["testing"][src][BINARIES]
if x.endswith("/"+arch) and self.binaries["testing"][arch][0][x.split("/")[0]][ARCHITECTURE] != 'all' ]) == 0):
# if the (t-)p-u package has produced any binaries on
# this architecture then we assume it's ok. this allows for
# uploads to (t-)p-u which intentionally drop binary
# packages
if (len([x for x in self.binaries[suite][arch][0].values() \
if x[SOURCE] == src and x[SOURCEVER] == source_u[VERSION] and \
x[ARCHITECTURE] != 'all' ]) > 0):
