@ -2044,7 +2044,6 @@ class Britney(object):
# local copies for better performance
sources = self . sources
packages_t = self . binaries [ ' testing ' ]
get_reverse_tree = partial ( compute_reverse_tree , packages_t )
inst_tester = self . _inst_tester
eqv_set = set ( )
@ -2078,8 +2077,8 @@ class Britney(object):
eqv_set . add ( key )
# remove all the binaries which aren't being smooth updated
for rm_ tuple in rms :
binary , version , parch = rm_ tuple
for rm_ pkg_id in rms :
binary , version , parch = rm_ pkg_id
p = binary + " / " + parch
binaries_t_a , provides_t_a = packages_t [ parch ]
pkey = ( binary , parch )
@ -2090,7 +2089,9 @@ class Britney(object):
if pkey not in eqv_set :
# all the reverse dependencies are affected by
# the change
affected . update ( get_reverse_tree ( binary , parch ) )
affected . update ( inst_tester . reverse_dependencies_of ( rm_pkg_id ) )
affected . update ( inst_tester . negative_dependencies_of ( rm_pkg_id ) )
# remove the provided virtual packages
for j in pkg_data [ PROVIDES ] :
@ -2116,8 +2117,10 @@ class Britney(object):
elif item . package in packages_t [ item . architecture ] [ 0 ] :
binaries_t_a = packages_t [ item . architecture ] [ 0 ]
undo [ ' binaries ' ] [ item . package + " / " + item . architecture ] = binaries_t_a [ item . package ]
affected . update ( get_reverse_tree ( item . package , item . architecture ) )
version = binaries_t_a [ item . package ] [ VERSION ]
pkg_id = ( item . package , version , item . architecture )
affected . add ( pkg_id )
affected . update ( inst_tester . reverse_dependencies_of ( pkg_id ) )
del binaries_t_a [ item . package ]
inst_tester . remove_testing_binary ( item . package , version , item . architecture )
@ -2127,15 +2130,16 @@ class Britney(object):
source = sources [ item . suite ] [ item . package ]
packages_s = self . binaries [ item . suite ]
for binary , version , parch in updates :
for updated_pkg_id in updates :
binary , new_version , parch = updated_pkg_id
p = " %s / %s " % ( binary , parch )
key = ( binary , parch )
binaries_t_a , provides_t_a = packages_t [ parch ]
equivalent_replacement = key in eqv_set
# obviously, added/modified packages are affected
if not equivalent_replacement and key not in affected :
affected . add ( key )
if not equivalent_replacement and updated_pkg_id not in affected :
affected . add ( updated_pkg_id )
# if the binary already exists in testing, it is currently
# built by another source package. we therefore remove the
# version built by the other source package, after marking
@ -2144,15 +2148,14 @@ class Britney(object):
old_pkg_data = binaries_t_a [ binary ]
# save the old binary package
undo [ ' binaries ' ] [ p ] = old_pkg_data
old_version = old_pkg_data [ VERSION ]
if not equivalent_replacement :
old_pkg_id = ( binary , old_version , parch )
# all the reverse dependencies are affected by
# the change
affected . update ( get_reverse_tree ( binary , parch ) )
# all the reverse conflicts and their
# dependency tree are affected by the change
for j in old_pkg_data [ RCONFLICTS ] :
affected . update ( get_reverse_tree ( j , parch ) )
old_version = old_pkg_data [ VERSION ]
affected . update ( inst_tester . reverse_dependencies_of ( old_pkg_id ) )
# all the reverse conflicts
affected . update ( inst_tester . negative_dependencies_of ( old_pkg_id ) )
inst_tester . remove_testing_binary ( binary , old_version , parch )
elif hint_undo :
# the binary isn't in testing, but it may have been at
@ -2165,16 +2168,14 @@ class Britney(object):
# reverse dependencies built from this source can be
# ignored as their reverse trees are already handled
# by this function
# XXX: and the reverse conflict tree?
for ( tundo , tpkg ) in hint_undo :
if p in tundo [ ' binaries ' ] :
for rdep in tundo [ ' binaries ' ] [ p ] [ RDEPENDS] :
if rdep in binaries_t_a and rdep not in source [ BINARIES ] :
affected . update ( get_reverse_tree( rdep , parch ) )
pv = tundo [ ' binaries ' ] [ p ] [ VERSION]
tpkg_id = ( p , pv , parch )
affected . update ( inst_tester. reverse_dependencies_of ( tpkg_id ) )
# add/update the binary package from the source suite
new_pkg_data = packages_s [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ]
new_version = new_pkg_data [ VERSION ]
binaries_t_a [ binary ] = new_pkg_data
inst_tester . add_testing_binary ( binary , new_version , parch )
# register new provided packages
@ -2188,7 +2189,9 @@ class Britney(object):
provides_t_a [ j ] . append ( binary )
if not equivalent_replacement :
# all the reverse dependencies are affected by the change
affected . update ( get_reverse_tree ( binary , parch ) )
affected . add ( updated_pkg_id )
affected . update ( inst_tester . reverse_dependencies_of ( updated_pkg_id ) )
affected . update ( inst_tester . negative_dependencies_of ( updated_pkg_id ) )
# register reverse dependencies and conflicts for the new binary packages
if item . architecture == ' source ' :
@ -2202,6 +2205,8 @@ class Britney(object):
if item . architecture == ' source ' :
sources [ ' testing ' ] [ item . package ] = sources [ item . suite ] [ item . package ]
# Also include the transitive rdeps of the packages found so far
compute_reverse_tree ( inst_tester , affected )
# return the package name, the suite, the list of affected packages and the undo dictionary
return ( affected , undo )
@ -2211,38 +2216,26 @@ class Britney(object):
to_check = [ ]
# broken packages (first round)
for p in ( x [ 0 ] for x in affected if x [ 1 ] == arch ) :
if p not in binaries [ arch ] [ 0 ] :
for pkg_id in ( x for x in affected if x [ 2 ] == arch ) :
name , version , parch = pkg_id
if name not in binaries [ parch ] [ 0 ] :
pkgdata = binaries [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ p ]
version = pkgdata [ VERSION ]
parch = pkgdata [ ARCHITECTURE ]
pkgdata = binaries [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ name ]
if version != pkgdata [ VERSION ] :
# Not the version in testing right now, ignore
actual_arch = pkgdata [ ARCHITECTURE ]
nuninst_arch = None
# only check arch:all packages if requested
if check_archall or parch != ' all ' :
nuninst_arch = nuninst [ arch ]
elif parch == ' all ' :
nuninst [ arch ] . discard ( p )
self . _installability_test ( p , version , arch , broken , to_check , nuninst_arch )
# broken packages (second round, reverse dependencies of the first round)
while to_check :
j = to_check . pop ( 0 )
if j not in binaries [ arch ] [ 0 ] : continue
for p in binaries [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ j ] [ RDEPENDS ] :
if p in broken or p not in binaries [ arch ] [ 0 ] :
pkgdata = binaries [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ p ]
version = pkgdata [ VERSION ]
parch = pkgdata [ ARCHITECTURE ]
nuninst_arch = None
# only check arch:all packages if requested
if check_archall or parch != ' all ' :
nuninst_arch = nuninst [ arch ]
elif parch == ' all ' :
nuninst [ arch ] . discard ( p )
self . _installability_test ( p , version , arch , broken , to_check , nuninst_arch )
if check_archall or actual_arch != ' all ' :
nuninst_arch = nuninst [ parch ]
elif actual_arch == ' all ' :
nuninst [ parch ] . discard ( name )
self . _installability_test ( name , version , parch , broken , to_check , nuninst_arch )
# We have always overshot the affected set, so to_check does not
# contain anything new.
assert affected . issuperset ( to_check )
def iter_packages_hint ( self , hinted_packages , lundo = None ) :
""" Iter on hinted list of actions and apply them in one go
@ -2986,12 +2979,12 @@ class Britney(object):
# not installable
if pkg_name not in broken :
broken . add ( pkg_name )
to_check . append ( pkg_name )
to_check . append ( ( pkg_name , pkg_version , pkg_arch ) )
if nuninst_arch is not None and pkg_name not in nuninst_arch :
nuninst_arch . add ( pkg_name )
else :
if pkg_name in broken :
to_check . append ( pkg_name )
to_check . append ( ( pkg_name , pkg_version , pkg_arch ) )
broken . remove ( pkg_name )
if nuninst_arch is not None and pkg_name in nuninst_arch :
nuninst_arch . remove ( pkg_name )