@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ class AutopkgtestPolicy(BasePolicy):
# to trigger anything
return []
# Debian doesn't have linux-meta, but Ubuntu does
# for linux themselves we don't want to trigger tests -- these should
# all come from linux-meta*. A new kernel ABI without a corresponding
# -meta won't be installed and thus we can't sensibly run tests against
@ -387,6 +388,7 @@ class AutopkgtestPolicy(BasePolicy):
tests.append((src, ver))
extra_bins = []
# Debian doesn't have linux-meta, but Ubuntu does
# Hack: For new kernels trigger all DKMS packages by pretending that
# linux-meta* builds a "dkms" binary as well. With that we ensure that we
# don't regress DKMS drivers with new kernel versions.
@ -433,24 +435,6 @@ class AutopkgtestPolicy(BasePolicy):
# Hardcode linux-meta → linux, lxc, glibc, systemd triggers until we get a more flexible
# implementation: https://bugs.debian.org/779559
if src.startswith('linux-meta'):
for pkg in ['lxc', 'lxd', 'glibc', src.replace('linux-meta', 'linux'), 'systemd', 'snapd']:
if pkg not in reported_pkgs:
# does this have any image on this arch?
for pkg_id in srcinfo.binaries:
if pkg_id.architecture == arch and '-image' in pkg_id.package_name:
tests.append((pkg, self.britney.sources['unstable'][pkg].version))
except KeyError:
tests.append((pkg, sources_info[pkg].version))
except KeyError:
# package not in that series? *shrug*, then not
tests.sort(key=lambda s_v: s_v[0])
return tests