@ -1116,10 +1116,10 @@ class Britney(object):
if not ( ssrc and suite != ' unstable ' ) :
# for every binary package produced by this source in testing for this architecture
source_data = self . sources [ ' testing ' ] [ src ]
_ , smoothbins = self . find_upgraded_binarie s( src ,
source_data ,
arch ,
suit e)
_ , _, smoothbins = self . _compute_group s( src ,
" unstable " ,
arch ,
Fals e)
for pkg in sorted ( x . split ( " / " ) [ 0 ] for x in source_data [ BINARIES ] if x . endswith ( " / " + arch ) ) :
# if the package is architecture-independent, then ignore it
@ -1727,110 +1727,147 @@ class Britney(object):
return diff < = 0
def find_upgraded_binaries ( self , source_name , source_data ,
architecture , suite ) :
# XXX: not the best name - really.
""" Find smooth and non-smooth updatable binaries for upgrades
def _compute_groups ( self , source_name , suite , migration_architecture ,
is_removal , include_hijacked = False ) :
""" Compute the groups of binaries being migrated by item
This method will compute the binaries that will be replaced in
testing and which of them are smooth updatable .
This method will compute the binaries that will be added,
replaced in testing and which of them are smooth updatable .
Parameters :
* " source_name " is the name of the source package , whose
binaries are migrating .
* " source_data " is the fields of that source package from
testing .
* " architecture " is the architecture determines architecture of
the migrating binaries ( can be " source " for a
" source " - migration , meaning all binaries regardless of
architecture ) .
* " suite " is the suite from which the binaries are migrating .
[ Same as item . suite , where available ]
* " migration_architecture " is the architecture determines
architecture of the migrating binaries ( can be " source " for
a " source " - migration , meaning all binaries regardless of
architecture ) . [ Same as item . architecture , where available ]
* " is_removal " is a boolean determining if this is a removal
or not [ Same as item . is_removal , where available ]
* " include_hijacked " determines whether hijacked binaries should
be included in results or not . ( defaults : False )
Returns a tuple ( adds , rms , smoothbins ) . " adds " is a set of
binaries that will updated in or appear after the migration .
" rms " is a set of binaries that are not smooth - updatable ( or
binaries that could be , but there is no reason to let them be
smooth updated ) . " smoothbins " is set of binaries that are to
be smooth - updated .
Each " binary " in " adds " , " rms " and " smoothbins " will be a
tuple of ( " package-name " , " version " , " architecture " ) and are
thus tuples suitable for passing on to the
InstallabilityTester .
Returns a tuple ( bins , smoothbins ) . " bins " is a set of binaries
that are not smooth - updatable ( or binaries that could be , but
there is no reason to let them be smooth updated ) .
" smoothbins " is set of binaries that are to be smooth - updated
Pre - Conditions : The source package must be in testing and this
should only be used when considering to do an upgrade
migration from the input suite . ( e . g . do not use this for
removals ) .
bins = set ( )
smoothbins = set ( )
check = [ ]
Unlike doop_source , this will not modify any data structure .
# local copies for better performances
sources = self . sources
binaries_t = self . binaries [ ' testing ' ]
# first, build a list of eligible binaries
for p in source_data [ BINARIES ] :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
if architecture != ' source ' :
# for a binary migration, binaries should not be removed:
# - unless they are for the correct architecture
if parch != architecture :
# - if they are arch:all and the migration is via *pu,
# as the packages will not have been rebuilt and the
# source suite will not contain them
if binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ ARCHITECTURE ] == ' all ' and \
suite != ' unstable ' :
# do not remove binaries which have been hijacked by other sources
if binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ SOURCE ] != source_name :
bins . add ( p )
if suite != ' unstable ' :
# We only allow smooth updates from unstable, so if it we
# are not migrating from unstable just exit now.
return ( bins , smoothbins )
for p in bins :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
# if a smooth update is possible for the package, skip it
if binary not in self . binaries [ suite ] [ parch ] [ 0 ] and \
( ' ALL ' in self . options . smooth_updates or \
binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ SECTION ] in self . options . smooth_updates ) :
# if the package has reverse-dependencies which are
# built from other sources, it's a valid candidate for
# a smooth update. if not, it may still be a valid
# candidate if one if its r-deps is itself a candidate,
# so note it for checking later
rdeps = binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ RDEPENDS ]
# the list of reverse-dependencies may be outdated
# if, for example, we're processing a hint and
# a new version of one of the apparent reverse-dependencies
# migrated earlier in the hint. walk the list to make
# sure that at least one of the entries is still
# valid
rrdeps = [ x for x in rdeps if x not in [ y . split ( " / " ) [ 0 ] for y in bins ] ]
if rrdeps :
for dep in rrdeps :
if dep in binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] :
bin = binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ dep ]
deps = [ ]
if bin [ DEPENDS ] is not None :
deps . extend ( apt_pkg . parse_depends ( bin [ DEPENDS ] , False ) )
if any ( binary == entry [ 0 ] for deplist in deps for entry in deplist ) :
smoothbins . add ( p )
else :
check . append ( p )
adds = set ( )
rms = set ( )
smoothbins = { }
# check whether we should perform a smooth update for
# packages which are candidates but do not have r-deps
# outside of the current source
for p in check :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
if any ( bin for bin in binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ RDEPENDS ] \
if bin in [ y . split ( " / " ) [ 0 ] for y in smoothbins ] ) :
smoothbins . add ( p )
# remove all binary packages (if the source already exists)
if migration_architecture == ' source ' or not is_removal :
if source_name in sources [ ' testing ' ] :
source_data = sources [ ' testing ' ] [ source_name ]
bins = [ ]
check = { }
# remove all the binaries
# first, build a list of eligible binaries
for p in source_data [ BINARIES ] :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
if ( migration_architecture != ' source '
and parch != migration_architecture ) :
if ( not include_hijacked
and binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ SOURCE ] != source_name ) :
bins . append ( p )
for p in bins :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
# if a smooth update is possible for the package, skip it
if suite == ' unstable ' and \
binary not in self . binaries [ suite ] [ parch ] [ 0 ] and \
( ' ALL ' in self . options . smooth_updates or \
binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ SECTION ] in self . options . smooth_updates ) :
# if the package has reverse-dependencies which are
# built from other sources, it's a valid candidate for
# a smooth update. if not, it may still be a valid
# candidate if one if its r-deps is itself a candidate,
# so note it for checking later
bin_data = binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ]
rdeps = bin_data [ RDEPENDS ]
# the list of reverse-dependencies may be outdated
# if, for example, we're processing a hint and
# a new version of one of the apparent reverse-dependencies
# migrated earlier in the hint. walk the list to make
# sure that at least one of the entries is still
# valid
rrdeps = [ x for x in rdeps if x not in [ y . split ( " / " ) [ 0 ] for y in bins ] ]
if rrdeps :
for dep in rrdeps :
if dep in binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] :
bin = binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ dep ]
deps = [ ]
if bin [ DEPENDS ] is not None :
deps . extend ( apt_pkg . parse_depends ( bin [ DEPENDS ] , False ) )
if any ( binary == entry [ 0 ] for deplist in deps for entry in deplist ) :
smoothbins [ p ] = ( binary , bin_data [ VERSION ] , parch )
else :
check [ p ] = ( binary , bin_data [ VERSION ] , parch )
# check whether we should perform a smooth update for
# packages which are candidates but do not have r-deps
# outside of the current source
for p in check :
binary , _ , parch = check [ p ]
rdeps = [ bin for bin in binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ RDEPENDS ] \
if bin in [ y [ 0 ] for y in smoothbins . itervalues ( ) ] ]
if rdeps :
smoothbins . add ( check [ p ] )
# remove all the binaries which aren't being smooth updated
for p in ( bin for bin in bins if bin not in smoothbins ) :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
version = binaries_t [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ VERSION ]
rms . add ( ( binary , version , parch ) )
# single binary removal; used for clearing up after smooth
# updates but not supported as a manual hint
elif source_name in binaries_t [ item . architecture ] [ 0 ] :
version = binaries_t [ item . architecture ] [ 0 ] [ source_name ] [ VERSION ]
rms . add ( ( source_name , version , migration_architecture ) )
# add the new binary packages (if we are not removing)
if not is_removal :
source_data = sources [ suite ] [ source_name ]
for p in source_data [ BINARIES ] :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
if migration_architecture not in [ ' source ' , parch ] :
version = self . binaries [ suite ] [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ] [ VERSION ]
adds . add ( ( binary , version , parch ) )
return ( adds , rms , set ( smoothbins . itervalues ( ) ) )
bins - = smoothbins
return ( bins , smoothbins )
def doop_source ( self , item , hint_undo = [ ] ) :
""" Apply a change to the testing distribution as requested by `pkg`
@ -1858,14 +1895,15 @@ class Britney(object):
if item . package in sources [ ' testing ' ] :
source = sources [ ' testing ' ] [ item . package ]
bins, _ = self . find_upgraded_binarie s( item . package ,
sourc e,
item . architecture ,
item . suite )
_, bins, _ = self . _compute_group s( item . package ,
item . suit e,
item . architecture ,
item . is_removal )
# remove all the binaries which aren't being smooth updated
for p in bins :
binary , parch = p . split ( " / " )
for bin_data in bins :
binary , _ , parch = bin_data
p = binary + " / " + parch
# save the old binary for undo
undo [ ' binaries ' ] [ p ] = binaries [ parch ] [ 0 ] [ binary ]
# all the reverse dependencies are affected by the change