@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ from britney2.migrationitem import MigrationItem
from britney2 . policies import PolicyVerdict
from britney2 . policies . policy import AgePolicy , RCBugPolicy , PiupartsPolicy , BuildDependsPolicy
from britney2 . policies . autopkgtest import AutopkgtestPolicy
from britney2 . utils import ( log_and_format_old_libraries , undo_changes ,
from britney2 . transaction import start_transaction
from britney2 . utils import ( log_and_format_old_libraries ,
compute_reverse_tree , get_dependency_solvers ,
read_nuninst , write_nuninst , write_heidi ,
format_and_log_uninst , newly_uninst , make_migrationitem ,
@ -1632,11 +1633,11 @@ class Britney(object):
return ( adds , rms , smoothbins , skip )
def doop_source ( self , item , hint_undo= None , removals = frozenset ( ) ) :
def doop_source ( self , item , transaction , removals = frozenset ( ) ) :
""" Apply a change to the target suite as requested by `item`
A n optional list of undo actions related to packages processed earlier
in a hint may be passed in ` hint_undo ` .
A transaction in which all changes will be recorded . Can be None ( e . g .
during a " force-hint " ) , when the changes will not be rolled back .
An optional set of binaries may be passed in " removals " . Binaries listed
in this set will be assumed to be removed at the same time as the " item "
@ -1764,8 +1765,8 @@ class Britney(object):
# all the reverse conflicts
affected_direct . update ( pkg_universe . reverse_dependencies_of ( old_pkg_id ) )
target_suite . remove_binary ( old_pkg_id )
elif hint_undo :
# the binary isn't in t esting , but it may have been at
elif transaction and transaction . parent_transaction :
# the binary isn't in t he target suite , but it may have been at
# the start of the current hint and have been removed
# by an earlier migration. if that's the case then we
# will have a record of the older instance of the binary
@ -1775,7 +1776,7 @@ class Britney(object):
# reverse dependencies built from this source can be
# ignored as their reverse trees are already handled
# by this function
for ( tundo , tpkg ) in hint_undo :
for ( tundo , tpkg ) in transaction. parent_transaction . undo_items :
if key in tundo [ ' binaries ' ] :
tpkg_id = tundo [ ' binaries ' ] [ key ]
affected_direct . update ( pkg_universe . reverse_dependencies_of ( tpkg_id ) )
@ -1801,10 +1802,12 @@ class Britney(object):
# Also include the transitive rdeps of the packages found so far
affected_all = affected_direct . copy ( )
compute_reverse_tree ( pkg_universe , affected_all )
# return the package name, the suite, the list of affected packages and the undo dictionary
return ( affected_direct , affected_all , undo )
if transaction :
transaction . add_undo_item ( undo , item )
# return the affected packages (direct and than all)
return ( affected_direct , affected_all )
def try_migration ( self , actions , nuninst_now , lundo = None , automatic_revert = True ) :
def try_migration ( self , actions , nuninst_now , transaction , automatic_revert = True ) :
is_accepted = True
affected_architectures = set ( )
item = actions
@ -1819,14 +1822,12 @@ class Britney(object):
if len ( actions ) == 1 :
item = actions [ 0 ]
# apply the changes
affected_direct , affected_all , undo = self . doop_source ( item , hint_undo = lundo )
undo_list = [ ( undo , item ) ]
affected_direct , affected_all = self . doop_source ( item , transaction )
if item . architecture == ' source ' :
affected_architectures = set ( self . options . architectures )
else :
affected_architectures . add ( item . architecture )
else :
undo_list = [ ]
removals = set ( )
affected_direct = set ( )
affected_all = set ( )
@ -1842,12 +1843,11 @@ class Britney(object):
affected_architectures = set ( self . options . architectures )
for item in actions :
item_affected_direct , item_affected_all , undo = self . doop_source ( item ,
hint_undo = lundo ,
removals = removals )
item_affected_direct , item_affected_all = self . doop_source ( item ,
transaction ,
removals = removals )
affected_direct . update ( item_affected_direct )
affected_all . update ( item_affected_all )
undo_list . append ( ( undo , item ) )
# Optimise the test if we may revert directly.
# - The automatic-revert is needed since some callers (notably via hints) may
@ -1892,12 +1892,11 @@ class Britney(object):
# check if the action improved the uninstallability counters
if not is_accepted and automatic_revert :
undo_copy = list ( reversed ( undo_list ) )
undo_changes ( undo_copy , self . suite_info , self . all_binaries )
transaction . rollback ( )
return ( is_accepted , nuninst_after , undo_list, arch)
return ( is_accepted , nuninst_after , arch)
def iter_packages ( self , packages , selected , nuninst = None , lundo = None ) :
def iter_packages ( self , packages , selected , nuninst = None , parent_transaction = None ) :
""" Iter on the list of actions and apply them one-by-one
This method applies the changes from ` packages ` to testing , checking the uninstallability
@ -1909,6 +1908,8 @@ class Britney(object):
rescheduled_packages = packages
maybe_rescheduled_packages = [ ]
output_logger = self . output_logger
suite_info = self . suite_info
all_binaries = self . all_binaries
solver = InstallabilitySolver ( self . pkg_universe , self . _inst_tester )
for y in sorted ( ( y for y in packages ) , key = attrgetter ( ' uvname ' ) ) :
@ -1935,45 +1936,47 @@ class Britney(object):
comp = worklist . pop ( )
comp_name = ' ' . join ( item . uvname for item in comp )
output_logger . info ( " trying: %s " % comp_name )
accepted , nuninst_after , comp_undo , failed_arch = self . try_migration ( comp , nuninst_last_accepted , lundo )
if accepted :
selected . extend ( comp )
if lundo is not None :
lundo . extend ( comp_undo )
output_logger . info ( " accepted: %s " , comp_name )
output_logger . info ( " ori: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_orig ) )
output_logger . info ( " pre: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_last_accepted ) )
output_logger . info ( " now: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_after ) )
if len ( selected ) < = 20 :
output_logger . info ( " all: %s " , " " . join ( x . uvname for x in selected ) )
else :
output_logger . info ( " most: ( %d ) .. %s " ,
len ( selected ) ,
" " . join ( x . uvname for x in selected [ - 20 : ] ) )
nuninst_last_accepted = nuninst_after
rescheduled_packages . extend ( maybe_rescheduled_packages )
maybe_rescheduled_packages . clear ( )
else :
broken = sorted ( b for b in nuninst_after [ failed_arch ]
if b not in nuninst_last_accepted [ failed_arch ] )
compare_nuninst = None
if any ( item for item in comp if item . architecture != ' source ' ) :
compare_nuninst = nuninst_last_accepted
# NB: try_migration already reverted this for us, so just print the results and move on
output_logger . info ( " skipped: %s ( %d , %d , %d ) " ,
comp_name ,
len ( rescheduled_packages ) ,
len ( maybe_rescheduled_packages ) ,
len ( worklist )
output_logger . info ( " got: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_after , compare_nuninst ) )
output_logger . info ( " * %s : %s " , failed_arch , " , " . join ( broken ) )
if len ( comp ) > 1 :
output_logger . info ( " - splitting the component into single items and retrying them " )
worklist . extend ( [ item ] for item in comp )
with start_transaction ( suite_info , all_binaries , parent_transaction ) as transaction :
accepted , nuninst_after , failed_arch = self . try_migration ( comp ,
nuninst_last_accepted ,
transaction )
if accepted :
selected . extend ( comp )
transaction . commit ( )
output_logger . info ( " accepted: %s " , comp_name )
output_logger . info ( " ori: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_orig ) )
output_logger . info ( " pre: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_last_accepted ) )
output_logger . info ( " now: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_after ) )
if len ( selected ) < = 20 :
output_logger . info ( " all: %s " , " " . join ( x . uvname for x in selected ) )
else :
output_logger . info ( " most: ( %d ) .. %s " ,
len ( selected ) ,
" " . join ( x . uvname for x in selected [ - 20 : ] ) )
nuninst_last_accepted = nuninst_after
rescheduled_packages . extend ( maybe_rescheduled_packages )
maybe_rescheduled_packages . clear ( )
else :
maybe_rescheduled_packages . append ( comp [ 0 ] )
broken = sorted ( b for b in nuninst_after [ failed_arch ]
if b not in nuninst_last_accepted [ failed_arch ] )
compare_nuninst = None
if any ( item for item in comp if item . architecture != ' source ' ) :
compare_nuninst = nuninst_last_accepted
# NB: try_migration already reverted this for us, so just print the results and move on
output_logger . info ( " skipped: %s ( %d , %d , %d ) " ,
comp_name ,
len ( rescheduled_packages ) ,
len ( maybe_rescheduled_packages ) ,
len ( worklist )
output_logger . info ( " got: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_after , compare_nuninst ) )
output_logger . info ( " * %s : %s " , failed_arch , " , " . join ( broken ) )
if len ( comp ) > 1 :
output_logger . info ( " - splitting the component into single items and retrying them " )
worklist . extend ( [ item ] for item in comp )
else :
maybe_rescheduled_packages . append ( comp [ 0 ] )
output_logger . info ( " finish: [ %s ] " , " , " . join ( x . uvname for x in selected ) )
output_logger . info ( " endloop: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( self . nuninst_orig ) )
@ -1986,7 +1989,6 @@ class Britney(object):
return ( nuninst_last_accepted , maybe_rescheduled_packages )
def do_all ( self , hinttype = None , init = None , actions = None ) :
""" Testing update runner
@ -2005,7 +2007,6 @@ class Britney(object):
# these are special parameters for hints processing
force = False
recurse = True
lundo = None
nuninst_end = None
extra = [ ]
@ -2015,8 +2016,6 @@ class Britney(object):
# if we have a list of initial packages, check them
if init :
if not force :
lundo = [ ]
for x in init :
if x not in upgrade_me :
output_logger . warning ( " failed: %s is not a valid candidate (or it already migrated) " , x . uvname )
@ -2027,85 +2026,91 @@ class Britney(object):
output_logger . info ( " start: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_start ) )
output_logger . info ( " orig: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_start ) )
if init :
# init => a hint (e.g. "easy") - so do the hint run
( _ , nuninst_end , undo_list , _ ) = self . try_migration ( selected ,
self . nuninst_orig ,
lundo = lundo ,
automatic_revert = False )
if lundo is not None :
lundo . extend ( undo_list )
with start_transaction ( self . suite_info , self . all_binaries ) as transaction :
if not init or force :
# Throw away the (outer) transaction as we will not be using it
transaction . rollback ( )
transaction = None
if recurse :
# Ensure upgrade_me and selected do not overlap, if we
# follow-up with a recurse ("hint"-hint).
upgrade_me = [ x for x in upgrade_me if x not in set ( selected ) ]
if init :
# init => a hint (e.g. "easy") - so do the hint run
( _ , nuninst_end , undo_list , ) = self . try_migration ( selected ,
self . nuninst_orig ,
transaction ,
automatic_revert = False )
if recurse :
# Either the main run or the recursive run of a "hint"-hint.
( nuninst_end , extra ) = self . iter_packages ( upgrade_me , selected , nuninst = nuninst_end , lundo = lundo )
if recurse :
# Ensure upgrade_me and selected do not overlap, if we
# follow-up with a recurse ("hint"-hint).
upgrade_me = [ x for x in upgrade_me if x not in set ( selected ) ]
nuninst_end_str = self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_end )
if recurse :
# Either the main run or the recursive run of a "hint"-hint.
( nuninst_end , extra ) = self . iter_packages ( upgrade_me ,
selected ,
nuninst = nuninst_end ,
parent_transaction = transaction )
if not recurse :
# easy or force-hint
output_logger . info ( " easy: %s " , nuninst_end_str )
nuninst_end_str = self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_end )
if not force :
format_and_log_uninst ( self . output_logger ,
self . options . architectures ,
newly_uninst ( nuninst_start , nuninst_end )
if not recurse :
# easy or force-hint
output_logger . info ( " easy: %s " , nuninst_end_str )
if force :
# Force implies "unconditionally better"
better = True
else :
break_arches = set ( self . options . break_arches )
if all ( x . architecture in break_arches for x in selected ) :
# If we only migrated items from break-arches, then we
# do not allow any regressions on these architectures.
# This usually only happens with hints
break_arches = set ( )
better = is_nuninst_asgood_generous ( self . constraints ,
self . options . architectures ,
self . nuninst_orig ,
nuninst_end ,
break_arches )
if better :
# Result accepted either by force or by being better than the original result.
output_logger . info ( " final: %s " , " , " . join ( sorted ( x . uvname for x in selected ) ) )
output_logger . info ( " start: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_start ) )
output_logger . info ( " orig: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( self . nuninst_orig ) )
output_logger . info ( " end: %s " , nuninst_end_str )
if force :
broken = newly_uninst ( nuninst_start , nuninst_end )
if broken :
output_logger . warning ( " force breaks: " )
if not force :
format_and_log_uninst ( self . output_logger ,
self . options . architectures ,
broken ,
loglevel = logging . WARNING ,
newly_uninst ( nuninst_start , nuninst_end )
else :
output_logger . info ( " force did not break any packages " )
output_logger . info ( " SUCCESS ( %d / %d ) " , len ( actions or self . upgrade_me ) , len ( extra ) )
self . nuninst_orig = nuninst_end
self . all_selected + = selected
if not actions :
if recurse :
self . upgrade_me = extra
else :
self . upgrade_me = [ x for x in self . upgrade_me if x not in set ( selected ) ]
else :
output_logger . info ( " FAILED \n " )
if not lundo :
lundo . reverse ( )
undo_changes ( lundo , self . suite_info , self . all_binaries )
if force :
# Force implies "unconditionally better"
better = True
else :
break_arches = set ( self . options . break_arches )
if all ( x . architecture in break_arches for x in selected ) :
# If we only migrated items from break-arches, then we
# do not allow any regressions on these architectures.
# This usually only happens with hints
break_arches = set ( )
better = is_nuninst_asgood_generous ( self . constraints ,
self . options . architectures ,
self . nuninst_orig ,
nuninst_end ,
break_arches )
if better :
# Result accepted either by force or by being better than the original result.
output_logger . info ( " final: %s " , " , " . join ( sorted ( x . uvname for x in selected ) ) )
output_logger . info ( " start: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( nuninst_start ) )
output_logger . info ( " orig: %s " , self . eval_nuninst ( self . nuninst_orig ) )
output_logger . info ( " end: %s " , nuninst_end_str )
if force :
broken = newly_uninst ( nuninst_start , nuninst_end )
if broken :
output_logger . warning ( " force breaks: " )
format_and_log_uninst ( self . output_logger ,
self . options . architectures ,
broken ,
loglevel = logging . WARNING ,
else :
output_logger . info ( " force did not break any packages " )
output_logger . info ( " SUCCESS ( %d / %d ) " , len ( actions or self . upgrade_me ) , len ( extra ) )
self . nuninst_orig = nuninst_end
self . all_selected + = selected
if transaction :
transaction . commit ( )
if not actions :
if recurse :
self . upgrade_me = extra
else :
self . upgrade_me = [ x for x in self . upgrade_me if x not in set ( selected ) ]
else :
output_logger . info ( " FAILED \n " )
if not transaction :
transaction . rollback ( )
output_logger . info ( " " )