@ -501,12 +501,13 @@ class Britney(object):
sat = set ( )
for dep_dist in binaries :
pkgs = solvers ( block , arch , dep_dist )
dep_packages_s_a = binaries [ dep_dist ] [ arch ]
pkgs = solvers ( block , dep_packages_s_a )
for p in pkgs :
# version and arch is already interned, but solvers use
# the package name extracted from the field and it is therefore
# not interned.
pdata = binaries[ dep_dist ] [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ p ]
pdata = dep_packages_s_a [ 0 ] [ p ]
pt = ( sys . intern ( p ) , pdata [ VERSION ] , arch )
if dep :
sat . add ( pt )
@ -957,23 +958,19 @@ class Britney(object):
# Utility methods for package analysis
# ------------------------------------
def get_dependency_solvers ( self , block , arch, distribution ) :
def get_dependency_solvers ( self , block , packages_s_a ) :
""" Find the packages which satisfy a dependency block
This method returns the list of packages which satisfy a dependency
block ( as returned by apt_pkg . parse_depends ) for the given architectur e
and distribution .
block ( as returned by apt_pkg . parse_depends ) in a package tabl e
for a given suite and architecture ( a la self . binaries [ suite ] [ arch ] )
It returns a tuple with two items : the first is a boolean which is
True if the dependency is satisfied , the second is the list of the
solving packages .
packages = [ ]
# local copies for better performance
binaries = self . binaries [ distribution ] [ arch ]
# for every package, version and operation in the block
for name , version , op in block :
if " : " in name :
@ -982,8 +979,8 @@ class Britney(object):
archqual = None
# look for the package in unstable
if name in binaries [ 0 ] :
package = binaries [ 0 ] [ name ]
if name in packages_s_a [ 0 ] :
package = packages_s_a [ 0 ] [ name ]
# check the versioned dependency and architecture qualifier
# (if present)
if ( op == ' ' and version == ' ' ) or apt_pkg . check_dep ( package [ VERSION ] , op , version ) :
@ -991,8 +988,8 @@ class Britney(object):
packages . append ( name )
# look for the package in the virtual packages list and loop on them
for prov in binaries [ 1 ] . get ( name , [ ] ) :
if prov not in binaries [ 0 ] : continue
for prov in packages_s_a [ 1 ] . get ( name , [ ] ) :
if prov not in packages_s_a [ 0 ] : continue
# A provides only satisfies:
# - an unversioned dependency (per Policy Manual §7.5)
# - a dependency without an architecture qualifier
@ -1013,7 +1010,9 @@ class Britney(object):
as parameter .
# retrieve the binary package from the specified suite and arch
binary_u = self . binaries [ suite ] [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ pkg ]
package_s_a = self . binaries [ suite ] [ arch ]
package_t_a = self . binaries [ ' testing ' ] [ arch ]
binary_u = package_s_a [ 0 ] [ pkg ]
# local copies for better performance
parse_depends = apt_pkg . parse_depends
@ -1027,16 +1026,17 @@ class Britney(object):
# for every dependency block (formed as conjunction of disjunction)
for block , block_txt in zip ( parse_depends ( deps , False ) , deps . split ( ' , ' ) ) :
# if the block is satisfied in testing, then skip the block
packages = get_dependency_solvers ( block , arch, ' testing ' )
packages = get_dependency_solvers ( block , package_t_a )
if packages :
for p in packages :
if p not in self . binaries [ suite ] [ arch ] [ 0 ] : continue
excuse . add_sane_dep ( self . binaries [ suite ] [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ p ] [ SOURCE ] )
if p not in package_s_a [ 0 ] :
excuse . add_sane_dep ( package_s_a [ 0 ] [ p ] [ SOURCE ] )
# check if the block can be satisfied in unstabl e, and list the solving packages
packages = get_dependency_solvers ( block , arch, suite )
packages = [ self . binaries [ suite ] [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ p ] [ SOURCE ] for p in packages ]
# check if the block can be satisfied in the source suit e, and list the solving packages
packages = get_dependency_solvers ( block , package_s_a )
packages = [ package_s_a [ 0 ] [ p ] [ SOURCE ] for p in packages ]
# if the dependency can be satisfied by the same source package, skip the block:
# obviously both binary packages will enter testing together