@ -506,6 +506,10 @@ class Britney(object):
no = 0
faux_version = sys . intern ( ' 1 ' )
faux_section = sys . intern ( ' faux ' )
keep_installable = [ ]
constraints = {
' keep-installable ' : keep_installable
while step ( ) :
no + = 1
@ -535,6 +539,7 @@ class Britney(object):
self . sources [ ' testing ' ] [ pkg_name ] = src_data
self . sources [ ' unstable ' ] [ pkg_name ] = src_data
keep_installable . append ( pkg_name )
for arch in self . options . architectures :
deps = [ ]
for pkg_spec in pkg_list :
@ -573,6 +578,8 @@ class Britney(object):
self . binaries [ ' unstable ' ] [ arch ] [ 0 ] [ pkg_name ] = bin_data
self . all_binaries [ pkg_id ] = bin_data
return constraints
def _build_installability_tester ( self , archs ) :
""" Create the installability tester """
@ -2258,6 +2265,7 @@ class Britney(object):
# removed by the item would still be counted.
nuninst_after = clone_nuninst ( nuninst_now , packages_t , affected_architectures )
must_be_installable = self . constraints [ ' keep-installable ' ]
# check the affected packages on all the architectures
for arch in affected_architectures :
@ -2267,10 +2275,17 @@ class Britney(object):
check_archall , nuninst_after )
# if the uninstallability counter is worse than before, break the loop
if automatic_revert and len ( nuninst_after [ arch ] ) > len ( nuninst_now [ arch ] ) :
if automatic_revert :
worse = False
if len ( nuninst_after [ arch ] ) > len ( nuninst_now [ arch ] ) :
worse = True
else :
regression = nuninst_after [ arch ] - nuninst_now [ arch ]
if not regression . isdisjoint ( must_be_installable ) :
worse = True
# ... except for a few special cases
if ( item . architecture != ' source ' and arch not in new_arches ) or \
( arch not in break_arches ) :
if worse and ( ( item . architecture != ' source ' and arch not in new_arches ) or
( arch not in break_arches ) ) :
is_accepted = False
@ -2446,7 +2461,8 @@ class Britney(object):
# do not allow any regressions on these architectures.
# This usually only happens with hints
break_arches = set ( )
better = is_nuninst_asgood_generous ( self . options . architectures ,
better = is_nuninst_asgood_generous ( self . constraints ,
self . options . architectures ,
self . nuninst_orig ,
nuninst_end ,
break_arches )