mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 02:41:10 +00:00
Removed unused C-API from dpkg.h
Signed-off-by: Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,17 +18,12 @@
static void free_dependency(dependency *dep);
static void free_package(dpkg_package *pkg);
static void free_collected_package(dpkg_collected_package *pkg);
static dpkg_paragraph *read_paragraph( FILE *f );
static dpkg_package *read_package( FILE *f );
static collpackagelist **get_matching_low(collpackagelist **addto,
dpkg_packages *pkgs, dependency *dep, int line);
static collpackagelist *get_matching(dpkg_packages *pkgs, deplist *depopts, int line);
deplist *read_dep_and(char *buf);
deplistlist *read_dep_andor(char *buf);
ownedpackagenamelist *read_packagenames(char *buf);
static dpkg_sources *read_sources_file(char *filename, int n_arches);
static dpkg_source *new_source(dpkg_sources *owner);
static dpkg_source *read_source(FILE *f, dpkg_sources *owner);
static deplist *read_deplist(char **buf, char sep, char end);
static dependency *read_dependency(char **buf, char *end);
static void add_virtualpackage(virtualpkgtbl *vpkgs, char *package,
@ -51,19 +46,6 @@ static inline void bf(void *p, size_t s, int n) { block_free(p,s); fprintf(stder
#define block_malloc(s) block_malloc2(s, __LINE__)
static char *priorities[] = {
static char *dependency_title[] = {
"Pre-Depends", "Depends", "Recommends", "Suggests", NULL
static int dependency_counts[] = { 1, 1, 0, 0 };
char *dependency_relation_sym[] = {"*", "<<", "<=", "=", ">=", ">>"};
@ -140,115 +122,6 @@ static void die(char *orig_msg) {
* Dpkg Control/Packages/etc Operations
static dpkg_paragraph *read_paragraph( FILE *f ) {
dpkg_paragraph *result;
static int line_size = 0;
static char *line = NULL;
char *pch;
dpkg_entry *c_entry = NULL;
char *c_value = NULL;
if (line == NULL) {
line_size = 10;
line = malloc(line_size);
if (line == NULL) die("read_paragraph alloc 0:");
result = block_malloc( sizeof(dpkg_paragraph) );
if (result == NULL) die("read_paragraph alloc 1:");
result->n_entries = 0;
result->entry = NULL;
result->n_allocated = 0;
while(fgets(line, line_size, f)) {
while (!feof(f) && *line && line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n') {
line = realloc(line, line_size * 2);
if (!line) die("read_paragraph realloc:");
fgets(line + strlen(line), line_size, f);
line_size *= 2;
if (line[0] == '\n') break;
if (isspace(line[0])) {
if (c_value == NULL)
die("read_paragraph early spaces");
if (c_entry == NULL) {
/* no need to bother */
} else {
/* extend the line */
c_value = realloc(c_value, strlen(c_value) + strlen(line) + 1);
if (c_value == NULL)
die("read_paragraph realloc c_value:");
strcat(c_value, line);
} else {
if (c_entry) {
c_entry->value = my_strdup(c_value);
c_value[0] = '\0';
c_value = NULL;
} else if (c_value) {
c_value = NULL;
pch = strchr(line, ':');
if (pch == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "the line was: \"%s\"\n", line);
die("read_paragraph: no colon");
*pch = '\0';
if (strcmp(line, "Description") == 0) {
c_value = strdup(pch);
c_entry = NULL;
} else {
assert(result->n_entries <= result->n_allocated);
if (result->n_entries >= result->n_allocated) {
result->n_allocated += 10;
result->entry = realloc( result->entry,
* result->n_allocated);
if (result->entry == NULL)
die("read_paragraph realloc entry:");
c_entry = &result->entry[result->n_entries++];
c_entry->name = my_rep_strdup(line);
c_value = strdup(pch);
if (c_entry) {
c_entry->value = my_strdup(c_value);
c_value[0] = '\0';
c_value = NULL;
if (result->n_entries == 0) {
if (result->entry) free(result->entry);
block_free(result, sizeof(dpkg_paragraph));
return NULL;
} else {
result->entry = realloc(result->entry,
sizeof(result->entry[0]) * result->n_entries);
result->n_allocated = result->n_entries;
return result;
static void write_paragraph(FILE *f, dpkg_paragraph *p) {
int i;
@ -277,34 +150,6 @@ static void free_paragraph(dpkg_paragraph *p) {
* Basic Package Operations
static dpkg_package *new_package(void) {
dpkg_package *result;
result = block_malloc(sizeof(dpkg_package));
if (result == NULL) die("new_package alloc:");
result->package = NULL;
result->version = NULL;
result->priority = 0;
result->arch_all = 0;
result->source = NULL;
result->source_ver = NULL;
result->depends[0] = NULL;
result->depends[1] = NULL;
result->depends[2] = NULL;
result->depends[3] = NULL;
result->conflicts = NULL;
result->provides = NULL;
result->details = NULL;
return result;
static dpkg_collected_package *new_collected_package(dpkg_package *pkg) {
dpkg_collected_package *result;
@ -350,99 +195,6 @@ static void free_package(dpkg_package *pkg) {
block_free(pkg, sizeof(dpkg_package));
static dpkg_package *read_package( FILE *f ) {
dpkg_package *result;
dpkg_paragraph *para;
dpkg_entry *e;
int i;
para = read_paragraph(f);
if (para == NULL) return NULL;
result = new_package();
result->details = para;
for (e = ¶->entry[0]; e < ¶->entry[para->n_entries]; e++) {
if (strcasecmp("Package", e->name) == 0) {
result->package = my_strdup(e->value);
if (result->package == NULL)
die("read_package my_strdup:");
result->package[strlen(result->package)-1] = '\0';
if (strcasecmp("Version", e->name) == 0) {
result->version = my_strdup(e->value);
if (result->version == NULL)
die("read_package my_strdup:");
result->version[strlen(result->version)-1] = '\0';
if (strcasecmp("Priority", e->name) == 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; priorities[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (strcasecmp(priorities[i], e->value))
result->priority = i;
if (priorities[i] == NULL) {
die("read_package: unknown priority");
if (strcasecmp("Architecture", e->name) == 0) {
if (strncasecmp(e->value, "all", 3) == 0) {
if (!e->value[3] || isspace(e->value[3])) {
result->arch_all = 1;
for (i = 0; dependency_title[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (strcasecmp(dependency_title[i], e->name) == 0) {
result->depends[i] = read_dep_andor(e->value);
if (strcasecmp("Conflicts", e->name) == 0)
result->conflicts = read_dep_and(e->value);
if (strcasecmp("Provides", e->name) == 0)
result->provides = read_packagenames(e->value);
if (strcasecmp("source", e->name) == 0) {
char *pch = e->value;
assert(result->source == NULL);
assert(result->source_ver == NULL);
result->source = my_strdup(read_packagename(&pch, "("));
if (result->source == NULL)
die("read_package: bad source header");
while(isspace(*pch)) pch++;
if (*pch == '(') {
result->source_ver = my_strdup(read_until_char(&pch, ")"));
if (result->source_ver == NULL)
die("read_package: bad source version");
while(isspace(*pch)) pch++;
if (*pch != ')')
die("read_package: unterminated ver");
if (result->source == NULL) {
assert(result->source_ver == NULL);
result->source = my_strdup(result->package);
if (result->source_ver == NULL) {
result->source_ver = my_strdup(result->version);
return result;
static void freesize(void *p, size_t s) { (void)s; free(p); }
LIST_IMPL(deplist, dependency*, free_dependency, block_malloc, block_free);
@ -1350,124 +1102,6 @@ int checkinstallable(dpkg_packages *pkgs, collpackagelist *instoneof) {
HASH_IMPL(sourcetbl, char *, dpkg_source *, SIZEOFHASHMAP, strhash, strcmp,
KEEP(char*), free_source);
static dpkg_sources *read_sources_file(char *filename, int n_arches) {
FILE *f;
dpkg_sources *result;
dpkg_source *src;
int i;
f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (f == NULL && errno != ENOENT) {
die("read_sources_file: couldn't open file:");
result = block_malloc(sizeof(dpkg_sources));
if (result == NULL) die("read_sources_file alloc 1:");
result->n_arches = n_arches;
result->archname = block_malloc(sizeof(char*) * n_arches);
if (result->archname == NULL) die("read_sources_file alloc 2:");
for (i = 0; i < n_arches; i++) result->archname[i] = NULL;
result->unclaimedpackages = block_malloc(sizeof(ownedpackagelist*)
* n_arches);
if (result->unclaimedpackages == NULL) die("read_sources_file alloc 3:");
for (i = 0; i < n_arches; i++) result->unclaimedpackages[i] = NULL;
result->sources = new_sourcetbl();
if (f != NULL) {
while ((src = read_source(f, result))) {
dpkg_source *old = lookup_sourcetbl(result->sources, src->package);
if (old == NULL) {
add_sourcetbl(result->sources, src->package, src);
} else {
if (versioncmp(old->version, src->version) || 1) {
int i;
old = replace_sourcetbl(result->sources, src->package, src);
for (i = 0; i < old->owner->n_arches; i++) {
assert(old->packages[i] == NULL);
} else {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < src->owner->n_arches; i++) {
assert(src->packages[i] == NULL);
return result;
void free_sources(dpkg_sources *s) {
int i;
if (s == NULL) return;
for (i = 0; i < s->n_arches; i++) {
/* block_free(s->archname[i]); */
block_free(s->archname, s->n_arches * sizeof(char*));
block_free(s->unclaimedpackages, s->n_arches * sizeof(ownedpackagelist*));
block_free(s, sizeof(dpkg_sources));
static dpkg_source *new_source(dpkg_sources *owner) {
dpkg_source *result;
int i;
result = block_malloc(sizeof(dpkg_source));
if (result == NULL) die("new_source alloc 1:");
result->package = NULL;
result->version = NULL;
result->details = NULL;
result->fake = 0;
result->owner = owner;
result->packages = block_malloc(sizeof(packagelist*) * owner->n_arches);
if (result->packages == NULL) die("new_source alloc 2:");
for (i = 0; i < owner->n_arches; i++) {
result->packages[i] = NULL;
return result;
static dpkg_source *read_source(FILE *f, dpkg_sources *owner) {
dpkg_source *result;
dpkg_paragraph *para;
dpkg_entry *e;
para = read_paragraph(f);
if (para == NULL) return NULL;
result = new_source(owner);
result->details = para;
for (e = ¶->entry[0]; e < ¶->entry[para->n_entries]; e++) {
if (strcmp("Package", e->name) == 0) {
result->package = my_strdup(e->value);
if (result->package == NULL)
die("read_source strdup:");
result->package[strlen(result->package)-1] = '\0';
if (strcmp("Version", e->name) == 0) {
result->version = my_strdup(e->value);
if (result->version == NULL)
die("read_source strdup:");
result->version[strlen(result->version)-1] = '\0';
return result;
void free_source(dpkg_source *s) {
int i;
if (s == NULL) return;
@ -1484,83 +1118,6 @@ void free_source(dpkg_source *s) {
dpkg_sources *read_directory(char *dir, int n_arches, char *archname[]) {
char buf[1000];
dpkg_sources *srcs;
int i;
snprintf(buf, 1000, "%s/Sources", dir);
srcs = read_sources_file(buf, n_arches);
for (i = 0; i < n_arches; i++) {
FILE *f;
dpkg_package *pkg;
srcs->archname[i] = my_strdup(archname[i]);
snprintf(buf, 1000, "%s/Packages_%s", dir, archname[i]);
f = fopen(buf, "r");
if (f == NULL && errno != ENOENT) die("load_dirctory fopen:");
if (f != NULL) {
while ((pkg = read_package(f))) {
dpkg_source *src = lookup_sourcetbl(srcs->sources, pkg->source);
if (src == NULL) {
src = new_source(srcs);
src->fake = 1;
src->package = my_strdup(pkg->source);
src->version = my_strdup(pkg->source_ver);
add_sourcetbl(srcs->sources, src->package, src);
insert_ownedpackagelist(&src->packages[i], pkg);
return srcs;
void write_directory(char *dir, dpkg_sources *srcs) {
FILE *src;
FILE *archfile[100];
char buf[1000];
int i;
sourcetbl_iter srciter;
snprintf(buf, 1000, "%s/Sources", dir);
src = fopen(buf, "w");
if (!src) die("write_directory: Couldn't open Sources file for output");
for (i = 0; i < srcs->n_arches; i++) {
snprintf(buf, 1000, "%s/Packages_%s", dir, srcs->archname[i]);
archfile[i] = fopen(buf, "w");
for (srciter = first_sourcetbl(srcs->sources);
srciter = next_sourcetbl(srciter))
ownedpackagelist *p;
int i;
if (!srciter.v->fake)
write_paragraph(src, srciter.v->details);
for (i = 0; i < srcs->n_arches; i++) {
for (p = srciter.v->packages[i]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
write_paragraph(archfile[i], p->value->details);
for (i = 0; i < srcs->n_arches; i++) {
HASH_IMPL(sourcenotetbl, char *, dpkg_source_note *, SIZEOFHASHMAP, strhash, strcmp,
KEEP(char*), free_source_note);
@ -1665,28 +1222,6 @@ static void save_source_note(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, dpkg_source_note *srcn) {
insert_source_note_list(where, copy_source_note(srcn));
static void save_empty_source_note(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, dpkg_source *src) {
dpkg_source_note *srcn;
source_note_list **where;
for (where = &srcsn->undo->value;
*where != NULL;
where = &(*where)->next)
if ((*where)->value->source == src)
return; /* already saved */
srcn = block_malloc(sizeof(dpkg_source_note));
if (srcn == NULL) die("save_empty_source_note alloc:");
srcn->source = src;
srcn->n_arches = 0;
srcn->binaries = NULL;
insert_source_note_list(where, srcn);
typedef enum { DO_ARCHALL = 0, SKIP_ARCHALL = 1 } do_this;
static void remove_binaries_by_arch(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn,
@ -1722,114 +1257,6 @@ static void remove_binaries_by_arch(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn,
typedef enum { NOTUNDOABLE = 0, UNDOABLE = 1 } undoable;
static void add_binaries_by_arch(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn,
dpkg_source_note *srcn, dpkg_source *src,
int archnum, undoable undoop, do_this arch_all)
ownedpackagelist *p;
const char *archname = srcsn->archname[archnum];
int origarchnum = -1;
int i;
assert(srcn == lookup_sourcenotetbl(srcsn->sources,srcn->source->package));
for (i = 0; i < src->owner->n_arches; i++) {
if (strcmp(archname, src->owner->archname[i]) == 0) {
origarchnum = i;
if (origarchnum == -1) return; /* nothing to add, no biggie */
for (p = src->packages[origarchnum]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
dpkg_collected_package *cpkg;
if (arch_all == SKIP_ARCHALL && p->value->arch_all) continue;
if ((cpkg = lookup_packagetbl(srcsn->pkgs[archnum]->packages,
dpkg_source_note *srcnB;
packagelist **p;
if (!undoop) {
printf("conflict w/o undo: binary %s, owned by %s, replaced by %s\n", cpkg->pkg->package, cpkg->pkg->source, src->package);
srcnB = lookup_sourcenotetbl(srcsn->sources, cpkg->pkg->source);
assert(srcnB != NULL);
for (p = &srcnB->binaries[archnum]; *p != NULL; p = &(*p)->next) {
if ((*p)->value == cpkg->pkg) break;
assert(*p != NULL); /* binary should be from source */
save_source_note(srcsn, srcnB);
remove_package(srcsn->pkgs[archnum], cpkg);
add_package(srcsn->pkgs[archnum], p->value);
insert_packagelist(&srcn->binaries[archnum], p->value);
void upgrade_source(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, dpkg_source *src) {
dpkg_source_note *srcn;
int i;
/* first, find the old source, if it exists */
srcn = remove_sourcenotetbl(srcsn->sources, src->package);
if (srcn != NULL) {
save_source_note(srcsn, srcn);
for (i = 0; i < srcn->n_arches; i++) {
remove_binaries_by_arch(srcsn, srcn, i, DO_ARCHALL);
} else {
save_empty_source_note(srcsn, src);
/* then add the new one */
srcn = new_source_note(src, srcsn->n_arches);
add_sourcenotetbl(srcsn->sources, src->package, srcn);
for (i = 0; i < srcsn->n_arches; i++) {
add_binaries_by_arch(srcsn, srcn, src, i, UNDOABLE, DO_ARCHALL);
void upgrade_arch(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, dpkg_source *src, char *arch) {
dpkg_source_note *srcn;
int archnum = -1;
int i;
/* first, find the old source */
srcn = lookup_sourcenotetbl(srcsn->sources, src->package);
assert(srcn != NULL);
save_source_note(srcsn, srcn);
/* then lookup the archnum */
for (i = 0; i < srcsn->n_arches; i++) {
if (strcmp(arch, srcsn->archname[i]) == 0) {
archnum = i;
if (archnum == -1) die("upgrade_arch: unknown arch");
/* then remove the old stuff and add the new */
remove_binaries_by_arch(srcsn, srcn, archnum, SKIP_ARCHALL);
add_binaries_by_arch(srcsn, srcn, src, archnum, UNDOABLE, SKIP_ARCHALL);
void remove_source(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, char *name) {
dpkg_source_note *srcn;
@ -174,26 +174,18 @@ struct dpkg_sources_note {
void free_packages(dpkg_packages *pkgs);
void free_sources(dpkg_sources *s);
dpkg_packages *get_architecture(dpkg_sources *srcs, char *arch);
/* parsing things */
int checkinstallable(dpkg_packages *pkgs, collpackagelist *instoneof);
int checkinstallable2(dpkg_packages *pkgs, char *pkgname);
satisfieddeplist *checkunsatisfiabledeps(dpkg_packages *pkgs,
deplistlist *deps);
dpkg_sources *read_directory(char *dir, int n_arches, char *archname[]);
void write_directory(char *dir, dpkg_sources *srcs);
void free_source(dpkg_source *s);
/* adding and deleting and stuff */
dpkg_sources_note *new_sources_note(int n_arches, char **archname);
void remove_source(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, char *name);
void upgrade_source(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, dpkg_source *src);
void upgrade_arch(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, dpkg_source *src, char *arch);
void write_notes(char *dir, dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
void free_sources_note(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
void free_source_note(dpkg_source_note *srcn);
@ -204,11 +196,22 @@ void commit_changes(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
int versioncmp(char *left, char *right);
int cmpversions(char *left, int op, char *right);
// Used by britney-py.c
void add_package(dpkg_packages *pkgs, dpkg_package *pkg);
void remove_package(dpkg_packages *pkgs, dpkg_collected_package *pkg);
deplist *read_dep_and(char *buf);
deplistlist *read_dep_andor(char *buf);
ownedpackagenamelist *read_packagenames(char *buf);
dpkg_packages *new_packages(char *arch);
deplistlist *read_dep_andor(char *buf);
deplist *read_dep_and(char *buf);
ownedpackagenamelist *read_packagenames(char *buf);
int checkinstallable2(dpkg_packages *pkgs, char *pkgname);
// used by the above
int checkinstallable(dpkg_packages *pkgs, collpackagelist *instoneof);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user