Do not read approvals, they are not used anymore; use the "approve" hints for

that purpose instead.
This commit is contained in:
Fabio Tranchitella 2008-05-20 12:27:03 +00:00
parent 872d087b56
commit 83022051b1

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@ -58,9 +58,6 @@ Other than source and binary packages, Britney loads the following data:
* Urgencies, which contains the urgency of the upload of a given
version of a source package (see Britney.read_urgencies).
* Approvals, which contains the list of approved testing-proposed-updates
packages (see Britney.read_approvals).
* Hints, which contains lists of commands which modify the standard behaviour
of Britney (see Britney.read_hints).
@ -287,7 +284,6 @@ class Britney:
# read additional data
self.dates = self.read_dates(self.options.testing)
self.urgencies = self.read_urgencies(self.options.testing)
self.approvals = self.read_approvals(self.options.tpu)
self.hints = self.read_hints(self.options.unstable)
self.excuses = []
self.dependencies = {}
@ -702,35 +698,6 @@ class Britney:
return urgencies
def read_approvals(self, basedir):
"""Read the approval commands from the specified directory
The approval commands are read from the files contained by the
`Approved' directory within the directory specified as `basedir'
parameter. The name of the files has to be the same of the
authorized users for the approvals.
The file contains rows with the format:
<package-name> <version>
The method returns a dictionary where the key is the binary package
name followed by an underscore and the version number, and the value
is the user who submitted the command.
approvals = {}
for approver in self.options.approvers.split():
filename = os.path.join(basedir, "Approved", approver)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
self.__log("Cannot read approvals list from %s, no such file!" % filename, type="E")
self.__log("Loading approvals list from %s" % filename)
for line in open(filename):
l = line.split()
if len(l) != 2: continue
approvals["%s_%s" % (l[0], l[1])] = approver
return approvals
def read_hints(self, basedir):
"""Read the hint commands from the specified directory
@ -1360,8 +1327,9 @@ class Britney:
# if the suite is testing-proposed-updates, the package needs an explicit approval in order to go in
if suite == "tpu":
key = "%s_%s" % (src, source_u[VERSION])
if key in self.approvals:
excuse.addhtml("Approved by %s" % approvals[key])
if src in self.hints["approve"] and \
self.same_source(source_t[VERSION], self.hints["approve"][src][0]):
excuse.addhtml("Approved by %s" % self.hints["approve"][src][1])
excuse.addhtml("NEEDS APPROVAL BY RM")
update_candidate = False