@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class InstallabilitySolver(InstallabilityTester):
# Each one of those components will become an "easy" hint.
comps = self . _compute_scc ( order , ptable )
comps = self . _compute_scc ( order )
merged = { }
scc = { }
# Now that we got the SSCs (in comps), we select on item from
@ -269,44 +269,90 @@ class InstallabilitySolver(InstallabilityTester):
return result
def _compute_scc ( self , order , ptable ) :
Tarjan ' s algorithm and topological sorting implementation in Python
Find the strongly connected components in a graph using
Tarjan ' s algorithm.
def _compute_scc ( self , order ) :
""" Iterative algorithm for strongly-connected components
by Paul Harrison
Iterative variant of Tarjan ' s algorithm for finding strongly-connected
components .
Public domain , do with it as you will
: param order : Table of all nodes along which their ordering constraints
: return : List of components ( each component is a list of items )
result = [ ]
stack = [ ]
low = { }
def visit ( node ) :
if node in low :
num = len ( low )
low [ node ] = num
stack_pos = len ( stack )
stack . append ( node )
for successor in order [ node ] [ ' before ' ] :
visit ( successor )
low [ node ] = min ( low [ node ] , low [ successor ] )
if num == low [ node ] :
component = tuple ( stack [ stack_pos : ] )
del stack [ stack_pos : ]
result = [ ]
low = { }
node_stack = [ ]
def _handle_succ ( parent , parent_num , successors_remaining ) :
while successors_remaining :
succ = successors_remaining . pop ( )
succ_num = low . get ( succ , None )
if succ_num is not None :
if succ_num < parent_num :
low [ parent ] = parent_num = succ_num
succ_num = len ( low )
low [ succ ] = succ_num
# It cannot be a part of a SCC if it does not have depends
# or reverse depends.
if not order [ succ ] [ ' before ' ] or not order [ succ ] [ ' after ' ] :
# Short-cut obviously isolated component
result . append ( ( succ , ) )
work_stack . append ( ( succ , len ( node_stack ) , succ_num , order [ succ ] [ ' before ' ] ) )
node_stack . append ( succ )
# "Recurse" into the child node first
return True
return False
for n in order :
if n in low :
root_num = len ( low )
low [ n ] = root_num
# It cannot be a part of a SCC if it does not have depends
# or reverse depends.
if not order [ n ] [ ' before ' ] or not order [ n ] [ ' after ' ] :
# Short-cut obviously isolated component
result . append ( ( n , ) )
# DFS work-stack needed to avoid call recursion. It (more or less)
# replaces the variables on the call stack in Tarjan's algorithm
work_stack = [ ( n , len ( node_stack ) , root_num , order [ n ] [ ' before ' ] ) ]
node_stack . append ( n )
while work_stack :
node , stack_idx , orig_node_num , successors = work_stack [ - 1 ]
if successors and _handle_succ ( node , low [ node ] , successors ) :
# _handle_succ has pushed a new node on to work_stack
# and we need to "restart" the loop to handle that first
# This node is done; remove it from the work stack
work_stack . pop ( )
# This node is out of successor. Push up the "low" value
# (Exception: root node has no parent)
node_num = low [ node ]
if work_stack :
parent = work_stack [ - 1 ] [ 0 ]
parent_num = low [ parent ]
if node_num < = parent_num :
# This node is a part of a component with its parent.
# We update the parent's node number and push the
# responsibility of building the component unto the
# parent.
low [ parent ] = node_num
if node_num != orig_node_num :
# The node is a part of an SCC with a ancestor (and parent)
# We got a component
component = tuple ( node_stack [ stack_idx : ] )
del node_stack [ stack_idx : ]
result . append ( component )
for item in component :
low [ item ] = len ( ptable )
low [ item ] = node_num
for node in order :
visit ( node )
assert not node_stack
return result