Add auto hinter on top of the new installability tester

The "new" auto hinter relies on partial ordering to determine, when
what can migrate (and what needs to migrate at the same time).  At the
same time, it leverages on "_compute_groups" to allow it to include
"removals" in its hints.

Signed-off-by: Niels Thykier <>
This commit is contained in:
Niels Thykier 2014-06-08 17:51:50 +02:00
parent ebc9af70fa
commit c0409c1b04
3 changed files with 327 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -2604,10 +2604,34 @@ class Britney(object):
excuses relationships. If they build a circular dependency, which we already
know as not-working with the standard do_all algorithm, try to `easy` them.
self.__log("> Processing hints from the auto hinter", type="I")
self.__log("> Processing hints from the auto hinter [Partial-ordering]",
# consider only excuses which are valid candidates
excuses = dict((, x) for x in self.excuses if in [y.uvname for y in self.upgrade_me])
sources_t = self.sources['testing']
groups = set()
for y in sorted((y for y in self.upgrade_me if y.uvname in excuses), key=attrgetter('uvname')):
if y.is_removal and y.uvname not in sources_t:
# Already removed
if not y.is_removal:
excuse = excuses[y.uvname]
if y.architecture == 'source' and y.uvname in sources_t and sources_t[y.uvname][VERSION] == excuse.ver[1]:
# Already migrated
adds, rms, _ = self._compute_groups(y.package, y.suite,
y.architecture, y.is_removal,
groups.add((y, frozenset(adds), frozenset(rms)))
for comp in self._inst_tester.solve_groups(groups):
if len(comp) > 1:
self.do_hint("easy", "autohinter", [ MigrationItem("%s/%s" % (x.uvname, excuses[x.uvname].ver[1])) for x in comp])
self.__log("> Processing hints from the auto hinter [Original]",
def find_related(e, hint, circular_first=False):
if e not in excuses:

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
from contextlib import contextmanager
from britney_util import ifilter_except, iter_except
from installability.tester import InstallabilityTester
from installability.solver import InstallabilitySolver
class _RelationBuilder(object):
"""Private helper class to "build" relations"""
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class InstallabilityTesterBuilder(object):
check.update(reverse_package_table[pkg][0] - safe_set)
return InstallabilityTester(package_table,
return InstallabilitySolver(package_table,
self._testing, self._broken,
self._essentials, safe_set)

installability/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Niels Thykier <>
# - Includes code by Paul Harrison
# (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
from functools import partial
import os
from installability.tester import InstallabilityTester
from britney_util import (ifilter_only, iter_except)
class InstallabilitySolver(InstallabilityTester):
def __init__(self, universe, revuniverse, testing, broken, essentials,
"""Create a new installability solver
universe is a dict mapping package tuples to their
dependencies and conflicts.
revuniverse is a dict mapping package tuples to their reverse
dependencies and reverse conflicts.
testing is a (mutable) set of package tuples that determines
which of the packages in universe are currently in testing.
broken is a (mutable) set of package tuples that are known to
be uninstallable.
Package tuple: (pkg_name, pkg_version, pkg_arch)
- NB: arch:all packages are "re-mapped" to given architecture.
(simplifies caches and dependency checking)
InstallabilityTester.__init__(self, universe, revuniverse, testing,
broken, essentials, safe_set)
def solve_groups(self, groups):
sat_in_testing = self._testing.isdisjoint
universe = self._universe
revuniverse = self._revuniverse
result = []
emitted = set()
check = set()
order = {}
ptable = {}
key2item = {}
going_out = set()
going_in = set()
debug_solver = 0
debug_solver = int(os.environ.get('BRITNEY_DEBUG', '0'))
# Build the tables
for (item, adds, rms) in groups:
key = str(item)
key2item[key] = item
order[key] = {'before': set(), 'after': set()}
for a in adds:
ptable[a] = key
for r in rms:
ptable[r] = key
# This large loop will add ordering constrains on each "item"
# that migrates based on various rules.
for (item, adds, rms) in groups:
key = str(item)
oldcons = set()
newcons = set()
for r in rms:
for a in adds:
current = newcons & oldcons
oldcons -= current
newcons -= current
if oldcons:
# Some of the old binaries have "conflicts" that will
# be removed.
for o in ifilter_only(ptable, oldcons):
# "key" removes a conflict with one of
# "other"'s binaries, so it is probably a good
# idea to migrate "key" before "other"
other = ptable[o]
if other == key:
# "Self-conflicts" => ignore
if debug_solver and other not in order[key]['before']:
print "N: Conflict induced order: %s before %s" % (key, other)
for r in ifilter_only(revuniverse, rms):
# The binaries have reverse dependencies in testing;
# check if we can/should migrate them first.
for rdep in revuniverse[r][0]:
for depgroup in universe[rdep][0]:
rigid = depgroup - going_out
if not sat_in_testing(rigid):
# (partly) satisfied by testing, assume it is okay
if rdep in ptable:
other = ptable[rdep]
if other == key:
# "Self-dependency" => ignore
if debug_solver and other not in order[key]['after']:
print "N: Removal induced order: %s before %s" % (key, other)
for a in adds:
# Check if this item should migrate before others
# (e.g. because they depend on a new [version of a]
# binary provided by this item).
for depgroup in universe[a][0]:
rigid = depgroup - going_out
if not sat_in_testing(rigid):
# (partly) satisfied by testing, assume it is okay
# okay - we got three cases now.
# - "swap" (replace existing binary with a newer version)
# - "addition" (add new binary without removing any)
# - "removal" (remove binary without providing a new)
# The problem is that only the two latter requires
# an ordering. A "swap" (in itself) should not
# affect us.
other_adds = set()
other_rms = set()
for d in ifilter_only(ptable, depgroup):
if d in going_in:
# "other" provides something "key" needs,
# schedule accordingly.
other = ptable[d]
# "other" removes something "key" needs,
# schedule accordingly.
other = ptable[d]
for other in (other_adds - other_rms):
if debug_solver and other != key and other not in order[key]['after']:
print "N: Dependency induced order (add): %s before %s" % (key, other)
for other in (other_rms - other_adds):
if debug_solver and other != key and other not in order[key]['before']:
print "N: Dependency induced order (remove): %s before %s" % (key, other)
### MILESTONE: Partial-order constrains computed ###
# At this point, we have computed all the partial-order
# constrains needed. Some of these may have created strongly
# connected components (SSC) [of size 2 or greater], which
# represents a group of items that (we believe) must migrate
# together.
# Each one of those components will become an "easy" hint.
comps = self._compute_scc(order, ptable)
merged = {}
scc = {}
# Now that we got the SSCs (in comps), we select on item from
# each SSC to represent the group and become an ID for that
# SSC.
# * ssc[ssc_id] => All the items in that SSC
# * merged[item] => The ID of the SSC to which the item belongs.
# We also "repair" the ordering, so we know in which order the
# hints should be emitted.
for com in comps:
scc_id = com[0]
scc[scc_id] = com
merged[scc_id] = scc_id
if len(com) > 1:
so_before = order[scc_id]['before']
so_after = order[scc_id]['after']
for n in com:
if n == scc_id:
merged[n] = scc_id
del order[n]
if debug_solver:
print "N: SCC: %s -- %s" % (scc_id, str(sorted(com)))
for com in comps:
node = com[0]
nbefore = set(merged[b] for b in order[node]['before'])
nafter = set(merged[b] for b in order[node]['after'])
# Drop self-relations (usually caused by the merging)
order[node]['before'] = nbefore
order[node]['after'] = nafter
if debug_solver:
print "N: -- PARTIAL ORDER --"
for com in sorted(order):
if debug_solver and order[com]['before']:
print "N: %s <= %s" % (com, str(sorted(order[com]['before'])))
if not order[com]['after']:
# This component can be scheduled immediately, add it
# to "check"
elif debug_solver:
print "N: %s >= %s" % (com, str(sorted(order[com]['after'])))
if debug_solver:
print "N: -- END PARTIAL ORDER --"
print "N: -- LINEARIZED ORDER --"
for cur in iter_except(check.pop, KeyError):
if order[cur]['after'] <= emitted:
# This item is ready to be emitted right now
if debug_solver:
print "N: %s -- %s" % (cur, sorted(scc[cur]))
result.append([key2item[x] for x in scc[cur]])
if order[cur]['before']:
# There are components that come after this one.
# Add it to "check":
# - if it is ready, it will be emitted.
# - else, it will be dropped and re-added later.
check.update(order[cur]['before'] - emitted)
if debug_solver:
return result
def _compute_scc(self, order, ptable):
Tarjan's algorithm and topological sorting implementation in Python
Find the strongly connected components in a graph using
Tarjan's algorithm.
by Paul Harrison
Public domain, do with it as you will
result = [ ]
stack = [ ]
low = { }
def visit(node):
if node in low:
num = len(low)
low[node] = num
stack_pos = len(stack)
for successor in order[node]['before']:
low[node] = min(low[node], low[successor])
if num == low[node]:
component = tuple(stack[stack_pos:])
del stack[stack_pos:]
for item in component:
low[item] = len(ptable)
for node in order:
return result