@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ from britney2.utils import (old_libraries_format, undo_changes,
write_excuses , write_heidi_delta , write_controlfiles ,
old_libraries , is_nuninst_asgood_generous ,
clone_nuninst , check_installability ,
create_provides_map ,
create_provides_map , read_release_file ,
__author__ = ' Fabio Tranchitella and the Debian Release Team '
@ -999,21 +999,21 @@ class Britney(object):
arch2packages = { }
if self . options . components :
release_file = read_release_file ( basedir )
listed_archs = set ( release_file [ ' Architectures ' ] . split ( ) )
for arch in architectures :
packages = { }
if arch not in listed_archs :
self . log ( " Skipping arch %s for %s : It is not listed in the Release file " % ( arch , distribution ) )
arch2packages [ arch ] = ( { } , { } )
for component in self . options . components :
binary_dir = " binary- %s " % arch
filename = os . path . join ( basedir ,
component ,
binary_dir ,
' Packages ' )
try :
filename = possibly_compressed ( filename )
except FileNotFoundError :
if arch not in self . options . new_arches :
self . log ( " Ignoring missing file for new arch %s : %s " % ( arch , filename ) )
filename = possibly_compressed ( filename )
udeb_filename = os . path . join ( basedir ,
component ,
" debian-installer " ,