@ -1344,17 +1344,20 @@ class Britney(object):
if not anywrongver and (anyworthdoing or not self.sources[suite][src][FAKESRC]):
srcv = self.sources[suite][src][VERSION]
ssrc = self.same_source(source_t[VERSION], srcv)
# for every binary package produced by this source in testing for this architecture
for pkg in sorted([x.split("/")[0] for x in self.sources['testing'][src][BINARIES] if x.endswith("/"+arch)]):
# if the package is architecture-independent, then ignore it
if self.binaries['testing'][arch][0][pkg][ARCHITECTURE] == 'all':
excuse.addhtml("Ignoring removal of %s as it is arch: all" % (pkg))
# if the package is not produced by the new source package, then remove it from testing
if pkg not in self.binaries[suite][arch][0]:
tpkgv = self.binaries['testing'][arch][0][pkg][VERSION]
excuse.addhtml("Removed binary: %s %s" % (pkg, tpkgv))
if ssrc: anyworthdoing = True
# if this is a binary-only migration via *pu, we never want to try
# removing binary packages
if not (ssrc and suite != 'unstable'):
# for every binary package produced by this source in testing for this architecture
for pkg in sorted([x.split("/")[0] for x in self.sources['testing'][src][BINARIES] if x.endswith("/"+arch)]):
# if the package is architecture-independent, then ignore it
if self.binaries['testing'][arch][0][pkg][ARCHITECTURE] == 'all':
excuse.addhtml("Ignoring removal of %s as it is arch: all" % (pkg))
# if the package is not produced by the new source package, then remove it from testing
if pkg not in self.binaries[suite][arch][0]:
tpkgv = self.binaries['testing'][arch][0][pkg][VERSION]
excuse.addhtml("Removed binary: %s %s" % (pkg, tpkgv))
if ssrc: anyworthdoing = True
# if there is nothing wrong and there is something worth doing, this is a valid candidate
if not anywrongver and anyworthdoing:
@ -1502,15 +1505,22 @@ class Britney(object):
if suite in ['pu', 'tpu']:
# o-o-d(ish) checks for (t-)p-u
for arch in self.options.architectures:
# If the package isn't in testing or the testing
# package produces no packages on this architecture,
# then it can't be out-of-date. We assume that if
# the (t-)p-u package has produced any binaries for
# this architecture then it is ok
if not src in self.sources["testing"] or \
(len([x for x in self.sources["testing"][src][BINARIES] if x.endswith("/"+arch) and self.binaries["testing"][arch][0][x.split("/")[0]][ARCHITECTURE] != 'all' ]) == 0) or \
(len([x for x in self.sources[suite][src][BINARIES] if x.endswith("/"+arch) and self.binaries[suite][arch][0][x.split("/")[0]][ARCHITECTURE] != 'all' ]) > 0):
if src not in self.sources["testing"]:
# if the package in testing has no binaries on this
# architecture, it can't be out-of-date
if not any(x for x in self.sources["testing"][src][BINARIES]
if x.endswith("/"+arch) and self.binaries["testing"][arch][0][x.split("/")[0]][ARCHITECTURE] != 'all'):
# if the (t-)p-u package has produced any binaries on
# this architecture then we assume it's ok. this allows for
# uploads to (t-)p-u which intentionally drop binary
# packages
if any(x for x in self.binaries[suite][arch][0].values() \
if x[SOURCE] == src and x[SOURCEVER] == source_u[VERSION] and \
x[ARCHITECTURE] != 'all'):
if suite == 'tpu':
@ -1724,6 +1734,8 @@ class Britney(object):
# if a package is going to be removed, it will have a "-" prefix
upgrade_me = []
self.excuses = []
# for every source package in testing, check if it should be removed
for pkg in sources['testing']:
if should_remove_source(pkg):
@ -2063,7 +2075,16 @@ class Britney(object):
# first, build a list of eligible binaries
for p in source[BINARIES]:
binary, parch = p.split("/")
if item.architecture != 'source' and parch != item.architecture: continue
if item.architecture != 'source':
# for a binary migration, binaries should not be removed:
# - unless they are for the correct architecture
if parch != item.architecture: continue
# - if they are arch:all and the migration is via *pu,
# as the packages will not have been rebuilt and the
# source suite will not contain them
if binaries[parch][0][binary][ARCHITECTURE] == 'all' and \
item.suite != 'unstable':
# do not remove binaries which have been hijacked by other sources
if binaries[parch][0][binary][SOURCE] != item.package: continue
@ -2108,9 +2129,8 @@ class Britney(object):
# outside of the current source
for p in check:
binary, parch = p.split("/")
rdeps = [ bin for bin in binaries[parch][0][binary][RDEPENDS] \
if bin in [y.split("/")[0] for y in smoothbins] ]
if len(rdeps) > 0:
if any(bin for bin in binaries[parch][0][binary][RDEPENDS] \
if bin in [y.split("/")[0] for y in smoothbins]):
# remove all the binaries which aren't being smooth updated
@ -2752,6 +2772,11 @@ class Britney(object):
# quit the hint tester
if input and input[0] in ('quit', 'exit'):
elif input and input[0] in ('remove', 'approve', 'urgent', 'age-days',
'block', 'block-udeb', 'unblock', 'unblock-udeb',
'block-all', 'force'):
self.hints.add_hint(' '.join(input), 'hint-tester')
# run a hint
elif input and input[0] in ('easy', 'hint', 'force-hint'):