Make the recursive reverse depenedency list building more efficient

Signed-off-by: Adam D. Barratt <>
This commit is contained in:
Adam D. Barratt 2011-03-08 16:01:54 +00:00
parent de312e4138
commit df6f50bbd5

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@ -2046,12 +2046,24 @@ class Britney:
# save the old binary for undo
undo['binaries'][p] = binaries[parch][0][binary]
# all the reverse dependencies are affected by the change
for j in binaries[parch][0][binary][RDEPENDS]:
key = (j, parch)
if key not in affected: affected.append(key)
for p in self.get_full_tree(j, parch, 'testing'):
key = (p, parch)
if key not in affected: affected.append(key)
# recursively loop through the reverse dependencies
rev_deps = set(binaries[parch][0][binary][RDEPENDS])
seen = set()
while len(rev_deps) > 0:
# mark all of the current iteration of packages as affected
affected.extend( [ (x, parch) for x in rev_deps ] )
# and as processed
seen |= rev_deps
# generate the next iteration, which is the reverse-dependencies of
# the current iteration
new_rev_deps = [ binaries[parch][0][x][RDEPENDS] for x in rev_deps \
if x in binaries[parch][0] ]
# flatten the list-of-lists, filtering out already handled packages
# in the process
rev_deps = set([ package for sublist in new_rev_deps \
for package in sublist if package not in seen ])
# remove duplicates from the list of affected packages
affected = list(set(affected))
# remove the provided virtual packages
for j in binaries[parch][0][binary][PROVIDES]:
key = j + "/" + parch