@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from enum import Enum, unique
import apt_pkg
import os
import time
from urllib . parse import quote
from hints import Hint , split_into_one_hint_per_package
@ -262,6 +263,8 @@ class AgePolicy(BasePolicy):
min_days = new_req
res = PolicyVerdict . PASS
if days_old < min_days :
urgent_hints = self . hints . search ( ' urgent ' , package = source_name ,
version = source_data_srcdist . version )
@ -270,11 +273,24 @@ class AgePolicy(BasePolicy):
' new-requirement ' : 0 ,
' changed-by ' : urgent_hints [ 0 ] . user
return PolicyVerdict . PASS_HINTED
res = PolicyVerdict . PASS_HINTED
else :
res = PolicyVerdict . REJECTED_TEMPORARILY
# update excuse
age_hint = age_info . get ( ' age-requirement-reduced ' , None )
age_min_req = age_info [ ' age-requirement ' ]
if age_hint :
new_req = age_hint [ ' new-requirement ' ]
who = age_hint [ ' changed-by ' ]
if new_req :
excuse . addhtml ( " Overriding age needed from %d days to %d by %s " % (
age_min_req , new_req , who ) )
else :
return PolicyVerdict . REJECTED_TEMPORARILY
excuse . addhtml ( " Too young, but urgency pushed by %s " % who )
excuse . setdaysold ( age_info [ ' current-age ' ] , age_min_req )
return PolicyVerdict . PASS
return res
def _read_dates_file ( self ) :
""" Parse the dates file """
@ -475,6 +491,24 @@ class RCBugPolicy(BasePolicy):
rcbugs_info [ ' unique-source-bugs ' ] = sorted ( bugs_u - bugs_t )
rcbugs_info [ ' unique-target-bugs ' ] = sorted ( bugs_t - bugs_u )
# update excuse
new_bugs = rcbugs_info [ ' unique-source-bugs ' ]
old_bugs = rcbugs_info [ ' unique-target-bugs ' ]
excuse . setbugs ( old_bugs , new_bugs )
if new_bugs :
excuse . addhtml ( " %s <a href= \" https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi? " \
" src= %s &sev-inc=critical&sev-inc=grave&sev-inc=serious \" " \
" target= \" _blank \" >has new bugs</a>! " % ( source_name , quote ( source_name ) ) )
excuse . addhtml ( " Updating %s introduces new bugs: %s " % ( source_name , " , " . join (
[ " <a href= \" https://bugs.debian.org/ %s \" ># %s </a> " % ( quote ( a ) , a ) for a in new_bugs ] ) ) )
if old_bugs :
excuse . addhtml ( " Updating %s fixes old bugs: %s " % ( source_name , " , " . join (
[ " <a href= \" https://bugs.debian.org/ %s \" ># %s </a> " % ( quote ( a ) , a ) for a in old_bugs ] ) ) )
if new_bugs and len ( old_bugs ) > len ( new_bugs ) :
excuse . addhtml ( " %s introduces new bugs, so still ignored (even "
" though it fixes more than it introduces, whine at debian-release) " % source_name )
if not bugs_u or bugs_u < = bugs_t :
return success_verdict
return PolicyVerdict . REJECTED_PERMANENTLY