@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ class PolicyEngine(object):
for policy in self._policies:
def apply_src_policies(self, source_suite, src, source_t, source_u, excuse):
def apply_src_policies(self, item, source_t, source_u, excuse):
excuse_verdict = excuse.policy_verdict
suite_name = source_suite.name
source_suite = item.suite
suite_class = source_suite.suite_class
for policy in self._policies:
pinfo = {}
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ class PolicyEngine(object):
if suite_class in policy.applicable_suites:
if policy.src_policy.run_arch:
for arch in policy.options.architectures:
v = policy.apply_srcarch_policy_impl(pinfo, suite_name, src, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse)
v = policy.apply_srcarch_policy_impl(pinfo, item, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse)
if v.value > policy_verdict.value:
policy_verdict = v
if policy.src_policy.run_src:
v = policy.apply_src_policy_impl(pinfo, suite_name, src, source_t, source_u, excuse)
v = policy.apply_src_policy_impl(pinfo, item, source_t, source_u, excuse)
if v.value > policy_verdict.value:
policy_verdict = v
# The base policy provides this field, so the subclass should leave it blank
@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ class PolicyEngine(object):
excuse_verdict = policy_verdict
excuse.policy_verdict = excuse_verdict
def apply_srcarch_policies(self, source_suite, src, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse):
def apply_srcarch_policies(self, item, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse):
excuse_verdict = excuse.policy_verdict
suite_name = source_suite.name
source_suite = item.suite
suite_class = source_suite.suite_class
for policy in self._policies:
pinfo = {}
if suite_class in policy.applicable_suites:
policy_verdict = policy.apply_srcarch_policy_impl(pinfo, suite_name, src, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse)
policy_verdict = policy.apply_srcarch_policy_impl(pinfo, item, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse)
if policy_verdict.value > excuse_verdict.value:
excuse_verdict = policy_verdict
# The base policy provides this field, so the subclass should leave it blank
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class BasePolicy(object):
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, policy_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): # pragma: no cover
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, policy_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): # pragma: no cover
"""Apply a policy on a given source migration
Britney will call this method on a given source package, when
@ -147,8 +147,7 @@ class BasePolicy(object):
(e.g. policy_info['age'] = {...}). This will go directly into
the "excuses.yaml" output.
:param suite The name of the suite from where the source is
migrating from.
:param item The migration item the policy is applied to.
:param source_data_tdist Information about the source package
in the target distribution (e.g. "testing"). This is the
@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ class BasePolicy(object):
return PolicyVerdict.NOT_APPLICABLE
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, policy_info, suite, source_name, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, policy_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
"""Apply a policy on a given binary migration
Britney will call this method on binaries from a given source package
@ -175,8 +174,11 @@ class BasePolicy(object):
(e.g. policy_info['age'] = {...}). This will go directly into
the "excuses.yaml" output.
:param suite The name of the suite from where the source is
migrating from.
:param item The migration item the policy is applied to.
:param arch The architecture the item is applied to. This is mostly
relevant for policies where src_policy is not ApplySrcPolicy.RUN_SRC
(as that is the only case where arch can differ from item.architecture)
:param source_data_tdist Information about the source package
in the target distribution (e.g. "testing"). This is the
@ -310,9 +312,10 @@ class AgePolicy(BasePolicy):
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, age_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, age_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
# retrieve the urgency for the upload, ignoring it if this is a NEW package
# (not present in the target suite)
source_name = item.package
urgency = self._urgencies.get(source_name, self._default_urgency)
if urgency not in self._min_days:
@ -548,9 +551,10 @@ class RCBugPolicy(BasePolicy):
self._bugs['source'] = self._read_bugs(filename_unstable)
self._bugs['target'] = self._read_bugs(filename_testing)
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, rcbugs_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, rcbugs_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
bugs_t = set()
bugs_u = set()
source_name = item.package
for src_key in (source_name, 'src:%s' % source_name):
if source_data_tdist and src_key in self._bugs['target']:
@ -670,7 +674,9 @@ class PiupartsPolicy(BasePolicy):
self._piuparts['source'] = self._read_piuparts_summary(filename_unstable, keep_url=True)
self._piuparts['target'] = self._read_piuparts_summary(filename_testing, keep_url=False)
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, piuparts_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, piuparts_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
source_name = item.package
if source_name in self._piuparts['target']:
testing_state = self._piuparts['target'][source_name][0]
@ -759,6 +765,7 @@ class BuildDepResult(IntEnum):
# relation cannot be satisfied
class BuildDependsPolicy(BasePolicy):
def __init__(self, options, suite_info):
@ -773,22 +780,24 @@ class BuildDependsPolicy(BasePolicy):
if hasattr(self.options, 'all_buildarch'):
self._all_buildarch = SuiteContentLoader.config_str_as_list(self.options.all_buildarch,[])
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, build_deps_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, build_deps_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS
# analyze the dependency fields (if present)
deps = source_data_srcdist.build_deps_arch
if deps:
v = self._check_build_deps(deps, DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS, build_deps_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
v = self._check_build_deps(deps, DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS, build_deps_info, item,
source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
if verdict.value < v.value:
verdict = v
ideps = source_data_srcdist.build_deps_indep
if ideps:
v = self._check_build_deps(ideps, DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS_INDEP, build_deps_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
v = self._check_build_deps(ideps, DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS_INDEP, build_deps_info, item,
source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
if verdict.value < v.value:
verdict = v
@ -831,7 +840,7 @@ class BuildDependsPolicy(BasePolicy):
return verdict
def _check_build_deps(self, deps, dep_type, build_deps_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
def _check_build_deps(self, deps, dep_type, build_deps_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse,
verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS
any_arch_ok = dep_type == DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS_INDEP
@ -841,7 +850,8 @@ class BuildDependsPolicy(BasePolicy):
# local copies for better performance
parse_src_depends = apt_pkg.parse_src_depends
source_suite = self.suite_info[suite]
source_name = item.package
source_suite = item.suite
target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite
binaries_s = source_suite.binaries
provides_s = source_suite.provides_table
@ -966,11 +976,11 @@ class BuiltUsingPolicy(BasePolicy):
def initialise(self, britney):
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, build_deps_info, suite, source_name, arch, source_data_tdist,
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, build_deps_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist,
source_data_srcdist, excuse):
verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS
source_suite = self.suite_info[suite]
source_suite = item.suite
target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite
binaries_s = source_suite.binaries
@ -1048,11 +1058,13 @@ class BlockPolicy(BasePolicy):
# block related hints are currently defined in hint.py
def _check_blocked(self, src, arch, version, suite_name, excuse):
def _check_blocked(self, item, arch, version, excuse):
verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS
blocked = {}
unblocked = {}
source_suite = self.suite_info[suite_name]
source_suite = item.suite
suite_name = source_suite.name
src = item.package
is_primary = source_suite.suite_class == SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE
if is_primary:
@ -1111,9 +1123,9 @@ class BlockPolicy(BasePolicy):
verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_NEEDS_APPROVAL
return verdict
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, block_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
return self._check_blocked(source_name, "source", source_data_srcdist.version, suite, excuse)
def apply_src_policy_impl(self, block_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
return self._check_blocked(item, "source", source_data_srcdist.version, excuse)
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, block_info, suite, source_name, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
return self._check_blocked(source_name, arch, source_data_srcdist.version, suite, excuse)
def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, block_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
return self._check_blocked(item, arch, source_data_srcdist.version, excuse)