For packages with lots of reverse dependencies, new versions of those reverse
dependencies may keep on showing up in testing. If migration is blocked until
the results for these new version, migration may take extremely long. If there
are results for the current trigger but for the previous version of the reverse
dependency, use those until the fresh resuts are available.
Similar for the reference runs.
Hint to allow smooth update, even if the section isn't allowed in the
Note that this takes the source name and the source version IN TESTING
of the binaries that must be allowed to stay around to allow a smooth
Currently, britney only schedules reference runs when they don't exist. It does
strip out runs against older versions of the autopkgtest, but the current version
may exist for a while and the reference run can be old. So, add an option to
ignore old results.
We only want to add packages which conflict in testing, but don't
conflict in unstable. For those, the newer version (from unstable)
probably fixes the conflict.
When an arch:all binary is uninstallable on a non-nobreakall arch, don't
block it, but still mark it as uninstallable, so the autopkgtest policy
knows not to schedule tests for it.
Currently when a package is uninstallable on an arch, no autopkgtests for that arch are triggered
and the autopkgtest policy blocks migration. However it's not the job of the autopkgtest policy
to judge uninstallability and packages that build an arch:all package that just isn't installable
on the autopkgtest arch should not be blocked for this.
Closes: #918620
Rework the dependencies between excuses.
Dependencies are specified based on packages (source or binary). Based
on these packages, dependencies on other excuses (that have these
packages) are calculated.
As with package dependencies, dependencies between excuses can contain
Each alternative can satisfy the dependency, so the excuse only becomes
invalid if all of the alternatives of a specific dependency are
Tracking of the alternatives and their validity is moved to separate
Because autopkgtest failure in a package is now a serious bug (RC), packages
that don't opt-in should not be tested. Due to the way autopkgtest and autodep8
work together, package that don't declare they have an autopkgtest can still be
tested. However, maintainers should not be force to say their package doesn't
work with autodep8 by introducing a fake test.
When there is no test in testing, and a failing test in unstable, don't
allow the package to migrate. Doing so would make it instantly RC-buggy.
Signed-off-by: Ivo De Decker <>
When the arch: all packages were uploaded by the maintainer, a binnmu (built
on the buildds) shouldn't be blocked, because it doesn't contain the arch: all
binaries anyway.
Signed-off-by: Ivo De Decker <>
The update of gcc to gcc-9 introduced a regression in buildability of
anything relying on kernel headers. This could have been caught by the
kernel's standard rebuild autopkgtest, but we currently only trigger the
linux autopkgtest for source packages named gcc-N, which excludes
Include gcc-defaults in the list of packages that trigger a linux rebuild