We want to treat linux-$flavor and linux-meta-$flavor as one set in
britney which goes in together or not at all. We never want to promote
linux-$flavor without the accompanying linux-meta-$flavor.
Add a new LinuxPolicy which runs after most of the other policies, which
invalidates linux-foo if linux-meta-foo is invalid.
Because autopkgtest failure in a package is now a serious bug (RC), packages
that don't opt-in should not be tested. Due to the way autopkgtest and autodep8
work together, package that don't declare they have an autopkgtest can still be
tested. However, maintainers should not be force to say their package doesn't
work with autodep8 by introducing a fake test.
Currently autopkgtest tries to install our trigger from unstable and the rest
from testing. If that fails, than autopkgtest has a fall-back to allow all
packages from unstable to be installed. This has two severe issues:
1) the version of the test and the package it came from may be out-of-sync
2) too much from unstable may be installed, even stuff that should not/is not
allowed to migrate as it breaks stuff.
Make sure that test depends also get added to triggers if they are broken.
E.g. imagine the following scenario: trigger X changes (breaks) the output
generated by Y. Package Z has Y in the test dependencies and compares the
output in the autopkgtest. We want to have the opportunity that a new version
is automatically fixing the situation.
Two use cases are currently unsupported: needs-build (autopkgtest restriction)
and test dependencies generated by autodep8.
The "almost" comes from the fact that there is a reference to
"pu"/"stable" which does not have an obvious fix at the moment.
Signed-off-by: Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
* test_autopkgtest: use --no-compute-migrations instead of removing UPGRADE_OUTPUT
* comment out some tests that I can't get to work in Debian, while all but three work if
run inside Ubuntu's britney