Solutions to common policy decisions ==================================== .. contents:: Britney complains about a fixed bug in the source suite (bug policy) -------------------------------------------------------------------- All decisions about bugs are related to data set extracted from the bug tracker. If britney says that the new version introduces a bug, then it is because the data set from the bug tracker lists that bug for *a* version in the source suite, without it appearing for the version(s) in the target suite. Please note that these data sets do not include versions, so britney is unable to tell exactly which versions are affected. The only thing, it can tell, is what suite the bug affects. There is a number of common cases, where this is observed: * The metadata on the bug is wrong. A known example is the Debian BTS, where if a bug has a `fixed` version equal to a `found` version, the bug is considered unfixed. * The bug is fixed, but the old version is still around in the source suite. In this case, britney will generally also mention a "missing build" or "old binaries". If the metadata is wrong, the solution is to fix it in the bug tracker and wait until britney receives a new data set. In the other case, the recommendation is to see the sections on "missing builds" and "old binaries" below. As long as they are present, the package may be blocked by bugs in the older versions of the binaries. Britney complains about "missing builds" ---------------------------------------- A "missing build" happens when britney detects that the binaries for a given architecture are missing or not up to date. This is detected by checking the "Packages" files in the archive, so britney has no knowledge of *why* the build is missing. Accordingly, this kind of issue is flagged as a "possibly permanent" issue. If the omission is deliberate (e.g. the new version no longer supports that architecture), then please have the old binaries for that architecture removed from the *source* suite. Once those are removed, britney will no longer see that as a problem. Otherwise, please check the build services for any issues with building or uploading the package to the archive. **Common misconceptions**: If the architecture is no longer supported, the removal of the old binaries should happen in the *source* suite (e.g. Debian unstable). However, many people mistakenly request a removal from the *target* suite (e.g. Debian testing). Unfortunately, this is not the proper solution (and, britney does not support architecture specific removals so it may be difficult to do anyhow). Britney complains about "old binaries" -------------------------------------- Depending on the configuration of the britney instance, this may or may not be a blocker. If the distribution has chosen to enable the "ignore_cruft" option, this is merely a warning/note. That said, even in this mode it can block a package from migration. This appears when britney detects that there are older versions of the binary packages around, which was built by (an older version of) the same source package. This is common with distributions where their archive management software is capable of keeping old binaries as long as something depends on them (e.g. DAK as used by Debian). Therefore, the most common solution is to ensure all reverse dependencies are updated to use the new binaries and then have the old ones removed (the latter commonly known as "decrufting"). Technically, this is also solvable by "decrufting" without updating/rebuilding other packages. Though whether this is an acceptable practise depends on the distribution. Alternatively, if the distribution uses the "ignore_cruft" option, this (in itself) is not a blocker. However, it commonly triggers non-obvious issues: * If the bugs policy is enabled, an bug in the old binaries that is fixed in the new version will still be a blocker. Here, the best solution is to get rid of the old binaries. * Note: the bugs data is not versioned so britney cannot tell which versions the bug applies to. Just which suite they affect. * Even if the migration item is a valid candidate (i.e. all policy checked have passed), it may cause installability regressions as britney will also attempt to keep the old binaries around as long as they are used. The most often cause of this when the old binaries are not co-installable with the new ones. * Note: Britney generally only works with the highest version of a given binary. If you have libfoo1 depends on libfoo-data v1 and then libfoo2 depends on libfoo-data v2, then libfoo1 will become uninstallable as libfoo-data v2 will "shadow" libfoo-data v1.