import json import logging import os import re import time from enum import IntEnum, unique from collections import defaultdict from urllib.parse import quote import apt_pkg from britney2 import SuiteClass, PackageId from britney2.hints import Hint, split_into_one_hint_per_package from britney2.inputs.suiteloader import SuiteContentLoader from britney2.policies import PolicyVerdict, ApplySrcPolicy from britney2.utils import get_dependency_solvers, find_newer_binaries, is_smooth_update_allowed from britney2 import DependencyType from britney2.excusedeps import DependencySpec class PolicyEngine(object): def __init__(self): self._policies = [] def add_policy(self, policy): self._policies.append(policy) def register_policy_hints(self, hint_parser): for policy in self._policies: policy.register_hints(hint_parser) def initialise(self, britney, hints): for policy in self._policies: policy.hints = hints policy.initialise(britney) def save_state(self, britney): for policy in self._policies: policy.save_state(britney) def apply_src_policies(self, item, source_t, source_u, excuse): excuse_verdict = excuse.policy_verdict source_suite = item.suite suite_class = source_suite.suite_class for policy in self._policies: pinfo = {} policy_verdict = PolicyVerdict.NOT_APPLICABLE if suite_class in policy.applicable_suites: if policy.src_policy.run_arch: for arch in policy.options.architectures: v = policy.apply_srcarch_policy_impl(pinfo, item, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse) if v > policy_verdict: policy_verdict = v if policy.src_policy.run_src: v = policy.apply_src_policy_impl(pinfo, item, source_t, source_u, excuse) if v > policy_verdict: policy_verdict = v # The base policy provides this field, so the subclass should leave it blank assert 'verdict' not in pinfo if policy_verdict != PolicyVerdict.NOT_APPLICABLE: excuse.policy_info[policy.policy_id] = pinfo pinfo['verdict'] = if policy_verdict > excuse_verdict: excuse_verdict = policy_verdict excuse.policy_verdict = excuse_verdict def apply_srcarch_policies(self, item, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse): excuse_verdict = excuse.policy_verdict source_suite = item.suite suite_class = source_suite.suite_class for policy in self._policies: pinfo = {} if suite_class in policy.applicable_suites: policy_verdict = policy.apply_srcarch_policy_impl(pinfo, item, arch, source_t, source_u, excuse) if policy_verdict > excuse_verdict: excuse_verdict = policy_verdict # The base policy provides this field, so the subclass should leave it blank assert 'verdict' not in pinfo if policy_verdict != PolicyVerdict.NOT_APPLICABLE: excuse.policy_info[policy.policy_id] = pinfo pinfo['verdict'] = excuse.policy_verdict = excuse_verdict class BasePolicy(object): def __init__(self, policy_id, options, suite_info, applicable_suites, src_policy=ApplySrcPolicy.RUN_SRC): """The BasePolicy constructor :param policy_id An string identifying the policy. It will determine the key used for the excuses.yaml etc. :param options The options member of Britney with all the config options. :param applicable_suites A set of suite classes where this policy applies. """ self.policy_id = policy_id self.options = options self.suite_info = suite_info self.applicable_suites = applicable_suites self.src_policy = src_policy self.hints = None logger_name = ".".join((self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)) self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) @property def state_dir(self): return self.options.state_dir def register_hints(self, hint_parser): # pragma: no cover """Register new hints that this policy accepts :param hint_parser: An instance of HintParser (see HintParser.register_hint_type) """ pass def initialise(self, britney): # pragma: no cover """Called once to make the policy initialise any data structures This is useful for e.g. parsing files or other "heavy do-once" work. :param britney This is the instance of the "Britney" class. """ pass def save_state(self, britney): # pragma: no cover """Called once at the end of the run to make the policy save any persistent data Note this will *not* be called for "dry-runs" as such runs should not change the state. :param britney This is the instance of the "Britney" class. """ pass def apply_src_policy_impl(self, policy_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): # pragma: no cover """Apply a policy on a given source migration Britney will call this method on a given source package, when Britney is considering to migrate it from the given source suite to the target suite. The policy will then evaluate the the migration and then return a verdict. :param policy_info A dictionary of all policy results. The policy can add a value stored in a key related to its name. (e.g. policy_info['age'] = {...}). This will go directly into the "excuses.yaml" output. :param item The migration item the policy is applied to. :param source_data_tdist Information about the source package in the target distribution (e.g. "testing"). This is the data structure in source_suite.sources[source_name] :param source_data_srcdist Information about the source package in the source distribution (e.g. "unstable" or "tpu"). This is the data structure in target_suite.sources[source_name] :return A Policy Verdict (e.g. PolicyVerdict.PASS) """ return PolicyVerdict.NOT_APPLICABLE def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, policy_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): """Apply a policy on a given binary migration Britney will call this method on binaries from a given source package on a given architecture, when Britney is considering to migrate them from the given source suite to the target suite. The policy will then evaluate the the migration and then return a verdict. :param policy_info A dictionary of all policy results. The policy can add a value stored in a key related to its name. (e.g. policy_info['age'] = {...}). This will go directly into the "excuses.yaml" output. :param item The migration item the policy is applied to. :param arch The architecture the item is applied to. This is mostly relevant for policies where src_policy is not ApplySrcPolicy.RUN_SRC (as that is the only case where arch can differ from item.architecture) :param source_data_tdist Information about the source package in the target distribution (e.g. "testing"). This is the data structure in source_suite.sources[source_name] :param source_data_srcdist Information about the source package in the source distribution (e.g. "unstable" or "tpu"). This is the data structure in target_suite.sources[source_name] :return A Policy Verdict (e.g. PolicyVerdict.PASS) """ # if the policy doesn't implement this function, assume it's OK return PolicyVerdict.NOT_APPLICABLE class SimplePolicyHint(Hint): def __init__(self, user, hint_type, policy_parameter, packages): super().__init__(user, hint_type, packages) self._policy_parameter = policy_parameter def __eq__(self, other): if self.type != other.type or self._policy_parameter != other._policy_parameter: return False return super().__eq__(other) def str(self): return '%s %s %s' % (self._type, str(self._policy_parameter), ' '.join( for x in self._packages)) class AgeDayHint(SimplePolicyHint): @property def days(self): return self._policy_parameter class IgnoreRCBugHint(SimplePolicyHint): @property def ignored_rcbugs(self): return self._policy_parameter def simple_policy_hint_parser_function(class_name, converter): def f(mi_factory, hints, who, hint_name, policy_parameter, *args): for item in mi_factory.parse_items(*args): hints.add_hint(class_name(who, hint_name, converter(policy_parameter), [item])) return f class AgePolicy(BasePolicy): """Configurable Aging policy for source migrations The AgePolicy will let packages stay in the source suite for a pre-defined amount of days before letting migrate (based on their urgency, if any). The AgePolicy's decision is influenced by the following: State files: * ${STATE_DIR}/age-policy-urgencies: File containing urgencies for source packages. Note that urgencies are "sticky" and the most "urgent" urgency will be used (i.e. the one with lowest age-requirements). - This file needs to be updated externally, if the policy should take urgencies into consideration. If empty (or not updated), the policy will simply use the default urgency (see the "Config" section below) - In Debian, these values are taken from the .changes file, but that is not a requirement for Britney. * ${STATE_DIR}/age-policy-dates: File containing the age of all source packages. - The policy will automatically update this file. Config: * DEFAULT_URGENCY: Name of the urgency used for packages without an urgency (or for unknown urgencies). Will also be used to set the "minimum" aging requirements for packages not in the target suite. * MINDAYS_<URGENCY>: The age-requirements in days for packages with the given urgency. - Commonly used urgencies are: low, medium, high, emergency, critical Hints: * urgent <source>/<version>: Disregard the age requirements for a given source/version. * age-days X <source>/<version>: Set the age requirements for a given source/version to X days. Note that X can exceed the highest age-requirement normally given. """ def __init__(self, options, suite_info, mindays): super().__init__('age', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE}) self._min_days = mindays self._min_days_default = None # initialised later # NB: _date_now is used in tests time_now = time.time() if hasattr(self.options, 'fake_runtime'): time_now = int(self.options.fake_runtime)"overriding runtime with fake_runtime %d" % time_now) self._date_now = int(time_now) self._dates = {} self._urgencies = {} self._default_urgency = self.options.default_urgency self._penalty_immune_urgencies = frozenset() if hasattr(self.options, 'no_penalties'): self._penalty_immune_urgencies = frozenset(x.strip() for x in self.options.no_penalties.split()) self._bounty_min_age = None # initialised later def register_hints(self, hint_parser): hint_parser.register_hint_type('age-days', simple_policy_hint_parser_function(AgeDayHint, int), min_args=2) hint_parser.register_hint_type('urgent', split_into_one_hint_per_package) def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self._read_dates_file() self._read_urgencies_file() if self._default_urgency not in self._min_days: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Missing age-requirement for default urgency (MINDAYS_%s)" % self._default_urgency) self._min_days_default = self._min_days[self._default_urgency] try: self._bounty_min_age = int(self.options.bounty_min_age) except ValueError: if self.options.bounty_min_age in self._min_days: self._bounty_min_age = self._min_days[self.options.bounty_min_age] else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Please fix BOUNTY_MIN_AGE in the britney configuration') except AttributeError: # The option wasn't defined in the configuration self._bounty_min_age = 0 def save_state(self, britney): super().save_state(britney) self._write_dates_file() def apply_src_policy_impl(self, age_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): # retrieve the urgency for the upload, ignoring it if this is a NEW package # (not present in the target suite) source_name = item.package urgency = self._urgencies.get(source_name, self._default_urgency) if urgency not in self._min_days: age_info['unknown-urgency'] = urgency urgency = self._default_urgency if not source_data_tdist: if self._min_days[urgency] < self._min_days_default: age_info['urgency-reduced'] = { 'from': urgency, 'to': self._default_urgency, } urgency = self._default_urgency if source_name not in self._dates: self._dates[source_name] = (source_data_srcdist.version, self._date_now) elif self._dates[source_name][0] != source_data_srcdist.version: self._dates[source_name] = (source_data_srcdist.version, self._date_now) days_old = (self._date_now - self._dates[source_name][1]) / 60 / 60 / 24 min_days = self._min_days[urgency] for bounty in excuse.bounty: if excuse.bounty[bounty]:'Applying bounty for %s granted by %s: %d days', source_name, bounty, excuse.bounty[bounty]) excuse.addinfo('Required age reduced by %d days because of %s' % (excuse.bounty[bounty], bounty)) min_days -= excuse.bounty[bounty] if urgency not in self._penalty_immune_urgencies: for penalty in excuse.penalty: if excuse.penalty[penalty]:'Applying penalty for %s given by %s: %d days', source_name, penalty, excuse.penalty[penalty]) excuse.addinfo('Required age increased by %d days because of %s' % (excuse.penalty[penalty], penalty)) min_days += excuse.penalty[penalty] # the age in BOUNTY_MIN_AGE can be higher than the one associated with # the real urgency, so don't forget to take it into account bounty_min_age = min(self._bounty_min_age, self._min_days[urgency]) if min_days < bounty_min_age: min_days = bounty_min_age excuse.addinfo('Required age is not allowed to drop below %d days' % min_days) age_info['current-age'] = days_old for age_days_hint in'age-days', package=source_name, version=source_data_srcdist.version): new_req = age_days_hint.days age_info['age-requirement-reduced'] = { 'new-requirement': new_req, 'changed-by': age_days_hint.user } if 'original-age-requirement' not in age_info: age_info['original-age-requirement'] = min_days min_days = new_req age_info['age-requirement'] = min_days res = PolicyVerdict.PASS if days_old < min_days: urgent_hints ='urgent', package=source_name, version=source_data_srcdist.version) if urgent_hints: age_info['age-requirement-reduced'] = { 'new-requirement': 0, 'changed-by': urgent_hints[0].user } res = PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED else: res = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_TEMPORARILY # update excuse age_hint = age_info.get('age-requirement-reduced', None) age_min_req = age_info['age-requirement'] if age_hint: new_req = age_hint['new-requirement'] who = age_hint['changed-by'] if new_req: excuse.addinfo("Overriding age needed from %d days to %d by %s" % ( age_min_req, new_req, who)) age_min_req = new_req else: excuse.addinfo("Too young, but urgency pushed by %s" % who) age_min_req = 0 excuse.setdaysold(age_info['current-age'], age_min_req) if age_min_req == 0: excuse.addinfo("%d days old" % days_old) elif days_old < age_min_req: excuse.add_verdict_info(res, "Too young, only %d of %d days old" % (days_old, age_min_req)) else: excuse.addinfo("%d days old (needed %d days)" % (days_old, age_min_req)) return res def _read_dates_file(self): """Parse the dates file""" dates = self._dates fallback_filename = os.path.join(self.suite_info.target_suite.path, 'Dates') using_new_name = False try: filename = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'age-policy-dates') if not os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.exists(fallback_filename): filename = fallback_filename else: using_new_name = True except AttributeError: if os.path.exists(fallback_filename): filename = fallback_filename else: raise RuntimeError("Please set STATE_DIR in the britney configuration") try: with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fd: for line in fd: if line.startswith('#'): # Ignore comment lines (mostly used for tests) continue # <source> <version> <date>) ln = line.split() if len(ln) != 3: # pragma: no cover continue try: dates[ln[0]] = (ln[1], int(ln[2])) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover pass except FileNotFoundError: if not using_new_name: # If we using the legacy name, then just give up raise"%s does not appear to exist. Creating it", filename) with open(filename, mode='x', encoding='utf-8'): pass def _read_urgencies_file(self): urgencies = self._urgencies min_days_default = self._min_days_default fallback_filename = os.path.join(self.suite_info.target_suite.path, 'Urgency') try: filename = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'age-policy-urgencies') if not os.path.exists(filename): if os.path.exists(fallback_filename): filename = fallback_filename else:"%s and %s missing; using default for all packages" % (filename, fallback_filename)) return except AttributeError: filename = fallback_filename sources_s = self.suite_info.primary_source_suite.sources sources_t = self.suite_info.target_suite.sources with open(filename, errors='surrogateescape', encoding='ascii') as fd: for line in fd: if line.startswith('#'): # Ignore comment lines (mostly used for tests) continue # <source> <version> <urgency> ln = line.split() if len(ln) != 3: continue # read the minimum days associated with the urgencies urgency_old = urgencies.get(ln[0], None) mindays_old = self._min_days.get(urgency_old, 1000) mindays_new = self._min_days.get(ln[2], min_days_default) # if the new urgency is lower (so the min days are higher), do nothing if mindays_old <= mindays_new: continue # if the package exists in the target suite and it is more recent, do nothing tsrcv = sources_t.get(ln[0], None) if tsrcv and apt_pkg.version_compare(tsrcv.version, ln[1]) >= 0: continue # if the package doesn't exist in the primary source suite or it is older, do nothing usrcv = sources_s.get(ln[0], None) if not usrcv or apt_pkg.version_compare(usrcv.version, ln[1]) < 0: continue # update the urgency for the package urgencies[ln[0]] = ln[2] def _write_dates_file(self): dates = self._dates try: directory = self.state_dir basename = 'age-policy-dates' old_file = os.path.join(self.suite_info.target_suite.path, 'Dates') except AttributeError: directory = self.suite_info.target_suite.path basename = 'Dates' old_file = None filename = os.path.join(directory, basename) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) filename_tmp = os.path.join(directory, '%s_new' % basename) with open(filename_tmp, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd: for pkg in sorted(dates): version, date = dates[pkg] fd.write("%s %s %d\n" % (pkg, version, date)) os.rename(filename_tmp, filename) if old_file is not None and os.path.exists(old_file):"Removing old age-policy-dates file %s", old_file) os.unlink(old_file) class RCBugPolicy(BasePolicy): """RC bug regression policy for source migrations The RCBugPolicy will read provided list of RC bugs and block any source upload that would introduce a *new* RC bug in the target suite. The RCBugPolicy's decision is influenced by the following: State files: * ${STATE_DIR}/rc-bugs-${SUITE_NAME}: File containing RC bugs for packages in the given suite (one for both primary source suite and the target sutie is needed). - These files need to be updated externally. """ def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('rc-bugs', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE}) self._bugs = {} def register_hints(self, hint_parser): f = simple_policy_hint_parser_function(IgnoreRCBugHint, lambda x: frozenset(x.split(','))) hint_parser.register_hint_type('ignore-rc-bugs', f, min_args=2) def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) source_suite = self.suite_info.primary_source_suite target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite fallback_unstable = os.path.join(source_suite.path, 'BugsV') fallback_testing = os.path.join(target_suite.path, 'BugsV') try: filename_unstable = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'rc-bugs-%s' % filename_testing = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'rc-bugs-%s' % if not os.path.exists(filename_unstable) and not os.path.exists(filename_testing) and \ os.path.exists(fallback_unstable) and os.path.exists(fallback_testing): filename_unstable = fallback_unstable filename_testing = fallback_testing except AttributeError: filename_unstable = fallback_unstable filename_testing = fallback_testing self._bugs['source'] = self._read_bugs(filename_unstable) self._bugs['target'] = self._read_bugs(filename_testing) def apply_src_policy_impl(self, rcbugs_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): bugs_t = set() bugs_u = set() source_name = item.package for src_key in (source_name, 'src:%s' % source_name): if source_data_tdist and src_key in self._bugs['target']: bugs_t.update(self._bugs['target'][src_key]) if src_key in self._bugs['source']: bugs_u.update(self._bugs['source'][src_key]) for pkg, _, _ in source_data_srcdist.binaries: if pkg in self._bugs['source']: bugs_u |= self._bugs['source'][pkg] if source_data_tdist: for pkg, _, _ in source_data_tdist.binaries: if pkg in self._bugs['target']: bugs_t |= self._bugs['target'][pkg] # If a package is not in the target suite, it has no RC bugs per # definition. Unfortunately, it seems that the live-data is # not always accurate (e.g. live-2011-12-13 suggests that # obdgpslogger had the same bug in testing and unstable, # but obdgpslogger was not in testing at that time). # - For the curious, obdgpslogger was removed on that day # and the BTS probably had not caught up with that fact. # ( assert not bugs_t or source_data_tdist, "%s had bugs in the target suite but is not present" % source_name verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS for ignore_hint in'ignore-rc-bugs', package=source_name, version=source_data_srcdist.version): ignored_bugs = ignore_hint.ignored_rcbugs # Only handle one hint for now if 'ignored-bugs' in rcbugs_info:"Ignoring ignore-rc-bugs hint from %s on %s due to another hint from %s", ignore_hint.user, source_name, rcbugs_info['ignored-bugs']['issued-by']) continue if not ignored_bugs.isdisjoint(bugs_u): bugs_u -= ignored_bugs bugs_t -= ignored_bugs rcbugs_info['ignored-bugs'] = { 'bugs': sorted(ignored_bugs), 'issued-by': ignore_hint.user } verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED else:"Ignoring ignore-rc-bugs hint from %s on %s as none of %s affect the package", ignore_hint.user, source_name, str(ignored_bugs)) rcbugs_info['shared-bugs'] = sorted(bugs_u & bugs_t) rcbugs_info['unique-source-bugs'] = sorted(bugs_u - bugs_t) rcbugs_info['unique-target-bugs'] = sorted(bugs_t - bugs_u) # update excuse new_bugs = rcbugs_info['unique-source-bugs'] old_bugs = rcbugs_info['unique-target-bugs'] excuse.setbugs(old_bugs, new_bugs) if new_bugs: verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, "Updating %s introduces new bugs: %s" % (source_name, ", ".join( ["<a href=\"\">#%s</a>" % (quote(a), a) for a in new_bugs]))) if old_bugs: excuse.addinfo("Updating %s fixes old bugs: %s" % (source_name, ", ".join( ["<a href=\"\">#%s</a>" % (quote(a), a) for a in old_bugs]))) return verdict def _read_bugs(self, filename): """Read the release critical bug summary from the specified file The file contains rows with the format: <package-name> <bug number>[,<bug number>...] The method returns a dictionary where the key is the binary package name and the value is the list of open RC bugs for it. """ bugs = {} if not os.path.exists(filename):"%s missing; skipping bug-based processing" % filename) return bugs"Loading RC bugs data from %s", filename) for line in open(filename, encoding='ascii'): ln = line.split() if len(ln) != 2: # pragma: no cover self.logger.warning("Malformed line found in line %s", line) continue pkg = ln[0] if pkg not in bugs: bugs[pkg] = set() bugs[pkg].update(ln[1].split(",")) return bugs class PiupartsPolicy(BasePolicy): def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('piuparts', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE}) self._piuparts = { 'source': None, 'target': None, } def register_hints(self, hint_parser): hint_parser.register_hint_type('ignore-piuparts', split_into_one_hint_per_package) def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) source_suite = self.suite_info.primary_source_suite target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite try: filename_unstable = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'piuparts-summary-%s.json' % filename_testing = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'piuparts-summary-%s.json' % except AttributeError as e: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Please set STATE_DIR in the britney configuration") from e self._piuparts['source'] = self._read_piuparts_summary(filename_unstable, keep_url=True) self._piuparts['target'] = self._read_piuparts_summary(filename_testing, keep_url=False) def apply_src_policy_impl(self, piuparts_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): source_name = item.package if source_name in self._piuparts['target']: testing_state = self._piuparts['target'][source_name][0] else: testing_state = 'X' if source_name in self._piuparts['source']: unstable_state, url = self._piuparts['source'][source_name] else: unstable_state = 'X' url = None url_html = "(no link yet)" if url is not None: url_html = '<a href="{0}">{0}</a>'.format(url) if unstable_state == 'P': # Not a regression msg = 'Piuparts tested OK - {0}'.format(url_html) result = PolicyVerdict.PASS piuparts_info['test-results'] = 'pass' elif unstable_state == 'F': if testing_state != unstable_state: piuparts_info['test-results'] = 'regression' msg = 'Rejected due to piuparts regression - {0}'.format(url_html) result = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY else: piuparts_info['test-results'] = 'failed' msg = 'Ignoring piuparts failure (Not a regression) - {0}'.format(url_html) result = PolicyVerdict.PASS elif unstable_state == 'W': msg = 'Waiting for piuparts test results (stalls migration) - {0}'.format(url_html) result = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_TEMPORARILY piuparts_info['test-results'] = 'waiting-for-test-results' else: msg = 'Cannot be tested by piuparts (not a blocker) - {0}'.format(url_html) piuparts_info['test-results'] = 'cannot-be-tested' result = PolicyVerdict.PASS if url is not None: piuparts_info['piuparts-test-url'] = url if result.is_rejected: excuse.add_verdict_info(result, msg) else: excuse.addinfo(msg) if result.is_rejected: for ignore_hint in'ignore-piuparts', package=source_name, version=source_data_srcdist.version): piuparts_info['ignored-piuparts'] = { 'issued-by': ignore_hint.user } result = PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED excuse.addinfo("Ignoring piuparts issue as requested by {0}".format(ignore_hint.user)) break return result def _read_piuparts_summary(self, filename, keep_url=True): summary = {} if not os.path.exists(filename):"%s missing; skipping piuparts processing" % filename) return summary"Loading piuparts report from %s", filename) with open(filename) as fd: if os.fstat(fd.fileno()).st_size < 1: return summary data = json.load(fd) try: if data['_id'] != 'Piuparts Package Test Results Summary' or data['_version'] != '1.0': # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Piuparts results in {0} does not have the correct ID or version'.format(filename)) except KeyError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Piuparts results in {0} is missing id or version field'.format(filename)) from e for source, suite_data in data['packages'].items(): if len(suite_data) != 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Piuparts results in {0}, the source {1} does not have exactly one result set'.format( filename, source )) item = next(iter(suite_data.values())) state, _, url = item if not keep_url: url = None summary[source] = (state, url) return summary class DependsPolicy(BasePolicy): def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('depends', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE, SuiteClass.ADDITIONAL_SOURCE_SUITE}, ApplySrcPolicy.RUN_ON_EVERY_ARCH_ONLY) self._britney = None self.pkg_universe = None self.broken_packages = None self.all_binaries = None self.nobreakall_arches = None self.new_arches = None self.break_arches = None self.allow_uninst = None def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self._britney = britney self.pkg_universe = britney.pkg_universe self.broken_packages = britney.pkg_universe.broken_packages self.all_binaries = britney.all_binaries self.nobreakall_arches = self.options.nobreakall_arches self.new_arches = self.options.new_arches self.break_arches = self.options.break_arches self.allow_uninst = britney.allow_uninst def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, deps_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS if arch in self.break_arches or arch in self.new_arches: # we don't check these in the policy (TODO - for now?) return verdict source_name = item.package source_suite = item.suite s_source = source_suite.sources[source_name] target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite packages_s_a = source_suite.binaries[arch] packages_t_a = target_suite.binaries[arch] my_bins = sorted(excuse.packages[arch]) for pkg_id in my_bins: pkg_name = pkg_id.package_name binary_u = packages_s_a[pkg_name] pkg_arch = binary_u.architecture # in some cases, we want to track the uninstallability of a # package (because the autopkgtest policy uses this), but we still # want to allow the package to be uninstallable skip_dep_check = False if (binary_u.source_version != source_data_srcdist.version): # don't check cruft in unstable continue if (item.architecture != 'source' and pkg_arch == 'all'): # we don't care about the existing arch: all binaries when # checking a binNMU item, because the arch: all binaries won't # migrate anyway skip_dep_check = True if pkg_arch == 'all' and arch not in self.nobreakall_arches: skip_dep_check = True if pkg_name in self.allow_uninst[arch]: # this binary is allowed to become uninstallable, so we don't # need to check anything skip_dep_check = True if pkg_name in packages_t_a: oldbin = packages_t_a[pkg_name] if not target_suite.is_installable(oldbin.pkg_id): # as the current binary in testing is already # uninstallable, the newer version is allowed to be # uninstallable as well, so we don't need to check # anything skip_dep_check = True if pkg_id in self.broken_packages: # dependencies can't be satisfied by all the known binaries - # this certainly won't work... excuse.add_unsatisfiable_on_arch(arch) if skip_dep_check: # ...but if the binary is allowed to become uninstallable, # we don't care # we still want the binary to be listed as uninstallable, # let the autopkgtest policy see that we did this so that # it can run the test anyway deps_info.setdefault('skip_dep_check', []).append(arch) continue verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, "%s/%s has unsatisfiable dependency" % ( pkg_name, arch)) excuse.addreason("depends") if skip_dep_check: continue deps = self.pkg_universe.dependencies_of(pkg_id) for dep in deps: # dep is a list of packages, each of which satisfy the # dependency if dep == frozenset(): continue is_ok = False needed_for_dep = set() any_relationship_allowed = False relationship_not_allowed_reasons = [] for alternative in dep: alt_bin = self._britney.all_binaries[alternative] component = binary_u.component alt_component = alt_bin.component # Don't check components when testing PPAs, as they do not have this concept if self.options.adt_ppas: component = None # This relationship is good wrt. components if either the binary being # considered doesn't have a component, or if the ogre model # permits it (see UbuntuComponent) relationship_is_allowed = component is None or component.allowed_component(alt_component) any_relationship_allowed = any_relationship_allowed or relationship_is_allowed if not relationship_is_allowed: relationship_not_allowed_reasons.append('%s/%s in %s cannot depend on %s in %s' % (pkg_name, arch, component.value, alternative.package_name, alt_component.value)) if target_suite.is_pkg_in_the_suite(alternative) and relationship_is_allowed: # dep can be satisfied in testing - ok is_ok = True elif alternative in my_bins: # can be satisfied by binary from same item: will be # ok if item migrates is_ok = True else: needed_for_dep.add(alternative) if not is_ok: spec = DependencySpec(DependencyType.DEPENDS, arch) excuse.add_package_depends(spec, needed_for_dep) if not any_relationship_allowed: verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY for reason in relationship_not_allowed_reasons: excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, reason) return verdict @unique class BuildDepResult(IntEnum): # relation is satisfied in target OK = 1 # relation can be satisfied by other packages in source DEPENDS = 2 # relation cannot be satisfied FAILED = 3 class BuildDependsPolicy(BasePolicy): def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('build-depends', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE, SuiteClass.ADDITIONAL_SOURCE_SUITE}) self._britney = None self._all_buildarch = [] def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self._britney = britney if hasattr(self.options, 'all_buildarch'): self._all_buildarch = SuiteContentLoader.config_str_as_list(self.options.all_buildarch, []) def apply_src_policy_impl(self, build_deps_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse, get_dependency_solvers=get_dependency_solvers): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS # analyze the dependency fields (if present) deps = source_data_srcdist.build_deps_arch if deps: v = self._check_build_deps(deps, DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS, build_deps_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse, get_dependency_solvers=get_dependency_solvers) if verdict < v: verdict = v ideps = source_data_srcdist.build_deps_indep if ideps: v = self._check_build_deps(ideps, DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS_INDEP, build_deps_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse, get_dependency_solvers=get_dependency_solvers) if verdict < v: verdict = v return verdict def _get_check_archs(self, archs, dep_type): if dep_type == DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS: return [arch for arch in self.options.architectures if arch in archs] # first try the all buildarch checkarchs = list(self._all_buildarch) # then try the architectures where this source has arch specific # binaries (in the order of the architecture config file) checkarchs.extend(arch for arch in self.options.architectures if arch in archs and arch not in checkarchs) # then try all other architectures checkarchs.extend(arch for arch in self.options.architectures if arch not in checkarchs) return checkarchs def _add_info_for_arch(self, arch, excuses_info, blockers, results, dep_type, target_suite, source_suite, excuse, verdict): if arch in blockers: packages = blockers[arch] sources_t = target_suite.sources sources_s = source_suite.sources # for the solving packages, update the excuse to add the dependencies for p in packages: if arch not in self.options.break_arches: spec = DependencySpec(dep_type, arch) excuse.add_package_depends(spec, {p.pkg_id}) if arch in results: if results[arch] == BuildDepResult.FAILED: if verdict < PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY: verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY if arch in excuses_info: for excuse_text in excuses_info[arch]: if verdict.is_rejected: excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, excuse_text) else: excuse.addinfo(excuse_text) return verdict def _check_build_deps(self, deps, dep_type, build_deps_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse, get_dependency_solvers=get_dependency_solvers): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS any_arch_ok = dep_type == DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS_INDEP britney = self._britney # local copies for better performance parse_src_depends = apt_pkg.parse_src_depends source_name = item.package source_suite = item.suite target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite binaries_s = source_suite.binaries provides_s = source_suite.provides_table binaries_t = target_suite.binaries provides_t = target_suite.provides_table unsat_bd = {} relevant_archs = {binary.architecture for binary in source_data_srcdist.binaries if britney.all_binaries[binary].architecture != 'all'} excuses_info = defaultdict(list) blockers = defaultdict(list) arch_results = {} result_archs = defaultdict(list) bestresult = BuildDepResult.FAILED check_archs = self._get_check_archs(relevant_archs, dep_type) if not check_archs: # when the arch list is empty, we check the b-d on any arch, instead of all archs # this happens for Build-Depens on a source package that only produces arch: all binaries any_arch_ok = True check_archs = self._get_check_archs(self.options.architectures, DependencyType.BUILD_DEPENDS_INDEP) for arch in check_archs: # retrieve the binary package from the specified suite and arch binaries_s_a = binaries_s[arch] provides_s_a = provides_s[arch] binaries_t_a = binaries_t[arch] provides_t_a = provides_t[arch] arch_results[arch] = BuildDepResult.OK # for every dependency block (formed as conjunction of disjunction) for block_txt in deps.split(','): try: block = parse_src_depends(block_txt, False, arch) except TypeError: # old python3-apt didn't have the third argument native_arch = apt_pkg.config["APT::Architecture"] apt_pkg.config["APT::Architecture"] = arch block = parse_src_depends(block_txt, False) apt_pkg.config["APT::Architecture"] = native_arch # Unlike regular dependencies, some clauses of the Build-Depends(-Arch|-Indep) can be # filtered out by (e.g.) architecture restrictions. We need to cope with this while # keeping block_txt and block aligned. if not block: # Relation is not relevant for this architecture. continue block = block[0] # if the block is satisfied in the target suite, then skip the block if get_dependency_solvers(block, binaries_t_a, provides_t_a, build_depends=True): # Satisfied in the target suite; all ok. continue # check if the block can be satisfied in the source suite, and list the solving packages packages = get_dependency_solvers(block, binaries_s_a, provides_s_a, build_depends=True) sources = sorted(p.source for p in packages) # if the dependency can be satisfied by the same source package, skip the block: # obviously both binary packages will enter the target suite together if source_name in sources: continue # if no package can satisfy the dependency, add this information to the excuse if not packages: excuses_info[arch].append("%s unsatisfiable %s on %s: %s" % (source_name, dep_type, arch, block_txt.strip())) if arch not in unsat_bd: unsat_bd[arch] = [] unsat_bd[arch].append(block_txt.strip()) arch_results[arch] = BuildDepResult.FAILED continue blockers[arch] = packages if arch_results[arch] < BuildDepResult.DEPENDS: arch_results[arch] = BuildDepResult.DEPENDS if any_arch_ok: if arch_results[arch] < bestresult: bestresult = arch_results[arch] result_archs[arch_results[arch]].append(arch) if bestresult == BuildDepResult.OK: # we found an architecture where the b-deps-indep are # satisfied in the target suite, so we can stop break if any_arch_ok: arch = result_archs[bestresult][0] excuse.add_detailed_info("Checking %s on %s" % (dep_type.get_description(), arch)) key = "check-%s-on-arch" % dep_type.get_reason() build_deps_info[key] = arch verdict = self._add_info_for_arch( arch, excuses_info, blockers, arch_results, dep_type, target_suite, source_suite, excuse, verdict) else: for arch in check_archs: verdict = self._add_info_for_arch( arch, excuses_info, blockers, arch_results, dep_type, target_suite, source_suite, excuse, verdict) if unsat_bd: build_deps_info['unsatisfiable-arch-build-depends'] = unsat_bd return verdict class BuiltUsingPolicy(BasePolicy): """Built-Using policy Binaries that incorporate (part of) another source package must list these sources under 'Built-Using'. This policy checks if the corresponding sources are available in the target suite. If they are not, but they are candidates for migration, a dependency is added. If the binary incorporates a newer version of a source, that is not (yet) a candidate, we don't want to accept that binary. A rebuild later in the primary suite wouldn't fix the issue, because that would incorporate the newer version again. If the binary incorporates an older version of the source, a newer version will be accepted as a replacement. We assume that this can be fixed by rebuilding the binary at some point during the development cycle. Requiring exact version of the source would not be useful in practice. A newer upload of that source wouldn't be blocked by this policy, so the built-using would be outdated anyway. """ def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('built-using', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE, SuiteClass.ADDITIONAL_SOURCE_SUITE}, ApplySrcPolicy.RUN_ON_EVERY_ARCH_ONLY) def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, build_deps_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS source_suite = item.suite target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite binaries_s = source_suite.binaries sources_t = target_suite.sources def check_bu_in_suite(bu_source, bu_version, source_suite): found = False if bu_source not in source_suite.sources: return found s_source = source_suite.sources[bu_source] s_ver = s_source.version if apt_pkg.version_compare(s_ver, bu_version) >= 0: found = True dep = PackageId(bu_source, s_ver, "source") if arch in self.options.break_arches: excuse.add_detailed_info("Ignoring Built-Using for %s/%s on %s" % ( pkg_name, arch, dep.uvname)) else: spec = DependencySpec(DependencyType.BUILT_USING, arch) excuse.add_package_depends(spec, {dep}) excuse.add_detailed_info("%s/%s has Built-Using on %s" % ( pkg_name, arch, dep.uvname)) return found for pkg_id in sorted(x for x in source_data_srcdist.binaries if x.architecture == arch): pkg_name = pkg_id.package_name # retrieve the testing (if present) and unstable corresponding binary packages binary_s = binaries_s[arch][pkg_name] for bu in binary_s.builtusing: bu_source = bu[0] bu_version = bu[1] found = False if bu_source in target_suite.sources: t_source = target_suite.sources[bu_source] t_ver = t_source.version if apt_pkg.version_compare(t_ver, bu_version) >= 0: found = True if not found: found = check_bu_in_suite(bu_source, bu_version, source_suite) if not found and source_suite.suite_class.is_additional_source: found = check_bu_in_suite(bu_source, bu_version, self.suite_info.primary_source_suite) if not found: if arch in self.options.break_arches: excuse.add_detailed_info("Ignoring unsatisfiable Built-Using for %s/%s on %s %s" % ( pkg_name, arch, bu_source, bu_version)) else: if verdict < PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY: verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, "%s/%s has unsatisfiable Built-Using on %s %s" % ( pkg_name, arch, bu_source, bu_version)) return verdict class BlockPolicy(BasePolicy): BLOCK_HINT_REGEX = re.compile('^(un)?(block-?.*)$') def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('block', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE, SuiteClass.ADDITIONAL_SOURCE_SUITE}) self._britney = None self._blockall = {} def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self._britney = britney for hint in'block-all'): self._blockall[hint.package] = hint def register_hints(self, hint_parser): # block related hints are currently defined in pass def _check_blocked(self, item, arch, version, excuse): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS blocked = {} unblocked = {} source_suite = item.suite suite_name = src = item.package is_primary = source_suite.suite_class == SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE if is_primary: if 'source' in self._blockall: blocked['block'] = self._blockall['source'].user excuse.add_hint(self._blockall['source']) elif 'new-source' in self._blockall and \ src not in self.suite_info.target_suite.sources: blocked['block'] = self._blockall['new-source'].user excuse.add_hint(self._blockall['new-source']) else: blocked['block'] = suite_name excuse.needs_approval = True shints = mismatches = False r = self.BLOCK_HINT_REGEX for hint in shints: m = r.match(hint.type) if m: if == 'un': if hint.version != version or != suite_name or \ (hint.architecture != arch and hint.architecture != 'source'):'hint mismatch: %s %s %s', version, arch, suite_name) mismatches = True else: unblocked[] = hint.user excuse.add_hint(hint) else: # block(-*) hint: only accepts a source, so this will # always match blocked[] = hint.user excuse.add_hint(hint) for block_cmd in blocked: unblock_cmd = 'un'+block_cmd if block_cmd in unblocked: if is_primary or block_cmd == 'block-udeb': excuse.addinfo("Ignoring %s request by %s, due to %s request by %s" % (block_cmd, blocked[block_cmd], unblock_cmd, unblocked[block_cmd])) else: excuse.addinfo("Approved by %s" % (unblocked[block_cmd])) else: verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_NEEDS_APPROVAL if is_primary or block_cmd == 'block-udeb': tooltip = "please contact %s-release if update is needed" % self._britney.options.distribution # redirect people to d-i RM for udeb things: if block_cmd == 'block-udeb': tooltip = "please contact the d-i release manager if an update is needed" excuse.add_verdict_info( verdict, "Not touching package due to %s request by %s (%s)" % (block_cmd, blocked[block_cmd], tooltip)) else: excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, "NEEDS APPROVAL BY RM") excuse.addreason("block") if mismatches: excuse.add_detailed_info("Some hints for %s do not match this item" % src) return verdict def apply_src_policy_impl(self, block_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): return self._check_blocked(item, "source", source_data_srcdist.version, excuse) def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, block_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): return self._check_blocked(item, arch, source_data_srcdist.version, excuse) class BuiltOnBuilddPolicy(BasePolicy): def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('builtonbuildd', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE, SuiteClass.ADDITIONAL_SOURCE_SUITE}, ApplySrcPolicy.RUN_ON_EVERY_ARCH_ONLY) self._britney = None self._builtonbuildd = { 'signerinfo': None, } def register_hints(self, hint_parser): hint_parser.register_hint_type('allow-archall-maintainer-upload', split_into_one_hint_per_package) def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self._britney = britney try: filename_signerinfo = os.path.join(self.state_dir, 'signers.json') except AttributeError as e: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Please set STATE_DIR in the britney configuration") from e self._builtonbuildd['signerinfo'] = self._read_signerinfo(filename_signerinfo) def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, buildd_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS signers = self._builtonbuildd['signerinfo'] if "signed-by" not in buildd_info: buildd_info["signed-by"] = {} source_suite = item.suite # horribe hard-coding, but currently, we don't keep track of the # component when loading the packages files component = "main" # we use the source component, because a binary in contrib can # belong to a source in main section = source_data_srcdist.section if section.find("/") > -1: component = section.split('/')[0] packages_s_a = source_suite.binaries[arch] for pkg_id in sorted(x for x in source_data_srcdist.binaries if x.architecture == arch): pkg_name = pkg_id.package_name binary_u = packages_s_a[pkg_name] pkg_arch = binary_u.architecture if (binary_u.source_version != source_data_srcdist.version): continue if (item.architecture != 'source' and pkg_arch == 'all'): # we don't care about the existing arch: all binaries when # checking a binNMU item, because the arch: all binaries won't # migrate anyway continue signer = None uid = None uidinfo = "" buildd_ok = False failure_verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY try: signer = signers[pkg_name][pkg_id.version][pkg_arch] if signer["buildd"]: buildd_ok = True uid = signer['uid'] uidinfo = "arch %s binaries uploaded by %s" % (pkg_arch, uid) except KeyError as e:"signer info for %s %s (%s) on %s not found " % (pkg_name, binary_u.version, pkg_arch, arch)) uidinfo = "upload info for arch %s binaries not found" % (pkg_arch) failure_verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_CANNOT_DETERMINE_IF_PERMANENT if not buildd_ok: if component != "main": if not buildd_ok and pkg_arch not in buildd_info["signed-by"]: excuse.add_detailed_info("%s, but package in %s" % (uidinfo, component)) buildd_ok = True elif pkg_arch == 'all': allow_hints ='allow-archall-maintainer-upload', package=item.package) if allow_hints: buildd_ok = True if verdict < PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED: verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED if pkg_arch not in buildd_info["signed-by"]: excuse.addinfo("%s, but whitelisted by %s" % (uidinfo, allow_hints[0].user)) if not buildd_ok: verdict = failure_verdict if pkg_arch not in buildd_info["signed-by"]: if pkg_arch == 'all': uidinfo += ', a new source-only upload is needed to allow migration' excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, "Not built on buildd: %s" % (uidinfo)) if pkg_arch in buildd_info["signed-by"] and buildd_info["signed-by"][pkg_arch] != uid:"signer mismatch for %s (%s %s) on %s: %s, while %s already listed" % (pkg_name, binary_u.source, binary_u.source_version, pkg_arch, uid, buildd_info["signed-by"][pkg_arch])) buildd_info["signed-by"][pkg_arch] = uid return verdict def _read_signerinfo(self, filename): signerinfo = {}"Loading signer info from %s", filename) with open(filename) as fd: if os.fstat(fd.fileno()).st_size < 1: return singerinfo signerinfo = json.load(fd) return signerinfo class ImplicitDependencyPolicy(BasePolicy): """Implicit Dependency policy Upgrading a package pkg-a can break the installability of a package pkg-b. A newer version (or the removal) of pkg-b might fix the issue. In that case, pkg-a has an 'implicit dependency' on pkg-b, because pkg-a can only migrate if pkg-b also migrates. This policy tries to discover a few common cases, and adds the relevant info to the excuses. If another item is needed to fix the uninstallability, a dependency is added. If no newer item can fix it, this excuse will be blocked. Note that the migration step will check the installability of every package, so this policy doesn't need to handle every corner case. It must, however, make sure that no excuse is unnecessarily blocked. Some cases that should be detected by this policy: * pkg-a is upgraded from 1.0-1 to 2.0-1, while pkg-b has "Depends: pkg-a (<< 2.0)" This typically happens if pkg-b has a strict dependency on pkg-a because it uses some non-stable internal interface (examples are glibc, binutils, python3-defaults, ...) * pkg-a is upgraded from 1.0-1 to 2.0-1, and pkg-a 1.0-1 has "Provides: provides-1", pkg-a 2.0-1 has "Provides: provides-2", pkg-b has "Depends: provides-1" This typically happens when pkg-a has an interface that changes between versions, and a virtual package is used to identify the version of this interface (e.g. perl-api-x.y) """ def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('implicit-deps', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE, SuiteClass.ADDITIONAL_SOURCE_SUITE}, ApplySrcPolicy.RUN_ON_EVERY_ARCH_ONLY) self._pkg_universe = None self._all_binaries = None self._smooth_updates = None self._nobreakall_arches = None self._new_arches = None self._break_arches = None self._allow_uninst = None def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self._pkg_universe = britney.pkg_universe self._all_binaries = britney.all_binaries self._smooth_updates = britney.options.smooth_updates self._nobreakall_arches = self.options.nobreakall_arches self._new_arches = self.options.new_arches self._break_arches = self.options.break_arches self._allow_uninst = britney.allow_uninst def can_be_removed(self, pkg): src = pkg.source target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite # TODO these conditions shouldn't be hardcoded here # ideally, we would be able to look up excuses to see if the removal # is in there, but in the current flow, this policy is called before # all possible excuses exist, so there is no list for us to check if src not in self.suite_info.primary_source_suite.sources: # source for pkg not in unstable: candidate for removal return True if target_suite.is_cruft(pkg): # if pkg is cruft in testing, removal will be tried return True # the case were the newer version of the source no longer includes the # binary (or includes a cruft version of the binary) will be handled # separately (in that case there might be an implicit dependency on # the newer source) return False def should_skip_rdep(self, pkg, source_name, myarch): target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite if not target_suite.is_pkg_in_the_suite(pkg.pkg_id): # it is not in the target suite, migration cannot break anything return True if pkg.source == source_name: # if it is built from the same source, it will be upgraded # with the source return True if self.can_be_removed(pkg): # could potentially be removed, so if that happens, it won't be # broken return True if pkg.architecture == 'all' and \ myarch not in self._nobreakall_arches: # arch all on non nobreakarch is allowed to become uninstallable return True if pkg.pkg_id.package_name in self._allow_uninst[myarch]: # there is a hint to allow this binary to become uninstallable return True if not target_suite.is_installable(pkg.pkg_id): # it is already uninstallable in the target suite, migration # cannot break anything return True return False def breaks_installability(self, pkg_id_t, pkg_id_s, pkg_to_check): """ Check if upgrading pkg_id_t to pkg_id_s breaks the installability of pkg_to_check. To check if removing pkg_id_t breaks pkg_to_check, set pkg_id_s to None. """ pkg_universe = self._pkg_universe negative_deps = pkg_universe.negative_dependencies_of(pkg_to_check) for dep in pkg_universe.dependencies_of(pkg_to_check): if pkg_id_t not in dep: # this depends doesn't have pkg_id_t as alternative, so # upgrading pkg_id_t cannot break this dependency clause continue # We check all the alternatives for this dependency, to find one # that can satisfy it when pkg_id_t is upgraded to pkg_id_s found_alternative = False for d in dep: if d in negative_deps: # If this alternative dependency conflicts with # pkg_to_check, it cannot be used to satisfy the # dependency. # This commonly happens when breaks are added to pkg_id_s. continue if d.package_name != pkg_id_t.package_name: # a binary different from pkg_id_t can satisfy the dep, so # upgrading pkg_id_t won't break this dependency found_alternative = True break if d != pkg_id_s: # We want to know the impact of the upgrade of # pkg_id_t to pkg_id_s. If pkg_id_s migrates to the # target suite, any other version of this binary will # not be there, so it cannot satisfy this dependency. # This includes pkg_id_t, but also other versions. continue # pkg_id_s can satisfy the dep found_alternative = True if not found_alternative: return True def check_upgrade(self, pkg_id_t, pkg_id_s, source_name, myarch, broken_binaries, excuse): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS pkg_universe = self._pkg_universe all_binaries = self._all_binaries # check all rdeps of the package in testing rdeps_t = pkg_universe.reverse_dependencies_of(pkg_id_t) for rdep_pkg in sorted(rdeps_t): rdep_p = all_binaries[rdep_pkg] # check some cases where the rdep won't become uninstallable, or # where we don't care if it does if self.should_skip_rdep(rdep_p, source_name, myarch): continue if not self.breaks_installability(pkg_id_t, pkg_id_s, rdep_pkg): # if upgrading pkg_id_t to pkg_id_s doesn't break rdep_pkg, # there is no implicit dependency continue # The upgrade breaks the installability of the rdep. We need to # find out if there is a newer version of the rdep that solves the # uninstallability. If that is the case, there is an implicit # dependency. If not, the upgrade will fail. # check source versions newer_versions = find_newer_binaries(self.suite_info, rdep_p, add_source_for_dropped_bin=True) good_newer_versions = set() for npkg, suite in newer_versions: if npkg.architecture == 'source': # When a newer version of the source package doesn't have # the binary, we get the source as 'newer version'. In # this case, the binary will not be uninstallable if the # newer source migrates, because it is no longer there. good_newer_versions.add(npkg) continue if not self.breaks_installability(pkg_id_t, pkg_id_s, npkg): good_newer_versions.add(npkg) if good_newer_versions: spec = DependencySpec(DependencyType.IMPLICIT_DEPENDENCY, myarch) excuse.add_package_depends(spec, good_newer_versions) else: # no good newer versions: no possible solution broken_binaries.add( if pkg_id_s: action = "migrating %s to %s" % (, else: action = "removing %s from %s" % (, info = "%s makes %s uninstallable" % ( action, verdict = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY excuse.add_verdict_info(verdict, info) return verdict def apply_srcarch_policy_impl(self, implicit_dep_info, item, arch, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): verdict = PolicyVerdict.PASS if not source_data_tdist: # this item is not currently in testing: no implicit dependency return verdict if excuse.hasreason("missingbuild"): # if the build is missing, the policy would treat this as if the # binaries would be removed, which would give incorrect (and # confusing) info info = "missing build, not checking implict dependencies on %s" % (arch) excuse.add_detailed_info(info) return verdict source_suite = item.suite source_name = item.package target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite sources_t = target_suite.sources all_binaries = self._all_binaries # we check all binaries for this excuse that are currently in testing relevant_binaries = [x for x in source_data_tdist.binaries if (arch == 'source' or x.architecture == arch) and x.package_name in target_suite.binaries[x.architecture] and x.architecture not in self._new_arches and x.architecture not in self._break_arches] broken_binaries = set() for pkg_id_t in sorted(relevant_binaries): mypkg = pkg_id_t.package_name myarch = pkg_id_t.architecture binaries_t_a = target_suite.binaries[myarch] binaries_s_a = source_suite.binaries[myarch] if target_suite.is_cruft(all_binaries[pkg_id_t]): # this binary is cruft in testing: it will stay around as long # as necessary to satisfy dependencies, so we don't need to # care continue if mypkg in binaries_s_a: mybin = binaries_s_a[mypkg] pkg_id_s = mybin.pkg_id if mybin.source != source_name: # hijack: this is too complicated to check, so we ignore # it (the migration code will check the installability # later anyway) pass elif mybin.source_version != source_data_srcdist.version: # cruft in source suite: pretend the binary doesn't exist pkg_id_s = None elif pkg_id_t == pkg_id_s: # same binary (probably arch: all from a binNMU): # 'upgrading' doesn't change anything, for this binary, so # it won't break anything continue else: pkg_id_s = None if not pkg_id_s and \ is_smooth_update_allowed(binaries_t_a[mypkg], self._smooth_updates, self.hints): # the binary isn't in the new version (or is cruft there), and # smooth updates are allowed: the binary can stay around if # that is necessary to satisfy dependencies, so we don't need # to check it continue v = self.check_upgrade(pkg_id_t, pkg_id_s, source_name, myarch, broken_binaries, excuse) if v > verdict: verdict = v # each arch is processed separately, so if we already have info from # other archs, we need to merge the info from this arch broken_old = set() if 'implicit-deps' not in implicit_dep_info: implicit_dep_info['implicit-deps'] = {} else: broken_old = set(implicit_dep_info['implicit-deps']['broken-binaries']) implicit_dep_info['implicit-deps']['broken-binaries'] = \ sorted(broken_old | broken_binaries) return verdict class LPBlockBugPolicy(BasePolicy): """block-proposed Launchpad bug policy for source migrations This policy will read an user-supplied "Blocks" file from the unstable directory (provided by an external script) with rows of the following format: <source-name> <bug> <date> The dates are expressed as the number of seconds from the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). """ def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('block-bugs', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE}) def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self.blocks = {} # srcpkg -> [(bug, date), ...] filename = os.path.join(self.options.unstable, "Blocks")"Loading user-supplied block data from %s" % filename) for line in open(filename): ln = line.split() if len(ln) != 3: self.logger.warning("Blocks, ignoring malformed line %s", line) continue try: self.blocks.setdefault(ln[0], []) self.blocks[ln[0]].append((ln[1], int(ln[2]))) except ValueError: self.log("Blocks, unable to parse \"%s\"" % line, type='E') def apply_src_policy_impl(self, block_bugs_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): source_name = item.package try: blocks = self.blocks[source_name] except KeyError: return PolicyVerdict.PASS for bug, date in blocks: block_bugs_info[bug] = date excuse.addinfo("Not touching package as requested in <a href=\"\">bug %s</a> on %s" % (bug, bug, time.asctime(time.gmtime(date)))) excuse.addreason('block') return PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_PERMANENTLY class LinuxPolicy(BasePolicy): """Make linux-* wait on linux-meta-*""" def __init__(self, options, suite_info): super().__init__('linux', options, suite_info, {SuiteClass.PRIMARY_SOURCE_SUITE}) self.metas = {} self.invalidate = defaultdict(list) def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) self.britney = britney def meta_name(self, linux_source): if linux_source.startswith('linux-signed'): meta = linux_source.replace('linux-signed', 'linux-meta') else: meta = linux_source.replace('linux', 'linux-meta') return meta def find_meta_excuse(self, linux_source): assert linux_source.startswith('linux') meta = self.meta_name(linux_source) try: return self.metas[meta] except KeyError: return None def apply_src_policy_impl(self, linux_info, item, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): source_name = item.package if not source_name.startswith('linux'): return PolicyVerdict.NOT_APPLICABLE"linux policy: considering %s", source_name) # If we're currently migrating a linux-meta package, look to see if we # need to reject any of its corresponding linux packages. if source_name.startswith('linux-meta'): self.metas[source_name] = excuse # We're currently in the middle of running the policies for # linux-meta, so we need to look at the *tentative* verdict. If # it's rejected, then we will find any linux-* that we marked to # come back to (see below), and handle them now. if excuse.tentative_policy_verdict.is_rejected:"%s is rejected, checking if we now need to reject anything else", source_name) linux_excuses = self.invalidate[source_name] if linux_excuses: for linux_excuse in linux_excuses:"%s is invalid, so invalidating %s too",, linux_excuse.invalidate_externally(PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_WAITING_FOR_ANOTHER_ITEM) linux_excuse.addreason("linux-meta-not-ready") uvname = excuse.uvname linux_excuse.add_verdict_info(linux_excuse.policy_verdict, "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a> is not a candidate" % (uvname, uvname)) else:"Nothing recorded to reject yet") else:"%s is a candidate, so we will not invalidate anything else", source_name) return PolicyVerdict.PASS # Or we're migrating linux-*, so look to see if we already know about # linux-meta-*, which will happen if we processed that excuse first. linux_meta_excuse = self.find_meta_excuse(source_name) if not linux_meta_excuse: # We don't know about linux-meta, but if it's in the source suite # we will later, so remember to come back to this item then. meta_name = self.meta_name(source_name)"No excuse for %s yet, will come back to %s when visiting it later.", meta_name, self.invalidate[meta_name].append(excuse) return PolicyVerdict.PASS # We do know about linux-meta, so invalidate linux if meta is also # invalid, otherwise leave it alone. if not linux_meta_excuse.is_valid:"Invalidating %s because %s is invalid",, res = PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_WAITING_FOR_ANOTHER_ITEM uvname = linux_meta_excuse.uvname excuse.add_verdict_info(res, "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a> is not a candidate" % (uvname, uvname)) return res else:"Not invalidating %s because %s is valid",, return PolicyVerdict.PASS