#!/usr/bin/python3 -u # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Anthony Towns <ajt@debian.org> # Andreas Barth <aba@debian.org> # Fabio Tranchitella <kobold@debian.org> # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Adam D. Barratt <adsb@debian.org> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. """ = Introduction = This is the Debian testing updater script, also known as "Britney". Packages are usually installed into the `testing' distribution after they have undergone some degree of testing in unstable. The goal of this software is to do this task in a smart way, allowing testing to always be fully installable and close to being a release candidate. Britney's source code is split between two different but related tasks: the first one is the generation of the update excuses, while the second tries to update testing with the valid candidates; first each package alone, then larger and even larger sets of packages together. Each try is accepted if testing is not more uninstallable after the update than before. = Data Loading = In order to analyze the entire Debian distribution, Britney needs to load in memory the whole archive: this means more than 10.000 packages for twelve architectures, as well as the dependency interconnections between them. For this reason, the memory requirements for running this software are quite high and at least 1 gigabyte of RAM should be available. Britney loads the source packages from the `Sources' file and the binary packages from the `Packages_${arch}' files, where ${arch} is substituted with the supported architectures. While loading the data, the software analyzes the dependencies and builds a directed weighted graph in memory with all the interconnections between the packages (see Britney.read_sources and Britney.read_binaries). Other than source and binary packages, Britney loads the following data: * BugsV, which contains the list of release-critical bugs for a given version of a source or binary package (see RCBugPolicy.read_bugs). * Dates, which contains the date of the upload of a given version of a source package (see Britney.read_dates). * Urgencies, which contains the urgency of the upload of a given version of a source package (see AgePolicy._read_urgencies). * Hints, which contains lists of commands which modify the standard behaviour of Britney (see Britney.read_hints). For a more detailed explanation about the format of these files, please read the documentation of the related methods. The exact meaning of them will be instead explained in the chapter "Excuses Generation". = Excuses = An excuse is a detailed explanation of why a package can or cannot be updated in the testing distribution from a newer package in another distribution (like for example unstable). The main purpose of the excuses is to be written in an HTML file which will be published over HTTP. The maintainers will be able to parse it manually or automatically to find the explanation of why their packages have been updated or not. == Excuses generation == These are the steps (with references to method names) that Britney does for the generation of the update excuses. * If a source package is available in testing but it is not present in unstable and no binary packages in unstable are built from it, then it is marked for removal. * Every source package in unstable and testing-proposed-updates, if already present in testing, is checked for binary-NMUs, new or dropped binary packages in all the supported architectures (see Britney.should_upgrade_srcarch). The steps to detect if an upgrade is needed are: 1. If there is a `remove' hint for the source package, the package is ignored: it will be removed and not updated. 2. For every binary package built from the new source, it checks for unsatisfied dependencies, new binary packages and updated binary packages (binNMU), excluding the architecture-independent ones, and packages not built from the same source. 3. For every binary package built from the old source, it checks if it is still built from the new source; if this is not true and the package is not architecture-independent, the script removes it from testing. 4. Finally, if there is something worth doing (eg. a new or updated binary package) and nothing wrong it marks the source package as "Valid candidate", or "Not considered" if there is something wrong which prevented the update. * Every source package in unstable and testing-proposed-updates is checked for upgrade (see Britney.should_upgrade_src). The steps to detect if an upgrade is needed are: 1. If the source package in testing is more recent the new one is ignored. 2. If the source package doesn't exist (is fake), which means that a binary package refers to it but it is not present in the `Sources' file, the new one is ignored. 3. If the package doesn't exist in testing, the urgency of the upload is ignored and set to the default (actually `low'). 4. If there is a `remove' hint for the source package, the package is ignored: it will be removed and not updated. 5. If there is a `block' hint for the source package without an `unblock` hint or a `block-all source`, the package is ignored. 6. If there is a `block-udeb' hint for the source package, it will have the same effect as `block', but may only be cancelled by a subsequent `unblock-udeb' hint. 7. If the suite is unstable, the update can go ahead only if the upload happened more than the minimum days specified by the urgency of the upload; if this is not true, the package is ignored as `too-young'. Note that the urgency is sticky, meaning that the highest urgency uploaded since the previous testing transition is taken into account. 8. If the suite is unstable, all the architecture-dependent binary packages and the architecture-independent ones for the `nobreakall' architectures have to be built from the source we are considering. If this is not true, then these are called `out-of-date' architectures and the package is ignored. 9. The source package must have at least one binary package, otherwise it is ignored. 10. If the suite is unstable, the new source package must have no release critical bugs which do not also apply to the testing one. If this is not true, the package is ignored as `buggy'. 11. If there is a `force' hint for the source package, then it is updated even if it is marked as ignored from the previous steps. 12. If the suite is {testing-,}proposed-updates, the source package can be updated only if there is an explicit approval for it. Unless a `force' hint exists, the new package must also be available on all of the architectures for which it has binary packages in testing. 13. If the package will be ignored, mark it as "Valid candidate", otherwise mark it as "Not considered". * The list of `remove' hints is processed: if the requested source package is not already being updated or removed and the version actually in testing is the same specified with the `remove' hint, it is marked for removal. * The excuses are sorted by the number of days from the last upload (days-old) and by name. * A list of unconsidered excuses (for which the package is not upgraded) is built. Using this list, all of the excuses depending on them are marked as invalid "impossible dependencies". * The excuses are written in an HTML file. """ import contextlib import logging import optparse import os import sys import time from collections import defaultdict from functools import reduce from itertools import chain from operator import attrgetter import apt_pkg from britney2 import SourcePackage, BinaryPackageId, BinaryPackage from britney2.excusefinder import ExcuseFinder from britney2.hints import HintParser from britney2.inputs.suiteloader import DebMirrorLikeSuiteContentLoader, MissingRequiredConfigurationError from britney2.installability.builder import build_installability_tester from britney2.installability.solver import InstallabilitySolver from britney2.migration import MigrationManager from britney2.migrationitem import MigrationItemFactory from britney2.policies.policy import (AgePolicy, RCBugPolicy, PiupartsPolicy, DependsPolicy, BuildDependsPolicy, PolicyEngine, BlockPolicy, BuiltUsingPolicy, BuiltOnBuilddPolicy) from britney2.policies.autopkgtest import AutopkgtestPolicy from britney2.utils import (log_and_format_old_libraries, read_nuninst, write_nuninst, write_heidi, format_and_log_uninst, newly_uninst, write_excuses, write_heidi_delta, old_libraries, is_nuninst_asgood_generous, clone_nuninst, compile_nuninst, parse_provides, MigrationConstraintException, ) __author__ = 'Fabio Tranchitella and the Debian Release Team' __version__ = '2.0' class Britney(object): """Britney, the Debian testing updater script This is the script that updates the testing distribution. It is executed each day after the installation of the updated packages. It generates the `Packages' files for the testing distribution, but it does so in an intelligent manner; it tries to avoid any inconsistency and to use only non-buggy packages. For more documentation on this script, please read the Developers Reference. """ HINTS_HELPERS = ("easy", "hint", "remove", "block", "block-udeb", "unblock", "unblock-udeb", "approve", "remark", "ignore-piuparts", "ignore-rc-bugs", "force-skiptest", "force-badtest") HINTS_STANDARD = ("urgent", "age-days") + HINTS_HELPERS # ALL = {"force", "force-hint", "block-all"} | HINTS_STANDARD | registered policy hints (not covered above) HINTS_ALL = ('ALL') def __init__(self): """Class constructor This method initializes and populates the data lists, which contain all the information needed by the other methods of the class. """ # setup logging - provide the "short level name" (i.e. INFO -> I) that # we used to use prior to using the logging module. old_factory = logging.getLogRecordFactory() short_level_mapping = { 'CRITICAL': 'F', 'INFO': 'I', 'WARNING': 'W', 'ERROR': 'E', 'DEBUG': 'N', } def record_factory(*args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover record = old_factory(*args, **kwargs) try: record.shortlevelname = short_level_mapping[record.levelname] except KeyError: record.shortlevelname = record.levelname return record logging.setLogRecordFactory(record_factory) logging.basicConfig(format='{shortlevelname}: [{asctime}] - {message}', style='{', datefmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", stream=sys.stdout, ) self.logger = logging.getLogger() # Logger for "upgrade_output"; the file handler will be attached later when # we are ready to open the file. self.output_logger = logging.getLogger('britney2.output.upgrade_output') self.output_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # initialize the apt_pkg back-end apt_pkg.init() # parse the command line arguments self._policy_engine = PolicyEngine() self.suite_info = None # Initialized during __parse_arguments self.__parse_arguments() self.all_selected = [] self.excuses = {} self.upgrade_me = [] if self.options.nuninst_cache: self.logger.info("Not building the list of non-installable packages, as requested") if self.options.print_uninst: nuninst = read_nuninst(self.options.noninst_status, self.options.architectures) print('* summary') print('\n'.join('%4d %s' % (len(nuninst[x]), x) for x in self.options.architectures)) return try: constraints_file = os.path.join(self.options.static_input_dir, 'constraints') faux_packages = os.path.join(self.options.static_input_dir, 'faux-packages') except AttributeError: self.logger.info("The static_input_dir option is not set") constraints_file = None faux_packages = None if faux_packages is not None and os.path.exists(faux_packages): self.logger.info("Loading faux packages from %s", faux_packages) self._load_faux_packages(faux_packages) elif faux_packages is not None: self.logger.info("No Faux packages as %s does not exist", faux_packages) if constraints_file is not None and os.path.exists(constraints_file): self.logger.info("Loading constraints from %s", constraints_file) self.constraints = self._load_constraints(constraints_file) else: if constraints_file is not None: self.logger.info("No constraints as %s does not exist", constraints_file) self.constraints = { 'keep-installable': [], } self.logger.info("Compiling Installability tester") self.pkg_universe, self._inst_tester = build_installability_tester(self.suite_info, self.options.architectures) target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite target_suite.inst_tester = self._inst_tester self.allow_uninst = {} for arch in self.options.architectures: self.allow_uninst[arch] = set() self._migration_item_factory = MigrationItemFactory(self.suite_info) self._hint_parser = HintParser(self._migration_item_factory) self._migration_manager = MigrationManager(self.options, self.suite_info, self.all_binaries, self.pkg_universe, self.constraints, self.allow_uninst, self._migration_item_factory) if not self.options.nuninst_cache: self.logger.info("Building the list of non-installable packages for the full archive") self._inst_tester.compute_installability() nuninst = compile_nuninst(target_suite, self.options.architectures, self.options.nobreakall_arches) self.nuninst_orig = nuninst for arch in self.options.architectures: self.logger.info("> Found %d non-installable packages", len(nuninst[arch])) if self.options.print_uninst: self.nuninst_arch_report(nuninst, arch) if self.options.print_uninst: print('* summary') print('\n'.join(map(lambda x: '%4d %s' % (len(nuninst[x]), x), self.options.architectures))) return else: write_nuninst(self.options.noninst_status, nuninst) stats = self._inst_tester.compute_stats() self.logger.info("> Installability tester statistics (per architecture)") for arch in self.options.architectures: arch_stat = stats[arch] self.logger.info("> %s", arch) for stat in arch_stat.stat_summary(): self.logger.info("> - %s", stat) else: self.logger.info("Loading uninstallability counters from cache") self.nuninst_orig = read_nuninst(self.options.noninst_status, self.options.architectures) # nuninst_orig may get updated during the upgrade process self.nuninst_orig_save = clone_nuninst(self.nuninst_orig, architectures=self.options.architectures) self._policy_engine.register_policy_hints(self._hint_parser) try: self.read_hints(self.options.hintsdir) except AttributeError: self.read_hints(os.path.join(self.suite_info['unstable'].path, 'Hints')) self._policy_engine.initialise(self, self.hints) def __parse_arguments(self): """Parse the command line arguments This method parses and initializes the command line arguments. While doing so, it preprocesses some of the options to be converted in a suitable form for the other methods of the class. """ # initialize the parser parser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%prog") parser.add_option("-v", "", action="count", dest="verbose", help="enable verbose output") parser.add_option("-c", "--config", action="store", dest="config", default="/etc/britney.conf", help="path for the configuration file") parser.add_option("", "--architectures", action="store", dest="architectures", default=None, help="override architectures from configuration file") parser.add_option("", "--actions", action="store", dest="actions", default=None, help="override the list of actions to be performed") parser.add_option("", "--hints", action="store", dest="hints", default=None, help="additional hints, separated by semicolons") parser.add_option("", "--hint-tester", action="store_true", dest="hint_tester", default=None, help="provide a command line interface to test hints") parser.add_option("", "--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry_run", default=False, help="disable all outputs to the testing directory") parser.add_option("", "--nuninst-cache", action="store_true", dest="nuninst_cache", default=False, help="do not build the non-installability status, use the cache from file") parser.add_option("", "--print-uninst", action="store_true", dest="print_uninst", default=False, help="just print a summary of uninstallable packages") parser.add_option("", "--compute-migrations", action="store_true", dest="compute_migrations", default=True, help="Compute which packages can migrate (the default)") parser.add_option("", "--no-compute-migrations", action="store_false", dest="compute_migrations", help="Do not compute which packages can migrate.") parser.add_option("", "--series", action="store", dest="series", default='', help="set distribution series name") (self.options, self.args) = parser.parse_args() if self.options.verbose: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # TODO: Define a more obvious toggle for debug information try: # pragma: no cover if int(os.environ.get('BRITNEY_DEBUG', '0')): self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover pass # integrity checks if self.options.nuninst_cache and self.options.print_uninst: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("nuninst_cache and print_uninst are mutually exclusive!") sys.exit(1) # if the configuration file exists, then read it and set the additional options elif not os.path.isfile(self.options.config): # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Unable to read the configuration file (%s), exiting!", self.options.config) sys.exit(1) # minimum days for unstable-testing transition and the list of hints # are handled as an ad-hoc case MINDAYS = {} self.HINTS = {'command-line': self.HINTS_ALL} with open(self.options.config, encoding='utf-8') as config: for line in config: if '=' in line and not line.strip().startswith('#'): k, v = line.split('=', 1) k = k.strip() v = v.strip() if k.startswith("MINDAYS_"): MINDAYS[k.split("_")[1].lower()] = int(v) elif k.startswith("HINTS_"): self.HINTS[k.split("_")[1].lower()] = \ reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [ hasattr(self, "HINTS_" + i) and getattr(self, "HINTS_" + i) or (i,) for i in v.split()]) elif not hasattr(self.options, k.lower()) or \ not getattr(self.options, k.lower()): setattr(self.options, k.lower(), v) if hasattr(self.options, 'components'): # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("The COMPONENTS configuration has been removed.") self.logger.error("Britney will read the value from the Release file automatically") sys.exit(1) suite_loader = DebMirrorLikeSuiteContentLoader(self.options) try: self.suite_info = suite_loader.load_suites() except MissingRequiredConfigurationError as e: # pragma: no cover self.logger.error("Could not load the suite content due to missing configuration: %s", str(e)) sys.exit(1) self.all_binaries = suite_loader.all_binaries() self.options.components = suite_loader.components self.options.architectures = suite_loader.architectures self.options.nobreakall_arches = suite_loader.nobreakall_arches self.options.outofsync_arches = suite_loader.outofsync_arches self.options.break_arches = suite_loader.break_arches self.options.new_arches = suite_loader.new_arches if self.options.series == '': self.options.series = self.suite_info.target_suite.name if not hasattr(self.options, "heidi_delta_output"): self.options.heidi_delta_output = self.options.heidi_output + "Delta" self.options.smooth_updates = self.options.smooth_updates.split() if not hasattr(self.options, 'ignore_cruft') or \ self.options.ignore_cruft == "0": self.options.ignore_cruft = False if not hasattr(self.options, 'check_consistency_level'): self.options.check_consistency_level = 2 else: self.options.check_consistency_level = int(self.options.check_consistency_level) if not hasattr(self.options, 'adt_retry_url_mech'): self.options.adt_retry_url_mech = '' self._policy_engine.add_policy(DependsPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) self._policy_engine.add_policy(RCBugPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) self._policy_engine.add_policy(PiupartsPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) if getattr(self.options, 'adt_enable') == 'yes': self._policy_engine.add_policy(AutopkgtestPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) self._policy_engine.add_policy(AgePolicy(self.options, self.suite_info, MINDAYS)) self._policy_engine.add_policy(BuildDependsPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) self._policy_engine.add_policy(BlockPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) self._policy_engine.add_policy(BuiltUsingPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) if getattr(self.options, 'check_buildd', 'no') == 'yes': self._policy_engine.add_policy(BuiltOnBuilddPolicy(self.options, self.suite_info)) @property def hints(self): return self._hint_parser.hints def _load_faux_packages(self, faux_packages_file): """Loads fake packages In rare cases, it is useful to create a "fake" package that can be used to satisfy dependencies. This is usually needed for packages that are not shipped directly on this mirror but is a prerequisite for using this mirror (e.g. some vendors provide non-distributable "setup" packages and contrib/non-free packages depend on these). :param faux_packages_file: Path to the file containing the fake package definitions """ tag_file = apt_pkg.TagFile(faux_packages_file) get_field = tag_file.section.get step = tag_file.step no = 0 pri_source_suite = self.suite_info.primary_source_suite target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite while step(): no += 1 pkg_name = get_field('Package', None) if pkg_name is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Missing Package field in paragraph %d (file %s)" % (no, faux_packages_file)) pkg_name = sys.intern(pkg_name) version = sys.intern(get_field('Version', '1.0-1')) provides_raw = get_field('Provides') archs_raw = get_field('Architecture', None) component = get_field('Component', 'non-free') if archs_raw: archs = archs_raw.split() else: archs = self.options.architectures faux_section = 'faux' if component != 'main': faux_section = "%s/faux" % component src_data = SourcePackage(pkg_name, version, sys.intern(faux_section), set(), None, True, None, None, [], [], ) target_suite.sources[pkg_name] = src_data pri_source_suite.sources[pkg_name] = src_data for arch in archs: pkg_id = BinaryPackageId(pkg_name, version, arch) if provides_raw: provides = parse_provides(provides_raw, pkg_id=pkg_id, logger=self.logger) else: provides = [] bin_data = BinaryPackage(version, faux_section, pkg_name, version, arch, get_field('Multi-Arch'), None, None, provides, False, pkg_id, [], ) src_data.binaries.add(pkg_id) target_suite.binaries[arch][pkg_name] = bin_data pri_source_suite.binaries[arch][pkg_name] = bin_data # register provided packages with the target suite provides table for provided_pkg, provided_version, _ in bin_data.provides: target_suite.provides_table[arch][provided_pkg].add((pkg_name, provided_version)) self.all_binaries[pkg_id] = bin_data def _load_constraints(self, constraints_file): """Loads configurable constraints The constraints file can contain extra rules that Britney should attempt to satisfy. Examples can be "keep package X in testing and ensure it is installable". :param constraints_file: Path to the file containing the constraints """ tag_file = apt_pkg.TagFile(constraints_file) get_field = tag_file.section.get step = tag_file.step no = 0 faux_version = sys.intern('1') faux_section = sys.intern('faux') keep_installable = [] constraints = { 'keep-installable': keep_installable } pri_source_suite = self.suite_info.primary_source_suite target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite while step(): no += 1 pkg_name = get_field('Fake-Package-Name', None) if pkg_name is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Missing Fake-Package-Name field in paragraph %d (file %s)" % (no, constraints_file)) pkg_name = sys.intern(pkg_name) def mandatory_field(x): v = get_field(x, None) if v is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Missing %s field for %s (file %s)" % (x, pkg_name, constraints_file)) return v constraint = mandatory_field('Constraint') if constraint not in {'present-and-installable'}: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Unsupported constraint %s for %s (file %s)" % (constraint, pkg_name, constraints_file)) self.logger.info(" - constraint %s", pkg_name) pkg_list = [x.strip() for x in mandatory_field('Package-List').split("\n") if x.strip() != '' and not x.strip().startswith("#")] src_data = SourcePackage(pkg_name, faux_version, faux_section, set(), None, True, None, None, [], [], ) target_suite.sources[pkg_name] = src_data pri_source_suite.sources[pkg_name] = src_data keep_installable.append(pkg_name) for arch in self.options.architectures: deps = [] for pkg_spec in pkg_list: s = pkg_spec.split(None, 1) if len(s) == 1: deps.append(s[0]) else: pkg, arch_res = s if not (arch_res.startswith('[') and arch_res.endswith(']')): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Invalid arch-restriction on %s - should be [arch1 arch2] (for %s file %s)" % (pkg, pkg_name, constraints_file)) arch_res = arch_res[1:-1].split() if not arch_res: # pragma: no cover msg = "Empty arch-restriction for %s: Uses comma or negation (for %s file %s)" raise ValueError(msg % (pkg, pkg_name, constraints_file)) for a in arch_res: if a == arch: deps.append(pkg) elif ',' in a or '!' in a: # pragma: no cover msg = "Invalid arch-restriction for %s: Uses comma or negation (for %s file %s)" raise ValueError(msg % (pkg, pkg_name, constraints_file)) pkg_id = BinaryPackageId(pkg_name, faux_version, arch) bin_data = BinaryPackage(faux_version, faux_section, pkg_name, faux_version, arch, 'no', ', '.join(deps), None, [], False, pkg_id, [], ) src_data.binaries.add(pkg_id) target_suite.binaries[arch][pkg_name] = bin_data pri_source_suite.binaries[arch][pkg_name] = bin_data self.all_binaries[pkg_id] = bin_data return constraints # Data reading/writing methods # ---------------------------- def read_hints(self, hintsdir): """Read the hint commands from the specified directory The hint commands are read from the files contained in the directory specified by the `hintsdir' parameter. The names of the files have to be the same as the authorized users for the hints. The file contains rows with the format: <command> <package-name>[/<version>] The method returns a dictionary where the key is the command, and the value is the list of affected packages. """ for who in self.HINTS.keys(): if who == 'command-line': lines = self.options.hints and self.options.hints.split(';') or () filename = '<cmd-line>' self._hint_parser.parse_hints(who, self.HINTS[who], filename, lines) else: filename = os.path.join(hintsdir, who) if not os.path.isfile(filename): self.logger.error("Cannot read hints list from %s, no such file!", filename) continue self.logger.info("Loading hints list from %s", filename) with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: self._hint_parser.parse_hints(who, self.HINTS[who], filename, f) hints = self._hint_parser.hints for x in ["block", "block-all", "block-udeb", "unblock", "unblock-udeb", "force", "urgent", "remove", "age-days"]: z = defaultdict(dict) for hint in hints[x]: package = hint.package architecture = hint.architecture key = (hint, hint.user) if package in z and architecture in z[package] and z[package][architecture] != key: hint2 = z[package][architecture][0] if x in ['unblock', 'unblock-udeb']: if apt_pkg.version_compare(hint2.version, hint.version) < 0: # This hint is for a newer version, so discard the old one self.logger.warning("Overriding %s[%s] = ('%s', '%s', '%s') with ('%s', '%s', '%s')", x, package, hint2.version, hint2.architecture, hint2.user, hint.version, hint.architecture, hint.user) hint2.set_active(False) else: # This hint is for an older version, so ignore it in favour of the new one self.logger.warning("Ignoring %s[%s] = ('%s', '%s', '%s'), ('%s', '%s', '%s') is higher or equal", x, package, hint.version, hint.architecture, hint.user, hint2.version, hint2.architecture, hint2.user) hint.set_active(False) else: self.logger.warning("Overriding %s[%s] = ('%s', '%s') with ('%s', '%s')", x, package, hint2.user, hint2, hint.user, hint) hint2.set_active(False) z[package][architecture] = key for hint in hints['allow-uninst']: if hint.architecture == 'source': for arch in self.options.architectures: self.allow_uninst[arch].add(hint.package) else: self.allow_uninst[hint.architecture].add(hint.package) # Sanity check the hints hash if len(hints["block"]) == 0 and len(hints["block-udeb"]) == 0: self.logger.warning("WARNING: No block hints at all, not even udeb ones!") def write_excuses(self): """Produce and write the update excuses This method handles the update excuses generation: the packages are looked at to determine whether they are valid candidates. For the details of this procedure, please refer to the module docstring. """ self.logger.info("Update Excuses generation started") mi_factory = self._migration_item_factory excusefinder = ExcuseFinder(self.options, self.suite_info, self.all_binaries, self.pkg_universe, self._policy_engine, mi_factory, self.hints) excuses, upgrade_me = excusefinder.find_actionable_excuses() self.excuses = excuses # sort the list of candidates self.upgrade_me = sorted(upgrade_me) old_lib_removals = old_libraries(mi_factory, self.suite_info, self.options.outofsync_arches) self.upgrade_me.extend(old_lib_removals) self.output_logger.info("List of old libraries added to upgrade_me (%d):", len(old_lib_removals)) log_and_format_old_libraries(self.output_logger, old_lib_removals) # write excuses to the output file if not self.options.dry_run: self.logger.info("> Writing Excuses to %s", self.options.excuses_output) write_excuses(excuses, self.options.excuses_output, output_format="legacy-html") if hasattr(self.options, 'excuses_yaml_output'): self.logger.info("> Writing YAML Excuses to %s", self.options.excuses_yaml_output) write_excuses(excuses, self.options.excuses_yaml_output, output_format="yaml") self.logger.info("Update Excuses generation completed") # Upgrade run # ----------- def eval_nuninst(self, nuninst, original=None): """Return a string which represents the uninstallability counters This method returns a string which represents the uninstallability counters reading the uninstallability statistics `nuninst` and, if present, merging the results with the `original` one. An example of the output string is: 1+2: i-0:a-0:a-0:h-0:i-1:m-0:m-0:p-0:a-0:m-0:s-2:s-0 where the first part is the number of broken packages in non-break architectures + the total number of broken packages for all the architectures. """ res = [] total = 0 totalbreak = 0 for arch in self.options.architectures: if arch in nuninst: n = len(nuninst[arch]) elif original and arch in original: n = len(original[arch]) else: continue if arch in self.options.break_arches: totalbreak = totalbreak + n else: total = total + n res.append("%s-%d" % (arch[0], n)) return "%d+%d: %s" % (total, totalbreak, ":".join(res)) def iter_packages(self, packages, selected, nuninst=None): """Iter on the list of actions and apply them one-by-one This method applies the changes from `packages` to testing, checking the uninstallability counters for every action performed. If the action does not improve them, it is reverted. The method returns the new uninstallability counters and the remaining actions if the final result is successful, otherwise (None, []). """ group_info = {} rescheduled_packages = packages maybe_rescheduled_packages = [] output_logger = self.output_logger solver = InstallabilitySolver(self.pkg_universe, self._inst_tester) mm = self._migration_manager target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite for y in sorted((y for y in packages), key=attrgetter('uvname')): try: _, updates, rms, _ = mm.compute_groups(y) result = (y, frozenset(updates), frozenset(rms)) group_info[y] = result except MigrationConstraintException as e: rescheduled_packages.remove(y) output_logger.info("not adding package to list: %s", (y.package)) output_logger.info(" got exception: %s" % (repr(e))) if nuninst: nuninst_orig = nuninst else: nuninst_orig = self.nuninst_orig nuninst_last_accepted = nuninst_orig output_logger.info("recur: [] %s %d/0", ",".join(x.uvname for x in selected), len(packages)) while rescheduled_packages: groups = {group_info[x] for x in rescheduled_packages} worklist = solver.solve_groups(groups) rescheduled_packages = [] worklist.reverse() while worklist: comp = worklist.pop() comp_name = ' '.join(item.uvname for item in comp) output_logger.info("trying: %s" % comp_name) with mm.start_transaction() as transaction: accepted = False try: accepted, nuninst_after, failed_arch, new_cruft = mm.migrate_items_to_target_suite( comp, nuninst_last_accepted ) if accepted: selected.extend(comp) transaction.commit() output_logger.info("accepted: %s", comp_name) output_logger.info(" ori: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_orig)) output_logger.info(" pre: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_last_accepted)) output_logger.info(" now: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_after)) if new_cruft: output_logger.info( " added new cruft items to list: %s", " ".join(x.uvname for x in new_cruft)) if len(selected) <= 20: output_logger.info(" all: %s", " ".join(x.uvname for x in selected)) else: output_logger.info(" most: (%d) .. %s", len(selected), " ".join(x.uvname for x in selected[-20:])) if self.options.check_consistency_level >= 3: target_suite.check_suite_source_pkg_consistency('iter_packages after commit') nuninst_last_accepted = nuninst_after for cruft_item in new_cruft: try: _, updates, rms, _ = mm.compute_groups(cruft_item) result = (cruft_item, frozenset(updates), frozenset(rms)) group_info[cruft_item] = result worklist.append([cruft_item]) except MigrationConstraintException as e: output_logger.info( " got exception adding cruft item %s to list: %s" % (cruft_item.uvname, repr(e))) rescheduled_packages.extend(maybe_rescheduled_packages) maybe_rescheduled_packages.clear() else: transaction.rollback() broken = sorted(b for b in nuninst_after[failed_arch] if b not in nuninst_last_accepted[failed_arch]) compare_nuninst = None if any(item for item in comp if item.architecture != 'source'): compare_nuninst = nuninst_last_accepted # NB: try_migration already reverted this for us, so just print the results and move on output_logger.info("skipped: %s (%d, %d, %d)", comp_name, len(rescheduled_packages), len(maybe_rescheduled_packages), len(worklist) ) output_logger.info(" got: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_after, compare_nuninst)) output_logger.info(" * %s: %s", failed_arch, ", ".join(broken)) if self.options.check_consistency_level >= 3: target_suite.check_suite_source_pkg_consistency('iter_package after rollback (not accepted)') except MigrationConstraintException as e: transaction.rollback() output_logger.info("skipped: %s (%d, %d, %d)", comp_name, len(rescheduled_packages), len(maybe_rescheduled_packages), len(worklist) ) output_logger.info(" got exception: %s" % (repr(e))) if self.options.check_consistency_level >= 3: target_suite.check_suite_source_pkg_consistency( 'iter_package after rollback (MigrationConstraintException)') if not accepted: if len(comp) > 1: output_logger.info(" - splitting the component into single items and retrying them") worklist.extend([item] for item in comp) else: maybe_rescheduled_packages.append(comp[0]) output_logger.info(" finish: [%s]", ",".join(x.uvname for x in selected)) output_logger.info("endloop: %s", self.eval_nuninst(self.nuninst_orig)) output_logger.info(" now: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_last_accepted)) format_and_log_uninst(output_logger, self.options.architectures, newly_uninst(self.nuninst_orig, nuninst_last_accepted) ) output_logger.info("") return (nuninst_last_accepted, maybe_rescheduled_packages) def do_all(self, hinttype=None, init=None, actions=None): """Testing update runner This method tries to update testing checking the uninstallability counters before and after the actions to decide if the update was successful or not. """ selected = [] if actions: upgrade_me = actions[:] else: upgrade_me = self.upgrade_me[:] nuninst_start = self.nuninst_orig output_logger = self.output_logger target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite # these are special parameters for hints processing force = False recurse = True nuninst_end = None extra = [] mm = self._migration_manager if hinttype == "easy" or hinttype == "force-hint": force = hinttype == "force-hint" recurse = False # if we have a list of initial packages, check them if init: for x in init: if x not in upgrade_me: output_logger.warning("failed: %s is not a valid candidate (or it already migrated)", x.uvname) return None selected.append(x) upgrade_me.remove(x) output_logger.info("start: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_start)) output_logger.info("orig: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_start)) if init and not force: # We will need to be able to roll back (e.g. easy or a "hint"-hint) _start_transaction = mm.start_transaction else: # No "outer" transaction needed as we will never need to rollback # (e.g. "force-hint" or a regular "main run"). Emulate the start_transaction # call from the MigrationManager, so the rest of the code follows the # same flow regardless of whether we need the transaction or not. @contextlib.contextmanager def _start_transaction(): yield None with _start_transaction() as transaction: if init: # init => a hint (e.g. "easy") - so do the hint run (_, nuninst_end, _, new_cruft) = mm.migrate_items_to_target_suite(selected, self.nuninst_orig, stop_on_first_regression=False) if recurse: # Ensure upgrade_me and selected do not overlap, if we # follow-up with a recurse ("hint"-hint). upgrade_me = [x for x in upgrade_me if x not in set(selected)] else: # On non-recursive hints check for cruft and purge it proactively in case it "fixes" the hint. cruft = [x for x in upgrade_me if x.is_cruft_removal] if new_cruft: output_logger.info( "Change added new cruft items to list: %s", " ".join(x.uvname for x in new_cruft)) cruft.extend(new_cruft) if cruft: output_logger.info("Checking if changes enables cruft removal") (nuninst_end, remaining_cruft) = self.iter_packages(cruft, selected, nuninst=nuninst_end) output_logger.info("Removed %d of %d cruft item(s) after the changes", len(cruft) - len(remaining_cruft), len(cruft)) new_cruft.difference_update(remaining_cruft) # Add new cruft items regardless of whether we recurse. A future run might clean # them for us. upgrade_me.extend(new_cruft) if recurse: # Either the main run or the recursive run of a "hint"-hint. (nuninst_end, extra) = self.iter_packages(upgrade_me, selected, nuninst=nuninst_end) nuninst_end_str = self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_end) if not recurse: # easy or force-hint output_logger.info("easy: %s", nuninst_end_str) if not force: format_and_log_uninst(self.output_logger, self.options.architectures, newly_uninst(nuninst_start, nuninst_end) ) if force: # Force implies "unconditionally better" better = True else: break_arches = set(self.options.break_arches) if all(x.architecture in break_arches for x in selected): # If we only migrated items from break-arches, then we # do not allow any regressions on these architectures. # This usually only happens with hints break_arches = set() better = is_nuninst_asgood_generous(self.constraints, self.allow_uninst, self.options.architectures, self.nuninst_orig, nuninst_end, break_arches) if better: # Result accepted either by force or by being better than the original result. output_logger.info("final: %s", ",".join(sorted(x.uvname for x in selected))) output_logger.info("start: %s", self.eval_nuninst(nuninst_start)) output_logger.info(" orig: %s", self.eval_nuninst(self.nuninst_orig)) output_logger.info(" end: %s", nuninst_end_str) if force: broken = newly_uninst(nuninst_start, nuninst_end) if broken: output_logger.warning("force breaks:") format_and_log_uninst(self.output_logger, self.options.architectures, broken, loglevel=logging.WARNING, ) else: output_logger.info("force did not break any packages") output_logger.info("SUCCESS (%d/%d)", len(actions or self.upgrade_me), len(extra)) self.nuninst_orig = nuninst_end self.all_selected += selected if transaction: transaction.commit() if self.options.check_consistency_level >= 2: target_suite.check_suite_source_pkg_consistency('do_all after commit') if not actions: if recurse: self.upgrade_me = extra else: self.upgrade_me = [x for x in self.upgrade_me if x not in set(selected)] else: output_logger.info("FAILED\n") if not transaction: # if we 'FAILED', but we cannot rollback, we will probably # leave a broken state behind # this should not happen raise AssertionError("do_all FAILED but no transaction to rollback") transaction.rollback() if self.options.check_consistency_level >= 2: target_suite.check_suite_source_pkg_consistency('do_all after rollback') output_logger.info("") def assert_nuninst_is_correct(self): self.logger.info("> Update complete - Verifying non-installability counters") cached_nuninst = self.nuninst_orig self._inst_tester.compute_installability() computed_nuninst = compile_nuninst(self.suite_info.target_suite, self.options.architectures, self.options.nobreakall_arches) if cached_nuninst != computed_nuninst: # pragma: no cover only_on_break_archs = True self.logger.error("==================== NUNINST OUT OF SYNC =========================") for arch in self.options.architectures: expected_nuninst = set(cached_nuninst[arch]) actual_nuninst = set(computed_nuninst[arch]) false_negatives = actual_nuninst - expected_nuninst false_positives = expected_nuninst - actual_nuninst # Britney does not quite work correctly with # break/fucked arches, so ignore issues there for now. if (false_negatives or false_positives) and arch not in self.options.break_arches: only_on_break_archs = False if false_negatives: self.logger.error(" %s - unnoticed nuninst: %s", arch, str(false_negatives)) if false_positives: self.logger.error(" %s - invalid nuninst: %s", arch, str(false_positives)) self.logger.info(" %s - actual nuninst: %s", arch, str(actual_nuninst)) self.logger.error("==================== NUNINST OUT OF SYNC =========================") if not only_on_break_archs: raise AssertionError("NUNINST OUT OF SYNC") else: self.logger.warning("Nuninst is out of sync on some break arches") self.logger.info("> All non-installability counters are ok") def upgrade_testing(self): """Upgrade testing using the packages from the source suites This method tries to upgrade testing using the packages from the source suites. Before running the do_all method, it tries the easy and force-hint commands. """ output_logger = self.output_logger self.logger.info("Starting the upgrade test") output_logger.info("Generated on: %s", time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S %z", time.gmtime(time.time()))) output_logger.info("Arch order is: %s", ", ".join(self.options.architectures)) if not self.options.actions: # process `easy' hints for x in self.hints['easy']: self.do_hint("easy", x.user, x.packages) # process `force-hint' hints for x in self.hints["force-hint"]: self.do_hint("force-hint", x.user, x.packages) # run the first round of the upgrade # - do separate runs for break arches allpackages = [] normpackages = self.upgrade_me[:] archpackages = {} for a in self.options.break_arches: archpackages[a] = [p for p in normpackages if p.architecture == a] normpackages = [p for p in normpackages if p not in archpackages[a]] self.upgrade_me = normpackages output_logger.info("info: main run") self.do_all() allpackages += self.upgrade_me for a in self.options.break_arches: backup = self.options.break_arches self.options.break_arches = " ".join(x for x in self.options.break_arches if x != a) self.upgrade_me = archpackages[a] output_logger.info("info: broken arch run for %s", a) self.do_all() allpackages += self.upgrade_me self.options.break_arches = backup self.upgrade_me = allpackages if self.options.actions: self.printuninstchange() return # process `hint' hints hintcnt = 0 for x in self.hints["hint"][:50]: if hintcnt > 50: output_logger.info("Skipping remaining hints...") break if self.do_hint("hint", x.user, x.packages): hintcnt += 1 # run the auto hinter self.run_auto_hinter() if getattr(self.options, "remove_obsolete", "yes") == "yes": # obsolete source packages # a package is obsolete if none of the binary packages in testing # are built by it self.logger.info("> Removing obsolete source packages from the target suite") # local copies for performance target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite sources_t = target_suite.sources binaries_t = target_suite.binaries mi_factory = self._migration_item_factory used = set(binaries_t[arch][binary].source for arch in binaries_t for binary in binaries_t[arch] ) removals = [mi_factory.parse_item("-%s/%s" % (source, sources_t[source].version), auto_correct=False) for source in sources_t if source not in used ] if removals: output_logger.info("Removing obsolete source packages from the target suite (%d):", len(removals)) self.do_all(actions=removals) # smooth updates removals = old_libraries(self._migration_item_factory, self.suite_info, self.options.outofsync_arches) if removals: output_logger.info("Removing packages left in the target suite (e.g. smooth updates or cruft)") log_and_format_old_libraries(self.output_logger, removals) self.do_all(actions=removals) removals = old_libraries(self._migration_item_factory, self.suite_info, self.options.outofsync_arches) output_logger.info("List of old libraries in the target suite (%d):", len(removals)) log_and_format_old_libraries(self.output_logger, removals) self.printuninstchange() if self.options.check_consistency_level >= 1: target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite self.assert_nuninst_is_correct() target_suite.check_suite_source_pkg_consistency('end') # output files if not self.options.dry_run: target_suite = self.suite_info.target_suite # write HeidiResult self.logger.info("Writing Heidi results to %s", self.options.heidi_output) write_heidi(self.options.heidi_output, target_suite, outofsync_arches=self.options.outofsync_arches) self.logger.info("Writing delta to %s", self.options.heidi_delta_output) write_heidi_delta(self.options.heidi_delta_output, self.all_selected) self.logger.info("Test completed!") def printuninstchange(self): self.logger.info("Checking for newly uninstallable packages") uninst = newly_uninst(self.nuninst_orig_save, self.nuninst_orig) if uninst: self.output_logger.warning("") self.output_logger.warning("Newly uninstallable packages in the target suite:") format_and_log_uninst(self.output_logger, self.options.architectures, uninst, loglevel=logging.WARNING, ) def hint_tester(self): """Run a command line interface to test hints This method provides a command line interface for the release team to try hints and evaluate the results. """ import readline from britney2.completer import Completer histfile = os.path.expanduser('~/.britney2_history') if os.path.exists(histfile): readline.read_history_file(histfile) readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') readline.set_completer(Completer(self).completer) # Package names can contain "-" and we use "/" in our presentation of them as well, # so ensure readline does not split on these characters. readline.set_completer_delims(readline.get_completer_delims().replace('-', '').replace('/', '')) known_hints = self._hint_parser.registered_hints print("Britney hint tester") print() print("Besides inputting known britney hints, the follow commands are also available") print(" * quit/exit - terminates the shell") print(" * python-console - jump into an interactive python shell (with the current loaded dataset)") print() while True: # read the command from the command line try: user_input = input('britney> ').split() except EOFError: print("") break except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") continue # quit the hint tester if user_input and user_input[0] in ('quit', 'exit'): break elif user_input and user_input[0] == 'python-console': try: import britney2.console except ImportError as e: print("Failed to import britney.console module: %s" % repr(e)) continue britney2.console.run_python_console(self) print("Returning to the britney hint-tester console") # run a hint elif user_input and user_input[0] in ('easy', 'hint', 'force-hint'): mi_factory = self._migration_item_factory try: self.do_hint(user_input[0], 'hint-tester', mi_factory.parse_items(user_input[1:])) self.printuninstchange() except KeyboardInterrupt: continue elif user_input and user_input[0] in known_hints: self._hint_parser.parse_hints('hint-tester', self.HINTS_ALL, '<stdin>', [' '.join(user_input)]) self.write_excuses() try: readline.write_history_file(histfile) except IOError as e: self.logger.warning("Could not write %s: %s", histfile, e) def do_hint(self, hinttype, who, pkgvers): """Process hints This method process `easy`, `hint` and `force-hint` hints. If the requested version is not in the relevant source suite, then the hint is skipped. """ output_logger = self.output_logger self.logger.info("> Processing '%s' hint from %s", hinttype, who) output_logger.info("Trying %s from %s: %s", hinttype, who, " ".join("%s/%s" % (x.uvname, x.version) for x in pkgvers) ) issues = [] # loop on the requested packages and versions for idx in range(len(pkgvers)): pkg = pkgvers[idx] # skip removal requests if pkg.is_removal: continue suite = pkg.suite if pkg.package not in suite.sources: issues.append("Source %s has no version in %s" % (pkg.package, suite.name)) elif apt_pkg.version_compare(suite.sources[pkg.package].version, pkg.version) != 0: issues.append("Version mismatch, %s %s != %s" % (pkg.package, pkg.version, suite.sources[pkg.package].version)) if issues: output_logger.warning("%s: Not using hint", ", ".join(issues)) return False self.do_all(hinttype, pkgvers) return True def get_auto_hinter_hints(self, upgrade_me): """Auto-generate "easy" hints. This method attempts to generate "easy" hints for sets of packages which must migrate together. Beginning with a package which does not depend on any other package (in terms of excuses), a list of dependencies and reverse dependencies is recursively created. Once all such lists have been generated, any which are subsets of other lists are ignored in favour of the larger lists. The remaining lists are then attempted in turn as "easy" hints. We also try to auto hint circular dependencies analyzing the update excuses relationships. If they build a circular dependency, which we already know as not-working with the standard do_all algorithm, try to `easy` them. """ self.logger.info("> Processing hints from the auto hinter") sources_t = self.suite_info.target_suite.sources excuses = self.excuses def excuse_still_valid(excuse): source = excuse.source arch = excuse.item.architecture # TODO for binNMUs, this check is always ok, even if the item # migrated already valid = (arch != 'source' or source not in sources_t or sources_t[source].version != excuse.ver[1]) # TODO migrated items should be removed from upgrade_me, so this # should not happen if not valid: raise AssertionError("excuse no longer valid %s" % (item)) return valid # consider only excuses which are valid candidates and still relevant. valid_excuses = frozenset(e.name for n, e in excuses.items() if e.item in upgrade_me and excuse_still_valid(e)) excuses_deps = {name: valid_excuses.intersection(excuse.get_deps()) for name, excuse in excuses.items() if name in valid_excuses} excuses_rdeps = defaultdict(set) for name, deps in excuses_deps.items(): for dep in deps: excuses_rdeps[dep].add(name) def find_related(e, hint, circular_first=False): excuse = excuses[e] if not circular_first: hint.add(excuse.item) if not excuse.get_deps(): return hint for p in excuses_deps[e]: if p in hint or p not in valid_excuses: continue if not find_related(p, hint): return False return hint # loop on them candidates = [] mincands = [] seen_hints = set() for e in valid_excuses: excuse = excuses[e] if excuse.get_deps(): hint = find_related(e, set(), True) if isinstance(hint, dict) and e in hint: h = frozenset(hint) if h not in seen_hints: candidates.append(h) seen_hints.add(h) else: items = [excuse.item] orig_size = 1 looped = False seen_items = set() seen_items.update(items) for item in items: # excuses which depend on "item" or are depended on by it new_items = {excuses[x].item for x in chain(excuses_deps[item.name], excuses_rdeps[item.name])} new_items -= seen_items items.extend(new_items) seen_items.update(new_items) if not looped and len(items) > 1: orig_size = len(items) h = frozenset(seen_items) if h not in seen_hints: mincands.append(h) seen_hints.add(h) looped = True if len(items) != orig_size: h = frozenset(seen_items) if h != mincands[-1] and h not in seen_hints: candidates.append(h) seen_hints.add(h) return [candidates, mincands] def run_auto_hinter(self): mi_factory = self._migration_item_factory for l in self.get_auto_hinter_hints(self.upgrade_me): for hint in l: self.do_hint("easy", "autohinter", sorted(hint)) def nuninst_arch_report(self, nuninst, arch): """Print a report of uninstallable packages for one architecture.""" all = defaultdict(set) binaries_t = self.suite_info.target_suite.binaries for p in nuninst[arch]: pkg = binaries_t[arch][p] all[(pkg.source, pkg.source_version)].add(p) print('* %s' % arch) for (src, ver), pkgs in sorted(all.items()): print(' %s (%s): %s' % (src, ver, ' '.join(sorted(pkgs)))) print() def main(self): """Main method This is the entry point for the class: it includes the list of calls for the member methods which will produce the output files. """ # if running in --print-uninst mode, quit if self.options.print_uninst: return # if no actions are provided, build the excuses and sort them elif not self.options.actions: self.write_excuses() # otherwise, use the actions provided by the command line else: self.upgrade_me = self.options.actions.split() if self.options.compute_migrations or self.options.hint_tester: if self.options.dry_run: self.logger.info("Upgrade output not (also) written to a separate file" " as this is a dry-run.") elif hasattr(self.options, 'upgrade_output'): upgrade_output = getattr(self.options, 'upgrade_output') file_handler = logging.FileHandler(upgrade_output, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') output_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') file_handler.setFormatter(output_formatter) self.output_logger.addHandler(file_handler) self.logger.info("Logging upgrade output to %s", upgrade_output) else: self.logger.info("Upgrade output not (also) written to a separate file" " as the UPGRADE_OUTPUT configuration is not provided.") # run the hint tester if self.options.hint_tester: self.hint_tester() # run the upgrade test else: self.upgrade_testing() self.logger.info('> Stats from the installability tester') for stat in self._inst_tester.stats.stats(): self.logger.info('> %s', stat) else: self.logger.info('Migration computation skipped as requested.') if not self.options.dry_run: self._policy_engine.save_state(self) logging.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': Britney().main()