import os import json import socket import smtplib from collections import defaultdict from urllib.request import urlopen, URLError from import Rest from britney2.policies.policy import BasePolicy, PolicyVerdict MESSAGE = """From: Ubuntu Stable Release Team To: {bug_mail} Subject: Autopkgtest regression report ({source_name}/{version}) All autopkgtests for the newly accepted {source_name} ({version}) for {series_name} have finished running. The following regressions have been reported in tests triggered by the package: {failures} Please visit the excuses page listed below and investigate the failures, proceeding afterwards as per the StableReleaseUpdates policy regarding autopkgtest regressions [1].{series_name}/update_excuses.html#{source_name} [1] Thank you! """ class SRUADTRegressionPolicy(BasePolicy, Rest): def __init__(self, options, suite_info, dry_run=False): super().__init__('sruadtregression', options, suite_info, {'unstable'}) self.state_filename = os.path.join(options.unstable, 'sru_regress_inform_state') self.state = {} self.dry_run = dry_run self.email_host = getattr(self.options, 'email_host', 'localhost') def initialise(self, britney): super().initialise(britney) if os.path.exists(self.state_filename): with open(self.state_filename, encoding='utf-8') as data: self.state = json.load(data) self.log('Loaded state file %s' % self.state_filename) # Remove any old entries from the statefile self.cleanup_state() def bugs_from_changes(self, change_url): '''Return bug list from a .changes file URL''' last_exception = None # Querying LP can timeout a lot, retry 3 times for i in range(3): try: changes = urlopen(change_url) break except URLError as e: last_exception = e pass else: raise last_exception bugs = set() for l in changes: l = l.decode('utf-8') if l.startswith('Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: '): bugs = {int(b) for b in l.split()[1:]} break return bugs def apply_policy_impl(self, policy_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse): # We only care about autopkgtest regressions if 'autopkgtest' not in excuse.reason or not excuse.reason['autopkgtest']: return PolicyVerdict.PASS # Check the policy_info to see if all tests finished and, if yes, if we # have any failures to report on. if 'autopkgtest' not in excuse.policy_info: return PolicyVerdict.PASS regressions = defaultdict(list) for pkg in excuse.policy_info['autopkgtest']: for arch in excuse.policy_info['autopkgtest'][pkg]: if excuse.policy_info['autopkgtest'][pkg][arch][0] == 'RUNNING': # If there's at least one test still running, we just stop # and not proceed any further. return PolicyVerdict.PASS elif excuse.policy_info['autopkgtest'][pkg][arch][0] == 'REGRESSION': regressions[pkg].append(arch) if not regressions: return PolicyVerdict.PASS version = source_data_srcdist.version distro_name = self.options.distribution series_name = self.options.series try: if self.state[distro_name][series_name][source_name] == version: # We already informed about the regression. return PolicyVerdict.PASS except KeyError: # Expected when no failure has been reported so far for this # source - we want to continue in that case. Easier than # doing n number of if-checks. pass data = self.query_lp_rest_api('%s/+archive/primary' % distro_name, { 'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources', 'distro_series': '/%s/%s' % (distro_name, series_name), 'exact_match': 'true', 'order_by_date': 'true', 'pocket': 'Proposed', 'source_name': source_name, 'version': version, }) try: src = next(iter(data['entries'])) # IndexError means no packages in -proposed matched this name/version. except StopIteration: self.log('No packages matching %s/%s the %s/%s main archive, not ' 'informing of ADT regressions' % ( source_name, version, distro_name, series_name)) return PolicyVerdict.PASS changes_url = self.query_lp_rest_api(src['self_link'], { 'ws.op': 'changesFileUrl', }) if not changes_url: return PolicyVerdict.PASS # Prepare a helper string that lists all the ADT failures failures = '' for pkg, arches in regressions.items(): failures += '%s (%s)\n' % (pkg, ', '.join(arches)) bugs = self.bugs_from_changes(changes_url) # Now leave a comment informing about the ADT regressions on each bug for bug in bugs: self.log('%sSending ADT regression message to LP: #%s ' 'regarding %s/%s in %s' % ( "[dry-run] " if self.dry_run else "", bug, source_name, version, series_name)) if not self.dry_run: try: bug_mail = '' % bug server = smtplib.SMTP(self.email_host) server.sendmail( '', bug_mail, MESSAGE.format(**locals())) server.quit() except socket.error as err: self.log('Failed to send mail! Is SMTP server running?') self.log(err) self.save_progress(source_name, version, distro_name, series_name) return PolicyVerdict.PASS def save_progress(self, source, version, distro, series): if self.dry_run: return if distro not in self.state: self.state[distro] = {} if series not in self.state[distro]: self.state[distro][series] = {} self.state[distro][series][source] = version with open(self.state_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as data: json.dump(self.state, data) def cleanup_state(self): '''Remove all no-longer-valid package entries from the statefile''' for distro_name in self.state: for series_name, pkgs in self.state[distro_name].items(): for source_name, version in pkgs.copy().items(): data = self.query_lp_rest_api( '%s/+archive/primary' % distro_name, { 'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources', 'distro_series': '/%s/%s' % (distro_name, series_name), 'exact_match': 'true', 'order_by_date': 'true', 'pocket': 'Proposed', 'status': 'Published', 'source_name': source_name, 'version': version, } ) if not data['entries']: del self.state[distro_name][series_name][source_name]