# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2013 Canonical Ltd. # Author: Colin Watson # Partly based on code in auto-package-testing by # Jean-Baptiste Lallement # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import closing import os import subprocess import tempfile from textwrap import dedent import time import apt_pkg import kombu from consts import (AUTOPKGTEST, BINARIES, RDEPENDS, SOURCE, VERSION) adt_britney = os.path.expanduser("~/auto-package-testing/jenkins/adt-britney") ADT_PASS = ["PASS", "ALWAYSFAIL"] ADT_EXCUSES_LABELS = { "PASS": 'Pass', "ALWAYSFAIL": 'Always failed', "REGRESSION": 'Regression', "RUNNING": 'Test in progress', } class AutoPackageTest(object): """autopkgtest integration Look for autopkgtest jobs to run for each update that is otherwise a valid candidate, and collect the results. If an update causes any autopkgtest jobs to be run, then they must all pass before the update is accepted. """ def __init__(self, britney, distribution, series, debug=False): self.britney = britney self.distribution = distribution self.series = series self.debug = debug self.read() self.rc_path = None # for adt-britney, obsolete self.test_state_dir = os.path.join(britney.options.unstable, 'autopkgtest') # map of requested tests from request() # src -> ver -> {(triggering-src1, ver1), ...} self.requested_tests = {} # same map for tests requested in previous runs self.pending_tests = None self.pending_tests_file = os.path.join(self.test_state_dir, 'pending.txt') if not os.path.isdir(self.test_state_dir): os.mkdir(self.test_state_dir) self.read_pending_tests() def log_verbose(self, msg): if self.britney.options.verbose: print('I: [%s] - %s' % (time.asctime(), msg)) def log_error(self, msg): print('E: [%s] - %s' % (time.asctime(), msg)) def tests_for_source(self, src, ver): '''Iterate over all tests that should be run for given source''' sources_info = self.britney.sources['unstable'] # FIXME: For now assume that amd64 has all binaries that we are # interested in for reverse dependency checking binaries_info = self.britney.binaries['unstable']['amd64'][0] reported_pkgs = set() srcinfo = sources_info[src] # we want to test the package itself, if it still has a test in # unstable if srcinfo[AUTOPKGTEST]: reported_pkgs.add(src) yield (src, ver) # plus all direct reverse dependencies of its binaries which have # an autopkgtest for binary in srcinfo[BINARIES]: binary = binary.split('/')[0] # chop off arch try: rdeps = binaries_info[binary][RDEPENDS] except KeyError: self.log_verbose('Ignoring nonexistant binary %s (FTBFS/NBS)?' % binary) continue for rdep in rdeps: rdep_src = binaries_info[rdep][SOURCE] if sources_info[rdep_src][AUTOPKGTEST]: if rdep_src not in reported_pkgs: # we don't care about the version of rdep yield (rdep_src, sources_info[rdep_src][VERSION]) reported_pkgs.add(rdep_src) # # AMQP/cloud interface helpers # def read_pending_tests(self): '''Read pending test requests from previous britney runs Read UNSTABLE/autopkgtest/requested.txt with the format: srcpkg srcver triggering-srcpkg triggering-srcver Initialize self.pending_tests with that data. ''' assert self.pending_tests is None, 'already initialized' self.pending_tests = {} if not os.path.exists(self.pending_tests_file): self.log_verbose('No %s, starting with no pending tests' % self.pending_tests_file) return with open(self.pending_tests_file) as f: for l in f: l = l.strip() if not l: continue try: (src, ver, trigsrc, trigver) = l.split() except ValueError: self.log_error('ignoring malformed line in %s: %s' % (self.pending_tests_file, l)) continue self.pending_tests.setdefault(src, {}).setdefault( ver, set()).add((trigsrc, trigver)) self.log_verbose('Read pending requested tests from %s: %s' % (self.pending_tests_file, self.pending_tests)) def update_pending_tests(self): '''Update pending tests after submitting requested tests Update UNSTABLE/autopkgtest/requested.txt, see read_pending_tests() for the format. ''' # merge requested_tests into pending_tests for src, verinfo in self.requested_tests.items(): for ver, triggers in verinfo.items(): self.pending_tests.setdefault(src, {}).setdefault( ver, set()).update(triggers) self.requested_tests = {} # write it with open(self.pending_tests_file + '.new', 'w') as f: for src in sorted(self.pending_tests): for ver in sorted(self.pending_tests[src]): for (trigsrc, trigver) in sorted(self.pending_tests[src][ver]): f.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (src, ver, trigsrc, trigver)) os.rename(self.pending_tests_file + '.new', self.pending_tests_file) self.log_verbose('Updated pending requested tests in %s' % self.pending_tests_file) def add_test_request(self, src, ver, trigsrc, trigver): '''Add one test request to the local self.requested_tests queue This will only be done if that test wasn't already requested in a previous run, i. e. it is already in self.pending_tests. ''' if (trigsrc, trigver) in self.pending_tests.get(src, {}).get(ver, set()): self.log_verbose('test %s/%s for %s/%s is already pending, not queueing' % (src, ver, trigsrc, trigver)) return self.requested_tests.setdefault(src, {}).setdefault( ver, set()).add((trigsrc, trigver)) # # obsolete adt-britney helpers # def _ensure_rc_file(self): if self.rc_path: return self.rc_path = os.path.expanduser( "~/proposed-migration/autopkgtest/rc.%s" % self.series) with open(self.rc_path, "w") as rc_file: home = os.path.expanduser("~") print(dedent("""\ release: %s aptroot: ~/.chdist/%s-proposed-amd64/ apturi: file:%s/mirror/%s components: main restricted universe multiverse rsync_host: rsync://tachash.ubuntu-ci/adt/ datadir: ~/proposed-migration/autopkgtest/data""" % (self.series, self.series, home, self.distribution)), file=rc_file) @property def _request_path(self): return os.path.expanduser( "~/proposed-migration/autopkgtest/work/adt.request.%s" % self.series) @property def _result_path(self): return os.path.expanduser( "~/proposed-migration/autopkgtest/work/adt.result.%s" % self.series) def _parse(self, path): if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("Suite:") or line.startswith("Date:"): continue linebits = line.split() if len(linebits) < 2: print("W: Invalid line format: '%s', skipped" % line) continue yield linebits def read(self): '''Loads a list of results This function loads a list of results returned by __parse() and builds 2 lists: - a list of source package/version with all the causes that triggered a test and the result of the test for this trigger. - a list of packages/version that triggered a test with the source package/version and result triggered by this package. These lists will be used in result() called from britney.py to generate excuses and now which uploads passed, caused regression or which tests have always been failing ''' self.pkglist = defaultdict(dict) self.pkgcauses = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for linebits in self._parse(self._result_path): (src, ver, status) = linebits[:3] if not (src in self.pkglist and ver in self.pkglist[src]): self.pkglist[src][ver] = { "status": status, "causes": {} } i = iter(linebits[3:]) for trigsrc, trigver in zip(i, i): self.pkglist[src][ver]['causes'].setdefault( trigsrc, []).append((trigver, status)) self.pkgcauses[trigsrc][trigver].append((status, src, ver)) def _adt_britney(self, *args): command = [ adt_britney, "-c", self.rc_path, "-r", self.series, "-PU", ] if self.debug: command.append("-d") command.extend(args) subprocess.check_call(command) # # Public API # def request(self, packages, excludes=None): if excludes is None: excludes = [] self.log_verbose('Requested autopkgtests for %s, exclusions: %s' % (['%s/%s' % i for i in packages], str(excludes))) for src, ver in packages: for (testsrc, testver) in self.tests_for_source(src, ver): if testsrc not in excludes: self.add_test_request(testsrc, testver, src, ver) if self.britney.options.verbose: for src, verinfo in self.requested_tests.items(): for ver, triggers in verinfo.items(): self.log_verbose('Requesting %s/%s autopkgtest to verify %s' % (src, ver, ', '.join(['%s/%s' % i for i in triggers]))) # deprecated requests for old Jenkins/lp:auto-package-testing, will go # away self._ensure_rc_file() request_path = self._request_path if os.path.exists(request_path): os.unlink(request_path) with closing(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w")) as request_file: for src, ver in packages: if src in self.pkglist and ver in self.pkglist[src]: continue print("%s %s" % (src, ver), file=request_file) request_file.flush() self._adt_britney("request", "-O", request_path, request_file.name) # Remove packages that have been identified as invalid candidates for # testing from the request file i.e run_autopkgtest = False with open(request_path, 'r') as request_file: lines = request_file.readlines() with open(request_path, 'w') as request_file: for line in lines: src = line.split()[0] if src not in excludes: request_file.write(line) else: if self.britney.options.verbose: self.log_verbose("Requested autopkgtest for %s but " "run_autopkgtest set to False" % src) for linebits in self._parse(request_path): # Make sure that there's an entry in pkgcauses for each new # request, so that results() gives useful information without # relying on the submit/collect cycle. This improves behaviour # in dry-run mode. src = linebits.pop(0) ver = linebits.pop(0) if self.britney.options.verbose: self.log_verbose("Requested autopkgtest for %s_%s (%s)" % (src, ver, " ".join(linebits))) try: status = linebits.pop(0).upper() while True: trigsrc = linebits.pop(0) trigver = linebits.pop(0) for status, csrc, cver in self.pkgcauses[trigsrc][trigver]: if csrc == trigsrc and cver == trigver: break else: self.pkgcauses[trigsrc][trigver].append( (status, src, ver)) except IndexError: # End of the list pass def submit(self): # send AMQP requests for new test requests # TODO: Once we support version constraints in AMQP requests, add them queues = ['debci-%s-%s' % (self.series, arch) for arch in self.britney.options.adt_arches.split()] try: amqp_url = self.britney.options.adt_amqp except AttributeError: self.log_error('ADT_AMQP not set, cannot submit requests') return if amqp_url.startswith('amqp://'): with kombu.Connection(amqp_url) as conn: for q in queues: # don't use SimpleQueue here as it always declares queues; # ACLs might not allow that with kombu.Producer(conn, routing_key=q, auto_declare=False) as p: for pkg in self.requested_tests: p.publish(pkg) elif amqp_url.startswith('file://'): # in testing mode, adt_amqp will be a file:// URL with open(amqp_url[7:], 'a') as f: for pkg in self.requested_tests: for q in queues: f.write('%s:%s\n' % (q, pkg)) else: self.log_error('Unknown ADT_AMQP schema in %s' % self.britney.options.adt_amqp) # mark them as pending now self.update_pending_tests() # deprecated requests for old Jenkins/lp:auto-package-testing, will go # away self._ensure_rc_file() request_path = self._request_path if os.path.exists(request_path): self._adt_britney("submit", request_path) def collect(self): self._ensure_rc_file() result_path = self._result_path self._adt_britney("collect", "-O", result_path) self.read() if self.britney.options.verbose: for src in sorted(self.pkglist): for ver in sorted(self.pkglist[src], cmp=apt_pkg.version_compare): for trigsrc in sorted(self.pkglist[src][ver]['causes']): for trigver, status \ in self.pkglist[src][ver]['causes'][trigsrc]: self.log_verbose("Collected autopkgtest status " "for %s_%s/%s_%s: " "%s" % (src, ver, trigsrc, trigver, status)) def results(self, trigsrc, trigver): for status, src, ver in self.pkgcauses[trigsrc][trigver]: # Check for regression if status == 'FAIL': passed_once = False for lver in self.pkglist[src]: for trigsrc in self.pkglist[src][lver]['causes']: for trigver, status \ in self.pkglist[src][lver]['causes'][trigsrc]: if status == 'PASS': passed_once = True if not passed_once: status = 'ALWAYSFAIL' else: status = 'REGRESSION' yield status, src, ver