# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012 Niels Thykier # - Includes code by Paul Harrison # (http://www.logarithmic.net/pfh-files/blog/01208083168/sort.py) # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. from __future__ import print_function import os from collections import deque from britney2.utils import (ifilter_only, iter_except) from britney2.installability.tester import InstallabilityTester class InstallabilitySolver(InstallabilityTester): def __init__(self, universe, revuniverse, testing, broken, essentials, safe_set, eqv_table): """Create a new installability solver universe is a dict mapping package tuples to their dependencies and conflicts. revuniverse is a dict mapping package tuples to their reverse dependencies and reverse conflicts. testing is a (mutable) set of package tuples that determines which of the packages in universe are currently in testing. broken is a (mutable) set of package tuples that are known to be uninstallable. Package tuple: (pkg_name, pkg_version, pkg_arch) - NB: arch:all packages are "re-mapped" to given architecture. (simplifies caches and dependency checking) """ super().__init__(universe, revuniverse, testing, broken, essentials, safe_set, eqv_table) def solve_groups(self, groups): sat_in_testing = self._testing.isdisjoint universe = self._universe revuniverse = self._revuniverse result = [] emitted = set() queue = deque() order = {} ptable = {} key2item = {} going_out = set() going_in = set() debug_solver = 0 try: # pragma: no cover debug_solver = int(os.environ.get('BRITNEY_DEBUG', '0')) except: pass # Build the tables for (item, adds, rms) in groups: key = str(item) key2item[key] = item order[key] = {'before': set(), 'after': set()} going_in.update(adds) going_out.update(rms) for a in adds: ptable[a] = key for r in rms: ptable[r] = key if debug_solver > 1: # pragma: no cover self._dump_groups(groups) # This large loop will add ordering constrains on each "item" # that migrates based on various rules. for (item, adds, rms) in groups: key = str(item) oldcons = set() newcons = set() for r in rms: oldcons.update(universe[r][1]) for a in adds: newcons.update(universe[a][1]) current = newcons & oldcons oldcons -= current newcons -= current if oldcons: # Some of the old binaries have "conflicts" that will # be removed. for o in ifilter_only(ptable, oldcons): # "key" removes a conflict with one of # "other"'s binaries, so it is probably a good # idea to migrate "key" before "other" other = ptable[o] if other == key: # "Self-conflicts" => ignore continue if debug_solver and other not in order[key]['before']: # pragma: no cover print("N: Conflict induced order: %s before %s" % (key, other)) order[key]['before'].add(other) order[other]['after'].add(key) for r in ifilter_only(revuniverse, rms): # The binaries have reverse dependencies in testing; # check if we can/should migrate them first. for rdep in revuniverse[r][0]: for depgroup in universe[rdep][0]: rigid = depgroup - going_out if not sat_in_testing(rigid): # (partly) satisfied by testing, assume it is okay continue if rdep in ptable: other = ptable[rdep] if other == key: # "Self-dependency" => ignore continue if debug_solver and other not in order[key]['after']: # pragma: no cover print("N: Removal induced order: %s before %s" % (key, other)) order[key]['after'].add(other) order[other]['before'].add(key) for a in adds: # Check if this item should migrate before others # (e.g. because they depend on a new [version of a] # binary provided by this item). for depgroup in universe[a][0]: rigid = depgroup - going_out if not sat_in_testing(rigid): # (partly) satisfied by testing, assume it is okay continue # okay - we got three cases now. # - "swap" (replace existing binary with a newer version) # - "addition" (add new binary without removing any) # - "removal" (remove binary without providing a new) # # The problem is that only the two latter requires # an ordering. A "swap" (in itself) should not # affect us. other_adds = set() other_rms = set() for d in ifilter_only(ptable, depgroup): if d in going_in: # "other" provides something "key" needs, # schedule accordingly. other = ptable[d] other_adds.add(other) else: # "other" removes something "key" needs, # schedule accordingly. other = ptable[d] other_rms.add(other) for other in (other_adds - other_rms): if debug_solver and other != key and other not in order[key]['after']: # pragma: no cover print("N: Dependency induced order (add): %s before %s" % (key, other)) order[key]['after'].add(other) order[other]['before'].add(key) for other in (other_rms - other_adds): if debug_solver and other != key and other not in order[key]['before']: # pragma: no cover print("N: Dependency induced order (remove): %s before %s" % (key, other)) order[key]['before'].add(other) order[other]['after'].add(key) ### MILESTONE: Partial-order constrains computed ### # At this point, we have computed all the partial-order # constrains needed. Some of these may have created strongly # connected components (SSC) [of size 2 or greater], which # represents a group of items that (we believe) must migrate # together. # # Each one of those components will become an "easy" hint. comps = self._compute_scc(order, ptable) merged = {} scc = {} # Now that we got the SSCs (in comps), we select on item from # each SSC to represent the group and become an ID for that # SSC. # * ssc[ssc_id] => All the items in that SSC # * merged[item] => The ID of the SSC to which the item belongs. # # We also "repair" the ordering, so we know in which order the # hints should be emitted. for com in comps: scc_id = com[0] scc[scc_id] = com merged[scc_id] = scc_id if len(com) > 1: so_before = order[scc_id]['before'] so_after = order[scc_id]['after'] for n in com: if n == scc_id: continue so_before.update(order[n]['before']) so_after.update(order[n]['after']) merged[n] = scc_id del order[n] if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover print("N: SCC: %s -- %s" % (scc_id, str(sorted(com)))) for com in comps: node = com[0] nbefore = set(merged[b] for b in order[node]['before']) nafter = set(merged[b] for b in order[node]['after']) # Drop self-relations (usually caused by the merging) nbefore.discard(node) nafter.discard(node) order[node]['before'] = nbefore order[node]['after'] = nafter if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover print("N: -- PARTIAL ORDER --") initial_round = [] for com in sorted(order): if debug_solver and order[com]['before']: # pragma: no cover print("N: %s <= %s" % (com, str(sorted(order[com]['before'])))) if not order[com]['after']: # This component can be scheduled immediately, add it # to the queue initial_round.append(com) elif debug_solver: # pragma: no cover print("N: %s >= %s" % (com, str(sorted(order[com]['after'])))) queue.extend(sorted(initial_round, key=len)) del initial_round if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover print("N: -- END PARTIAL ORDER --") print("N: -- LINEARIZED ORDER --") for cur in iter_except(queue.popleft, IndexError): if order[cur]['after'] <= emitted and cur not in emitted: # This item is ready to be emitted right now if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover print("N: %s -- %s" % (cur, sorted(scc[cur]))) emitted.add(cur) result.append([key2item[x] for x in scc[cur]]) if order[cur]['before']: # There are components that come after this one. # Add it to queue: # - if it is ready, it will be emitted. # - else, it will be dropped and re-added later. queue.extend(sorted(order[cur]['before'] - emitted, key=len)) if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover print("N: -- END LINEARIZED ORDER --") return result def _compute_scc(self, order, ptable): """ Tarjan's algorithm and topological sorting implementation in Python Find the strongly connected components in a graph using Tarjan's algorithm. by Paul Harrison Public domain, do with it as you will """ result = [ ] stack = [ ] low = { } def visit(node): if node in low: return num = len(low) low[node] = num stack_pos = len(stack) stack.append(node) for successor in order[node]['before']: visit(successor) low[node] = min(low[node], low[successor]) if num == low[node]: component = tuple(stack[stack_pos:]) del stack[stack_pos:] result.append(component) for item in component: low[item] = len(ptable) for node in order: visit(node) return result def _dump_groups(self, groups): # pragma: no cover print("N: === Groups ===") for (item, adds, rms) in groups: print("N: %s => A: %s, R: %s" % (str(item), str(adds), str(rms))) print("N: === END Groups ===")