# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical Ltd. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import closing import os import subprocess import tempfile from textwrap import dedent import time import urllib import apt_pkg from consts import BINARIES FETCH_RETRIES = 3 class TouchManifest(object): """Parses a corresponding touch image manifest. Based on http://cdimage.u.c/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/vivid-preinstalled-touch-armhf.manifest Assumes the deployment is arranged in a way the manifest is available and fresh on: '{britney_cwd}/boottest/images/{distribution}/{series}/manifest' Only binary name matters, version is ignored, so callsites can: >>> manifest = TouchManifest('ubuntu-touch', 'vivid') >>> 'webbrowser-app' in manifest True >>> 'firefox' in manifest False """ def __init__(self, project, series, verbose=False, fetch=True): self.verbose = verbose self.path = "boottest/images/{}/{}/manifest".format( project, series) success = False if fetch: retries = FETCH_RETRIES success = self.__fetch_manifest(project, series) while retries > 0 and not success: success = self.__fetch_manifest(project, series) retries -= 1 if not success: print("E: [%s] - Unable to fetch manifest: %s %s" % ( time.asctime(), project, series)) self._manifest = self._load() def __fetch_manifest(self, project, series): url = "http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/{}/daily-preinstalled/" \ "pending/{}-preinstalled-touch-armhf.manifest".format( project, series ) success = False if self.verbose: print( "I: [%s] - Fetching manifest from %s" % ( time.asctime(), url)) print("I: [%s] - saving it to %s" % (time.asctime(), self.path)) try: response = urllib.urlopen(url) except IOError as e: print("W: [%s] - error connecting to %s: %s" % ( time.asctime(), self.path, e)) return success # failure # Only [re]create the manifest file if one was successfully downloaded # this allows for an existing image to be used if the download fails. if response.code == 200: path_dir = os.path.dirname(self.path) if not os.path.exists(path_dir): os.makedirs(path_dir) with open(self.path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(response.read()) success = True return success def _load(self): pkg_list = [] if not os.path.exists(self.path): return pkg_list with open(self.path) as fd: for line in fd.readlines(): # skip headers and metadata if 'DOCTYPE' in line: continue name, version = line.split() name = name.split(':')[0] if name == 'click': continue pkg_list.append(name) return sorted(pkg_list) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._manifest class BootTest(object): """Boottest criteria for Britney. This class provides an API for handling the boottest-jenkins integration layer (mostly derived from auto-package-testing/adt): """ VALID_STATUSES = ('PASS', 'SKIPPED') EXCUSE_LABELS = { "PASS": 'Pass', "SKIPPED": 'Skipped', "FAIL": 'Regression', "RUNNING": 'Test in progress', } script_path = os.path.expanduser( "~/auto-package-testing/jenkins/boottest-britney") def __init__(self, britney, distribution, series, debug=False): self.britney = britney self.distribution = distribution self.series = series self.debug = debug self.rc_path = None self._read() manifest_fetch = getattr( self.britney.options, "boottest_fetch", "no") == "yes" self.phone_manifest = TouchManifest( 'ubuntu-touch', self.series, fetch=manifest_fetch, verbose=self.britney.options.verbose) @property def _request_path(self): return "boottest/work/adt.request.%s" % self.series @property def _result_path(self): return "boottest/work/adt.result.%s" % self.series def _ensure_rc_file(self): if self.rc_path: return self.rc_path = os.path.abspath("boottest/rc.%s" % self.series) with open(self.rc_path, "w") as rc_file: home = os.path.expanduser("~") print(dedent("""\ release: %s aptroot: ~/.chdist/%s-proposed-armhf/ apturi: file:%s/mirror/%s components: main restricted universe multiverse rsync_host: rsync://tachash.ubuntu-ci/adt/ datadir: ~/proposed-migration/boottest/data""" % (self.series, self.series, home, self.distribution)), file=rc_file) def _run(self, *args): self._ensure_rc_file() if not os.path.exists(self.script_path): print("E: [%s] - Boottest/Jenking glue script missing: %s" % ( time.asctime(), self.script_path)) return '-' command = [ self.script_path, "-c", self.rc_path, "-r", self.series, ] command.extend(args) return subprocess.check_output(command).strip() def _read(self): """Loads a list of results (sources tests and their status). Provides internal data for `get_status()`. """ self.pkglist = defaultdict(dict) if not os.path.exists(self._result_path): return with open(self._result_path) as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("Suite:") or line.startswith("Date:"): continue linebits = line.split() if len(linebits) < 2: print("W: Invalid line format: '%s', skipped" % line) continue (src, ver, status) = linebits[:3] if not (src in self.pkglist and ver in self.pkglist[src]): self.pkglist[src][ver] = status def get_status(self, name, version): """Return test status for the given source name and version.""" return self.pkglist[name][version] def request(self, packages): """Requests boottests for the given sources list ([(src, ver),]).""" request_path = self._request_path if os.path.exists(request_path): os.unlink(request_path) with closing(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w")) as request_file: for src, ver in packages: if src in self.pkglist and ver in self.pkglist[src]: continue print("%s %s" % (src, ver), file=request_file) # Update 'pkglist' so even if submit/collect is not called # (dry-run), britney has some results. self.pkglist[src][ver] = 'RUNNING' request_file.flush() self._run("request", "-O", request_path, request_file.name) def submit(self): """Submits the current boottests requests for processing.""" self._run("submit", self._request_path) def collect(self): """Collects boottests results and updates internal registry.""" self._run("collect", "-O", self._result_path) self._read() def needs_test(self, name, version): """Whether or not the given source and version should be tested. Sources are only considered for boottesting if they produce binaries that are part of the phone image manifest. See `TouchManifest`. """ # Discover all binaries for the 'excused' source. unstable_sources = self.britney.sources['unstable'] # Dismiss if source is not yet recognized (??). if name not in unstable_sources: return False # Binaries are a seq of "/" and, practically, boottest # is only concerned about armhf binaries mentioned in the phone # manifest. Anything else should be skipped. phone_binaries = [ b for b in unstable_sources[name][BINARIES] if b.split('/')[1] in self.britney.options.boottest_arches.split() and b.split('/')[0] in self.phone_manifest ] return bool(phone_binaries)