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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
# - Includes code by Paul Harrison
# (http://www.logarithmic.net/pfh-files/blog/01208083168/sort.py)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import logging
from collections import deque
from itertools import chain
from britney2.utils import (ifilter_only, iter_except)
class OrderNode(object):
__slots__ = ['before', 'after']
def __init__(self):
self.after = set()
self.before = set()
def compute_scc(graph):
"""Iterative algorithm for strongly-connected components
Iterative variant of Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly-connected
:param graph: Table of all nodes along which their edges (in "before" and "after")
:return: List of components (each component is a list of items)
result = []
low = {}
node_stack = []
def _cannot_be_a_scc(graph_node):
if not graph[graph_node].before or not graph[graph_node].after:
# Short-cut obviously isolated component
# Set the item number so high that no other item might
# mistakenly assume that they can form a component via
# this item.
# (Replaces the "is w on the stack check" for us from
# the original algorithm)
low[graph_node] = len(graph) + 1
return True
return False
def _handle_succ(parent, parent_num, successors_remaining):
while successors_remaining:
succ = successors_remaining.pop()
succ_num = low.get(succ, None)
if succ_num is not None:
if succ_num < parent_num:
# These two nodes are part of the probably
# same SSC (or succ is isolated
low[parent] = parent_num = succ_num
# It cannot be a part of a SCC if it does not have depends
# or reverse depends.
if _cannot_be_a_scc(succ):
succ_num = len(low)
low[succ] = succ_num
work_stack.append((succ, len(node_stack), succ_num, graph[succ].before))
# "Recurse" into the child node first
return True
return False
for n in graph:
if n in low:
# It cannot be a part of a SCC if it does not have depends
# or reverse depends.
if _cannot_be_a_scc(n):
root_num = len(low)
low[n] = root_num
# DFS work-stack needed to avoid call recursion. It (more or less)
# replaces the variables on the call stack in Tarjan's algorithm
work_stack = [(n, len(node_stack), root_num, graph[n].before)]
while work_stack:
node, stack_idx, orig_node_num, successors = work_stack[-1]
if successors and _handle_succ(node, low[node], successors):
# _handle_succ has pushed a new node on to work_stack
# and we need to "restart" the loop to handle that first
# This node is done; remove it from the work stack
# This node is out of successor. Push up the "low" value
# (Exception: root node has no parent)
node_num = low[node]
if work_stack:
parent = work_stack[-1][0]
parent_num = low[parent]
if node_num <= parent_num:
# This node is a part of a component with its parent.
# We update the parent's node number and push the
# responsibility of building the component unto the
# parent.
low[parent] = node_num
if node_num != orig_node_num:
# The node is a part of an SCC with a ancestor (and parent)
# We got a component
component = tuple(node_stack[stack_idx:])
del node_stack[stack_idx:]
# Re-number all items, so no other item might
# mistakenly assume that they can form a component via
# one of these items.
# (Replaces the "is w on the stack check" for us from
# the original algorithm)
new_num = len(graph) + 1
for item in component:
low[item] = new_num
assert not node_stack
return result
def apply_order(key, other, order, logger, order_cause, invert=False, order_sub_cause=''):
if other == key:
# "Self-relation" => ignore
order_key = order[key]
if invert:
order_set = order_key.before
order_set = order_key.after
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and other not in order_set: # pragma: no cover
if order_sub_cause:
order_sub_cause = ' (%s)' % order_sub_cause
logger.debug("%s induced order%s: %s before %s", order_cause, order_sub_cause, key, other)
# Defer adding until the end to ensure we only log the first time a dependency order is introduced.
class InstallabilitySolver(object):
def __init__(self, universe, inst_tester):
"""Create a new installability solver
universe is a BinaryPackageUniverse.
self._universe = universe
self._inst_tester = inst_tester
logger_name = ".".join((self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))
self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
def _compute_group_order_rms(self, rms, order, key, ptable, going_out):
sat_in_testing = self._inst_tester.any_of_these_are_in_the_suite
universe = self._universe
logger = self.logger
for rdep in chain.from_iterable(universe.reverse_dependencies_of(r) for r in rms):
# The binaries have reverse dependencies in testing;
# check if we can/should migrate them first.
for depgroup in universe.dependencies_of(rdep):
rigid = depgroup - going_out
if sat_in_testing(rigid):
# (partly) satisfied by testing, assume it is okay
if rdep in ptable:
apply_order(key, ptable[rdep], order, logger, 'Removal')
def _compute_order_for_dependency(self, key, depgroup, ptable, order, going_in):
# We got three cases:
# - "swap" (replace existing binary with a newer version)
# - "addition" (add new binary without removing any)
# - "removal" (remove binary without providing a new)
# The problem is that only the two latter requires
# an ordering. A "swap" (in itself) should not
# affect us.
other_adds = set()
other_rms = set()
logger = self.logger
for d in ifilter_only(ptable, depgroup):
other = ptable[d]
if d in going_in:
# "other" provides something "key" needs,
# schedule accordingly.
# "other" removes something "key" needs,
# schedule accordingly.
for other in other_adds - other_rms:
apply_order(key, other, order, logger, 'Dependency', order_sub_cause='add')
for other in other_rms - other_adds:
apply_order(key, other, order, logger, 'Dependency', order_sub_cause='remove', invert=True)
def _compute_group_order_adds(self, adds, order, key, ptable, going_out, going_in):
sat_in_testing = self._inst_tester.any_of_these_are_in_the_suite
universe = self._universe
for depgroup in chain.from_iterable(universe.dependencies_of(a) for a in adds):
# Check if this item should migrate before others
# (e.g. because they depend on a new [version of a]
# binary provided by this item).
rigid = depgroup - going_out
if sat_in_testing(rigid):
# (partly) satisfied by testing, assume it is okay
self._compute_order_for_dependency(key, depgroup, ptable, order, going_in)
def _compute_group_order(self, groups, key2item):
universe = self._universe
ptable = {}
order = {}
going_out = set()
going_in = set()
logger = self.logger
debug_solver = logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
# Build the tables
for (item, adds, rms) in groups:
key = str(item)
key2item[key] = item
order[key] = OrderNode()
for x in chain(adds, rms):
ptable[x] = key
if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover
# This large loop will add ordering constrains on each "item"
# that migrates based on various rules.
for (item, adds, rms) in groups:
key = str(item)
oldcons = set(chain.from_iterable(universe.negative_dependencies_of(r) for r in rms))
newcons = set(chain.from_iterable(universe.negative_dependencies_of(a) for a in adds))
oldcons -= newcons
# Some of the old binaries have "conflicts" that will
# be removed.
for o in ifilter_only(ptable, oldcons):
# "key" removes a conflict with one of
# "other"'s binaries, so it is probably a good
# idea to migrate "key" before "other"
apply_order(key, ptable[o], order, logger, 'Conflict', invert=True)
self._compute_group_order_rms(rms, order, key, ptable, going_out)
self._compute_group_order_adds(adds, order, key, ptable, going_out, going_in)
return order
def _merge_items_into_components(self, comps, order):
merged = {}
scc = {}
debug_solver = self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
for com in comps:
scc_id = com[0]
scc[scc_id] = com
merged[scc_id] = scc_id
if len(com) < 2:
# Trivial case
so_before = order[scc_id].before
so_after = order[scc_id].after
for n in com:
if n == scc_id:
merged[n] = scc_id
del order[n]
if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("SCC: %s -- %s", scc_id, str(sorted(com)))
for com in comps:
node = com[0]
nbefore = set(merged[b] for b in order[node].before)
nafter = set(merged[b] for b in order[node].after)
# Drop self-relations (usually caused by the merging)
order[node].before = nbefore
order[node].after = nafter
for com in comps:
scc_id = com[0]
for other_scc_id in order[scc_id].before:
for other_scc_id in order[scc_id].after:
return scc
def solve_groups(self, groups):
result = []
emitted = set()
queue = deque()
key2item = {}
debug_solver = self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)
order = self._compute_group_order(groups, key2item)
# === MILESTONE: Partial-order constrains computed ===
# At this point, we have computed all the partial-order
# constrains needed. Some of these may have created strongly
# connected components (SSC) [of size 2 or greater], which
# represents a group of items that (we believe) must migrate
# together.
# Each one of those components will become an "easy" hint.
comps = compute_scc(order)
# Now that we got the SSCs (in comps), we select on item from
# each SSC to represent the group and become an ID for that
# SSC.
# * scc_keys[ssc_id] => All the item-keys in that SSC
# We also "repair" the ordering, so we know in which order the
# hints should be emitted.
scc_keys = self._merge_items_into_components(comps, order)
if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("-- PARTIAL ORDER --")
initial_round = []
for com in sorted(order):
if debug_solver and order[com].before: # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("N: %s <= %s", com, str(sorted(order[com].before)))
if not order[com].after:
# This component can be scheduled immediately, add it
# to the queue
elif debug_solver: # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("N: %s >= %s", com, str(sorted(order[com].after)))
queue.extend(sorted(initial_round, key=len))
del initial_round
if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("-- END PARTIAL ORDER --")
self.logger.debug("-- LINEARIZED ORDER --")
for cur in iter_except(queue.popleft, IndexError):
if order[cur].after <= emitted and cur not in emitted:
# This item is ready to be emitted right now
if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("%s -- %s", cur, sorted(scc_keys[cur]))
result.append([key2item[x] for x in scc_keys[cur]])
if order[cur].before:
# There are components that come after this one.
# Add it to queue:
# - if it is ready, it will be emitted.
# - else, it will be dropped and re-added later.
queue.extend(sorted(order[cur].before - emitted, key=len))
if debug_solver: # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("-- END LINEARIZED ORDER --")
return result
def _dump_groups(self, groups): # pragma: no cover
self.logger.debug("=== Groups ===")
for (item, adds, rms) in groups:
self.logger.debug("%s => A: %s, R: %s", str(item), str(adds), str(rms))
self.logger.debug("=== END Groups ===")