You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
6.3 KiB

import os
import re
import json
import smtplib
from urllib.parse import unquote
from collections import defaultdict
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from import Rest
from britney2.policies.policy import BasePolicy, PolicyVerdict
# Don't send emails to these bots
BOTS = {
USER + 'ci-train-bot',
USER + 'bileto-bot',
USER + 'ubuntu-archive-robot',
USER + 'katie',
MESSAGE_BODY = """{source_name} {version} needs attention.
It has been stuck in {series}-proposed for over a day.
You either sponsored or uploaded this package, please investigate why it hasn't been approved for migration.{series}/update_excuses.html#{source_name}
If you have any questions about this email, please ask them in #ubuntu-release channel on Freenode IRC.
def person_chooser(source):
"""Assign blame for the current source package."""
people = {
} - {None} - BOTS
if source['package_signer_link'] in BOTS:
return people
def address_chooser(addresses):
"""Prefer @ubuntu and @canonical addresses."""
first = None
canonical = None
for address in addresses:
if address.endswith(''):
return address
if address.endswith(''):
canonical = address
if first is None:
first = address
return canonical or first
class EmailPolicy(BasePolicy, Rest):
"""Send an email when a package has been rejected."""
def __init__(self, options, suite_info):
super().__init__('email', options, suite_info, {'unstable'})
self.filename = os.path.join(options.unstable, 'EmailCache')
# Dict of dicts; maps pkg name -> pkg version -> boolean
self.emails_by_pkg = defaultdict(dict)
# self.cache contains self.emails_by_pkg from previous run
self.cache = {}
def initialise(self, britney):
"""Load cached source ppa data"""
if os.path.exists(self.filename):
with open(self.filename, encoding='utf-8') as data:
self.cache = json.load(data)
self.log("Loaded cached email data from %s" % self.filename)
def _scrape_gpg_emails(self, person):
"""Find email addresses from one person's GPG keys."""
addresses = []
gpg = self.query_lp_rest_api(person + '/gpg_keys', {})
for key in gpg['entries']:
details = self.query_rest_api('', {
'op': 'index',
'search': '0x' + key['fingerprint'],
'exact': 'on',
'options': 'mr',
for line in details.splitlines():
parts = line.split(':')
if parts[0] == 'info':
assert int(parts[1]) == 1 # Version
assert int(parts[2]) <= 1 # Count
if parts[0] == 'uid':
flags = parts[4]
if 'e' in flags or 'r' in flags:
uid = unquote(parts[1])
match = re.match(r'^.*<(.+@.+)>$', uid)
if match:
return addresses
def scrape_gpg_emails(self, people):
"""Find email addresses from GPG keys."""
addresses = []
for person in people or []:
address = address_chooser(self._scrape_gpg_emails(person))
return addresses
def lp_get_emails(self, pkg, version):
"""Ask LP who uploaded this package."""
data = self.query_lp_rest_api('%s/+archive/primary' % self.options.distribution, {
'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources',
'distro_series': '/%s/%s' % (self.options.distribution, self.options.series),
'exact_match': 'true',
'order_by_date': 'true',
'pocket': 'Proposed',
'source_name': pkg,
'version': version,
source = data['entries'][0]
# IndexError means no packages in -proposed matched this name/version,
# which is expected to happen when bileto runs britney.
except IndexError:
self.log('Email getPublishedSources IndexError (%s %s)' % (pkg, version))
return None
return self.scrape_gpg_emails(person_chooser(source))
def apply_policy_impl(self, email_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
"""Send email if package is rejected."""
# Have more patience for things blocked in update_output.txt
max_age = 5 if excuse.is_valid else 1
series = self.options.series
version = source_data_srcdist.version
sent = self.cache.get(source_name, {}).get(version, False)
stuck = (excuse.daysold or 0) >= max_age
if stuck and not sent:
msg = MIMEText(MESSAGE_BODY.format(**locals()))
msg['X-Proposed-Migration'] = 'notice'
msg['Subject'] = '[proposed-migration] {} {} stuck in {}-proposed'.format(source_name, version, series)
msg['From'] = ''
emails = self.lp_get_emails(source_name, version)
if emails:
msg['To'] = ', '.join(emails)
with smtplib.SMTP('localhost') as smtp:
sent = True
except ConnectionRefusedError as err:
self.log("Failed to send mail! Is SMTP server running?")
self.emails_by_pkg[source_name][version] = sent
return PolicyVerdict.PASS
def save_state(self, britney):
"""Write source ppa data to disk"""
tmp = self.filename + '.tmp'
with open(tmp, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as data:
json.dump(self.emails_by_pkg, data)
os.rename(tmp, self.filename)
self.log("Wrote email data to %s" % self.filename)