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from abc import abstractmethod
from enum import Enum, unique
import apt_pkg
import os
import time
from consts import VERSION, BINARIES
class PolicyVerdict(Enum):
The migration item passed the policy.
PASS = 1
The policy was completely overruled by a hint.
The migration item did not pass the policy, but the failure is believed
to be temporary
The migration item did not pass the policy and the failure is believed
to be uncorrectable (i.e. a hint or a new version is needed)
def is_rejected(self):
return True if self.name.startswith('REJECTED') else False
class BasePolicy(object):
def __init__(self, options, applicable_suites):
self.options = options
self.applicable_suites = applicable_suites
self.hints = None
# FIXME: use a proper logging framework
def log(self, msg, type="I"):
"""Print info messages according to verbosity level
An easy-and-simple log method which prints messages to the standard
output. The type parameter controls the urgency of the message, and
can be equal to `I' for `Information', `W' for `Warning' and `E' for
`Error'. Warnings and errors are always printed, and information is
printed only if verbose logging is enabled.
if self.options.verbose or type in ("E", "W"):
print("%s: [%s] - %s" % (type, time.asctime(), msg))
def initialise(self, britney):
"""Called once to make the policy initialise any data structures
This is useful for e.g. parsing files or other "heavy do-once" work.
def save_state(self, britney):
"""Called once at the end of the run to make the policy save any persistent data
Note this will *not* be called for "dry-runs" as such runs should not change
the state.
def apply_policy(self, policy_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist):
class AgePolicy(BasePolicy):
"""Configurable Aging policy for source migrations
The AgePolicy will let packages stay in the source suite for a pre-defined
amount of days before letting migrate (based on their urgency, if any).
The AgePolicy's decision is influenced by the following:
State files:
* ${STATE_DIR}/age-policy-urgencies: File containing urgencies for source
packages. Note that urgencies are "sticky" and the most "urgent" urgency
will be used (i.e. the one with lowest age-requirements).
- This file needs to be updated externally, if the policy should take
urgencies into consideration. If empty (or not updated), the policy
will simply use the default urgency (see the "Config" section below)
- In Debian, these values are taken from the .changes file, but that is
not a requirement for Britney.
* ${STATE_DIR}/age-policy-dates: File containing the age of all source
- The policy will automatically update this file.
* DEFAULT_URGENCY: Name of the urgency used for packages without an urgency
(or for unknown urgencies). Will also be used to set the "minimum"
aging requirements for packages not in the target suite.
* MINDAYS_<URGENCY>: The age-requirements in days for packages with the
given urgency.
- Commonly used urgencies are: low, medium, high, emergency, critical
* urgent <source>/<version>: Disregard the age requirements for a given
* age-days X <source>/<version>: Set the age requirements for a given
source/version to X days. Note that X can exceed the highest
age-requirement normally given.
def __init__(self, options, mindays):
super().__init__(options, {'unstable'})
self._min_days = mindays
if options.default_urgency not in mindays:
raise ValueError("Missing age-requirement for default urgency (MINDAYS_%s)" % options.default_urgency)
self._min_days_default = mindays[options.default_urgency]
# britney's "day" begins at 3pm
self._date_now = int(((time.time() / (60*60)) - 15) / 24)
self._dates = {}
self._urgencies = {}
def initialise(self, britney):
def save_state(self, britney):
def apply_policy(self, policy_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist):
# retrieve the urgency for the upload, ignoring it if this is a NEW package (not present in testing)
urgency = self._urgencies.get(source_name, self.options.default_urgency)
if 'age' not in policy_info:
policy_info['age'] = age_info = {}
age_info = policy_info['age']
if urgency not in self._min_days:
age_info['unknown-urgency'] = urgency
urgency = self.options.default_urgency
if not source_data_tdist:
if self._min_days[urgency] < self._min_days_default:
age_info['urgency-reduced'] = {
'from': urgency,
'to': self.options.default_urgency,
urgency = self.options.default_urgency
if source_name not in self._dates:
self._dates[source_name] = (source_data_srcdist[VERSION], self._date_now)
elif self._dates[source_name][0] != source_data_srcdist[VERSION]:
self._dates[source_name] = (source_data_srcdist[VERSION], self._date_now)
days_old = self._date_now - self._dates[source_name][1]
min_days = self._min_days[urgency]
age_info['age-requirement'] = min_days
age_info['current-age'] = days_old
for age_days_hint in self.hints.search('age-days', package=source_name,
new_req = int(age_days_hint.days)
age_info['age-requirement-reduced'] = {
'new-requirement': new_req,
'changed-by': age_days_hint.user
min_days = new_req
if days_old < min_days:
urgent_hints = self.hints.search('urgent', package=source_name,
if urgent_hints:
age_info['age-requirement-reduced'] = {
'new-requirement': 0,
'changed-by': urgent_hints[0].user
return PolicyVerdict.PASS_HINTED
return PolicyVerdict.PASS
def _read_dates_file(self):
"""Parse the dates file"""
dates = self._dates
fallback_filename = os.path.join(self.options.testing, 'Dates')
filename = os.path.join(self.options.state_dir, 'age-policy-dates')
if not os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.exists(fallback_filename):
filename = fallback_filename
except AttributeError:
filename = fallback_filename
with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as fd:
for line in fd:
# <source> <version> <date>
l = line.split()
if len(l) != 3:
dates[l[0]] = (l[1], int(l[2]))
except ValueError:
def _read_urgencies_file(self, britney):
urgencies = self._urgencies
min_days_default = self._min_days_default
fallback_filename = os.path.join(self.options.testing, 'Urgency')
filename = os.path.join(self.options.state_dir, 'age-policy-urgencies')
if not os.path.exists(filename) and os.path.exists(fallback_filename):
filename = fallback_filename
except AttributeError:
filename = fallback_filename
with open(filename, errors='surrogateescape', encoding='ascii') as fd:
for line in fd:
# <source> <version> <urgency>
l = line.split()
if len(l) != 3:
# read the minimum days associated with the urgencies
urgency_old = urgencies.get(l[0], None)
mindays_old = self._min_days.get(urgency_old, 1000)
mindays_new = self._min_days.get(l[2], min_days_default)
# if the new urgency is lower (so the min days are higher), do nothing
if mindays_old <= mindays_new:
# if the package exists in testing and it is more recent, do nothing
tsrcv = britney.sources['testing'].get(l[0], None)
if tsrcv and apt_pkg.version_compare(tsrcv[VERSION], l[1]) >= 0:
# if the package doesn't exist in unstable or it is older, do nothing
usrcv = britney.sources['unstable'].get(l[0], None)
if not usrcv or apt_pkg.version_compare(usrcv[VERSION], l[1]) < 0:
# update the urgency for the package
urgencies[l[0]] = l[2]
def _write_dates_file(self):
dates = self._dates
directory = self.options.state_dir
basename = 'age-policy-dates'
old_file = os.path.join(self.options.testing, 'Dates')
except AttributeError:
directory = self.options.testing
basename = 'Dates'
old_file = None
filename = os.path.join(directory, basename)
filename_tmp = os.path.join(directory, '%s_new' % basename)
with open(filename_tmp, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
for pkg in sorted(dates):
version, date = dates[pkg]
fd.write("%s %s %d\n" % (pkg, version, date))
os.rename(filename_tmp, filename)
if old_file is not None and os.path.exists(old_file):
self.log("Removing old age-policy-dates file %s" % old_file)
class RCBugPolicy(BasePolicy):
"""RC bug regression policy for source migrations
The RCBugPolicy will read provided list of RC bugs and block any
source upload that would introduce a *new* RC bug in the target
The RCBugPolicy's decision is influenced by the following:
State files:
* ${STATE_DIR}/rc-bugs-unstable: File containing RC bugs for packages in
the source suite.
- This file needs to be updated externally.
* ${STATE_DIR}/rc-bugs-testing: File containing RC bugs for packages in
the target suite.
- This file needs to be updated externally.
def __init__(self, options):
super().__init__(options, {'unstable'})
self._bugs = {}
def initialise(self, britney):
fallback_unstable = os.path.join(self.options.unstable, 'BugsV')
fallback_testing = os.path.join(self.options.testing, 'BugsV')
filename_unstable = os.path.join(self.options.state_dir, 'rc-bugs-unstable')
filename_testing = os.path.join(self.options.state_dir, 'rc-bugs-testing')
if not os.path.exists(filename_unstable) and not os.path.exists(filename_testing) and \
os.path.exists(fallback_unstable) and os.path.exists(fallback_testing):
filename_unstable = fallback_unstable
filename_testing = fallback_testing
except AttributeError:
filename_unstable = fallback_unstable
filename_testing = fallback_testing
self._bugs['unstable'] = self._read_bugs(filename_unstable)
self._bugs['testing'] = self._read_bugs(filename_testing)
def apply_policy(self, policy_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist):
# retrieve the urgency for the upload, ignoring it if this is a NEW package (not present in testing)
if 'rc-bugs' not in policy_info:
policy_info['rc-bugs'] = rcbugs_info = {}
rcbugs_info = policy_info['rc-bugs']
bugs_t = set()
bugs_u = set()
for src_key in (source_name, 'src:%s' % source_name):
if source_data_tdist and src_key in self._bugs['testing']:
if src_key in self._bugs['unstable']:
for pkg, _, _ in source_data_srcdist[BINARIES]:
if pkg in self._bugs['unstable']:
bugs_u |= self._bugs['unstable'][pkg]
if source_data_tdist:
for pkg, _, _ in source_data_tdist[BINARIES]:
if pkg in self._bugs['testing']:
bugs_t |= self._bugs['testing'][pkg]
# If a package is not in testing, it has no RC bugs per
# definition. Unfortunately, it seems that the live-data is
# not always accurate (e.g. live-2011-12-13 suggests that
# obdgpslogger had the same bug in testing and unstable,
# but obdgpslogger was not in testing at that time).
# - For the curious, obdgpslogger was removed on that day
# and the BTS probably had not caught up with that fact.
# (https://tracker.debian.org/news/415935)
assert not bugs_t or source_data_tdist, "%s had bugs in testing but is not in testing" % source_name
rcbugs_info['shared-bugs'] = sorted(bugs_u & bugs_t)
rcbugs_info['unique-source-bugs'] = sorted(bugs_u - bugs_t)
rcbugs_info['unique-target-bugs'] = sorted(bugs_t - bugs_u)
if not bugs_u or bugs_u <= bugs_t:
return PolicyVerdict.PASS
def _read_bugs(self, filename):
"""Read the release critical bug summary from the specified file
The file contains rows with the format:
<package-name> <bug number>[,<bug number>...]
The method returns a dictionary where the key is the binary package
name and the value is the list of open RC bugs for it.
bugs = {}
self.log("Loading RC bugs data from %s" % filename)
for line in open(filename, encoding='ascii'):
l = line.split()
if len(l) != 2:
self.log("Malformed line found in line %s" % (line), type='W')
pkg = l[0]
if pkg not in bugs:
bugs[pkg] = set()
return bugs