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#ifndef DPKG_H
#define DPKG_H
#include "templates.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include <stdio.h>
* Coping with an rfc822-esque field
typedef struct dpkg_entry dpkg_entry;
struct dpkg_entry {
char *name;
char *value;
typedef struct dpkg_paragraph dpkg_paragraph;
struct dpkg_paragraph {
int n_entries;
int n_allocated;
dpkg_entry *entry;
* Coping with a package (or many pkgs) as an abstract entity
typedef enum {dr_NOOP,dr_LT,dr_LTEQ,dr_EQ,dr_GTEQ,dr_GT} dependency_relation;
extern char *dependency_relation_sym[];
typedef struct dependency dependency;
struct dependency {
char *package;
dependency_relation op;
char *version;
LIST(deplist, dependency*);
LIST(deplistlist, deplist*);
LIST(packagenamelist, char*);
LIST(ownedpackagenamelist, char*);
typedef struct dpkg_package dpkg_package;
struct dpkg_package {
char *package;
char *version;
char *source;
char *source_ver;
int priority;
int arch_all;
deplistlist *depends[4];
deplist *conflicts;
ownedpackagenamelist *provides;
dpkg_paragraph *details;
LIST(packagelist, dpkg_package *);
LIST(ownedpackagelist, dpkg_package *);
typedef struct satisfieddep satisfieddep;
struct satisfieddep {
/* dependency *dep; */
deplist *depl;
packagelist *pkgs;
LIST(satisfieddeplist, satisfieddep *);
* Coping with a source package (and collections thereof) as an abstract
* entity, owning a bunch of binary packages
typedef struct dpkg_source dpkg_source;
struct dpkg_source {
char *package;
char *version;
int fake;
struct dpkg_sources *owner;
ownedpackagelist **packages; /* one for each architecture */
dpkg_paragraph *details;
HASH(sourcetbl,char *,dpkg_source *);
typedef struct dpkg_sources dpkg_sources;
struct dpkg_sources {
int n_arches;
char **archname;
sourcetbl *sources;
ownedpackagelist **unclaimedpackages; /* one for each arch */
typedef struct dpkg_collected_package dpkg_collected_package;
struct dpkg_collected_package {
dpkg_package *pkg;
int installed, conflicted;
enum { UNKNOWN, YES } installable;
packagenamelist *mayaffect;
/* on update, the installability_checked of each /mayaffect/ed package
* is cleared, and the mayaffect list is cleared.
* note that installable = NO couldn't be maintained over adding a package
* to testing. installable = YES can be, thanks to the mayaffect list
* (once a package is removed, everything it mayaffect must be set back
* to unknown, but everything else is okay)
LIST(collpackagelist, dpkg_collected_package *);
typedef struct dpkg_provision dpkg_provision;
struct dpkg_provision {
char *version;
dpkg_collected_package *pkg;
LIST(virtualpkg, dpkg_provision);
HASH(virtualpkgtbl,char *,virtualpkg *);
HASH(packagetbl,char *,dpkg_collected_package *);
typedef struct dpkg_packages dpkg_packages;
struct dpkg_packages {
char *arch;
packagetbl *packages;
virtualpkgtbl *virtualpkgs;
typedef struct dpkg_source_note dpkg_source_note;
struct dpkg_source_note {
dpkg_source *source; /* unowned */
int n_arches;
packagelist **binaries; /* one for each arch */
HASH(sourcenotetbl, char *, dpkg_source_note *);
LIST(source_note_list, dpkg_source_note *);
/* contains a copy of the previous source_note */
LIST(source_note_listlist, source_note_list *);
/* contains a copy of all the source_notes modified by the last op */
typedef struct dpkg_sources_note dpkg_sources_note;
struct dpkg_sources_note {
unsigned long magic;
sourcenotetbl *sources;
int n_arches;
dpkg_packages **pkgs;
char **archname;
source_note_listlist *undo;
void free_packages(dpkg_packages *pkgs);
dpkg_packages *get_architecture(dpkg_sources *srcs, char *arch);
/* parsing things */
satisfieddeplist *checkunsatisfiabledeps(dpkg_packages *pkgs,
deplistlist *deps);
void free_source(dpkg_source *s);
/* adding and deleting and stuff */
dpkg_sources_note *new_sources_note(int n_arches, char **archname);
void remove_source(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn, char *name);
void write_notes(char *dir, dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
void free_sources_note(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
void free_source_note(dpkg_source_note *srcn);
void undo_change(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
int can_undo(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
void commit_changes(dpkg_sources_note *srcsn);
int versioncmp(char *left, char *right);
int cmpversions(char *left, int op, char *right);
// Used by britney-py.c
void add_package(dpkg_packages *pkgs, dpkg_package *pkg);
void remove_package(dpkg_packages *pkgs, dpkg_collected_package *pkg);
dpkg_packages *new_packages(char *arch);
deplistlist *read_dep_andor(char *buf);
deplist *read_dep_and(char *buf);
ownedpackagenamelist *read_packagenames(char *buf);
int checkinstallable2(dpkg_packages *pkgs, char *pkgname);
// used by the above
int checkinstallable(dpkg_packages *pkgs, collpackagelist *instoneof);