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synced 2025-03-11 11:21:07 +00:00
We were just seeing an interesting crash in britney. It was trying to look up the gpg_keys of ~python-modules-team, which is a suspended account - in LP API terms that's a HTTP error 410. https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~python-modules-team/gpg_keys The direct error was fixed in commit 272f41c, but we actually should *not* have been trying to look up this team's email address in the first place. This upload was an auto-sync and so should not cause email to be sent. The problem is that it was synced into universe and then promoted into main. We were looking at the SPPH for after the promotion, which has different values in the various signer/creator/sponsor/... fields, and that made us think that it was a regular upload to email about. Fix this by always looking at the oldest SPPH which should correspond to the initial upload and not whatever happened to it afterwards.
266 lines
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266 lines
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import os
import re
import json
import math
import socket
import smtplib
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import unquote
from collections import defaultdict
from britney2.policies.rest import Rest
from britney2.policies.policy import BasePolicy, PolicyVerdict
# Recurring emails should never be more than this many days apart
API_PREFIX = 'https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/'
# Don't send emails to these bots
BOTS = {
USER + 'ci-train-bot',
USER + 'bileto-bot',
USER + 'ubuntu-archive-robot',
USER + 'katie',
MESSAGE = """From: Ubuntu Release Team <noreply@canonical.com>
To: {recipients}
X-Proposed-Migration: notice
Subject: [proposed-migration] {source_name} {version} stuck in {series}-proposed for {age} day{plural}.
{source_name} {version} needs attention.
It has been stuck in {series}-proposed for {age} day{plural}.
You either sponsored or uploaded this package, please investigate why it hasn't been approved for migration.
If you have any questions about this email, please ask them in #ubuntu-release channel on Freenode IRC.
Regards, Ubuntu Release Team.
def person_chooser(source):
"""Assign blame for the current source package."""
people = {
} - {None} - BOTS
# some bots (e.g. bileto) generate uploads that are otherwise manual. We
# want to email the people that the bot was acting on behalf of.
bot = source['package_signer_link'] in BOTS
# direct uploads
regular = not source['creator_link'] and not source['sponsor_link']
if bot or regular:
return people
def address_chooser(addresses):
"""Prefer @ubuntu and @canonical addresses."""
first = ''
canonical = ''
for address in addresses:
if address.endswith('@ubuntu.com'):
return address
if address.endswith('@canonical.com'):
canonical = address
if not first:
first = address
return canonical or first
class EmailPolicy(BasePolicy, Rest):
"""Send an email when a package has been rejected."""
def __init__(self, options, suite_info, dry_run=False):
super().__init__('email', options, suite_info, {'unstable'})
self.filename = os.path.join(options.unstable, 'EmailCache')
# Maps lp username -> email address
self.addresses = {}
# Dict of dicts; maps pkg name -> pkg version -> boolean
self.emails_by_pkg = defaultdict(dict)
# self.cache contains self.emails_by_pkg from previous run
self.cache = {}
self.dry_run = dry_run
self.email_host = getattr(self.options, 'email_host', 'localhost')
def initialise(self, britney):
"""Load cached source ppa data"""
if os.path.exists(self.filename):
with open(self.filename, encoding='utf-8') as data:
self.cache = json.load(data)
self.log("Loaded cached email data from %s" % self.filename)
tmp = self.filename + '.new'
if os.path.exists(tmp):
# if we find a record on disk of emails sent from an incomplete
# britney run, merge them in now.
with open(tmp, encoding='utf-8') as data:
def _scrape_gpg_emails(self, person):
"""Find email addresses from one person's GPG keys."""
if person in self.addresses:
return self.addresses[person]
addresses = []
gpg = self.query_lp_rest_api(person + '/gpg_keys', {})
for key in gpg['entries']:
details = self.query_rest_api('http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup', {
'op': 'index',
'search': '0x' + key['fingerprint'],
'exact': 'on',
'options': 'mr',
for line in details.splitlines():
parts = line.split(':')
if parts[0] == 'info':
if int(parts[1]) != 1 or int(parts[2]) > 1:
if parts[0] == 'uid':
flags = parts[4]
if 'e' in flags or 'r' in flags:
uid = unquote(parts[1])
match = re.match(r'^.*<(.+@.+)>$', uid)
if match:
address = self.addresses[person] = address_chooser(addresses)
return address
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 410: # suspended user
self.log('Ignoring person %s as suspended in Launchpad' % person)
return None
def scrape_gpg_emails(self, people):
"""Find email addresses from GPG keys."""
emails = [self._scrape_gpg_emails(person) for person in (people or [])]
return [email for email in emails if email is not None]
def lp_get_emails(self, pkg, version):
"""Ask LP who uploaded this package."""
data = self.query_lp_rest_api('%s/+archive/primary' % self.options.distribution, {
'ws.op': 'getPublishedSources',
'distro_series': '/%s/%s' % (self.options.distribution, self.options.series),
'exact_match': 'true',
'order_by_date': 'true',
'pocket': 'Proposed',
'source_name': pkg,
'version': version,
source = next(reversed(data['entries']))
# IndexError means no packages in -proposed matched this name/version,
# which is expected to happen when bileto runs britney.
except StopIteration:
self.log('Email getPublishedSources IndexError (%s %s)' % (pkg, version))
return []
return self.scrape_gpg_emails(person_chooser(source))
def apply_policy_impl(self, email_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
"""Send email if package is rejected."""
max_age = 5 if excuse.is_valid else 1
series = self.options.series
version = source_data_srcdist.version
age = int(excuse.daysold) or 0
plural = '' if age == 1 else 's'
# an item is stuck if it's
# - old enough
# - not blocked
# - not temporarily rejected (e.g. by the autopkgtest policy when tests
# are still running)
stuck = age >= max_age and 'block' not in excuse.reason and \
excuse.current_policy_verdict != PolicyVerdict.REJECTED_TEMPORARILY
if self.dry_run:
self.log("[email dry run] Considering: %s/%s: %s" %
(source_name, version, "stuck" if stuck else "not stuck"))
if not stuck:
return PolicyVerdict.PASS
cached = self.cache.get(source_name, {}).get(version)
emails, last_sent = cached
# migration of older data
last_sent = int(last_sent)
# Find out whether we are due to send another email by calculating
# the most recent age at which we should have sent one. A
# sequence of doubling intervals (0 + 1 = 1, 1 + 2 = 3, 3 + 4 = 7)
# is equivalent to 2^n-1, or 2^n + (max_age - 1) - 1.
# 2^(floor(log2(age))) straightforwardly calculates the most
# recent age at which we wanted to send an email.
last_due = int(math.pow(2, int(math.log(age + 2 - max_age, 2)))
+ max_age - 2)
# Don't let the interval double without bounds.
if last_due - max_age >= MAX_INTERVAL:
last_due = int((age - max_age - MAX_INTERVAL) / MAX_INTERVAL) \
# And don't send emails before we've reached the minimum age
# threshold.
if last_due < max_age:
last_due = max_age
except TypeError:
# This exception happens when source_name, version never seen before
emails = []
last_sent = 0
last_due = max_age
if self.dry_run:
self.log("[email dry run] Age %d >= threshold %d: would email: %s" %
(age, max_age, self.lp_get_emails(source_name, version)))
# don't update the cache file in dry run mode; we'll see all output each time
return PolicyVerdict.PASS
if last_sent < last_due:
if not emails:
emails = self.lp_get_emails(source_name, version)
if emails:
recipients = ', '.join(emails)
msg = MESSAGE.format(**locals())
self.log("%s/%s stuck for %d days, emailing %s" %
(source_name, version, age, recipients))
server = smtplib.SMTP(self.email_host)
server.sendmail('noreply@canonical.com', emails, msg)
# record the age at which the mail should have been sent
last_sent = last_due
except socket.error as err:
self.log("Failed to send mail! Is SMTP server running?")
self.emails_by_pkg[source_name][version] = (emails, last_sent)
return PolicyVerdict.PASS
def _save_progress(self, my_data):
"""Checkpoint after each sent mail"""
tmp = self.filename + '.new'
with open(tmp, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as data:
json.dump(my_data, data)
return tmp
def save_state(self, britney=None):
"""Save email notification status of all pending packages"""
if not self.dry_run:
os.rename(self.filename + '.new', self.filename)
# if we haven't written any cache, don't clobber the old one
except FileNotFoundError:
if britney:
self.log("Wrote email data to %s" % self.filename)