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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2020 Simon Quigley <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
from jenkinsapi.jenkins import Jenkins
from britney2.policies.policy import BasePolicy, PolicyVerdict
class JenkinsPassPolicy(BasePolicy):
"""Ensure packages cannot migrate if their Jenkins job failed
Using the Jenkins API (with API_{SITE,USER,KEY} env vars), if the job
belonging to this package has failed for some reason, ensure the package
cannot migrate
def __init__(self, options, suite_info):
super().__init__("jenkins-pass", options, suite_info, {"unstable"})
self.filename = os.path.join(options.unstable, "JenkinsPass")
# Authenticate to Jenkins with the given env vars
api_site = getenv("API_SITE")
api_user = getenv("API_USER")
api_key = getenv("API_KEY")
for envvar in [api_site, api_user, api_key]:
if not envvar:
raise ValueError("API_SITE, API_USER, and API_KEY must be",
self.jenkins = Jenkins(api_site, username=api_user, password=api_key)
self.britney = None
def initialise(self, britney):
"""Load cached source ppa data"""
self.britney = britney
def save_state(self):
def match_jobname_package(self, pkg, version):
"""Match the job name in Jenkins to the package"""
# Ensure that the job format is specified as an env var
# Also, substitute in values
job_format = getenv("JOB_FORMAT")
if not job_format:
raise ValueError("JOB_FORMAT not defined")
elif not "RELEASE" in job_format:
raise ValueError("RELEASE not in JOB_FORMAT")
elif not "PACKAGE" in job_format:
raise ValueError("PACKAGE not in JOB_FORMAT")
job_format = job_format.replace("RELEASE", self.options.series)
job_format = job_format.replace("PACKAGE", pkg)
# Check if job exists on server, if not return None
# For reference, s_jobs is in the following format:
# ('JOBNAME', <jenkinsapi.job.Job JOBNAME>)
job = None
for s_job in self.jenkins.get_jobs():
if s_job[0] == job_format:
job = s_job[1]
if not job:
return None
# Get the last build done for the given job
# If it exists but hasn't been built yet, return None
# Otherwise, return the Build instance so we can check if it's valid
job_build = job.get_last_build_or_none()
if not job_build:
return None
return job_build
def is_job_successful(self, pkg, version):
"""Check if the Jenkins job for this package was successful"""
# Get the Job instance, and if it doesn't exist, just allow the
# package to migrate without issue
job = self.match_jobname_package(pkg, version)
if not job:
return True
# The Jenkins API has a built-in function to check this, so just
# return the value it gives
return job.is_good()
def apply_policy_impl(self, sourceppa_info, suite, source_name, source_data_tdist, source_data_srcdist, excuse):
"""Reject package if the associated Jenkins job has failed"""
accept = excuse.is_valid
britney_excuses = self.britney.excuses
version = source_data_srcdist.version
# If the job was successful or doesn't exist, allow it to migrate
# If not, reject it
if self.is_job_successful(source_name, version):
return PolicyVerdict.PASS