@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ calamares-settings-ubuntu (1:24.04.21) noble; urgency=medium
* Revamp pkgselect and enable it for everyone. (LP: #2056061)
[ Aaron Rainbolt ]
* Use GPT partition tables by default, even on BIOS systems. (LP: #2054601)
* Don't try to start Unity after the OEM environment exits on Ubuntu Unity,
this has to be done by logging in via LightDM.
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ userSwapChoices:
initialSwapChoice: file
drawNestedPartitions: true
defaultFileSystemType: "ext4"
defaultPartitionTableType: gpt
availableFileSystemTypes: ["ext4","btrfs","xfs"]
- name: "kubuntu_boot"
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ userSwapChoices:
- none
- file
- name: "ubuntu_unity_boot"