#include "PackageSelectViewStep.h" #include "ui_pkgselect.h" #include "JobQueue.h" #include "GlobalStorage.h" #include "network/Manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * @brief Initializes a new PackageSelectViewStep object. * @param parent The parent QObject. */ PackageSelectViewStep::PackageSelectViewStep(QObject* parent) : Calamares::ViewStep(parent), m_packageSelections(), ui(new Ui::pkgselect), m_widget(new QWidget()), // Parent set to nullptr m_connectionsMade(false) { ui->setupUi(m_widget); // Layout Adjustment to Prevent Shifting // Ensures that hiding/showing elements does not disrupt the layout QGridLayout* mainLayout = qobject_cast(ui->gridLayout); if (mainLayout) { mainLayout->setRowStretch(mainLayout->rowCount(), 1); } } /** * @brief Cleans up the PackageSelectViewStep object. */ PackageSelectViewStep::~PackageSelectViewStep() { delete ui; delete m_widget; } QString PackageSelectViewStep::prettyName() const { return tr("Customize"); } bool PackageSelectViewStep::exists_and_true(const QString& key) const { return m_packageSelections.contains(key) && m_packageSelections.value(key).toBool(); } QWidget* PackageSelectViewStep::widget() { return m_widget; } Calamares::JobList PackageSelectViewStep::jobs() const { return Calamares::JobList(); } bool PackageSelectViewStep::isNextEnabled() const { return true; } bool PackageSelectViewStep::isBackEnabled() const { return true; } bool PackageSelectViewStep::isAtBeginning() const { return true; } bool PackageSelectViewStep::isAtEnd() const { return true; } void PackageSelectViewStep::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap& configurationMap) { m_configurationMap = configurationMap; } /** * @brief Activates the step, setting up the UI based on network availability and configuration. * * This method is called when the step becomes active. It handles network checks, * dynamically creates package selection checkboxes, and connects signal handlers. */ void PackageSelectViewStep::onActivate() { // Check network availability Calamares::Network::Manager network; bool hasInternet = network.hasInternet(); // Handle network unavailability if (!hasInternet) { ui->full_button->setVisible(false); ui->full_text->setVisible(false); ui->left_spacer->changeSize(20, 20, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); ui->right_spacer->changeSize(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); ui->additional_label->setVisible(false); ui->updates_button->setVisible(false); ui->updates_text->setVisible(false); ui->extraparty_scroll->setVisible(false); ui->extraparty_text->setVisible(false); ui->mandatory_warning_label->setVisible(false); } // Dynamically create package checkboxes only once if (m_packageCheckBoxes.isEmpty()) { QVariantList additionalPackages = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("additional_packages").toList(); QVBoxLayout* packagesLayout = ui->extraparty_scrollhouse->findChild("packages_layout"); if (!packagesLayout) { qWarning() << "packages_layout not found in UI."; return; } for (const QVariant& var : additionalPackages) { QVariantMap pkg = var.toMap(); QString packageId = pkg.value("id").toString(); QString packageName = pkg.value("name").toString(); QString packageDescription = pkg.value("description").toString(); bool isSnap = pkg.value("snap").toBool(); // Create checkbox QCheckBox* checkbox = new QCheckBox(packageName, m_widget); checkbox->setObjectName(packageId); // Naming as packageId directly // Create description label QLabel* descriptionLabel = new QLabel(packageDescription, m_widget); QFont descFont = descriptionLabel->font(); descFont.setPointSize(10); descFont.setItalic(true); descriptionLabel->setFont(descFont); descriptionLabel->setWordWrap(true); // Add to layout packagesLayout->addWidget(checkbox); packagesLayout->addWidget(descriptionLabel); // Store in the map m_packageCheckBoxes.insert(packageId, checkbox); // Connect checkbox toggled signal connect(checkbox, &QCheckBox::toggled, this, &PackageSelectViewStep::updatePackageSelections); } } // Handle installation modes // Connect radio buttons to lambda functions only once if (!m_connectionsMade) { connect(ui->minimal_button, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, [this, hasInternet](bool checked) { if (checked && hasInternet) { // Hide additional packages UI ui->extraparty_scroll->setVisible(false); ui->extraparty_text->setVisible(false); ui->mandatory_warning_label->setVisible(false); // Uncheck and disable all additional package checkboxes QVariantList removePackages = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("minimal_remove_packages").toList(); for (const QVariant& var : removePackages) { QString packageId = var.toString(); QCheckBox* checkbox = m_packageCheckBoxes.value(packageId, nullptr); if (checkbox) { checkbox->setChecked(false); checkbox->setEnabled(false); } } } }); connect(ui->normal_button, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, [this, hasInternet](bool checked) { if (checked && hasInternet) { // Show additional packages UI ui->extraparty_scroll->setVisible(true); ui->extraparty_text->setVisible(true); ui->mandatory_warning_label->setVisible(true); // Enable all additional package checkboxes for (auto checkbox : m_packageCheckBoxes) { if (checkbox) { checkbox->setEnabled(true); } } } }); connect(ui->full_button, &QRadioButton::toggled, this, [this, hasInternet](bool checked) { if (checked && hasInternet) { // Show additional packages UI ui->extraparty_scroll->setVisible(true); ui->extraparty_text->setVisible(true); ui->mandatory_warning_label->setVisible(true); // Check and disable all additional package checkboxes for (auto checkbox : m_packageCheckBoxes) { if (checkbox) { checkbox->setChecked(true); checkbox->setEnabled(false); } } } }); m_connectionsMade = true; } // Layout Adjustment to Prevent Shifting // Ensure that hiding/showing elements does not center the remaining widgets // This is generally handled by Qt's layout system, but adding stretch ensures stability QGridLayout* mainLayout = qobject_cast(ui->gridLayout); if (mainLayout) { mainLayout->setRowStretch(mainLayout->rowCount(), 1); } } /** * @brief Handles actions to perform when leaving the step, such as storing selected packages. * * This method gathers the selected packages, determines the installation mode, * and stores the relevant data into Calamares' GlobalStorage for use in subsequent steps. */ void PackageSelectViewStep::onLeave() { Calamares::GlobalStorage* gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage(); if (!gs) { qWarning() << "GlobalStorage is not available."; return; } bool isStackedSquashfs = m_configurationMap.value("stacked_squashfs").toBool(); QVariantMap installationData = gs->value("installation_data").toMap(); QString installationMode = installationData.value("installation_mode").toString(); bool downloadUpdates = installationData.value("download_updates").toBool(); QVariantList packagesToInstall = installationData.value("packages_to_install").toList(); QVariantList packagesToRemove = installationData.value("packages_to_remove").toList(); QVariantList presentSnaps = installationData.value("present_snaps").toList(); // Handle default value for rootMountPoint QString rootMountPoint = "/"; if (gs->contains("rootMountPoint")) { rootMountPoint = gs->value("rootMountPoint").toString(); } QVariantMap globalData; // Determine selected installation mode if (ui->minimal_button->isChecked()) { installationMode = "minimal"; } else if (ui->normal_button->isChecked()) { installationMode = "normal"; } else if (ui->full_button->isChecked()) { installationMode = "full"; } globalData.insert("installation_mode", installationMode); // Used by unpackfs on stacked squashfs systems if (installationMode == "minimal") { } if (installationMode == "minimal") { globalData.insert("unpack_regular", false); if (!isStackedSquashfs) { QVariantList minimalPackages = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("minimal_remove_packages").toList(); QVariantList installerPackages = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("installer_remove_packages").toList(); QVariantList combinedRemove = minimalPackages + installerPackages; globalData.insert("packages_to_remove", combinedRemove); } } else { globalData.insert("unpack_regular", true); // For normal and full, store packages to install QVariantList selectedPackagesList; // Store the snaps that are already on the system by default QStringList presentSnapList; // Process all checked boxes for (auto it = m_packageCheckBoxes.constBegin(); it != m_packageCheckBoxes.constEnd(); ++it) { const QString& packageId = it.key(); QCheckBox* checkbox = it.value(); if (checkbox && checkbox->isChecked()) { // Retrieve package details from configuration QVariantList additionalPackages = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("additional_packages").toList(); QVariantMap packageDetails; for (const QVariant& var : additionalPackages) { QVariantMap pkg = var.toMap(); if (pkg.value("id").toString() == packageId) { packageDetails.insert("id", pkg.value("id").toString()); packageDetails.insert("snap", pkg.value("snap").toBool()); break; } } if (!packageDetails.isEmpty()) { selectedPackagesList.append(packageDetails); } } } // Add the additional packages to be installed and substitute locale QVariantList installPackages = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("regular_install_packages").toList(); QString localeVal = gs->value("locale").toString(); for (const QVariant& installPackage : installPackages) { QString packageId = installPackage.toString().replace("$LOCALE", localeVal); QVariantMap packageDetails; packageDetails.insert("id", packageId); packageDetails.insert("snap", false); selectedPackagesList.append(packageDetails); } // Ensure delta updates are processed first QVariantList refreshSnaps = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("refresh_snaps").toList(); for (const QVariant& snapVar : refreshSnaps) { QString snapId = snapVar.toString(); presentSnapList.append(snapId); } globalData.insert("packages_to_install", selectedPackagesList); if (!isStackedSquashfs) { QVariantList installerPackages = m_configurationMap.value("packages").toMap().value("installer_remove_packages").toList(); globalData.insert("packages_to_remove", installerPackages); } globalData.insert("present_snaps", presentSnapList); } // Store the state of 'download_updates' checkbox bool updatesChecked = ui->updates_button->isChecked(); globalData.insert("download_updates", updatesChecked); gs->insert("installation_data", globalData); } /** * @brief Slot to handle checkbox toggle events. * * This method updates the internal package selection map based on user interactions * with the package checkboxes. * * @param checked The new checked state of the checkbox. */ void PackageSelectViewStep::updatePackageSelections(bool checked) { QCheckBox* checkbox = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!checkbox) return; QString packageId = checkbox->objectName(); m_packageSelections[packageId] = checked; emit packageSelectionsChanged(); } /** * @brief Retrieves the checkbox associated with a given package ID. * * @param id The package ID. * @return A pointer to the QCheckBox, or nullptr if not found. */ QCheckBox* PackageSelectViewStep::getCheckboxById(const QString& id) const { return m_packageCheckBoxes.value(id, nullptr); } CALAMARES_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DEFINITION(PackageSelectViewStepFactory, registerPlugin(); )