#!/bin/sh ## live-config(7) - System Configuration Components ## Copyright (C) 2014 Rohan Garg ## ## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING. ## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it ## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details. set -e Cmdline () { # Reading kernel command line for _PARAMETER in ${LIVE_CONFIG_CMDLINE} do case "${_PARAMETER}" in live-config.no_calamares=|no_calamares=) NO_CALAMARES="true" ;; live-config.username=*|username=*) LIVE_USERNAME="${_PARAMETER#*username=}" ;; esac done } Init () { # Checking if package is installed or already configured if [ ! -e /usr/bin/calamares ] then exit 0 fi echo -n " calamares" } Config () { if [ ! -e /usr/bin/calamares ] then exit 0 fi if [ "${NO_CALAMARES}" != "true" ] then if [ ! -e /home/${LIVE_USERNAME}/Desktop ] then mkdir -p "/home/${LIVE_USERNAME}/Desktop" fi cat > "/home/${LIVE_USERNAME}/Desktop/calamares.desktop" << EOF #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Version=1.0 Name=Install Netrunner Core Edition GenericName=Install Netrunner Core Edition TryExec=calamares Exec=pkexec /usr/bin/calamares Comment=Calamares — System Installer Icon=calamares Terminal=false StartupNotify=false Categories=Qt;System; EOF chmod a+x "/home/${LIVE_USERNAME}/Desktop/calamares.desktop" chown -R ${LIVE_USERNAME}:${LIVE_USERNAME} "/home/${LIVE_USERNAME}/Desktop" fi # Creating state file touch /var/lib/live/config/calamares } Cmdline Init Config