calamares-settings-ubuntu (4) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium * Don't fail to install the system on BIOS systems. * Remove the right live task. * Enable GeoIP support by default, to get accurate timezone readings. -- Simon Quigley Mon, 09 Jul 2018 17:51:16 -0500 calamares-settings-ubuntu (3) cosmic; urgency=medium * Bump Standards-version to 4.1.4, no changes needed. * Fix Vcs-* and Homepage to reflect the move off of GitHub. * Allow Lubuntu to be installed on systems with no network and UEFI systems. * Add a desktop file to install the system with (LP: #1771460). * Update the support link to be current. -- Simon Quigley Tue, 03 Jul 2018 17:03:00 -0500 calamares-settings-ubuntu (2) cosmic; urgency=medium * Add a .gitignore file for debian/files. * Remove lubuntu-qt-desktop from Suggests. * Update the website for HTTPS. * Bump Lubuntu's system requirements to safe values. * Remove calamares from the explicit removal list; we don't need it to be there anymore. * Lubuntu Next -> Lubuntu. * Make squashfs-tools a hard dependency; without it, Lubuntu's installation fails (LP: #1769781). -- Simon Quigley Thu, 10 May 2018 19:18:01 -0500 calamares-settings-ubuntu (1) bionic; urgency=medium * Initial release. -- Simon Quigley Thu, 15 Feb 2018 19:54:24 -0600