You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
388 lines
16 KiB
388 lines
16 KiB
#include "PackageSelectProcess.h"
#include "GlobalStorage.h"
#include "JobQueue.h"
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QRegularExpression>
CALAMARES_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DEFINITION(PackageSelectProcessFactory, registerPlugin<PackageSelectProcess>();)
PackageSelectProcess::PackageSelectProcess(QObject* parent)
: Calamares::CppJob(parent),
m_prettyStatus(tr("Preparing to install selected packages..."))
QString PackageSelectProcess::prettyName() const
return tr("Installing selected packages");
QString PackageSelectProcess::prettyStatusMessage() const
return m_prettyStatus;
void PackageSelectProcess::setConfigurationMap(const QVariantMap& configurationMap)
m_configurationMap = configurationMap;
Calamares::JobResult PackageSelectProcess::runAptCommand(const QString& command,
const QString& rootMountPoint,
double startProgress,
double endProgress,
bool verboseProgress)
QProcess aptProcess(this);
aptProcess.setArguments({ rootMountPoint, "/bin/bash", "-c", command });
constexpr int MAX_LINES = 5000;
double progressRange = endProgress - startProgress;
double progressPerLine = progressRange / static_cast<double>(MAX_LINES);
int lineCount = 0;
QString commandHRPrefix;
if (command.contains("install")) {
commandHRPrefix = tr("Installing packages: ");
} else if (command.contains("full-upgrade")) {
commandHRPrefix = tr("Upgrading installed system: ");
} else if (command.contains("remove")) {
commandHRPrefix = tr("Cleaning up packages: ");
QRegularExpression getRegex(R"(Get:\d+\s+[^ ]+\s+[^ ]+\s+(.+?)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\[(.*?)\])");
connect(&aptProcess, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this,
[this, &aptProcess, &lineCount, progressPerLine, startProgress, endProgress, verboseProgress, commandHRPrefix, getRegex]() mutable {
while (aptProcess.canReadLine()) {
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(aptProcess.readLine()).trimmed();
if (line.isEmpty()) {
if (verboseProgress && !line.contains("Running in chroot, ignoring command") &&
!line.contains("Waiting until unit") && !line.contains("Stopping snap") &&
!line.contains("/dev/pts")) {
// Process "Get:" lines to show download information
if (line.startsWith("Get:")) {
QRegularExpressionMatch match = getRegex.match(line);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
QString packageName = match.captured(1);
QString packageVersion = match.captured(2);
QString packageSize = match.captured(3);
line = tr("Downloading %1 %2 (%3)").arg(packageName, packageVersion, packageSize);
m_prettyStatus = commandHRPrefix + line;
emit prettyStatusMessageChanged(m_prettyStatus);
qDebug() << m_prettyStatus;
double currentProgress = startProgress + (lineCount * progressPerLine);
currentProgress = qBound(startProgress, currentProgress, endProgress);
emit progress(currentProgress);
if (!aptProcess.waitForStarted()) {
qWarning() << "Failed to start apt command:" << aptProcess.errorString();
return Calamares::JobResult::error(tr("Apt command failed"),
tr("Failed to start apt command: %1").arg(aptProcess.errorString()));
while (!aptProcess.waitForFinished(100)) {
if (aptProcess.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit || aptProcess.exitCode() != 0) {
QString errorOutput = QString::fromUtf8(aptProcess.readAllStandardError()).trimmed();
qWarning() << "Apt command error:" << errorOutput;
return Calamares::JobResult::error(tr("Apt command failed"),
tr("Failed to execute apt command: %1").arg(errorOutput));
emit progress(endProgress);
m_prettyStatus = tr("Command executed successfully.");
emit prettyStatusMessageChanged(m_prettyStatus);
return Calamares::JobResult::ok();
Calamares::JobResult PackageSelectProcess::runSnapCommand(const QStringList& snapPackages,
const QString& rootMountPoint,
double startProgress,
double endProgress)
const QString seedDirectory = QDir::cleanPath(rootMountPoint + "/var/lib/snapd/seed");
QDir dir(seedDirectory);
if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkpath(".")) {
return Calamares::JobResult::error(tr("Snap installation failed"),
tr("Failed to create seed directory: %1").arg(seedDirectory));
QStringList snapCommandArgs = { "--seed", seedDirectory };
snapCommandArgs += snapPackages;
qDebug() << "Executing Snap Command:" << snapCommandArgs.join(" ");
QProcess snapProcess(this);
QString currentDescription;
connect(&snapProcess, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this,
[&snapProcess, this, ¤tDescription, startProgress, endProgress]( ) {
while (snapProcess.canReadLine()) {
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(snapProcess.readLine()).trimmed();
if (line.isEmpty()) {
QStringList parts = line.split("\t");
if (parts.size() != 2) {
qWarning() << "Unexpected output format from snap-seed-glue:" << line;
bool ok = false;
double percentage = parts[0].toDouble(&ok);
const QString& description = parts[1];
if (!ok) {
qWarning() << "Failed to parse percentage from line:" << line;
if (description != currentDescription) {
m_prettyStatus = description;
emit prettyStatusMessageChanged(m_prettyStatus);
currentDescription = description;
qDebug() << description;
double scaledProgress = startProgress + (percentage / 100.0) * (endProgress - startProgress);
emit progress(scaledProgress);
m_prettyStatus = tr("Installing snap packages...");
emit prettyStatusMessageChanged(m_prettyStatus);
emit progress(startProgress);
if (!snapProcess.waitForStarted()) {
qWarning() << "Failed to start snap installation process:" << snapProcess.errorString();
return Calamares::JobResult::error(tr("Snap installation failed"),
tr("Failed to start snap installation process: %1").arg(snapProcess.errorString()));
while (!snapProcess.waitForFinished(100)) {
if (snapProcess.exitStatus() != QProcess::NormalExit || snapProcess.exitCode() != 0) {
QString errorOutput = QString::fromUtf8(snapProcess.readAllStandardError()).trimmed();
qWarning() << "Snap installation error:" << errorOutput;
return Calamares::JobResult::error(tr("Snap installation failed"),
tr("Failed to install snap packages: %1").arg(errorOutput));
emit progress(endProgress);
m_prettyStatus = tr("Snap packages installed successfully.");
emit prettyStatusMessageChanged(m_prettyStatus);
return Calamares::JobResult::ok();
Calamares::JobResult PackageSelectProcess::exec()
auto gs = Calamares::JobQueue::instance()->globalStorage();
if (!gs || !gs->contains("installation_data")) {
return Calamares::JobResult::error(tr("No installation data found."),
tr("Installation data is missing from global storage."));
const QVariantMap installationData = gs->value("installation_data").toMap();
const QString installationMode = installationData.value("installation_mode").toString();
const bool downloadUpdates = installationData.value("download_updates").toBool();
const QVariantList packagesToInstall = installationData.value("packages_to_install").toList();
const QVariantList packagesToRemove = installationData.value("packages_to_remove").toList();
const QVariantList presentSnaps = installationData.value("present_snaps").toList();
// Handle default value for rootMountPoint
QString rootMountPoint = "/";
if (gs->contains("rootMountPoint")) {
rootMountPoint = gs->value("rootMountPoint").toString();
static const QMap<QString, QVector<ProgressAllocation>> allocationMap = {
{ "minimal", { {0.0, 1.0} } },
{ "normal", { {0.0, 0.4}, {0.4, 1.0} } },
{ "full", { {0.0, 0.25}, {0.25, 1.0} } }
const QVector<ProgressAllocation> allocations = allocationMap.value(installationMode, { {0.0, 1.0} });
// Run apt update
const double aptRange = allocations[0].end - allocations[0].start;
const double updateStart = allocations[0].start;
const double updateEnd = updateStart + 0.1 * aptRange;
m_prettyStatus = tr("Updating apt cache");
emit prettyStatusMessageChanged(m_prettyStatus);
emit progress(updateStart);
Calamares::JobResult updateResult = runAptCommand("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update",
if (!updateResult) { // Using operator bool() to check for errors
return std::move(updateResult); // Move to avoid copy
QStringList debPackages;
for (const QVariant& var : packagesToInstall) {
const QVariantMap pkg = var.toMap();
if (!pkg.value("snap").toBool()) {
debPackages << pkg.value("id").toString();
double installStart;
double installEnd;
if (downloadUpdates) {
const double upgradeStart = updateEnd;
const double upgradeEnd = upgradeStart + 0.25 * aptRange;
Calamares::JobResult upgradeResult = runAptCommand(
"DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::='--force-confnew' full-upgrade",
if (!upgradeResult) { // Using operator bool() to check for errors
return std::move(upgradeResult); // Move to avoid copy
installStart = upgradeEnd;
installEnd = installStart + 0.25 * aptRange;
else {
installStart = updateEnd;
installEnd = installStart + 0.5 * aptRange;
installEnd = qMin(installEnd, allocations[0].end);
qDebug() << "Progress range: installStart:" << installStart << "installEnd:" << installEnd;
if (!debPackages.isEmpty()) {
const QString packageList = debPackages.join(" ");
const QString installCommand = QString(
"DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install $(for pkg in %1; do dpkg -s \"$pkg\" &>/dev/null || echo -n \"$pkg \"; done)"
Calamares::JobResult installResult = runAptCommand(installCommand,
if (!installResult) { // Using operator bool() to check for errors
return std::move(installResult); // Move to avoid copy
else {
qDebug() << "No packages to install.";
QStringList removeDebPackages;
for (const QVariant& var : packagesToRemove) {
removeDebPackages << var.toString();
const double removeStart = installEnd;
const double removeEnd = removeStart + 0.2 * aptRange;
if (!removeDebPackages.isEmpty()) {
const QString removeCommand = QString("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --purge remove %1")
.arg(removeDebPackages.join(" "));
Calamares::JobResult removeResult = runAptCommand(removeCommand,
if (!removeResult) { // Using operator bool() to check for errors
return std::move(removeResult); // Move to avoid copy
const double autoremoveStart = removeEnd;
const double autoremoveEnd = autoremoveStart + 0.2 * aptRange;
Calamares::JobResult autoremoveResult = runAptCommand("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y autoremove",
// Handle snap packages
if (installationMode != "minimal") {
QStringList snapPackages;
QStringList presentSnapsList;
// Convert QVariantList to QStringList
for (const QVariant& var : presentSnaps) {
presentSnapsList << var.toString();
for (const QVariant& var : packagesToInstall) {
const QVariantMap pkg = var.toMap();
if (pkg.value("snap").toBool()) {
snapPackages << pkg.value("id").toString();
QStringList finalSnapPackages;
if (!snapPackages.isEmpty() && !presentSnapsList.isEmpty()) {
finalSnapPackages = presentSnapsList + snapPackages;
else if (!snapPackages.isEmpty()) {
finalSnapPackages = snapPackages;
else if (!presentSnapsList.isEmpty() && downloadUpdates) {
finalSnapPackages = presentSnapsList;
if (!finalSnapPackages.isEmpty()) {
double snapStart = allocations.size() > 1 ? allocations[1].start : allocations[0].end;
double snapEnd = allocations.size() > 1 ? allocations[1].end : allocations[0].end;
Calamares::JobResult snapResult = runSnapCommand(finalSnapPackages,
if (!snapResult) { // Using operator bool() to check for errors
return std::move(snapResult); // Move to avoid copy
emit progress(1.0);
m_prettyStatus = tr("All selected packages installed successfully.");
emit prettyStatusMessageChanged(m_prettyStatus);
return Calamares::JobResult::ok();