From 8af3fe19b407cb7054559ab90e58cc4dfede6293 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Quigley <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 00:10:50 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Use futures for queuing pull and tarball tasks

 cpp/ci_logic.cpp | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cpp/ci_logic.cpp b/cpp/ci_logic.cpp
index 0181733..7a703f4 100644
--- a/cpp/ci_logic.cpp
+++ b/cpp/ci_logic.cpp
@@ -639,60 +639,66 @@ std::string CiLogic::queue_pull_tarball(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PackageConf>
     std::mutex task_assignment_mutex;
     try {
+        std::vector<std::future<void>> futures;
         for (auto &r : repos) {
-            {
-                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_assignment_mutex);
-                auto found_it = encountered_items.find(r->package->name);
-                if (found_it != encountered_items.end()) {
-                    // GHOST pull
-                    auto existing_item = found_it->second;
+            futures.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, [this, &task_queue, &job_statuses,
+                                                              &encountered_items, &task_assignment_mutex,
+                                                              &r]() mutable {
+                {
+                    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_assignment_mutex);
+                    auto found_it = encountered_items.find(r->package->name);
+                    if (found_it != encountered_items.end()) {
+                        // GHOST pull
+                        auto existing_item = found_it->second;
-                    // Assign tasks (reuse the same Task objects for "pull"/"tarball")
-                    r->assign_task(job_statuses->at("pull"), existing_item->first_pull_task, r);
-                    r->assign_task(job_statuses->at("tarball"), existing_item->first_tarball_task, r);
+                        // Assign tasks (reuse the same Task objects for "pull"/"tarball")
+                        r->assign_task(job_statuses->at("pull"), existing_item->first_pull_task, r);
+                        r->assign_task(job_statuses->at("tarball"), existing_item->first_tarball_task, r);
-                    // Point packaging_commit/upstream_commit to the real pkgconf's pointers
-                    r->packaging_commit = existing_item->first_pkgconf->packaging_commit;
-                    r->upstream_commit  = existing_item->first_pkgconf->upstream_commit;
-                    r->sync();
-                    continue;
+                        // Point packaging_commit/upstream_commit to the real pkgconf's pointers
+                        r->packaging_commit = existing_item->first_pkgconf->packaging_commit;
+                        r->upstream_commit  = existing_item->first_pkgconf->upstream_commit;
+                        r->sync();
+                        return;
+                    }
-            }
-            // REAL pull
-            auto new_item = std::make_shared<package_conf_item>();
-            new_item->first_pkgconf = r;
+                // REAL pull
+                auto new_item = std::make_shared<package_conf_item>();
+                new_item->first_pkgconf = r;
-            // Enqueue "pull"
-            task_queue->enqueue(
-                job_statuses->at("pull"),
-                [this, r](std::shared_ptr<Log> log) mutable {
-                    pull_project(r, log);
-                    r->sync();
-                },
-                r
-            );
+                // Enqueue "pull"
+                task_queue->enqueue(
+                    job_statuses->at("pull"),
+                    [this, r](std::shared_ptr<Log> log) mutable {
+                        pull_project(r, log);
+                        r->sync();
+                    },
+                    r
+                );
-            {
-                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_assignment_mutex);
-                new_item->first_pull_task = r->get_task_by_jobstatus(job_statuses->at("pull"));
-            }
+                {
+                    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_assignment_mutex);
+                    new_item->first_pull_task = r->get_task_by_jobstatus(job_statuses->at("pull"));
+                }
-            // Enqueue "tarball"
-            task_queue->enqueue(
-                job_statuses->at("tarball"),
-                [this, r](std::shared_ptr<Log> log) mutable {
-                    create_project_tarball(r, log);
-                    r->sync();
-                },
-                r
-            );
+                // Enqueue "tarball"
+                task_queue->enqueue(
+                    job_statuses->at("tarball"),
+                    [this, r](std::shared_ptr<Log> log) mutable {
+                        create_project_tarball(r, log);
+                        r->sync();
+                    },
+                    r
+                );
-            {
-                std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_assignment_mutex);
-                new_item->first_tarball_task = r->get_task_by_jobstatus(job_statuses->at("tarball"));
-                encountered_items[r->package->name] = new_item;
-            }
+                {
+                    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_assignment_mutex);
+                    new_item->first_tarball_task = r->get_task_by_jobstatus(job_statuses->at("tarball"));
+                    encountered_items[r->package->name] = new_item;
+                }
+            }));
+        for (auto& future : futures) future.get();
         msg = "Succeeded";
     } catch (...) {
         msg = "Failed";