Cleanup and concurrency for build-packages

Simon Quigley 1 month ago
parent c5fa176827
commit 9411c62c77

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
// Define the semaphore with a limit of 5 concurrent package processing tasks
// Limit concurrency to 5, ensuring at most 5 directories in /tmp at a time
static std::counting_semaphore<5> semaphore(5);
// Mutex to protect access to the repo_mutexes map
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ static std::mutex repo_map_mutex;
// Map to hold mutexes for each repository path
static std::unordered_map<fs::path, std::mutex> repo_mutexes;
// Helper function to get the mutex for a given repository path
static std::mutex& get_repo_mutex(const fs::path& repo_path) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(repo_map_mutex);
return repo_mutexes[repo_path];
@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ static std::mutex& get_repo_mutex(const fs::path& repo_path) {
static std::mutex dput_futures_mutex;
static std::vector<std::future<void>> dput_futures;
// Define other constants
static const std::string BASE_DIR = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos";
static const std::string DEBFULLNAME = "Lugito";
static const std::string DEBEMAIL = "";
@ -81,12 +79,9 @@ static const std::string REAL_LINTIAN_DIR = BASE_OUTPUT_DIR + "/lintian";
static std::string urgency_level_override = "low";
static int worker_count = 5;
// Global verbosity flag
static bool verbose = false;
static std::ofstream log_file_stream;
// Helper function to get current UTC time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format
static std::string get_current_utc_time() {
auto now = std::time(nullptr);
std::tm tm_utc;
@ -96,7 +91,6 @@ static std::string get_current_utc_time() {
return std::string(buf);
// Logging functions
static void log_all(const std::string &level, const std::string &msg, bool is_error=false) {
std::string timestamp = get_current_utc_time();
std::string full_msg = "[" + timestamp + "] [" + level + "] " + msg + "\n";
@ -125,7 +119,6 @@ static void log_error(const std::string &msg) {
log_all("ERROR", msg, true);
// New function for verbose logging
static void log_verbose(const std::string &msg) {
if (verbose) {
log_all("VERBOSE", msg);
@ -177,7 +170,6 @@ static void run_command_silent_on_success(const std::vector<std::string> &cmd, c
// Initialize libgit2 once
static void git_init_once() {
static std::once_flag flag;
std::call_once(flag, [](){
@ -219,14 +211,13 @@ static void git_fetch_and_checkout(const fs::path &repo_path, const std::string
} else {
const char* url = git_remote_url(remote);
if(!url || repo_url != url) {
log_warning("Remote URL differs (current: " + std::string(url ? url : "null") + "). Recloning.");
log_warning("Remote URL differs. Recloning.");
need_clone = true;
} else {
log_verbose("Remote URL matches. Fetching latest changes.");
// Fetch
git_remote* origin = nullptr;
git_remote_lookup(&origin, repo, "origin");
@ -334,19 +325,18 @@ static void publish_lintian() {
// Define get_exclusions here before usage
static std::vector<std::string> get_exclusions(const fs::path &packaging) {
log_verbose("Retrieving exclusions from: " + packaging.string());
std::vector<std::string> exclusions;
fs::path cpr = packaging / "debian" / "copyright";
if(!fs::exists(cpr)) {
log_verbose("No copyright file found at " + cpr.string());
log_verbose("No copyright file found.");
return exclusions;
std::ifstream f(cpr);
if(!f) {
log_warning("Failed to open copyright file at " + cpr.string());
log_warning("Failed to open copyright file.");
return exclusions;
std::string line;
@ -436,7 +426,6 @@ static void dput_source(const std::string &name, const std::string &upload_targe
} catch (...) {
log_error("Failed to upload changes for package: " + name);
// Errors are already logged in run_command_silent_on_success
} else {
log_warning("No changes files to upload for package: " + name);
@ -462,224 +451,216 @@ static void update_changelog(const fs::path &packaging_dir, const std::string &r
static std::string build_package(const fs::path &packaging_dir, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &env_vars, bool large) {
// Acquire the semaphore here so that each build only happens if there's capacity.
// This ensures we never have more than 5 /tmp dirs at once.
std::string name = packaging_dir.filename().string();
log_info("Building source package for " + name);
fs::path temp_dir;
std::error_code ec;
if(large) {
temp_dir = fs::path(OUTPUT_DIR) / (".tmp_" + name + "_" +"VERSION"));
} else {
temp_dir = fs::temp_directory_path() / ("tmp_build_" + name + "_" +"VERSION"));
// If anything fails, we still want to release the semaphore and clean up.
// We'll use a scope guard pattern here.
auto cleanup = [&]() {
if(!temp_dir.empty()) {
fs::remove_all(temp_dir, ec);
if(ec) {
log_warning("Failed to remove temporary directory: " + temp_dir.string() + " Error: " + ec.message());
} else {
log_verbose("Removed temporary build directory: " + temp_dir.string());
std::error_code ec;
fs::path temp_packaging_dir = temp_dir / name;
fs::create_directories(temp_packaging_dir, ec);
if(ec) {
log_error("Failed to create temporary packaging directory: " + temp_packaging_dir.string());
throw std::runtime_error("Temporary packaging directory creation failed");
log_verbose("Temporary packaging directory created at: " + temp_packaging_dir.string());
fs::copy(packaging_dir / "debian", temp_packaging_dir / "debian", fs::copy_options::recursive, ec);
if(ec) {
log_error("Failed to copy debian directory to temporary packaging directory: " + ec.message());
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to copy debian directory");
log_verbose("Copied debian directory to temporary packaging directory.");
std::string tarball_name = name + "_" +"VERSION") + ".orig.tar.gz";
fs::path tarball_source = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / (name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz");
fs::path tarball_dest = temp_dir / tarball_name;
fs::copy_file(tarball_source, tarball_dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
if(ec) {
log_error("Failed to copy tarball from " + tarball_source.string() + " to " + tarball_dest.string());
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to copy tarball");
log_verbose("Copied tarball to " + tarball_dest.string());
for (auto &e: env_vars) {
setenv(e.first.c_str(), e.second.c_str(), 1);
log_verbose("Set environment variable: " + e.first + " = " + e.second);
std::vector<std::string> cmd_build = {"debuild", "--no-lintian", "-S", "-d", "-sa", "-nc"};
run_command_silent_on_success(cmd_build, temp_packaging_dir);
run_command_silent_on_success({"git", "checkout", "debian/changelog"}, packaging_dir);
log_info("Built package for " + name);
std::string pattern = name + "_" +"VERSION");
std::string changes_file;
for(auto &entry: fs::directory_iterator(temp_dir)) {
std::string fname = entry.path().filename().string();
if(fname.rfind(pattern, 0) == 0) {
fs::path dest = fs::path(OUTPUT_DIR) / fname;
fs::copy_file(entry.path(), dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
if(!ec) {
log_verbose("Copied built package " + fname + " to " + OUTPUT_DIR);
try {
if(large) {
temp_dir = fs::path(OUTPUT_DIR) / (".tmp_" + name + "_" +"VERSION"));
} else {
temp_dir = fs::temp_directory_path() / ("tmp_build_" + name + "_" +"VERSION"));
log_verbose("Temporary packaging directory created at: " + temp_dir.string());
fs::path temp_packaging_dir = temp_dir / name;
fs::create_directories(temp_packaging_dir, ec);
if(ec) {
log_error("Failed to create temporary packaging directory: " + temp_packaging_dir.string() + " Error: " + ec.message());
throw std::runtime_error("Temporary packaging directory creation failed");
fs::copy(packaging_dir / "debian", temp_packaging_dir / "debian", fs::copy_options::recursive, ec);
if(ec) {
log_error("Failed to copy debian directory: " + ec.message());
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to copy debian directory");
std::string tarball_name = name + "_" +"VERSION") + ".orig.tar.gz";
fs::path tarball_source = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / (name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz");
fs::path tarball_dest = temp_dir / tarball_name;
fs::copy_file(tarball_source, tarball_dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
if(ec) {
log_error("Failed to copy tarball: " + ec.message());
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to copy tarball");
for (auto &e: env_vars) {
setenv(e.first.c_str(), e.second.c_str(), 1);
log_verbose("Set environment variable: " + e.first + " = " + e.second);
std::vector<std::string> cmd_build = {"debuild", "--no-lintian", "-S", "-d", "-sa", "-nc"};
run_command_silent_on_success(cmd_build, temp_packaging_dir);
run_command_silent_on_success({"git", "checkout", "debian/changelog"}, packaging_dir);
log_info("Built package for " + name);
std::string pattern = name + "_" +"VERSION");
std::string changes_file;
for(auto &entry: fs::directory_iterator(temp_dir)) {
std::string fname = entry.path().filename().string();
if(fname.rfind(pattern, 0) == 0) {
fs::path dest = fs::path(OUTPUT_DIR) / fname;
fs::copy_file(entry.path(), dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, ec);
if(!ec) {
log_verbose("Copied built package " + fname + " to " + OUTPUT_DIR);
for(auto &entry : fs::directory_iterator(OUTPUT_DIR)) {
std::string fname = entry.path().filename().string();
if(fname.rfind(name + "_" +"VERSION"), 0) == 0 && fname.ends_with("_source.changes")) {
changes_file = entry.path().string();
log_info("Found changes file: " + changes_file);
for(auto &entry : fs::directory_iterator(OUTPUT_DIR)) {
std::string fname = entry.path().filename().string();
if(fname.rfind(name + "_" +"VERSION"), 0) == 0 && fname.ends_with("_source.changes")) {
changes_file = entry.path().string();
log_info("Found changes file: " + changes_file);
fs::remove_all(temp_dir, ec);
if(ec) {
log_warning("Failed to remove temporary directory: " + temp_dir.string());
} else {
log_verbose("Removed temporary build directory: " + temp_dir.string());
if(changes_file.empty()) {
log_error("No changes file found after build for package: " + name);
throw std::runtime_error("Changes file not found");
log_info("Built package successfully, changes file: " + changes_file);
if(changes_file.empty()) {
log_error("No changes file found after build for package: " + name);
throw std::runtime_error("Changes file not found");
return changes_file;
} catch(...) {
log_info("Built package successfully, changes file: " + changes_file);
return changes_file;
static void process_package(const YAML::Node &pkg, const YAML::Node &releases) {
// Acquire semaphore to limit concurrent package processing
try {
std::string name = pkg["name"] ? pkg["name"].as<std::string>() : "";
std::string upload_target = pkg["upload_target"] ? pkg["upload_target"].as<std::string>() : "ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed";
if(name.empty()) {
log_warning("Skipping package due to missing name.");
log_info("Processing package: " + name);
fs::path packaging_destination = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / name;
fs::path changelog_path = packaging_destination / "debian" / "changelog";
std::string version = ""; // To be parsed after locking repos
// Determine repository paths
std::string upstream_url = pkg["upstream_url"] ? pkg["upstream_url"].as<std::string>() : ("" + name + ".git");
fs::path upstream_destination = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / ("upstream-" + name);
std::optional<std::string> packaging_branch = std::nullopt;
if(pkg["packaging_branch"] && pkg["packaging_branch"].IsScalar()) {
packaging_branch = pkg["packaging_branch"].as<std::string>();
} else if (releases.size() > 0) {
packaging_branch = "ubuntu/" + releases[0].as<std::string>();
std::string packaging_url = pkg["packaging_url"] ? pkg["packaging_url"].as<std::string>() : ("" + name + "-packaging.git");
fs::path packaging_repo = packaging_destination;
std::string name = pkg["name"] ? pkg["name"].as<std::string>() : "";
std::string upload_target = pkg["upload_target"] ? pkg["upload_target"].as<std::string>() : "ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed";
if(name.empty()) {
log_warning("Skipping package due to missing name.");
log_info("Processing package: " + name);
// Acquire mutexes for Git repositories
std::mutex& upstream_mutex = get_repo_mutex(upstream_destination);
std::mutex& packaging_mutex = get_repo_mutex(packaging_repo);
fs::path packaging_destination = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / name;
fs::path changelog_path = packaging_destination / "debian" / "changelog";
std::string version = "";
// Lock both mutexes without deadlock using std::scoped_lock
std::scoped_lock lock(upstream_mutex, packaging_mutex);
std::string upstream_url = pkg["upstream_url"] ? pkg["upstream_url"].as<std::string>() : ("" + name + ".git");
fs::path upstream_destination = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / ("upstream-" + name);
std::optional<std::string> packaging_branch = std::nullopt;
if(pkg["packaging_branch"] && pkg["packaging_branch"].IsScalar()) {
packaging_branch = pkg["packaging_branch"].as<std::string>();
} else if (releases.size() > 0) {
packaging_branch = "ubuntu/" + releases[0].as<std::string>();
std::string packaging_url = pkg["packaging_url"] ? pkg["packaging_url"].as<std::string>() : ("" + name + "-packaging.git");
fs::path packaging_repo = packaging_destination;
// Perform Git operations and tarball processing
git_fetch_and_checkout(upstream_destination, upstream_url, std::nullopt);
git_fetch_and_checkout(packaging_repo, packaging_url, packaging_branch);
try {
log_info("Updating maintainer for package: " + name);
update_maintainer((packaging_destination / "debian").string(), false);
log_info("Maintainer updated for package: " + name);
} catch(std::exception &e) {
log_warning("update_maintainer error for " + name + ": " + std::string(e.what()));
std::mutex& upstream_mutex = get_repo_mutex(upstream_destination);
std::mutex& packaging_mutex = get_repo_mutex(packaging_repo);
auto exclusions = get_exclusions(packaging_destination);
log_info("Creating tarball for package: " + name);
create_tarball(name, upstream_destination, exclusions);
log_info("Tarball created for package: " + name);
std::scoped_lock lock(upstream_mutex, packaging_mutex);
// Parse version after creating tarball
version = parse_version(changelog_path);
git_fetch_and_checkout(upstream_destination, upstream_url, std::nullopt);
git_fetch_and_checkout(packaging_repo, packaging_url, packaging_branch);
// Determine if package is large
bool large = pkg["large"] ? pkg["large"].as<bool>() : false;
if(large) {
log_info("Package " + name + " is marked as large.");
try {
log_info("Updating maintainer for package: " + name);
update_maintainer((packaging_destination / "debian").string(), false);
log_info("Maintainer updated for package: " + name);
} catch(std::exception &e) {
log_warning("update_maintainer error for " + name + ": " + std::string(e.what()));
// Prepare environment variables for building
std::map<std::string, std::string> env_map;
// Update environment variables based on version
std::string epoch;
std::string version_no_epoch = version;
if(auto pos = version.find(':'); pos != std::string::npos) {
epoch = version.substr(0, pos);
version_no_epoch = version.substr(pos + 1);
log_verbose("Package " + name + " has epoch: " + epoch);
env_map["VERSION"] = version_no_epoch;
auto exclusions = get_exclusions(packaging_destination);
log_info("Creating tarball for package: " + name);
create_tarball(name, upstream_destination, exclusions);
log_info("Tarball created for package: " + name);
// Build packages for all releases sequentially
std::vector<std::string> changes_files;
std::vector<std::string> devel_changes_files;
for(auto rel : releases) {
std::string release =<std::string>();
log_info("Building " + name + " for release: " + release);
version = parse_version(changelog_path);
std::string release_version_no_epoch = version_no_epoch + "~" + release;
std::string version_for_dch = epoch.empty() ? release_version_no_epoch : (epoch + ":" + release_version_no_epoch);
env_map["UPLOAD_TARGET"] = upload_target;
bool large = pkg["large"] ? pkg["large"].as<bool>() : false;
if(large) {
log_info("Package " + name + " is marked as large.");
// Update changelog
update_changelog(packaging_destination, release, version_for_dch);
std::map<std::string, std::string> env_map;
// Set environment variables
env_map["VERSION"] = release_version_no_epoch;
std::string epoch;
std::string version_no_epoch = version;
if(auto pos = version.find(':'); pos != std::string::npos) {
epoch = version.substr(0, pos);
version_no_epoch = version.substr(pos + 1);
log_verbose("Package " + name + " has epoch: " + epoch);
env_map["VERSION"] = version_no_epoch;
// Build package
try {
std::string changes_file = build_package(packaging_destination, env_map, large);
if(!changes_file.empty()) {
// Determine if this changes file is for the first release (devel)
if(rel == releases[0]) {
} else {
std::vector<std::string> changes_files;
std::vector<std::string> devel_changes_files;
for(auto rel : releases) {
std::string release =<std::string>();
log_info("Building " + name + " for release: " + release);
std::string release_version_no_epoch = version_no_epoch + "~" + release;
std::string version_for_dch = epoch.empty() ? release_version_no_epoch : (epoch + ":" + release_version_no_epoch);
env_map["UPLOAD_TARGET"] = upload_target;
update_changelog(packaging_destination, release, version_for_dch);
env_map["VERSION"] = release_version_no_epoch;
try {
std::string changes_file = build_package(packaging_destination, env_map, large);
if(!changes_file.empty()) {
if(rel == releases[0]) {
} else {
} catch(std::exception &e) {
log_error("Error building package '" + name + "' for release '" + release + "': " + std::string(e.what()));
} catch(std::exception &e) {
log_error("Error building package '" + name + "' for release '" + release + "': " + std::string(e.what()));
// After building, remove the main orig tarball
fs::path main_tarball = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / (name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz");
log_verbose("Removed main orig tarball for package: " + name);
// Release the semaphore before launching dput
fs::path main_tarball = fs::path(BASE_DIR) / (name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz");
log_verbose("Removed main orig tarball for package: " + name);
// Handle dput upload asynchronously and store the future
if(!changes_files.empty() && !upload_target.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> dput_changes = changes_files;
std::vector<std::string> dput_devel_changes = devel_changes_files;
auto fut = std::async(std::launch::async, [name, upload_target, dput_changes, dput_devel_changes]() {
dput_source(name, upload_target, dput_changes, dput_devel_changes);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(dput_futures_mutex);
} else {
log_warning("No changes files to upload for package: " + name);
if(!changes_files.empty() && !upload_target.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> dput_changes = changes_files;
std::vector<std::string> dput_devel_changes = devel_changes_files;
auto fut = std::async(std::launch::async, [name, upload_target, dput_changes, dput_devel_changes]() {
dput_source(name, upload_target, dput_changes, dput_devel_changes);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(dput_futures_mutex);
} catch(...) {
} else {
log_warning("No changes files to upload for package: " + name);
@ -692,7 +673,6 @@ static void prepare_package(const YAML::Node &pkg, const YAML::Node &releases) {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Parse command-line arguments first to set verbosity
std::string prog_name = fs::path(argv[0]).filename().string();
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
std::string arg = argv[i];
@ -702,8 +682,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if(arg == "--verbose" || arg == "-v") {
verbose = true;
// Remove the verbose flag from argc and argv for further processing
// Shift the arguments left
for(int j = i; j < argc - 1; j++) {
argv[j] = argv[j+1];
@ -726,7 +704,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::strftime(buf_time, sizeof(buf_time), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", &tm);
std::string current_time = buf_time;
std::string uuid_part = current_time.substr(0,10); // Adjusted to match timestamp length
std::string uuid_part = current_time.substr(0,10);
BASE_LINTIAN_DIR = BASE_OUTPUT_DIR + "/.lintian.tmp." + uuid_part;
log_info("Created Lintian temporary directory: " + BASE_LINTIAN_DIR);
@ -806,7 +784,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Wait for all dput uploads to complete
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(dput_futures_mutex);
for(auto &fut : dput_futures) {
