Simon Quigley 2 months ago
parent 2aea573803
commit ef4bf11394

@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& release, const YAML::Node& config);
void refresh(const std::string& url, const std::string& pocket, const std::string& britneyCache, std::mutex& logMutex);
int executeAndLog(const std::string& command);
// Global Launchpad variable, initialized once for reuse
static std::optional<launchpad> global_lp_opt;
// Change global_lp_opt to match login() return type
static std::optional<std::shared_ptr<launchpad>> global_lp_opt;
static launchpad* global_lp = nullptr;
// Execute a command and stream its output to std::cout in real time
int executeAndLog(const std::string& command) {
std::string fullCommand = command + " 2>&1"; // Redirect stderr to stdout
std::string fullCommand = command + " 2>&1";
FILE* pipe = popen(fullCommand.c_str(), "r");
if (!pipe) {
std::cout << "Failed to run command: " << command << std::endl;
@ -74,27 +74,35 @@ int executeAndLog(const std::string& command) {
if (WIFEXITED(exitCode)) {
return WEXITSTATUS(exitCode);
} else {
return -1; // Abnormal termination
return -1;
// Helper to count entries in a generator
template<typename T>
int count_generator(T gen) {
int c = 0;
for (auto _ : gen) {
return c;
// This function replaces the Python "pending-packages" script logic.
// Everything is done in one function, using the Launchpad C++ logic shown before.
int check_pending_packages(const std::string& release) {
// Ensure global_lp is initialized once globally
if (!global_lp_opt.has_value()) {
global_lp_opt = launchpad::login();
if (!global_lp_opt.has_value()) {
auto lp_opt = launchpad::login();
if (!lp_opt.has_value()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to authenticate with Launchpad.\n";
return 1;
global_lp = &global_lp_opt.value();
global_lp_opt = lp_opt;
global_lp = global_lp_opt.value().get();
auto lp = global_lp;
std::cout << "Logging into Launchpad..." << std::endl;
// We already logged in globally above.
std::cout << "Logged in. Initializing repositories..." << std::endl;
auto ubuntu_opt = lp->distributions["ubuntu"];
@ -102,67 +110,68 @@ int check_pending_packages(const std::string& release) {
std::cerr << "Failed to retrieve ubuntu.\n";
return 1;
distribution ubuntu = std::move(ubuntu_opt.value());
distribution ubuntu = ubuntu_opt.value();
auto lubuntu_ci_opt = lp->people["lubuntu-ci"];
if (!lubuntu_ci_opt.has_value()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to retrieve lubuntu-ci.\n";
return 1;
person lubuntu_ci = std::move(lubuntu_ci_opt.value());
person lubuntu_ci = lubuntu_ci_opt.value();
std::optional<archive> regular_opt = lubuntu_ci.getPPAByName(ubuntu, "unstable-ci");
auto regular_opt = lubuntu_ci.getPPAByName(ubuntu, "unstable-ci");
if (!regular_opt.has_value()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to retrieve regular PPA.\n";
return 1;
archive regular = std::move(regular_opt.value());
archive regular = regular_opt.value();
std::optional<archive> proposed_opt = lubuntu_ci.getPPAByName(ubuntu, "unstable-ci-proposed");
auto proposed_opt = lubuntu_ci.getPPAByName(ubuntu, "unstable-ci-proposed");
if (!proposed_opt.has_value()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to retrieve proposed PPA.\n";
return 1;
archive proposed = std::move(proposed_opt.value());
archive proposed = proposed_opt.value();
// We need to get the distro series for "release"
auto series_opt = ubuntu.getSeries(release);
if (!series_opt.has_value()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to retrieve series for: " << release << std::endl;
return 1;
distro_series series = std::move(series_opt.value());
distro_series series = series_opt.value();
std::cout << "Repositories initialized. Checking for pending sources..." << std::endl;
// Check if any sources are pending in either regular or proposed
int total_pending = 0;
auto reg_pending = regular.getPublishedSources("Pending", series);
auto prop_pending = proposed.getPublishedSources("Pending", series);
total_pending = (int)reg_pending.size() + (int)prop_pending.size();
bool has_pending = (total_pending != 0);
if (has_pending) {
std::cout << "Total sources pending: " << total_pending << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sources are still pending, not running Britney" << std::endl;
return 1;
auto reg_pending_gen = regular.getPublishedSources("Pending", series);
int reg_pending_count = 0;
for (auto s : reg_pending_gen) reg_pending_count++;
auto prop_pending_gen = proposed.getPublishedSources("Pending", series);
int prop_pending_count = 0;
for (auto s : prop_pending_gen) prop_pending_count++;
int total_pending = reg_pending_count + prop_pending_count;
if (total_pending != 0) {
std::cout << "Total sources pending: " << total_pending << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sources are still pending, not running Britney" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "No pending sources, continuing. Checking for pending builds..." << std::endl;
total_pending = 0;
int total_retried = 0;
using namespace std::chrono;
int total_pending = 0;
int total_retried = 0;
auto now_utc = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto one_hour_ago = now_utc - std::chrono::hours(1);
// Convert one_hour_ago to a time_point that matches the build date time usage
// Our build.date_started presumably returns a std::chrono::system_clock::time_point
auto archives = {proposed, regular};
for (auto& archv : archives) {
for (auto src : archv.getPublishedSources("Published", series)) {
for (auto& archv : {proposed, regular}) {
auto published_gen = archv.getPublishedSources("Published", series);
std::vector<source_package_publishing_history> published;
for (auto s : published_gen) published.push_back(s);
for (auto &src : published) {
for (auto build : src.getBuilds()) {
auto bs = build.buildstate;
if (bs == "Currently building") {
@ -173,7 +182,6 @@ int check_pending_packages(const std::string& release) {
total_pending += 1;
} else if (bs == "Chroot problem" ||
(bs == "Failed to build" && build.build_log_url.empty())) {
// Retry failed builds without logs
if (build.can_be_retried) {
if (build.retry()) {
total_pending += 1;
@ -184,68 +192,62 @@ int check_pending_packages(const std::string& release) {
if (total_retried != 0) {
std::cout << "Total builds retried due to builder flakiness: " << total_retried << std::endl;
if (total_retried != 0) {
std::cout << "Total builds retried due to builder flakiness: " << total_retried << std::endl;
if (total_pending != 0) {
std::cout << "Total builds pending: " << total_pending << std::endl;
std::cout << "Builds are still running, not running Britney" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (total_pending != 0) {
std::cout << "Total builds pending: " << total_pending << std::endl;
std::cout << "Builds are still running, not running Britney" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "No pending builds, continuing. Checking for pending binaries..." << std::endl;
// Check if binaries are pending
// This logic replicates the python code:
// For each of [proposed, regular], if binaries are not all published after a certain grace period,
// we consider them pending.
has_pending = false;
auto archives = {proposed, regular};
for (auto& pocket : archives) {
if (has_pending) break;
bool has_pending = false;
for (auto& pocket : {proposed, regular}) {
if (has_pending) break;
auto three_hours_ago = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - std::chrono::hours(3);
std::set<std::string> check_builds;
std::set<std::string> current_builds;
std::vector<source> source_packages;
// Get successfully built records
for (auto build_record : pocket.getBuildRecords("Successfully built")) {
auto records_gen = pocket.getBuildRecords("Successfully built");
std::vector<build_record> records;
for (auto br : records_gen) records.push_back(br);
for (auto &build_record : records) {
if (build_record.datebuilt.has_value() && build_record.datebuilt.value() < three_hours_ago) {
// If any build is older than 3 hours, the python code breaks and doesn't check
// further. We'll do the same.
auto src_pub = build_record.current_source_publication;
if (src_pub.has_value() && src_pub.value().distro_series.name_or_version == series.name_or_version) {
bool found = false;
for (auto& sp : source_packages) {
if (sp.self_link == src_pub.value().self_link) {
found = true;
if (build_record.current_source_publication.has_value()) {
auto src_pub = build_record.current_source_publication.value();
if (src_pub.distro_series.name_or_version == series.name_or_version) {
bool found = false;
for (auto& sp : source_packages) {
if (sp.self_link == src_pub.self_link) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (!found && src_pub.has_value()) {
// For each source package, get their published binaries and see if they're all in check_builds
for (auto& s : source_packages) {
for (auto bin : s.getPublishedBinaries()) {
// If check_builds does not fully cover current_builds, we have pending binaries
for (auto& cb : current_builds) {
if (check_builds.find(cb) == check_builds.end()) {
has_pending = true;
@ -253,11 +255,11 @@ int check_pending_packages(const std::string& release) {
if (has_pending) {
std::cout << "Binaries are still pending, not running Britney" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (has_pending) {
std::cout << "Binaries are still pending, not running Britney" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "All clear. Starting Britney." << std::endl;
@ -269,7 +271,6 @@ int check_pending_packages(const std::string& release) {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::string configFilePath = "config.yaml";
// Command-line argument parsing
int opt;
bool showHelp = false;
@ -294,7 +295,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
showHelp = true;
// Unknown option
showHelp = true;
@ -305,7 +305,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return 0;
// Load configuration from YAML file
YAML::Node config;
try {
config = YAML::LoadFile(configFilePath);
@ -317,11 +316,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return 1;
// Ensure LOG_DIR exists
std::string LOG_DIR = config["LOG_DIR"].as<std::string>();
// Log rotation: Remove logs older than MAX_LOG_AGE_DAYS
int maxLogAgeDays = config["MAX_LOG_AGE_DAYS"].as<int>();
auto now = fs::file_time_type::clock::now();
@ -335,43 +332,34 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Get the list of releases
std::vector<std::string> releases = config["RELEASES"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
// Process each release
for (const auto& release : releases) {
// Log file named by current UTC time (YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS) and release
std::time_t now_c = std::time(nullptr);
char timestamp[20];
std::strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", std::gmtime(&now_c));
std::string logFileName = LOG_DIR + "/" + timestamp + "_" + release + ".log";
std::string logFileName = LOG_DIR + "/" + std::string(timestamp) + "_" + release + ".log";
// Open log file
std::ofstream logFile(logFileName, std::ios::app);
if (!logFile.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Error: Unable to open log file: " << logFileName << std::endl;
// Redirect stdout and stderr to log file
std::streambuf* coutBuf = std::cout.rdbuf();
std::streambuf* cerrBuf = std::cerr.rdbuf();
// Log the start time
char startTime[20];
std::strftime(startTime, sizeof(startTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", std::gmtime(&now_c));
std::cout << startTime << " - Running Britney for " << release << std::endl;
// Process the release
processRelease(release, config);
// Restore stdout and stderr
// Close log file
@ -379,7 +367,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
// Extract configuration variables
std::string MAIN_ARCHIVE = config["MAIN_ARCHIVE"].as<std::string>();
std::string PORTS_ARCHIVE = config["PORTS_ARCHIVE"].as<std::string>();
std::string LP_TEAM = config["LP_TEAM"].as<std::string>();
@ -399,7 +386,6 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
std::string SOURCE_PPA_URL = "" + LP_TEAM + "/" + SOURCE_PPA + "/ubuntu/dists/" + RELEASE + "/main";
std::string DEST_PPA_URL = "" + LP_TEAM + "/" + DEST_PPA + "/ubuntu/dists/" + RELEASE + "/main";
// Instead of calling pending-packages script, we call check_pending_packages function
int pendingResult = check_pending_packages(RELEASE);
if (pendingResult != 0) {
std::cerr << "Error: pending-packages (now integrated check) failed for release " << RELEASE << std::endl;
@ -424,13 +410,14 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
std::string url = PORTS_ARCHIVE + pocket + "/" + component + "/binary-" + arch + "/Packages.gz";
threads.emplace_back(refresh, url, pocket, BRITNEY_CACHE, std::ref(logMutex));
std::string url = MAIN_ARCHIVE + pocket + "/" + component + "/source/Sources.gz";
threads.emplace_back(refresh, url, pocket, BRITNEY_CACHE, std::ref(logMutex));
std::string url = MAIN_ARCHIVE + pocket + "/" + component + "/source/Sources.gz";
threads.emplace_back(refresh, url, pocket, BRITNEY_CACHE, std::ref(logMutex));
// Treat DEST_PPA as proposed pocket
std::string pocket = RELEASE + "-ppa-proposed";
for (const auto& arch : ARCHES) {
std::string url = DEST_PPA_URL + "/binary-" + arch + "/Packages.gz";
@ -447,7 +434,6 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
// SOURCE_PPA as unstable pocket
std::string pocket = SOURCE_PPA + "-" + RELEASE;
for (const auto& arch : ARCHES) {
std::string url = SOURCE_PPA_URL + "/binary-" + arch + "/Packages.gz";
@ -467,7 +453,6 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
// Process logs
pid_t pid = getpid();
std::string logPattern = std::to_string(pid) + "-wget-log";
@ -497,7 +482,6 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
fs::remove(fs::path(DEST) / "Hints");
fs::create_symlink(BRITNEY_HINTDIR, fs::path(DEST) / "Hints");
// Concatenate Sources from SOURCE_PPA
std::string sourcesContent;
for (auto& p : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(BRITNEY_CACHE + SOURCE_PPA + "-" + RELEASE)) {
@ -530,7 +514,6 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
writeFile(fs::path(BRITNEY_DATADIR) / (SOURCE_PPA + "-" + RELEASE) / "Dates", "");
// Process Testing
@ -540,7 +523,6 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
fs::remove(fs::path(DEST) / "Hints");
fs::create_symlink(BRITNEY_HINTDIR, fs::path(DEST) / "Hints");
// Concatenate Sources for RELEASE
std::string sourcesContent;
for (auto& p : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(BRITNEY_CACHE)) {
@ -580,7 +562,6 @@ void processRelease(const std::string& RELEASE, const YAML::Node& config) {
writeFile(fs::path(BRITNEY_DATADIR) / (SOURCE_PPA + "-" + RELEASE) / "Dates", "");
// Create britney.conf
std::string configContent = readFile(BRITNEY_CONF);
configContent = std::regex_replace(configContent, std::regex("%\\{SERIES\\}"), RELEASE);
