// Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Simon Quigley // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "db_common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // get_thread_connection and init_database static std::mutex connection_mutex_; static std::atomic thread_id_counter{1}; static QString shared_database_path; static int get_delay(int attempt) { return 10 * static_cast(std::pow(1.5, attempt - 1)); } QSqlDatabase get_thread_connection() { QString connection_name; QSqlDatabase thread_db; bool passed = false; int attempt = 0; while (!passed) { std::lock_guard lock(connection_mutex_); thread_local unsigned int thread_unique_id = thread_id_counter.fetch_add(1); connection_name = QString("CIConn_%1").arg(thread_unique_id); // Check if the connection already exists for this thread attempt++; try { if (QSqlDatabase::contains(connection_name)) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(connection_name); if (!db.isOpen()) { if (!db.open()) { std::string last_error_text = db.lastError().text().toStdString(); if (last_error_text.contains("unable to open database file")) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(get_delay(attempt))); continue; } throw std::runtime_error(std::format("Failed to open thread-specific database connection: {}", last_error_text)); } } return db; } thread_db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", connection_name); thread_db.setDatabaseName(shared_database_path); } catch (...) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(get_delay(attempt))); continue; } if (!thread_db.open()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open new database connection for thread: " + thread_db.lastError().text().toStdString()); passed = true; } return thread_db; } bool ci_query_exec(QSqlQuery* query, const QString query_string) { bool passed = false; int attempt = 0; while (!passed) { if (query_string.isEmpty()) passed = query->exec(); else passed = query->exec(query_string); if (passed) return true; attempt++; QSqlError error = query->lastError(); if (error.text().contains("database is locked")) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(get_delay(attempt))); else break; } return false; } bool init_database(const QString& database_path) { shared_database_path = database_path; // Apply PRAGMAs { QSqlQuery pragma_query(get_thread_connection()); ci_query_exec(&pragma_query, "PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;"); ci_query_exec(&pragma_query, "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;"); ci_query_exec(&pragma_query, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); ci_query_exec(&pragma_query, "PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE);"); ci_query_exec(&pragma_query, "VACUUM;"); } // Run the schema creation (or migration) statements QStringList sql_statements = QString(R"( CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS person ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT NOT NULL, logo_url TEXT ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS person_token ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, person_id INTEGER NOT NULL, token TEXT NOT NULL, expiry_date TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES person(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS package ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, large INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, upstream_url TEXT NOT NULL, packaging_branch TEXT NOT NULL, packaging_url TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS release ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, version INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE, codename TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, isDefault INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS branch ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, upload_target TEXT NOT NULL, upload_target_ssh TEXT NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO branch (name, upload_target, upload_target_ssh) SELECT 'unstable', 'ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed', 'ssh-ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM branch WHERE name='unstable'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS git_commit ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, commit_hash TEXT NOT NULL, commit_summary TEXT NOT NULL, commit_message TEXT NOT NULL, commit_datetime DATETIME NOT NULL, commit_author TEXT NOT NULL, commit_committer TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS packageconf ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, upstream_version TEXT, ppa_revision INTEGER, package_id INTEGER NOT NULL, release_id INTEGER NOT NULL, branch_id INTEGER NOT NULL, packaging_commit_id INTEGER, upstream_commit_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (package_id) REFERENCES package(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (release_id) REFERENCES release(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (branch_id) REFERENCES branch(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (packaging_commit_id) REFERENCES git_commit(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (upstream_commit_id) REFERENCES git_commit(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS jobstatus ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, build_score INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, display_name TEXT NOT NULL ); INSERT OR IGNORE INTO jobstatus (build_score, name, display_name) VALUES (80, 'pull', 'Pull'), (70, 'tarball', 'Create Tarball'), (60, 'source_build', 'Source Build'), (50, 'upload', 'Upload'), (40, 'source_check', 'Source Check'), (30, 'build_check', 'Build Check'), (20, 'lintian', 'Lintian'), (10, 'britney', 'Britney'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS task ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, packageconf_id INTEGER NOT NULL, jobstatus_id INTEGER NOT NULL, queue_time INTEGER DEFAULT 0, start_time INTEGER DEFAULT 0, finish_time INTEGER DEFAULT 0, successful INTEGER, log TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (packageconf_id) REFERENCES packageconf(id), FOREIGN KEY (jobstatus_id) REFERENCES jobstatus(id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS packageconf_jobstatus_id ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, packageconf_id INTEGER NOT NULL, jobstatus_id INTEGER NOT NULL, task_id INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (packageconf_id) REFERENCES packageconf(id), FOREIGN KEY (jobstatus_id) REFERENCES jobstatus(id), FOREIGN KEY (task_id) REFERENCES task(id) ); )").split(';', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); { for (const QString &statement : sql_statements) { QSqlQuery query(get_thread_connection()); QString trimmed = statement.trimmed(); if (!trimmed.isEmpty() && !ci_query_exec(&query, trimmed)) { qDebug() << "Failed to execute SQL: " << trimmed << "\nError: " << query.lastError().text(); return false; } } } return true; }