// Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Simon Quigley // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "task_queue.h" #include "ci_logic.h" #include "lubuntuci_lib.h" #include "common.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "db_common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; static std::mutex g_cfg_mutex; static std::atomic thread_id_counter{1}; /** * Merge "packages" and "releases" from partial into master. */ static void merge_yaml_nodes(YAML::Node &master, const YAML::Node &partial) { // Merge packages: if (partial["packages"]) { if (!master["packages"]) { master["packages"] = YAML::Node(YAML::NodeType::Sequence); } for (auto pkg : partial["packages"]) { master["packages"].push_back(pkg); } } // Merge releases: if (partial["releases"]) { if (!master["releases"]) { master["releases"] = YAML::Node(YAML::NodeType::Sequence); } for (auto rel : partial["releases"]) { master["releases"].push_back(rel); } } } // This returns the following information about a commit: // 1) commit_hash // 2) commit_summary // 3) commit_message // 4) commit_datetime // 5) commit_author // 6) commit_committer GitCommit get_commit_from_pkg_repo(const std::string& repo_name, std::shared_ptr log) { // Ensure libgit2 is initialized ensure_git_inited(); // Define the repository path std::filesystem::path repo_dir = repo_name; git_repository* repo = nullptr; git_revwalk* walker = nullptr; git_commit* commit = nullptr; static const std::vector COMMIT_SUMMARY_EXCLUSIONS = { "GIT_SILENT", "SVN_SILENT", "Qt Submodule Update Bot", "CMake Nightly Date Stamp", "https://translate.lxqt-project.org/" }; GitCommit _tmp_commit; std::string commit_hash; std::string commit_summary; std::string commit_message; std::chrono::zoned_time commit_datetime{ std::chrono::locate_zone("UTC"), std::chrono::floor(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point{}) }; std::string commit_author; std::string commit_committer; // Attempt to open the repository int error = git_repository_open(&repo, repo_dir.c_str()); if (error != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); std::string msg = (e && e->message) ? e->message : "unknown error"; log->append("Failed to open repository: " + msg); return GitCommit(); } // Initialize the revwalk error = git_revwalk_new(&walker, repo); if (error != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Failed to create revwalk: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown error")); git_repository_free(repo); return GitCommit(); } // Push HEAD to the walker error = git_revwalk_push_head(walker); if (error != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Failed to push HEAD to revwalk: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown error")); git_revwalk_free(walker); git_repository_free(repo); return GitCommit(); } // Optional: Sort commits in topological order and by time git_revwalk_sorting(walker, GIT_SORT_TIME | GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL); bool found_valid_commit = false; // Iterate through commits git_oid oid; while ((error = git_revwalk_next(&oid, walker)) == 0) { // Lookup the commit object using the oid error = git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, &oid); if (error != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Failed to lookup commit: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown error")); continue; // Skip to next commit } // Extract commit summary const char* summary_cstr = git_commit_summary(commit); if (!summary_cstr) { git_commit_free(commit); continue; // No summary, skip } std::string current_summary = summary_cstr; // Check if the commit summary contains any exclusion strings bool is_excluded = false; for (const auto& excl : COMMIT_SUMMARY_EXCLUSIONS) { if (current_summary.find(excl) != std::string::npos) { is_excluded = true; char hash_str[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1]; git_oid_tostr(hash_str, sizeof(hash_str), &oid); log->append("Skipping commit " + std::string(hash_str) + " due to exclusion string: \"" + excl + "\""); break; } } if (is_excluded) { git_commit_free(commit); continue; // Skip this commit and move to the next one } // 1) Extract commit hash char hash_str[GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1]; git_oid_tostr(hash_str, sizeof(hash_str), &oid); commit_hash = hash_str; // 2) Extract commit message const char* message = git_commit_message(commit); if (message) { commit_message = message; } // 3) Extract commit datetime and convert to UTC git_time_t c_time = git_commit_time(commit); int c_time_offset = git_commit_time_offset(commit); // Offset in minutes from UTC std::chrono::system_clock::time_point commit_tp = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(static_cast(c_time)); std::chrono::minutes offset_minutes(c_time_offset); auto utc_time_tp = commit_tp - std::chrono::duration_cast(offset_minutes); commit_datetime = std::chrono::zoned_time{ std::chrono::locate_zone("UTC"), std::chrono::floor(utc_time_tp) }; // 4) Extract commit author git_signature* author = nullptr; error = git_commit_author_with_mailmap(&author, commit, nullptr); if (error == 0 && author) { commit_author = std::format("{} <{}>", author->name, author->email); git_signature_free(author); } // 5) Extract commit committer git_signature* committer_sig = nullptr; error = git_commit_committer_with_mailmap(&committer_sig, commit, nullptr); if (error == 0 && committer_sig) { commit_committer = std::format("{} <{}>", committer_sig->name, committer_sig->email); git_signature_free(committer_sig); } // Cleanup the commit object git_commit_free(commit); commit = nullptr; // Construct and return the GitCommit object with collected data GitCommit git_commit_instance( commit_hash, current_summary, // Use the current commit summary commit_message, commit_datetime, commit_author, commit_committer ); // Check if the commit already exists in the DB auto existing_commit = _tmp_commit.get_commit_by_hash(commit_hash); if (existing_commit) { found_valid_commit = true; // Cleanup revwalk and repository before returning git_revwalk_free(walker); git_repository_free(repo); return *existing_commit; } else { // Insert the new commit into the DB found_valid_commit = true; // Cleanup revwalk and repository before returning git_revwalk_free(walker); git_repository_free(repo); return git_commit_instance; } } if (error != GIT_ITEROVER && error != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Error during revwalk: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown error")); } // Cleanup git_revwalk_free(walker); git_repository_free(repo); if (!found_valid_commit) { log->append("No valid commit found without exclusions in repository: " + repo_name); return GitCommit(); } // This point should not be reached if a valid commit is found return GitCommit(); } /** * Load a YAML file from a given path. */ YAML::Node CiLogic::load_yaml_config(const fs::path &config_path) { if (!fs::exists(config_path)) { throw std::runtime_error("Config file does not exist: " + config_path.string()); } return YAML::LoadFile(config_path.string()); } /** * init_global(): * 1. Reads all *.yaml in /srv/lubuntu-ci/repos/ci-tools/configs/ * 2. Merges them into g_config. * 3. Ensures libgit2 is initialized once. */ void CiLogic::init_global() { std::lock_guard lk(g_cfg_mutex); Branch _tmp_brnch; Package _tmp_pkg; PackageConf _tmp_pkg_conf; Release _tmp_rel; ensure_git_inited(); if (!init_database("/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos/ci-tools/lubuntu_ci.db")) return; if (branches.empty() || packages.empty() || releases.empty() || packageconfs.empty()) { YAML::Node g_config; fs::path config_dir = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos/ci-tools/configs"; if (!fs::exists(config_dir) || !fs::is_directory(config_dir)) { std::cerr << "[WARNING] Config directory not found: " << config_dir << "\n"; std::cerr << "[WARNING] Continuing with empty config.\n"; return; } YAML::Node merged; bool found_any_yaml = false; for (auto &entry : fs::directory_iterator(config_dir)) { if (entry.is_regular_file()) { auto p = entry.path(); if (p.extension() == ".yaml") { found_any_yaml = true; try { YAML::Node partial = YAML::LoadFile(p.string()); merge_yaml_nodes(merged, partial); } catch (std::exception &ex) { std::cerr << "[WARNING] Could not parse YAML in " << p.string() << ": " << ex.what() << "\n"; } } } } if (!found_any_yaml) { std::cerr << "[WARNING] No .yaml files found in " << config_dir << "\n"; std::cerr << "[WARNING] Continuing with empty config.\n"; } g_config = merged; if (g_config["packages"]) { log_info("Merged config has " + std::to_string(g_config["packages"].size()) + " 'packages' items total."); } else { log_error("No 'packages' found in the final merged YAML config!"); } if (g_config["releases"]) { log_info("Merged config has " + std::to_string(g_config["releases"].size()) + " 'releases' items total."); } // Set the packages in the DB YAML::Node yaml_packages = g_config["packages"]; if (!_tmp_pkg.set_packages(yaml_packages)) { log_error("Failed to set packages."); } packages = _tmp_pkg.get_packages(); // Set the releases in the DB YAML::Node yaml_releases = g_config["releases"]; if (!_tmp_rel.set_releases(yaml_releases)) { log_error("Failed to set releases."); } releases = _tmp_rel.get_releases(); // Add missing packageconf entries if (!_tmp_pkg_conf.set_package_confs()) { log_error("Failed to set package configurations."); } set_packageconfs(_tmp_pkg_conf.get_package_confs(get_job_statuses())); // Finally, store the branches if (branches.empty()) { branches = _tmp_brnch.get_branches(); } } } /** * Convert a YAML node to CiProject */ CiProject CiLogic::yaml_to_project(const YAML::Node &pkg_node) { CiProject project; project.name = pkg_node["name"].as(); project.upload_target = pkg_node["upload_target"] ? pkg_node["upload_target"].as() : "ppa:lubuntu-ci/unstable-ci-proposed"; project.upstream_url = pkg_node["upstream_url"] ? pkg_node["upstream_url"].as() : ("https://github.com/lxqt/" + project.name + ".git"); project.packaging_url = pkg_node["packaging_url"] ? pkg_node["packaging_url"].as() : ("https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/" + project.name + "-packaging.git"); project.packaging_branch = pkg_node["packaging_branch"] ? std::optional(pkg_node["packaging_branch"].as()) : std::nullopt; project.large = pkg_node["large"] ? pkg_node["large"].as() : false; return project; } // Trampoline function to bridge C callback to C++ lambda static int submodule_trampoline(git_submodule* sm, const char* name, void* payload) { // Cast payload back to the C++ lambda auto* callback = static_cast*>(payload); return (*callback)(sm, name, payload); } /** * clone_or_fetch: clone if needed, else fetch */ void CiLogic::clone_or_fetch(const std::filesystem::path &repo_dir, const std::string &repo_url, const std::optional &branch, std::shared_ptr log) { ensure_git_inited(); git_repository* repo = nullptr; int error = git_repository_open(&repo, repo_dir.c_str()); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) { log->append("Cloning: " + repo_url + " => " + repo_dir.string()); git_clone_options opts = GIT_CLONE_OPTIONS_INIT; if (branch.has_value()) { opts.checkout_branch = branch->c_str(); } opts.checkout_opts.checkout_strategy |= GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES; error = git_clone(&repo, repo_url.c_str(), repo_dir.c_str(), &opts); if (error != 0) { const git_error *e = git_error_last(); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to clone: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown")); } log->append("Repo cloned OK."); } else if (error == 0) { git_remote *remote = nullptr; if (git_remote_lookup(&remote, repo, "origin") != 0) { const git_error *e = git_error_last(); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error("No remote origin: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown")); } if (git_remote_fetch(remote, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) < 0) { const git_error *e = git_error_last(); git_remote_free(remote); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error("Fetch failed: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown")); } std::string detected_branch = "master"; git_reference* head_ref = nullptr; error = git_reference_lookup(&head_ref, repo, "refs/remotes/origin/HEAD"); if (error == 0 && head_ref != nullptr) { if (git_reference_type(head_ref) & GIT_REFERENCE_SYMBOLIC) { const char* symref = git_reference_symbolic_target(head_ref); if (symref) { std::string s = symref; std::string prefix = "refs/remotes/origin/"; if (s.find(prefix) == 0) { detected_branch = s.substr(prefix.size()); } } } git_reference_free(head_ref); } std::string b = branch.value_or(detected_branch); log->append("Using branch: " + b); bool successPull = false; do { std::string localRef = "refs/heads/" + b; std::string remoteRef = "refs/remotes/origin/" + b; git_reference* localBranch = nullptr; if (git_reference_lookup(&localBranch, repo, localRef.c_str()) == GIT_ENOTFOUND) { git_object* remObj = nullptr; if (git_revparse_single(&remObj, repo, remoteRef.c_str()) == 0) { git_reference* newB = nullptr; git_branch_create(&newB, repo, b.c_str(), (const git_commit*)remObj, 0); if (newB) git_reference_free(newB); git_object_free(remObj); git_reference_lookup(&localBranch, repo, localRef.c_str()); } } if (!localBranch) break; git_object* remoteObj = nullptr; if (git_revparse_single(&remoteObj, repo, remoteRef.c_str()) < 0) { git_reference_free(localBranch); break; } git_oid remoteOid = *git_object_id(remoteObj); git_reference* updated = nullptr; int ffErr = git_reference_set_target(&updated, localBranch, &remoteOid, "Fast-forward"); git_reference_free(localBranch); git_object_free(remoteObj); if (ffErr < 0) { if (updated) git_reference_free(updated); break; } { git_object* obj = nullptr; if (git_revparse_single(&obj, repo, localRef.c_str()) == 0) { git_checkout_options co = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; // Use a more forceful checkout strategy co.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE | GIT_CHECKOUT_UPDATE_SUBMODULES; if (git_checkout_tree(repo, obj, &co) == 0) { if (git_repository_set_head(repo, localRef.c_str()) == 0) { // Perform a hard reset to ensure working directory and index match HEAD error = git_reset(repo, obj, GIT_RESET_HARD, nullptr); if (error != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Failed to reset repository: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown error")); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to reset repository after checkout."); } successPull = true; } } git_object_free(obj); } } if (updated) git_reference_free(updated); } while(false); if (!successPull) { std::string bRem = "refs/remotes/origin/" + b; git_object* origObj = nullptr; if (git_revparse_single(&origObj, repo, bRem.c_str()) == 0) { git_reset(repo, origObj, GIT_RESET_HARD, nullptr); git_object_free(origObj); git_oid newOid; if (git_revparse_single(&origObj, repo, bRem.c_str()) == 0) { newOid = *git_object_id(origObj); git_object_free(origObj); std::string lRef = "refs/heads/" + b; git_reference* fRef = nullptr; git_reference_create(&fRef, repo, lRef.c_str(), &newOid, 1, "Forced local update"); if (fRef) git_reference_free(fRef); git_object* co = nullptr; if (git_revparse_single(&co, repo, lRef.c_str()) == 0) { git_checkout_options o = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; o.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE; if (!git_checkout_tree(repo, co, &o)) git_repository_set_head(repo, lRef.c_str()); git_object_free(co); } } } } std::function submodule_callback; submodule_callback = [&](git_submodule* sm, const char* name, void* payload) -> int { // Initialize submodule if (git_submodule_init(sm, 1) != 0) { log->append("Failed to initialize submodule " + std::string(name) + "\n"); return 0; // Continue with other submodules } // Set up update options git_submodule_update_options opts = GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_OPTIONS_INIT; opts.version = GIT_SUBMODULE_UPDATE_OPTIONS_VERSION; opts.fetch_opts = GIT_FETCH_OPTIONS_INIT; opts.fetch_opts.version = GIT_FETCH_OPTIONS_VERSION; opts.checkout_opts = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; opts.checkout_opts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE; // Update submodule if (git_submodule_update(sm, 1, &opts) != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Failed to update submodule " + std::string(name) + ": " + (e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown") + "\n"); } else { log->append("Updated submodule: " + std::string(name) + "\n"); } // Open the submodule repository git_repository* subrepo = nullptr; if (git_submodule_open(&subrepo, sm) != 0) { log->append("Failed to open submodule repository: " + std::string(name) + "\n"); return 0; // Continue with other submodules } // Recurse into nested submodules // Pass the same lambda as the callback by casting it to std::function if (git_submodule_foreach(subrepo, submodule_trampoline, &submodule_callback) != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Failed to iterate nested submodules in " + std::string(name) + ": " + (e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown") + "\n"); } git_repository_free(subrepo); return 0; }; // Start processing submodules with the top-level repository if (git_submodule_foreach(repo, submodule_trampoline, &submodule_callback) != 0) { const git_error* e = git_error_last(); log->append("Failed to iterate over submodules: " + std::string(e && e->message ? e->message : "unknown") + "\n"); } git_remote_free(remote); git_repository_free(repo); } } /** * parse_version(...) from debian/changelog */ std::string parse_version(const fs::path &changelog_path) { if (!fs::exists(changelog_path)) { throw std::runtime_error("Changelog not found: " + changelog_path.string()); } std::ifstream infile(changelog_path); if (!infile.is_open()) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open changelog: " + changelog_path.string()); } std::string line; std::regex version_regex("^\\S+ \\(([^)]+)\\) .+"); while (std::getline(infile, line)) { std::smatch match; if (std::regex_match(line, match, version_regex)) { if (match.size() >= 2) { std::string full_version = match[1].str(); auto dash_pos = full_version.find('-'); if (dash_pos != std::string::npos) { return full_version.substr(0, dash_pos); } else { return full_version; } } } } throw std::runtime_error("parse_version: can't parse debian/changelog"); } /** * update_changelog with dch ... */ void update_changelog(const fs::path &packaging_dir, const std::string &release, const std::string &new_version, const std::string &ppa_suffix, std::shared_ptr log) { std::vector dch_cmd { "dch", "--distribution", release, "--newversion", new_version + "-0ubuntu0~ppa" + ppa_suffix, "--urgency", "low", "CI upload." }; if (run_command(dch_cmd, packaging_dir, false, log)) { log->append("dch: updated changelog for " + release); } else { log->append("dch: failed for release " + release); } } /** * debuild_package ... */ void CiLogic::debuild_package(const fs::path &packaging_dir, std::shared_ptr log) { std::vector cmd { "debuild", "--no-lintian", "-S", "-d", "-sa" }; if (run_command(cmd, packaging_dir, false, log)) { log->append("debuild OK in " + packaging_dir.string() + "\n"); } else { cmd.emplace_back("-nc"); log->append("debuild failed in " + packaging_dir.string() + " - trying again without cleaning\n"); if (run_command(cmd, packaging_dir, false, log)) { log->append("debuild without cleaning OK in " + packaging_dir.string() + "\n"); } else { log->append("debuild failed in " + packaging_dir.string() + "\n"); } } } /** * collect_changes_files from build_output */ std::vector collect_changes_files(const std::string &repo_name, const std::string &version) { fs::path outdir = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos/build_output"; fs::create_directories(outdir); std::vector results; std::string prefix = repo_name + "_" + version; for (auto &entry : fs::directory_iterator(outdir)) { std::string filename = entry.path().filename().string(); if (filename.rfind(prefix, 0) == 0 && filename.size() >= 16 && filename.substr(filename.size() - 15) == "_source.changes") { results.push_back(entry.path().string()); } } if (results.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("No .changes found for " + repo_name); } return results; } /** * reset_changelog to HEAD content */ static void reset_changelog(const fs::path &repo_dir, const fs::path &changelog_path) { git_repository *repo = nullptr; if (git_repository_open(&repo, repo_dir.c_str()) != 0) { const git_error *e = git_error_last(); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("reset_changelog: open failed: ") + (e && e->message ? e->message : "???")); } git_reference *head_ref = nullptr; if (git_repository_head(&head_ref, repo) != 0) { const git_error *e = git_error_last(); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("reset_changelog: repository_head: ") + (e && e->message ? e->message : "???")); } git_commit *commit = nullptr; if (git_reference_peel((git_object**)&commit, head_ref, GIT_OBJECT_COMMIT) != 0) { const git_error *e = git_error_last(); git_reference_free(head_ref); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("reset_changelog: peel HEAD: ") + (e && e->message ? e->message : "???")); } git_tree *tree = nullptr; if (git_commit_tree(&tree, commit) != 0) { const git_error *e = git_error_last(); git_commit_free(commit); git_reference_free(head_ref); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("reset_changelog: commit_tree: ") + (e && e->message ? e->message : "???")); } std::error_code ec; auto rel_path = fs::relative(changelog_path, repo_dir, ec); if (ec) { git_tree_free(tree); git_commit_free(commit); git_reference_free(head_ref); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error("reset_changelog: relative path error: " + ec.message()); } git_tree_entry *entry = nullptr; if (git_tree_entry_bypath(&entry, tree, rel_path.string().c_str()) != 0) { git_tree_free(tree); git_commit_free(commit); git_reference_free(head_ref); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error("reset_changelog: cannot find debian/changelog in HEAD"); } git_blob *blob = nullptr; if (git_tree_entry_to_object((git_object**)&blob, repo, entry) != 0) { git_tree_entry_free(entry); git_tree_free(tree); git_commit_free(commit); git_reference_free(head_ref); git_repository_free(repo); const git_error *e = git_error_last(); throw std::runtime_error(std::string("reset_changelog: cannot get blob: ") + (e && e->message ? e->message : "???")); } const char *content = (const char*)git_blob_rawcontent(blob); size_t sz = git_blob_rawsize(blob); { std::ofstream out(changelog_path, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc); if (!out.is_open()) { git_blob_free(blob); git_tree_entry_free(entry); git_tree_free(tree); git_commit_free(commit); git_reference_free(head_ref); git_repository_free(repo); throw std::runtime_error("reset_changelog: cannot open " + changelog_path.string()); } out.write(content, sz); } git_blob_free(blob); git_tree_entry_free(entry); git_tree_free(tree); git_commit_free(commit); git_reference_free(head_ref); git_repository_free(repo); } /** * pull_project: * 1. clone/fetch repos * 2. read HEAD commits * 3. sync */ bool CiLogic::pull_project(std::shared_ptr &proj, std::shared_ptr log) { ensure_git_inited(); log->append("Git initialized. Setting variables...\n"); fs::path base_dir = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos"; fs::path packaging_dir = base_dir / proj->package->name; fs::path upstream_dir = base_dir / ("upstream-" + proj->package->name); // First do the actual pulls/fetches try { log->append("Cloning or fetching the upstream directory...\n"); clone_or_fetch(upstream_dir, proj->package->upstream_url, std::nullopt, log); log->append("Cloning or fetching the packaging directory...\n"); clone_or_fetch(packaging_dir, proj->package->packaging_url, proj->package->packaging_branch, log); } catch (...) { return false; } // Now read the HEAD commits and store them log->append("Fetching complete. Storing Git commit data...\n"); if (!proj->packaging_commit) { proj->packaging_commit = std::make_unique(); } if (!proj->upstream_commit) { proj->upstream_commit = std::make_unique(); } *proj->packaging_commit = get_commit_from_pkg_repo(packaging_dir.string(), log); *proj->upstream_commit = get_commit_from_pkg_repo(upstream_dir.string(), log); proj->sync(); log->append("Done!"); return true; } /** * create_project_tarball */ bool CiLogic::create_project_tarball(std::shared_ptr &proj, std::shared_ptr log) { log->append("Getting metadata for orig tarball...\n"); fs::path base_dir = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos"; fs::path packaging_dir = base_dir / proj->package->name; fs::path upstream_dir = base_dir / ("upstream-" + proj->package->name); fs::path main_tarball = base_dir / (proj->package->name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz"); fs::path copyright = packaging_dir / "debian" / "copyright"; std::vector excludes; try { excludes = extract_files_excluded(copyright.string()); } catch(...) {} excludes.emplace_back(".git/"); log->append("Creating " + main_tarball.string() + " with the following exclusions:\n"); for (auto exclude : excludes) { log->append(" - " + exclude + "\n"); } create_tarball(main_tarball.string(), upstream_dir.string(), excludes, log); log->append("Done!"); return true; } /** * build_project */ std::tuple> CiLogic::build_project(std::shared_ptr proj, std::shared_ptr log) { log->append("Building: " + proj->package->name + ", initializing...\n"); std::set changes_files; try { fs::path base_dir = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos"; fs::path packaging_dir = base_dir / proj->package->name; fs::path changelog = packaging_dir / "debian" / "changelog"; std::string base_ver = parse_version(changelog); std::string current_time = get_current_utc_time("%Y%m%d%H%M"); std::string base_git_ver = base_ver + "+git" + current_time; fs::path working_dir; if (proj->package->large) { working_dir = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos/build_output/.tmp.build." + proj->package->name + "_" + base_git_ver; } else { working_dir = create_temp_directory(); } log->append(" => " + proj->package->name + " for " + proj->release->codename); proj->upstream_version = base_git_ver + "~" + proj->release->codename; sync(proj); // Update changelog for this release update_changelog(packaging_dir, proj->release->codename, proj->upstream_version, std::to_string(proj->ppa_revision), log); log->append("Changelog updated, copying the packaging..."); // Now copy entire packaging into a subfolder fs::path dest_dir = working_dir / (proj->package->name + "-" + proj->upstream_version); copy_directory(packaging_dir, dest_dir); log->append("Copied packaging to " + dest_dir.string() + ", copying tarball..."); // Reset changelog after dchd$ (so local changes aren't committed) reset_changelog(packaging_dir.parent_path() / proj->package->name, changelog); log->append("Reset debian/changelog to HEAD..."); setenv("DEBFULLNAME", "Lugito", 1); setenv("DEBEMAIL", "info@lubuntu.me", 1); // Copy main tarball in place fs::path main_tarball = base_dir / (proj->package->name + "_MAIN.orig.tar.gz"); size_t epoch_pos = proj->upstream_version.find(':'); std::string tar_version = (epoch_pos != std::string::npos) ? proj->upstream_version.substr(epoch_pos + 1) : proj->upstream_version; fs::path tar_name = proj->package->name + "_" + tar_version + ".orig.tar.gz"; fs::path tar_dest = working_dir / tar_name; fs::copy(main_tarball, tar_dest, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing); log->append("Copied tarball to " + tar_dest.string() + ", building..."); // Build debuild_package(dest_dir, log); log->append("Source package built! Moving build artifacts..."); // Move build products to build_output fs::path build_out = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos/build_output"; fs::create_directories(build_out); for (auto &entry : fs::directory_iterator(working_dir)) { if (fs::is_regular_file(entry)) { try { fs::rename(entry.path(), build_out / entry.path().filename()); } catch(const fs::filesystem_error &fe) { if (fe.code() == std::errc::cross_device_link) { fs::copy_file( entry.path(), build_out / entry.path().filename(), fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing ); fs::remove(entry.path()); } else { throw; } } } } // Collect the changes files for this release auto changes = collect_changes_files(proj->package->name, tar_version); for (auto &c : changes) { changes_files.insert(c); } log->append("Build done for " + proj->release->codename + "\n"); fs::remove_all(working_dir); } catch(std::exception &ex) { log->append("Build fail for " + proj->package->name + ": " + ex.what() + "\n"); throw; } std::tuple> result = {true, changes_files}; return result; } /** * upload_and_lint */ bool CiLogic::upload_and_lint(std::shared_ptr &proj, const std::set changes_files, bool skip_dput, std::shared_ptr log) { if (skip_dput) { log->append("Skipping dput as requested.\n"); return true; } if (changes_files.empty()) { log->append("No changes to upload for " + proj->package->name + "\n"); return false; } std::string base_target = proj->branch->upload_target; for (auto &chfile : changes_files) { bool uploaded = false; std::string t = base_target; for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= 5 && !uploaded; attempt++) { log->append("dput attempt " + std::to_string(attempt) + ": " + chfile + " => " + t + "\n"); std::vector cmd {"dput", t, chfile}; try { if (!run_command(cmd, std::nullopt, false, log)) { log->append("dput to " + t + " returned error!\n"); } else { log->append("Uploaded " + chfile + " => " + t + "\n"); uploaded = true; } } catch(std::exception &ex) { log->append("Upload error: " + std::string(ex.what()) + "\n"); } if (!uploaded) { // If failed, try SSH variant t = proj->branch->upload_target_ssh; } } } return true; } /** * do_summary */ void CiLogic::do_summary(bool skip_cleanup) { log_info("Summary/cleanup stage"); if (!skip_cleanup) { fs::path outdir = "/srv/lubuntu-ci/repos/build_output"; fs::remove_all(outdir); log_info("Cleaned build output in " + outdir.string()); } else { log_info("skip_cleanup => leaving build_output alone."); } } /** * Orchestrate entire pipeline */ void CiLogic::process_entire_pipeline(std::shared_ptr &proj, bool skip_dput, bool skip_cleanup) { try { bool pull_success = pull_project(proj); bool tarball_success = create_project_tarball(proj); const auto [build_success, changes_files] = build_project(proj); upload_and_lint(proj, changes_files, skip_dput); do_summary(skip_cleanup); log_info("Pipeline done for " + proj->package->name); } catch(std::exception &ex) { log_error("Pipeline fail for " + proj->package->name + ": " + ex.what()); } } /** * get_config */ std::vector> CiLogic::get_config(const std::string &repo_name, int page, int per_page, const std::string &sort_by, const std::string &sort_order) { // If we have page/per_page/sort_by/sort_order, do a sort & pagination if (page != 0 && per_page != 0 && (!sort_by.empty()) && (!sort_order.empty())) { auto getComparator = [](const std::string& sort_by, const std::string& order) { return [sort_by, order](const std::shared_ptr& a, const std::shared_ptr& b) { if (sort_by == "name") { return (order == "asc") ? (a->package->name < b->package->name) : (a->package->name > b->package->name); } else if (sort_by == "branch_name") { return (order == "asc") ? (a->branch->name < b->branch->name) : (a->branch->name > b->branch->name); } else if (sort_by == "packaging_commit") { if (a->packaging_commit && b->packaging_commit) { auto time_a = a->packaging_commit->commit_datetime.get_sys_time(); auto time_b = b->packaging_commit->commit_datetime.get_sys_time(); return (order == "asc") ? (time_a < time_b) : (time_a > time_b); } else { // fallback comparison return (order == "asc") ? (a->package->name < b->package->name) : (a->package->name > b->package->name); } } else if (sort_by == "upstream_commit") { if (a->upstream_commit && b->upstream_commit) { auto time_a = a->upstream_commit->commit_datetime.get_sys_time(); auto time_b = b->upstream_commit->commit_datetime.get_sys_time(); return (order == "asc") ? (time_a < time_b) : (time_a > time_b); } else { // fallback comparison return (order == "asc") ? (a->package->name < b->package->name) : (a->package->name > b->package->name); } } else if (sort_by == "build_status") { int a_successful_task_count = a->successful_task_count(); int b_successful_task_count = b->successful_task_count(); if (a_successful_task_count != b_successful_task_count) { return (order == "asc") ? (a_successful_task_count < b_successful_task_count) : (a_successful_task_count > b_successful_task_count); } else { return (order == "asc") ? (a->total_task_count() < b->total_task_count()) : (a->total_task_count() > b->total_task_count()); } } // if invalid sort_by return false; }; }; auto paginate = [getComparator](std::vector>& items, int page, int per_page, const std::string& sort_by, const std::string& sort_order) { std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), getComparator(sort_by, sort_order)); int startIdx = (page - 1) * per_page; int endIdx = std::min(startIdx + per_page, static_cast(items.size())); if (startIdx >= (int)items.size()) { return std::vector>(); } return std::vector>(items.begin() + startIdx, items.begin() + endIdx); }; auto copy_confs = get_packageconfs(); return paginate(copy_confs, page, per_page, sort_by, sort_order); } // If just repo_name is provided, filter by that. If empty, return all else if (!repo_name.empty()) { std::vector> filtered; for (const auto &pc : get_packageconfs()) { if (pc->package->name == repo_name) { filtered.push_back(pc); } } return filtered; } // Otherwise return everything return get_packageconfs(); } std::string CiLogic::queue_pull_tarball(std::vector> repos, std::unique_ptr& task_queue, std::shared_ptr>> job_statuses) { std::string msg; std::map> encountered_items; std::mutex task_assignment_mutex; try { for (auto r : repos) { bool is_ghost_pull = false; // Attempt to find if we've seen this package->name before std::lock_guard lock(task_assignment_mutex); auto found_it = encountered_items.find(r->package->name); std::shared_ptr new_item = std::make_shared(); if (found_it != encountered_items.end()) { is_ghost_pull = true; r->assign_task(job_statuses->at("pull"), found_it->second->first_pull_task, r); r->assign_task(job_statuses->at("tarball"), found_it->second->first_tarball_task, r); r->packaging_commit = found_it->second->packaging_commit; r->upstream_commit = found_it->second->upstream_commit; sync(r); continue; } task_queue->enqueue( job_statuses->at("pull"), [this, r](std::shared_ptr log) mutable { pull_project(r, log); }, r ); new_item->first_pull_task = r->get_task_by_jobstatus(job_statuses->at("pull")); task_queue->enqueue( job_statuses->at("tarball"), [this, r](std::shared_ptr log) mutable { create_project_tarball(r, log); }, r ); new_item->first_tarball_task = r->get_task_by_jobstatus(job_statuses->at("tarball")); new_item->first_pkgconf = r; new_item->packaging_commit = r->packaging_commit; new_item->upstream_commit = r->upstream_commit; encountered_items[r->package->name] = new_item; } msg = "Succeeded"; } catch (...) { msg = "Failed"; } return msg; } std::string CiLogic::queue_build_upload(std::vector> repos, std::unique_ptr& task_queue, std::shared_ptr>> job_statuses) { std::string msg; try { for (auto r : repos) { task_queue->enqueue( job_statuses->at("source_build"), [this, r, &task_queue, job_statuses](std::shared_ptr log) mutable { auto [build_ok, changes_files] = build_project(r, log); if (build_ok) { task_queue->enqueue( job_statuses->at("upload"), [this, r, changes_files](std::shared_ptr log) mutable { bool upload_ok = upload_and_lint(r, changes_files, false, log); (void)upload_ok; }, r ); } }, r ); } msg = "Succeeded"; } catch (...) { msg = "Failed"; } return msg; } std::shared_ptr>> CiLogic::get_job_statuses() { if (_cached_job_statuses != nullptr) { return _cached_job_statuses; } static const auto statuses = std::make_shared>>( std::map>{ {"pull", std::make_shared(JobStatus(1))}, {"tarball", std::make_shared(JobStatus(2))}, {"source_build", std::make_shared(JobStatus(3))}, {"upload", std::make_shared(JobStatus(4))}, {"source_check", std::make_shared(JobStatus(5))}, {"build_check", std::make_shared(JobStatus(6))}, {"lintian", std::make_shared(JobStatus(7))}, {"britney", std::make_shared(JobStatus(8))} } ); _cached_job_statuses = statuses; return statuses; } std::vector> CiLogic::get_packageconfs() { std::lock_guard lock(packageconfs_mutex_); return packageconfs; } std::shared_ptr CiLogic::get_packageconf_by_id(int id) { std::lock_guard lock(packageconfs_mutex_); auto it = std::ranges::find_if(packageconfs, [id](auto pkgconf) { return pkgconf->id == id; }); if (it != packageconfs.end()) { return *it; } throw std::runtime_error("PackageConf not found"); } std::vector> CiLogic::get_packageconfs_by_ids(std::set ids) { std::lock_guard lock(packageconfs_mutex_); auto filtered_view = packageconfs | std::views::filter([&](auto pkgconf) { return ids.contains(pkgconf->id); }); return std::vector>(filtered_view.begin(), filtered_view.end()); } void CiLogic::set_packageconfs(std::vector> _pkgconfs) { std::lock_guard lock(packageconfs_mutex_); packageconfs = _pkgconfs; } void CiLogic::sync(std::shared_ptr pkgconf) { std::lock_guard lock(packageconfs_mutex_); pkgconf->sync(); } /** * Stub logs */ std::string CiLogic::get_logs_for_repo_conf(int package_conf_id) { return "Not implemented"; }