{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}


Below is the list of repositories we can build & pull.

Page {{page}} of {{total_pages}}
{% for repo in repos %}{% endfor %}
Branch{% if sort_by=='branch' and sort_order=='asc' %}{% elif sort_by=='branch' and sort_order=='desc' %}{% endif %} Branch{% if sort_by=='codename' and sort_order=='asc' %}{% elif sort_by=='codename' and sort_order=='desc' %}{% endif %} Repository{% if sort_by=='name' and sort_order=='asc' %}{% elif sort_by=='name' and sort_order=='desc' %}{% endif %} Latest Packaging Commit{% if sort_by=='packaging_commit' and sort_order=='asc' %}{% elif sort_by=='packaging_commit' and sort_order=='desc' %}{% endif %} Latest Upstream Commit{% if sort_by=='upstream_commit' and sort_order=='asc' %}{% elif sort_by=='upstream_commit' and sort_order=='desc' %}{% endif %} Build Status{% if sort_by=='build_status' and sort_order=='asc' %}{% elif sort_by=='build_status' and sort_order=='desc' %}{% endif %} Actions
{{repo.branch_name}} {{repo.codename}} {{repo.name}} {% if repo.packaging_commit != "" %} {{repo.packaging_commit}} {% else %} No commit found. {% endif %} {% if repo.upstream_commit != "" %} {{repo.upstream_commit}} {% else %} No commit found. {% endif %} {% if repo.pull_class != "" %} {% endif %} {% if repo.tarball_class != "" %} {% endif %} {% if repo.source_build_class != "" %} {% endif %} {% if repo.upload_class != "" %} {% endif %} {% if repo.source_check_class != "" %} {% endif %} {% if repo.build_check_class != "" %} {% endif %} {% if repo.lintian_class != "" %} {% endif %} {% if repo.britney_class != "" %} {% endif %}
Source Build
Source Check
Build Check
{% endblock %}